HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
CSS - Cascading Stylesheets
JS - JavaScript
Pesticide for Chrome/Edge An extension for chrome that better outlines elements to more easily see position on the page.
Lets head over to the provided html file
We'll go through inspect page function in the web brower for CSS and HTML.
We'll make heavy references to HTML and CSS references
Let us start on a fresh html boilerplate to understand how we can do this.
Note: the most important thing to remember in JavaScript is that you typically want the script to run once from top to botttom, setting up functions to trigger on events/intervals that you want to happen on your site.
How to add JavaScript into the website to introduce interactivity?
For that, we add a
tag in the html code
The best place to add the tag is actually at the very bottom of the page right before your end body tag which will be explained later
In this tag, we can put any valid JavaScript such as
var two = 1+1;
But nothing's happening on our webpage so lets do something that does.
To show that it is actually working we will use console.log() Similar to other print functions in other language if you have coded before, this special functions output values into the console located in the browser which found under "Inspect element".
var two = 1+1;
Now let me add to the page in JavaScript
document.body.innerHTML = "I've changed your contents"
Our body text was replaced with our "message". Basically it found our body text and replaced the content between the tag with this.
What if we took the script tag and placed it in head? This is because the webpage evaluate the script tag before the body tag and hence it can manipulate since it doesnt know where body tag is yet.
Moving forward, you will be hearing me say "DOM" alot
DOM - Document Object Model. This is the way which browsers let devloeprs manipulate webpages with js.
The DOM parses all HTML and CSS into essentially one large JS object which contains all information about a webpage to be loaded
Therefore, when we are using the global variable,"document", we are accessing the DOM to access the properties and functions in it.
<p> There are two general steps to DOM manipulation:</p>
<li>find the DOM node through an access method
- If looking for body tag, is easy by using document.body</li>
<li>Manipulate the DOM node by changing attributes/styles/inner HTML
- inner HTML - between the start and end tags
- attributes - properties
- styles - presentation outlook
Refer to file
Lets say i want a specific element such as the heading only
- Find the DOM node containing that heading
- we see that the heading h1 has a id of "heading", this means on the page, heading should be the only one with that id
- hence its really easy to find nodes with an id
var headingEl = document.getElementById("heading");
console.log(headingEl); //to see if we have found it
headingEl.innerHTML = "cats"; //lets change it
the other way is by classNames/tag. Lets say we want to change all instances of the word "dog" into "cat"
we see that each of them is surrounded with a span tag with a class of "animal"
var nameEls = document.getElementsByTagName();
What the console should show is a HTML Collection which is similar to an array. Hence we can access individual elements through the square bracket notation.
var nameEls = document.getElementsByTagName();
Try to change innerHTML of nameEls : Nothing happens We have to use for loop:
for (var i = 0; i < nameEls.length; i++) {
nameEls[i].innerHTML = "hacker cat";
Since they may be other span tags in our webpages that are not dog we can pass in the class as the identifier for the collection
var nameEls = document.getElementsByClassName("animal");
var nameEls = document.querySelectorAll("p .animal");
This return a NodeList which has subtle differences but we will not cover in this lesson. Feel free to look it up as you do your exploration of web dev
Using what you havce learnt above, console.log() a HTML Collection of all the span tags in index.html.
Explaination of attribute
Change images of dogs to cats
var imageEls = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < imageEls.length; i++) {
imageEls[i].src = "";
var linkEls = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*="Dog"]")
for (var i = 0; i < linkEls.length; i++) {
linkEls = ""
nameEls[i].style.backgroundColor = "black";
nameEls[i].style.color = "orange";
change directly mainEl.className = "warning"; Overriding mainEl.classList.add("warning");
Modifyling Innerhtml/textContext
mainEl.innerHTML = html"<strong>warning</strong>";
var imgEl = document.createElement("img"); document.body.appendChild(imgEl);
Similarly, you can also use insertBefore, replaceChild, removeChild, and insertAdjacentHTML.
Using what you have learnt above, use DOM manipulation to create an element with the p tag. Then, change the style of the paragraph to have an orange background.
var buttonEl = document.getElementById("clicker");
var onButtonClick = function() {
console.log("Oh golly gosh, you clicked me");
buttonEl.addEventListener("click", onButtonClick);
If you are overriding click behavior on a link or submit behavior on a form, you may want to call event.preventDefault() to prevent the browser's default behavior.
Removing event listeners If you no longer need a particular event listener, you can remove it using removeEventListener: var faceEl = document.getElementById("face"); var onFaceClick = function(e) { console.log("You clicked " + e.clientX + " , " + e.clientY); }; faceEl.addEventListener("click", onFaceClick); // later... faceEl.removeEventListener("click", onFaceClick); }
To show this, we will input functionality of a button using alert
Here, we will also cover functions which are a segmented block of code which intends to perform a specific function
We attached this function to the button through the onclick attribute
function buttonPressed(){
alert("hello again");
//ES6 way
buttonPressed = () =>{
alert("hello again");
<button onclick ="buttonPressed()">
Using what you have learnt, create a button that only executes an event on the first time the button is loaded.
Using everything you have learnt today, create 2 buttons. The first button creates a new element with the p tag. The second button bolds the text in all p tags.