- icepapsnapshot console script: It allows to create and check snapshots
- Update SSI Absolute encoder configuration from Unknown tab.
- Button for accessing to the last configuration validated.
- Allow to filter configuration with description.
- Print on console the "auto solve conflict" parameters values
- Calendar widget: use a list widget
- Velocity and acceleration time widgets: use numerical widgets (#62).
- Absolute encoder offset: use 64 bit numerical widget.
- Update database after to edit the configuration name and/or description.
- Inverted labels for OutPos mode and direction.
- Close connection before to program a system to avoid errors message (#63).
- Fix error on driver upgrade progress bar.
- Add protection on the size of the configuration name and description
- Update SSILDC, SSISTRTB and SSIMSKNB ranges.
- Use same autofix migration for firmware 3.35 to lower than 4.00
- Add fixed location to filter which location are showed, Useful when there is one DB with all locations.
- Use the selected icepap when the console is opened.
- Can not open more than one icepap with same firmware version, bug introduced with default cfg infos (3.5.0)
- Add default cfg infos version: 1.22, 3.35
- Mark as Not Present axes corrupted
- Snapshot crash with corrupted axis
- Use icepapctl as new console for Linux
- Include host on snapshot filename
- Console dialog fixed to xterm size
- Fix wrong casting value for QSpinBox to support python >= 3.10
- Exclude configobj 5.0.7 package because introduces a regression
- Use correct configured log folder
- Snapshot crashes with corrupted axis configuration
- Show drives when there are corrupted axes configuration
- Fix wrong casting value for QProgressBar to support python >= 3.10
- Fix typo on snapshot module
- Original QT console
- Console Icon is disabled on Windows OS, the icepapctl console is not supported
- Snapshot of target, shaft and control enconders
- Allow to have a system-wide configuration file for all users.
- Allow to use different configuration files.
- Add context menu item to open directly the console.
- Remove wrong configuration folder for user ~/.icepapcms/config/...
- Change configuration file from dialog.
- Add auto solved conflict to migrate to 3.35 from: 2.0 to 3.14, 3.15, 3.17, 3.182, 3.184, 3.185, 3.187, 3.192, 3.193, 3.195, 3.23, 3.25, 3.29, 3.31, 3.33
- Generic method to compare and solve conflicts.
- The icepap needs time to save the firmware and the automatic firmware update does not wait it and uses the previous saved firmware instead of the new one.
- Include the ID and the IPAPNAME parameter on the auto solved conflict method and update the DB when they change using the AUTO_SOLVED_EXPERT_CONFLICT flag
- Removed double click on system and crate display until solving the code.
- Update to use icepap 3.6.0 to read faster the versions on the loading time.
- Add debug command option to have direct access to the communication debugging.
- Add how to configure the all network flag and the ldap on the README file
- Avoid GUI crashing for icepap library exceptions.
- Change error message to avoid confusion in diagnosis.
- Fix wrong driver name size on DB scripts creation.
- Fix some error on the dialog preference:
- Wrong reading of the sqlite folder from icepapcms.conf file.
- Update templated edit dialog when change the snapshot folder.
- Save the snapshots folder on the icepapcms.conf file.
- Fix absolute encoder offset limits to 32 bits
- Fix ldap not user allowed matching to allow regex.
- Reorganize reorganize repository some modules and files change name to avoid problems on the installation.
- Migrate to Python >= 3.5
- Migrate to Qt5 >= 5.12
- Migrate to storm >= 0.23, add custom support to MySQL Databases
- Migrate to icepap >= 3.3
- Migrate to ldap3, pure python library
- Add automatic firmware upgrade based on the current icepap version
- Allow to generate snapshot of the system. All the configuration parameters and some important operation register are saved on a YAML file
- Add MCPUx on expert mode programming
- Add LDAP configuration on the configuration file
- Add All-Networks flag on the configuration file in addition to the launcher script.
- Sizes of some widget to show all the information
- Adapt programing dialog to icepap library API 3.4
- Adapt update firmware driver dialog to icepap library API 3.4
- Rename files with spaces
- Duplicated and/or unused files
- Remove to use ICEPAP_ALL_NETWORKS environment variable, it is included on the configuration file
- Update to use pyIcePAP API 2.0
- Add protection on add new system
- Fix error on the version generation.
- Fix bug on power button.
