NATT SPI version: 1.1.1
This repository contains the source code for the NATT-SPI library, which is utilized by the NATT testing tool. This library is essential for implementing custom plugins within the NATT.
The source code includes the necessary interfaces and classes to extend and customize the functionality of NATT, allowing developers to create their own modules and integrate them seamlessly.
Additionally, documentation for the SPI is available in the ./doc directory, generated using Doxygen.
Download the required version of the NATT-SPI JAR file. Then, create a lib directory in your project and place the downloaded JAR file into it.
Locate the repositories block in your build.gradle file and add the following lines to include local NATT libraries:
repositories {
// Use Maven Central for resolving dependencies.
// Local NATT libs
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
In the dependencies section, add a reference to the latest version of the NATT-SPI library:
dependencies {
implementation name: 'natt-spi-1.1.1'
Configure the jar task to specify the main class of your plugin:
jar {
manifest {
'Main-Class': 'natt.plugin.PluginMain'