This is Project's starting point.
If this is your first Ionic project, Here are some resources to get you started:
This project uses Capacitor, make sure you have required Environment and Ionic CLI setup.
follow below steps to run project locally
# clone the project and cd into it
git clone
cd ./Ionic-UI-Templates/ionic_ui_templates
# install dependencies
npm install
Make sure you have required native Android setup
# Sync to native project
ionic capacitor copy android
# Run Android
ionic capacitor run android
or Run 'ionic capacitor open android' and run through Android Studio
Make sure you have required native iOS setup.
You don't really need to add an account to run on simulator.
# Sync to native project
ionic capacitor copy ios
# Run iOS
ionic capacitor run ios
or Run 'ionic capacitor open ios' and run through Xcode
ionic serve