DFT TiO2 benchmark. This benchmark was originally sourced from the UK Materials Modelling Hub. Thanks to them for sharing this benchmark.
The input for the TiO2 benchmark can be found in the
input subdirectory in the ARCHER Benchmark repository.
The POTCAR file needs to be constructed from your own VASP installation of the basis
set files. You will need the Ti
and O
PAW PBE basis set files concatenated together.
Performance is measured by the timing for LOOP+
from the OUTCAR file.
- Performance analysis script
- Calculation:
These instructions are for compiling VASP 6.3.x on ARCHER2 using the GCC compilers including the use of OpenMP
We assume that you have obtained the VASP source code from the VASP website along with any relevant patches.
In these build instructions we use HPE Cray LibSci and the HPE Cray provided FFTW library to provide the numerical performance libraries. You can use the AMD AOCL versions instead but our experience is that there is little difference in performance between LibSci/FFTW and AOCL on ARCHER2.
Unpack the source
tar -xvf vasp.6.3.0.tar.gz
module restore
module load PrgEnv-gnu
module load cray-fftw
module load cpe/21.09
The loaded module list when these instructions were written was:
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) cpe/21.09 6) libfabric/ 11) bolt/0.7
2) cray-fftw/ 7) craype-network-ofi 12) epcc-setup-env
3) gcc/11.2.0 8) cray-dsmml/0.2.1 13) load-epcc-module
4) craype/2.7.10 9) cray-mpich/8.1.9 14) PrgEnv-gnu/8.1.0
5) craype-x86-rome 10) cray-libsci/
The new build process for VASP (introduced from version 5.4.1) requires the correct options to be set in makefile.include in the root directory of the source distribution.
The makefile.include used for the GCC compilers on ARCHER2 can be downloaded from:
This build uses:
- HPE Cray LibSci for linear algebra
- FFTW 3 for FFT's
You should copy this file to the root directory of the VASP source distribution and then rename it to "makefile.include":
cp 6.3.0_makefile.include.ARCHER2_GCC_omp makefile.include
You build all the VASP executables with:
make all
This will produce the following executables in the bin directory:
- Multiple k-point versionvasp_gam
- GAMMA-point versionvasp_ncl
- Non-collinear version
All versions include the additional MD algorithms accessed via the MDALGO keyword.