- Fix exception raising on activate/deactivate axis
- Fix ipapconsole launcher
- Fixed issues with non-ascii characters in Driver's NAME
- ISSUE 078 Fixed bug when removing location, now DB is properly cleared
- Support for driver conflicts when firmware >= 3.14
- ISSUE 076 [PROTOTYPE] - waiting input from MAX-IV and ESRF
- ISSUE allow negative values in home position
- ISSUE Unknown-tab parameters available in Database and Load/Export files
- ISSUE absolute and incremental move fields size restored (bug introduced in 1.30)
- ISSUE CJOG used when in CONFIG MODE, and JOG added when in OPER MODE
- Set minimum size of 1200x720 to avoid fields/text overlaps
- Some IO and ENCODER comboboxes are now wider to adjust to options length
- ISSUE 074 [TEST] ADDED CSWITCH command input parameter (not functional)
- ISSUE 074 [IO] EXTDISABLE, EXTBUSY and EXTPOWER parameters accessible
- ISSUE 074 [IO] Alarm signals group renamed to Input Control Signals
- ISSUE 074 [CLOOP] STRTVEL paramter accessible
- ISSUE 074 [CLOOP] PCLMODE SIMPLECHK flag parameter accessible
- ISSUE 074 [AXIS] STRTVEL moved to closed loop tab
- ISSUE 074 [AXIS] LNKNAME parameter accessible
- ISSUE 074 [AXIS] POSSRC paramter removed
- ISSUE 074 [AXIS] Position Control updated ?) renamed user manual from doc/IcePAP_UserManual_working.pdf to doc/IcePAP_UserManual.pdf
- ISSUE 068 Better IcepapCMS starting time.
- ISSUE 068 Upgrade to storm to 0.20
- ISSUE 070 Added LNKNAME option in INDEXER command, and command disabled
- ISSUE 065 Removed forced uppercase driver name and lnkname
- ISSUE 055 Catalog template management available for Qt 4.7
- ISSUE 056 (part) Position control register updated in axis tab
- ISSUE 056 (part) AbsEnc offset allows negative values
- ISG 053: Fixed, new hook available in src/lib_icepapcms/ method checkAutoSolvedConflict()
- Catalog search engine uses to join word with an 'OR' operator
- Added the possibility to edit STRING? param types with a QLineEdit
- Added MANUALLY 'LINKED' as an 'INDEXER' option, because it is missing in CFGINFO, some day should be removed
- ISG 022: Icon in tabs to notify about modified or validate pending parameters
- ISG 021: Parameter tooltips visible again
- ISG 010: If driver name contains 'ERROR' change it to ''
- If driver name has a non-ascii character (exception), continue the loop with the rest of the drivers
- Fixed bug in doCopy when creating TemporaryFile
- Solved NEW driver management: leave the system as before if 'Cancel'
- CONFIG mode only while configuring driver: Send clicked and Save pending
- 'SAVE' button only when 'SEND' is done (send pending to be committed)
- Exit application dialog message changed sign word for validate
- Save config button text changed to 'Validate Config'
- Bug solved, when exiting the application if discarding changes restore config
- JOG driver using the slider is now implemented
- Implemented actions for Copy&Paste driver configuration with shortcuts CTRL+C and CTRL+V
- Only if a driver is left in state 'save pending' the Save Config action button is enabled
- IcepapCMS handles icepap drivers in PROG mode and disables the edition of parameters
- Icepap console does not try to connect if the host text is empty
- Button to set power ON/OFF now updates it's text if the power state is changed by another process
- Fixed bug that sometimes the driver was left in a state of 'save pending'
- NAMELOCK parameter does not interfere any more when setting the name
- Driver ID does not trigger any conflict
- Added the command line option '--skip-versioncheck' == '-s' to avoid firmware version checks
- By default, log is not enabled
- Locations must have at least one character
- ?_FSTATUS and ?_FPOS used for single axis queries (old ?FSTATUS and ?FPOS are used as a fallback)
- Imporved the scan time by only asking cfginfo for unknown versions 48 axis lasted 12 secs, now 5 secs
- Check if the driver is with power ON using the status register instead of another call N:?POWER
- Do not print the warning about not standard signature
- Fixed bug Icepap Console does not report an error if is pressed without a command
- Fixed bug Icepap Console now puts the prompt at the end of the document when clicked
- Fixed bug Default Enc register is now 'EncIn' instead of Axis
- Fixed bug Enocer tab 'resoluion' typo
- Fixed bug in firmware upgrade 64 bits, problem packaging the 'tocho'
- Fixed bug in firmware upgrade, if no serial ports
- Fixed bug in ldap check, generic accounts 'sicilia' and 'operator' not allowed
- Fixed bug which could not downgrade if 'old values in db' where not in the downgraded version
- LDAP login support
- Signature time and date in a readable format %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S
- Various minor bugfixes...
