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+# grd ![""](https://badge-size.herokuapp.com/1000ch/grd/master/src/grd.css.svg?compression=gzip)
+A CSS grid framework using Flexbox.
+- **Simple**: Provides just 2 base classes `Grid` and `Cell` and some modifiers.
+- **Light-weight**: Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).
+- **Flexible**: Easy to use Flexbox features.
+[Flexible Box Layout Module](http://caniuse.com/#search=flex) and [`calc()` as CSS unit value](http://caniuse.com/#search=calc) used in Grd are available on modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge and IE11).
+If you want to use Grd with Sass, you can choose [grd-sass](https://github.com/1000ch/grd-sass) as Sass port.
+## Install
+npm install grd
+## Usage