A packman game based on GIS. Basically, there are fruits spread throughout a given map. Each fruit has real life coordinates and weight. There are also packmans with coordinates and eating radius who eat the fruits. A collection of packmans and fruits is a "game".
A game can be created by the user using the GUI for positioning fruits and packmans on the map and can be saved us a csv file. Additionally, a saved game can be loaded from a csv file.
When running, the game algorithm solves the game. It calculates a path for each packman so all the fruits will be eaten.
About the algorithm-it is acceptable but not optimal. Basically each packman moves toward the nearest fruit. The solution (the packmans paths) can be saved as a kml file.
The project is capable of:
- general GIS utilities and location calculations.
- load and extract data from a csv file as well as writing data to a csv or kml file.
- representing geographic coordinates on the map. (Throughout conversion from coridianates to a ratio object and from ratio object to the relative position on the window)