- Fixed console text did not show until disconnecting
- Changed console text background to white to see the blocking cursor properly and clearer text
- Allow text selection in the console
- New launcher for just the console called: ipapconsole
- Extra flag for Homing NEGEDGE_POSDIR Changed to NEGEDGE
- Unknown Tab problem with 32-bit machines solved
- Unknown Tab that was not kept selected after send/save config solved
- Extra flag for Homing: NEGEDGE_POSDIR
- Two checkboxes removed: 'Enable closed loop' and 'Enable position control'
- Display PopUp messages when communication errors.
- Negative and Positive limit leds changed.
- IcepapCMS should be usable with a resolution of 800x600.
- Icepap console updates after each keystroke
- No warning about mismatching firmware versions. (disabled)
- User interface more compact and not so expanded
- The new axis config xml file does not have sections any more. There is compatibility with old configs.
- New dialog for new driver has been integrated taking into account the expert flag
- New conflict dialogs have been integrated with extra table info for values, and checking expert flag
- As suggested, there is a highlight in the text of the tabs if some parameter is pending to send/save
- Added more info when restoring values from database if there is an exception
- Support for all types of unknown parameters and do not show the tab if not needed
- Fixed bug in send/save/action-save that was more times enabled than needed
- Fixed bug when adding systems sometimes they appeared as 'NEW' the second time the application started
- Location management has been redesigned and add/remove locations is only possible through the File menu
- Tree Explorer is not closable/movable/floatable any more
- Removed the location bar and all the logic that was used for the navigation through the tree
- The description box has tooltip for last signature details and changes backround based on 'ACTIVE'
- Fixed bug when discarding to sign drivers, the database was updated with wrong values
- The command widgets like INFOASRC/POL are now highlighted in blue if the current value is
- New ui interface in tabs has been implemented, there's pending a better layout of the widgets.
- The tree nodes are updated when the driver name changes in the database
- Support for FLAG_TYPE parameters usign a QFrame and checkboxes inside
- Drivers are always in CONFIG mode if selected. They remain in CONFIG if have to be signed
- The catalog now supports a preferences local folder for more custom sets of values In addendum, it is now possible to set any parameter in the template, and use doubleclick.
- The conflict resolution is driven only by the dialogs and the EXPERT_FLAG parameter no more preference checkbox is needed
- Adding a system without axis is now possible
- Store configuration append '.xml' extension
- Typo: close loop -> closed loop
- Adapt all the code in order to avoid deprecated pyIcePAP functions
- Blink for ten minutes instead of an hour
- All icepap interaction with # ACK by default
- Add user name in signature: user@host_hex(timestamp)
- Use pyIcePAP.drivers_alive()
- Added support for the new ?VER SAVED command available since 1.16
- Added support for the new ?_PROG command available since MCPU 0.17
- Fixed bug on setting enc position (it did a POS command instead of an ENC command)
- Fixed bug on conflicts with FLAG-type parameters
Implemented behaviour for the --all-netwroks options flag
Command line options added: --expert, --all-networks
Two more directories in the preferences: Configurations + firmware
Blink button remains pressed until the user clicks it again
Save config does not popup anything unless some error in the process
Save config also performs "Send Config" if not done by the user
Fixed Current Config button behaviour
Fixed Undo button behaviour
Solve minibug in Icepap Console timout handling
Added waiting cursor when saving configuration
Solve minibug Sending config not always should set CONFIG mode
Solve minibug in 2nd time starting IcepapCMS without accepting preferences
Solve minibug when deleting systems while connected to them
Last driver signature updated when saving config
Blink button available in the top blue box of the driver view
Set EXPERT_FLAG available under Driver menu as a checkbox
New conflict resolution based on EXPERT_FLAG
- New drivers: Prompt "Reset to default?" Cancel | Ok (both answers resolve conflict)
- Moved drivers: Same as New Drivers (Do not prompt for all configs of the same driver
- Modified without EXPERT flag: "Set DataBase Values?" Cancel | Ok (only Ok resolves conflict)
- Modified with EXPERT flag: "Set Driver Values?" Cancel | Ok (only Ok resolves conflict)
- If expert flag is detected, the application removes the flag from the driver
- The YES-NO dialog shows the parameters which differ
Firmware versions check (master != drivers) and upgrade progress bar
