Cloud9 use the permissions for the user or role which you are logged into the AWS Console. Make sure that role has full admin permissions necessary to install AWS SaaS Boost.
Login to AWS Console and create an AWS Cloud9 environment using instance type with at least 4GB RAM.
Log onto the Cloud9 environment
Resize the Cloud9 environment (recommend at least 20GB) using the script here -
chmod +x ./
./ 20
df -h
- Run the following commands to clone the SaaS Boost git repository:
git clone aws-saas-boost
- Install Apache Maven
sudo yum install -y maven
- Set default Java version back to Amazon Corretto 11 (select option 1 for both)
sudo alternatives --config java
sudo alternatives --config javac
- Upgrade to node 14
nvm install 14
- Install yarn
npm install --global yarn
- Run AWS SaaS Boost install script
cd ~/environment/aws-saas-boost
- Follow the install script prompts to install AWS SaaS Boost!