The ability to aggregate related data in a structure is important.
Fortran offers the derived type in addition to intrinsic types.
In its simplest form, one may think of this as the analogue to a
C struct
Derived types also form the basis of aggregation of data and related operations or procedures (viz. object-oriented programming); however, this introductory course will only touch on this feature.
A derived type with two components would be declared, e.g.,
type :: my_type
integer :: nmax
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: data
end type my_type
Components may be intrinsic data types (all declared in the usual way), or derived types.
A variable of this type is declared
type (my_type) :: var
and individual components are referenced with the component selector %
, e.g.,
var%nmax = 10
print *, "Values are ", var%data(1:3)
The component selector is the same as we have seen earlier for the complex intrinsic type.
An array of types is defined in the usual way, and the component selector is applied to individual elements, e.g.,
type (my_type), dimension(10) :: var
var(1)%nmax = 100
Dummy arguments to procedures are declared in the same way as for intrinsic types with the appropriate attribute list, including intent.
If a type definition is placed in the specification part of a module, it can be made available consistently elsewhere via use association.
Some derived type features require that the definition be in a module.
Formally, we have
type [ [, attribute-list] :: ] type-name
[ contains
procedure-part ]
end type [ type-name ]
The default situation is for both the type and its components to be public. This may be made explicit by
type, public :: my_type
end type my_type
If one wants a public type with private components (an opaque type), use
type, public :: my_opaque_type
end type my_opaque_type
Externally, other program units will be able to reference this opaque type, but will not be allowed to access the components (a compiler error).
If a type is only for use within the module in which it is defined,
then it can be declared private
in the attribute list.
For types with public components, it is possible to use a structure constructor to provide initialisation, e.g.,:
type, public :: my_type
integer :: ia
real :: b
complex :: z
end type my_type
type (my_type) :: a
a = my_type(3, 2.0, (0.0, 1.0))
Values or expressions can be used, but must appear in the order specified
in the definition of the components. An allocatable or pointer component
must appear as null()
in a constructor expression list.
A type may be defined with default initial values. One notable exception is that allocatable components do not have an initialisation. E.g.:
type :: my_type
integer :: nmax = 10
real :: a0 = 1.0
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ndata
end type
A default initialisation can be applied by using an empty constructor::
type (my_type) :: a
a = my_type()
For an allocatable component, the result is a component with a not allocated status.
Warning: some compilers can't manage an empty constructor for allocatable
components. The appropriate expression in the constructor is null()
The accompanying example (module1.f90
and program1.f90
) provides an
implementation of very simple pseudo-random number generator. This is
a so-called linear congruential generator.
The module provides derived type to aggregate the multiplier a
the seed or state s
, the increment c
and the modulus m
These have some default values. Practical implementations often
choose c = 0
Compile the program, and check the first few numbers returned in the
sequence. The key to obtaining acceptable statistics is to identify
some appropriate values of a
and m
(e.g., those given in the default).
Check you can introduce some new values of a
and m
using the
structure constructor (a spectacularly bad choice is suggested in
the code).
What happens if you make the components of the type private
What would you then have to provide to allow initialisation?
List-directed output for derived types can be used to provide a default output in which each component appears in order, schematically:
type (my_type) :: a
write (*, fmt = *) a
write (*, fmt = *) a%component1, a%component2, ...
or one can apply a specific format to correspond to the known type components.
Fortran does have a facility to allow the programmer to override the default behaviour of the formatting when a derived type appears in an io-list.
A special dt
editor descriptor exists, of the form:
For example we may have
dt" my-type: "(2,14)
The iodesc-string and v-list will re-appear as arguments to a special function which must be provided by the programmer. Information on this function is provided as part of the procedure-part of the type definition:
type, public :: my_type
integer :: n
complex :: z
procedure :: my_type_write_formatted
generic :: write(formatted) => my_type_write_formatted
end type my_type
The following module subroutine should then be provided:
subroutine my_type_write_formatted(self, unit, iotype, vlist, iostat, iomsg)
class (my_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character (len = *), intent(in) :: iotype ! "DT my-type: "
integer, intent(in) :: vlist(:) ! (2,14)
integer, intent(out) :: iostat
character (len = *), intent(inout) :: iomsg
! ... process arguments to give required output to unit number ...
! iotype is "LISTDIRECTED" for list directed io
! iotype is "DTdesc-string" for dt edit descriptor
! ...
! ... write (unit = unit, fmt = ...) self%n, self%z
! iostat and iomsg should be set if there is an error
end subroutine my_type_write_formatted
In section 3.03 we implemented the tri-diagonal solver as a module procedure. Implement a derived type to hold the relevant data for the tri-diagonal matrix, ie., at least the three diagonals.
Define a function which returns a fully initialised matrix type based on arrays holding the three diagonals. Refactor the solver routine to use the new matrix type.
Additional exercise: A very simple tridiagonal matrix may have all diagonal elements the same, and all off-diagonal elements the same. Write an additional function to initialise such a matrix from two scalar values.
Additional exercise: if we are conscientious in the memory management for such a structure, what should we also provide?
A template for the exercise (a solution to the exercise of section3.03) can
be found in exercise_program.f90
and exercise_module.f90
; or you
can use your own version.
Try implementing the generic write(formatted)
function for the following
type, public :: my_date
integer :: day = 1 ! day 1-31
integer :: month = 1 ! month 1-12
integer :: year = 1900 ! year
end type my_date
The format we would like is dd/mm/yyyy
e.g, 01/12/1999
for 1st December 1999
for list directed I/O. Then try the dt
edit descriptor to allow some more