Solved errors in the system/crate views while in PROG MODE
Solve minibug, now it is possible to change info signals in test tab
Add Close Loop option in main page CLOOPENC -> PCLOOP
Import and export configurations to files supports the Unknown parameters
STRTVEL param is now supported (it used to be DEFIVEL)
Support for ?active's answer: '???' instead of 'YES' in some firmware versions
- Solved mini-bug when updating the CFG ACTIVE parameter
- New limits for spinboxes: ICURR,BCURR: 100; NRSTEPS: 2^32
- New / Moved drivers present a conflict: Reset to defaults or keep the current driver config
- When adding an Icepap system the cursor is changed for a waiting clock one
- Active status is checked in order to change the CFG ACTIVE parameter
- Support for the Icepap Motor Types Catalog
- Put a 'SAVE Config' button under the 'SEND Config'button
- Wait for the second '$' to all icepap answers that start with '$'
- The ComboBox Unkonwn parameters have "LIST value" in the Description field
- Parse signature and show host and epoch using the ctime() function
- typo: Status message: conflics -> conflicts
- Better names: Apply Config -> Send Config , Sign Config -> Save Config
- Better names: enable -> power ON , disable -> powerOFF (driver widget)
- Added support for the driver name conflicts
- The upgrade firmware function gives time to the triton to compute the checksum before disconnecting
- CFGINFO answers are readed until the final '$' is found
- The timeout errors doesn't freeze any more the application
- When scanning a system or preparing the driver page, a clock cursor is shown
- upper-lower case conflicts are ignored for highlighting
- Accessing for first time does not create conflicts any more
- Adding icepap: Notification of which location has already the system
- Status bar conflict messages cleared when conflicts are solved
- The system preiodic refresh task keeps only one call to refresh methods for system and crate
- Changing location does not report connection errors (previous opened systems)
- If the driver is in config mode, the application can perform absolute and relative movements
- It doesn't allow to add a system if it is already defined in the database
- Version support with the Help->About menu action
- The icepap system tree has the drivers sorted
- When adding a system handle the connection exceptions like 'No route to host'
- The VERSION file with all features/bug-fixing history
- The config values are set to the icepap system using the ?CFGINFO order
- The icepap systems tree is now sorted and it keeps the position
- Driver parameters new to the GUI can be modifed in the "Unknown tab"
- Some widgets did not highlight properly
- All widgets have a tooltip from the src/templates/driverparameters.xml file
- In case of removed drivers, the application does not hang any more
- Proper refresh of the driver name properly
- Driver name included in historic configurations
- Historic configurations syncronizations has been revised
- The too-slow behaviour when applying changes or signing has been fixed
- After applying the config, the system checks all the configuration to highlight possible changes
- The application can connect to different drivers with different firmware versions. The parameters and the possible values for each are retrieved from the same drivers using ?CFGINFO, instead of hard-coded in the application
- YELLOW highlight for values that differ from IcepapCMS and Driver, SALMON highlight for values that are equal in the application and the driver, but differ from the database values
- The application supports connections and disconnections from the icepap systems without hanging
- Sign driver configuration should save data in the database
- Regulation gain should be inside the 'Pi Current Regulation' section
- Drop down menus should be also yellow when changing the values
- The preferences dialog should end with an OK button instead of a CLOSE button
- Log window for firmware upgrade should auto scroll-down
- Icepap systems tree puts at bottom the last opened system it should preserve the systems' order presented at startup
- Idle voltage should be presented AFTER nominal voltage
- The parameter for signing could be epoch in hex + hostname
- Microstepping should disappear from the test tab
- When closing the application, it should close the console
- Typo: The tune testing tab should say 'INFO SIGNALS' instead of 'INFO SINGAL'
- Typo: Right click a driver, the popup should say 'SYSTEM' instead of SYSTEN'
- When displaying a driver, the version shown should be the driver's one instead of the DSP one
- BM01 gets stuck when reading 4 crates
- The Add/Remove Icepap System action should commit to the database, by now, it only commits on exit
- The communication test in the Upgrade firmware window doesn't work
- The Default acceleration time should inform that it is in SECOND units