The solution SciChart.Sandbox.sln contains a number of useful examples and user provided solutions. We update this list from time to time.
Ensure NuGet feed is set in Visual Studio options
Build and run the SciChart.Sandbox.sln
Double click on the example you want to run. It will start in a new window.
With the app running, search or double click the exmaple you want to run. This will start in a new window.
A sandbox application showing how to dynamically change the color of Gridlines, text and axis labels in a 3D SciChart WPF Chart
An example showing how to mimic the effect of a 2D chart on the wall of the Axis Cube in 3D, using scatter series
A simple example demonstrating how to animate a dataseries
Shows how to apply a style via StyleKey to an Axis when created using the AxisBinding MVVM Api
Demonstrates how to add a Scrollbar to an Axis in MVVM with Scichart WPF Charts
Demonstrates how to bind the value of a VerticalLineAnnotation in X1 to a TextBox on the chart using MVVM
Sandbox demonstrating how to export or print multiple charts to a single bitmap
Sandbox showing how to print to bitmap, print and export to XPS on a SciChart WPF Chart
Demonstrates how to have a column series in SciChart WPF without gaps between the columns
Demonstrates how to create a custom CompositeAnnotation in MVVM using the SciChart WPF MVVM API
A sandbox for custom modifiers showing how to create your own ChartModifierBase derived classes to zoom, pan, inspect data-points, show custom legends, select data-points and select and drag a series
Demonstrates a complex customized Legend via LegendItemTemplate in SciChart WPF Charts, including visibility checkboxes, sliders and color pickers
Demonstrates how to create a CustomRenderableSeries using the MVVM API in SciChart WPF
Demonstrates how to create a CustomCompositeAnnotation in SciChart WPF
Some users report flicker when the DirectX renderer is enabled. The published workaround here is implemented in this example to show you how to do it.
Demonstrates how to use the Hit-Test 3D API to retrieve a Point 3D by mouse click
Demonstrates how to use the Hit-Test API to add VerticalLineAnnotations to a chart
Demonstrates 2D SciChart WPF Charts styled using Implicit Styles
Demonstrates a Matlab styled chart using SciChart WPF 3D Charts and the theme API
Demonstrates how to use the LabelProvider to format a number as a date using the NumericAxis in SciChart WPF 3D Charts
Demonstrates how to add a Market Profile (Histogram chart) into a candlestick / financial chart using SciChart WPF Charts.
Demonstrates a SciChart WPF Chart with DateTimeAxis and two rows of labels, one to show time and the other date
Demonstrates big data-sets in GridDataSeries3D using resampling (downsampling) in a SciChart WPF 3D Chart
Demonstrates how to use the Custom ChartModifier API to perform a hit-test and set Series.IsSelected on mouse hover
Demonstrates how to place a scrollbar above an axis in a SciChart WPF Chart
Demonstrates a realtime scrolling strip chart in WPF using SciChart
Demonstrates how to put string labels on the XAxis of a WPF Chart using the LabelProvider feature in SciChart
Demonstrates a realtime SciChart WPF Chart with a sweeping ECG trace, which starts on the left and wraps around when reaching the right of the chart
Demonstrates how to shade the background of a line series in a color depending on a threshold using SciChart WPF
Demonstrates how to have Axis Ticklines in a SciChart WPF Chart with 5mm spacing on the screen always, regardless of zoom
An example showing how to create a sort of a timeline control using SciChart WPF
Demonstrates offscreen exporting of a chart or multiple charts to '.png' file. Also demonstrates an offscreen export using SciChart clonning functionality.
A sandbox application with a SciChart WPF Chart allowing you to test out all the different zoom, pan and tooltip options on a touch screen. Also includes a custom Multi Touch ChartModifierBase example
Demonstrates how to have two SciChart WPF charts, with YAxes with the same zero line, yet same scale
A very simple example which you can open in VS2022 to show SciChart WPF working with .NET 6.0
A simple example showing a Line Chart that demonstrates how to set SciChart Runtime License Key and create a simple line chart in a WPF application with .NET 6.0 and Visual Basic
Demonstrates how to Animate ZoomExtents on a SciChart WPF Chart after a series is added dynamically via MVVM
Demonstrates how to Animate ZoomExtents on a SciChart WPF Chart after series visibility changes