#Initial installation To run the application, install Rethinkdb and execute the following commands:
$ npm install -g horizon webpack
$ npm install
$ webpack
$ hz serve --dev --bind $IP --port $PORT
Good luck
#Running on Cordova for the cordova part, install cordova:
$ npm install -g cordova
and cd into the folder:
$ cd cordova-demo
Also install the SDK's for the desired platforms. (Xcode for iOS, Android SDK, etc.) after all that; you will be able to run the following command:
$ cordova prepare
(If this does not work, delete all plugins and platforms in the 'plugins' and 'platforms' folder. Then try again.)
followed by one of the following:
$ cordova run browser
$ cordova run android
$ cordova run ios
$ cordova run wp8
##Note: you will need to have rethinkdb running for full functionality. standard is localhost:8181.
Cordova does need to compile for specific , and therefore the bundle.js needs to be put in a specific path: To edit the files for cordova, take the bundle.js from the dist folder and put it inside the /cordova-demo/www/js folder.
#Running on Electron Electron works a bit different compared to Cordova. This electron application uses the (now for development) localhost:8181 as source. This means that updating the web version will also update the electron version. For production you probably want to change this url.
To start the app: enter the folder with the electron code:
$ cd electron-demo
After that, start it with:
$ npm start