- switching to the colorful logo when the user changes the theme.
- check https://rdddeck.com/ API calls to get a direction
- add fullscreen API support, add detail mode view, keyboard shortcuts, OAUTH and transitions, animations and text-to-speech mode !
- adding react-form and react-fetch libraries.
- show loading screen in Thoughts component until posts load.
- add a reading on loop mode.
- when we try to load comments of a post in focus mode we get response as [post, comments] so we can update the stats of the post.
- use ChakraUI ? idk.
- add shift + p command pelet.
- add keyboard shortcuts menu with
ctrl + /
and key bindings to go through threads smoothly. - add controller support.
- [not related to this project but make a lazy JSON parsing website]
check the links, and yt bookmarks to find api call urls.
change the current fullscreen mechanism.
implement focus mode components and navigation (with full keyboard shortcuts). -
find "distinguished":"moderator" key in posts to filter mod posts. -
fix powerbar.
cancel the fetch request once the post has changed.
fix array index out of bounds on pressing p error.
fix comments not updating automatically after subreddit change.
watch out for 403 forbidden {reason: "private"}
and deal with the image loading CORS issue.
show URLs in comments as 'a' tag.
add click outside to unfocus & close the subreddit selection input.
add history to get back in stack from focus mode with react-dom.
do something about the bad rendering of stack mode on r/mechanicalkeyboards
found bug by pressing down
rapidly until the comments were out 5. of sync with the post. -
i think the post are not ordered in the stack mode.
full post discription is not being shown check https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/mys1be/my_neighbor_has_been_paying_me_to_spend_time_with/.
how are cross posts shown ??
link at body. https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/myqgz0/scariest_nosleep_story_of_2020_voting_thread/
notify user if a community has no posts.
not rendered correctly https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/myp61j/the_amount_of_batman_sightings_in_a_neighborhood/gvwa74n?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Sometimes the stack layout gets jittery when changing subreddits.
sometimes videos get mistaken for photos with current implementation of Post component.
look at network tab while browsing r/mechanicalkeyboards in focus mode.
shows broken image @ reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/n1ed0s/til_all_beaches_in_hawaii_outside_of_military/
implement vertical split
comments & post sort by
add search posts/sub reddits
add video player
add see post based on url. Left image | Right Image INF. add OAuth
add load more comments button. 24 solve the 'design' problem with loading more comments.
use "body_html" in comments to render with markdown.
error image not loading https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyLifeProTips/comments/n1pmj5/slpt_feeling_lonely_or_unwanted_just_cancel/
error image not loading https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyLifeProTips/comments/n1p3uf/slpt_if_youre_ever_feeling_scared_home_alone_just/
if you click any post on subreddit stack view when the post is bing loaded from url an error occurs.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20295875/how-to-load-more-pages-from-the-reddit-api { after: 't3_' + lastId } maybe kind: "more" object's children.length should be greater than 1 ?
https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/mztkm7/girlfriend_has_been_converted/gw35txq/ will get comments objects for just one comment ie the one with id gw35txq !
last more object returns the next comments in line, not the very next apparently
look into url_overridden_by_dest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1oKDLoAHaI
paginnation : data.after https://youtu.be/b1oKDLoAHaI?t=488
video imp view -> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/video#usage_notes
https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/n3hepl/one_day_in_the_future_cancer_will_be_treated_as_a/ in url pathname not working.
- if we go back from a direct post load from the url the thoughts component is not rerendered and hence there is no data to render.
- how about we try to get/find the post from the post url too.
- update the url when the user scrolls the post in focus view without changing the history.
- fix the inf loading screen on pressing n,p in direct post view.
- add crosspost display https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/n4etmq/seems_fit/
- change url without changing history when scrolling through posts.
- when back is pressed after the direct post load the posts must be loaded.
- add current subreddit to page url.
fix branching add routes everywhere change FocusView UI add keyboard options change comments section style markdown parsing
blur hide age restrictive content by default
fix the bad body_html parsing.
move details to the bottom (except author & data) add edited tag. add relative time. fix the bad subreddit listings stack display add: user's tags i guess like "Bad luck Brian" here https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/n71r84/one_of_the_wise_teachings_of_sun_tzu/ hide comments that have a low score by default. OK so the html entities get parsed but the markdown doesnt. compare this with this http://localhost:3000/https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/n6u233/my_neighbor_has_been_paying_me_to_spend_time_with/ https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/n6u233/my_neighbor_has_been_paying_me_to_spend_time_with/
add flairs (user + post) (https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/n7gh8k/if_yo_leg_get_cut_off_will_it_hurt/)
try this response body encoding For legacy reasons, all JSON response bodies currently have <, >, and & replaced with <, >, and &, respectively. If you wish to opt out of this behaviour, add a raw_json=1 parameter to your request.
we might have to make a new video player because there is no way we can change the volume.
i need to change the colors a bit to add focus to important fields
ADD SHORTCUTS use srcset attribute !!
BUG: somethimes the src attribute doesnt change when scrolling posts ??
to add:
state management color themes selection keyboard shortcuts and selection menu change FocusView layout optimising image loading add localstorage support styled components?
learn: state management chakra ui bulma css tailwind
css grid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kVeCqQCxlk , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPFDLHNm5KQ styled comp ben:? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewVZadu0gzw bulma : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiTxsjxHIMY
tippy popper git log --pretty=online --graph --decorate --all https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/
sidebar thoughts navigation opt video debugging. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/457070/how-do-i-disable-tabs-for-a-tag README update LICENSE ss update profile pic update
change theme doesnt work on the first try use tabIndex to focus comments. doing animation in React. enhancing the comments section. add github icon. work on the home page. add info/credit/about the creator & usage section somewhere.
add ctrl + / shortcut to show all shortcuts.
make profile on buy me a coffee
parsing markdown controlled comments popup sections -> info, ctrl + / home page git repo theme switch fix
loadMore comments
loadMorePosts button map to m;
link button ... buttons menu when screen space is less.
add colors in comments side borders.https://github.com/c0bra/color-scheme-js#light & new grid.
also refactor the code and use better patterns to get things done.
how does rdddeck handle r/all https://www.reddit.com/r/popular/about.json
react color palette generation script
read the souce code & history and make a list of stuff learnt, and make notes.
4 Major todos:
adding a state management lib with data persistence. adding OAuth support. buying a domain name.
url permalink fix landing page design look out about snoowrap
maybe add search option ? & filter posts by flair tags ? & look at other reddit clients. custom wallpaper ?
settings font-size selection ? ONOPEN: default sub selection
markdown parsing | bookmarked post + reddit post to markdown git repo.
BIG ONE: fix theming
fix post body css and comments too make r/popular browseable https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlwqyv/house_of_cards_part_3/
support this in vert-split mode http://localhost:3000/r/godofwar/https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/nolzzx/game_is_so_smooth_now_as_if_i_am_going_with_a_hot/
post layout in vert-split mode should be a bit different show upvotes on the top etc
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sync sorting default value with comments permalink