- Last week:
- Bugs, macOsx, Youtube vid, arch diagram
- Next Week:
- Start drafting the blog
- Availability: For small corrections: yes for minor changes
- Anoop: kickstart with HyperledgerExplorer meeting
- Minor improvements in UI
- Anoop: Commits signing
- Last week:
- Release when version is bumped automatically, release download for zip
- Anoop: To followup with Vipin to get code to hyperledgerlabs
- Next week:
- Anoop: To test release
- Improve documentation:
- new gif - video, arch diagram
- additions to text instructions
- release to have platform specific name (linux/amd64)
- release also for MacOS (darwin/amd64)
- Start drafting blog
- Question: Availability for small corrections after mentorship prog. had ended
- Last week:
- Hyperledger Explorer: needs to re-implement with TypeScripts
- IBM cloud: Has a good UI which works. Google, AWS not so good, usual procedure.
- Does not give the certificates for the users
- Anoop: Issue is reproducible
- This week
- Anoop: Chat with Vipin about Hyperledger Explorer
- Blog post: how to run easyDoser on localhost
- Bash script - start the project, tierdown project
- Last week:
- Deploy easydoser on k8s
- Issue: peer binary does not connect: error getting endorser client for channel: endorser client failed to connect to failed to create new connection: context deadline exceeded
- This week:
- Deploy easydoser on k8s
- Check how easydoser can integrate to Hyperledger Explorer: start script in explorer.
- Option 1: Launch as a new window
- Option 2: Re-implement easyDoser to TypeScript: Not recommended: 3-4 weeks
- Check Managed services of Hyperledger fabric in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM cloud
- Anoop: To test the above problem
- Anoop: Chat with Vipin about Hyperledger Explorer
- Last week:
- CI tests, readme, cleanup code, proj plan update
- This week:
- Deploy easydoser on k8s
- Anoop: To test: Verify all func. dockerize branch
- Try with HF managed services (Azure/IBM/AWS)
- Anoop: Check the bash script, any ideas?
- Check: https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-5094 (private data history), https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-11732 (page through private data)
- Last week:
- Github actions improvements (3 tests, JS mocha+chai)
- Merge branches
- This week:
- Anoop: To test: Verify all func. dockerize branch
- Try with HF managed services (Azure/IBM/AWS)
- Update documentation
- Check project plan
- Close open issues
- prepare for open source: cleanup, security
- Last week:
- Hyperledger labs: sponsor agreed
- Push Error to frontend
- Same code base for docker vs. non-docker version (Also WebUI). +1
- This week:
- Anoop: suggestion: Try to push the bare container to hub.docker.com
- Anoop: To test: Verify all func. dockerize branch
- Write tests: server, github actions, testnetwork/fabcar
- Bug: Approve and commit tab shows error on first few seconds only
- Also update documentation
- Last week:
- Dockerized backend and frontend
- WebUI in production mode - ongoing
- GitHub actions - not started
- try to push docker functionality - done
- Arch diagram - not started
- This week:
- readme.md: Docker as default, optional set of instructions for running without docker
- Push the error to frontend
- Fix current errors
- Anoop: To test and raise bugs
- Last week:
- branch: File picker (for the certs)
- docker: try with fully working docker solution
- This week:
- CI: GitHub actions: Get easydoser testing running
- Push the error to frontend
- WebUI in production mode
- Try to push docker functionality
- Arch diagram: refine
- Notes:
- Docker func for webui and server should be optional
- HF can exist in cloud and peer, other binaries and certs exist in local computer
- Cloud testing needs dns resolution working
- Last week:
- Marked the completed ones below
- This week:
- updated docs about the testing instructions
- certificates paths:
- peer needs cli
- sdk: missing: channel/collections policy, docker cli, store in cookies, bash script prompting from user (-> file/path to copy), etc.
- Anoop: To test the latest code
- Docker: npm production mode: compress node_modules to html/js (prod build?)
- Cookie: approach in a different branch and compare the Usability
- Last week:
- Improved UI
- Done: Update the Project plan - before Friday
- This week:
- Make 1 vid for UI + 1 vid for cli - hyperledger labs - done
- update diagrams: proposal + readme.md - done
- If any enhancements, please do it in proposal + readme.md - done
- Learn Functional testing for reactJS - done
- Anoop: Start finding ways to get a sponsor
- Anoop/Abhimanyu: Start thinking about dockerizing ui -> server (api) -> bash -> peer(HLF)
- Ease the way to get the certificate paths - open
- General: Placement trainings on-going, an Exam done
- Last Week:
- Demo, Endorsement policy approvals
- Anoop: Didnt test anything last week, will do so this week.
- This week:
- Push the latest code to master
- Some user documentation
- Fix all cosmetic/minor bugs
- Clean-up frontend code
- Update the Project plan - before Friday
- Milestone 3 - More to be discussed and planned
- Start with CI (GitHub actions) and tests (no unit tests but functional)
- Testing - Try to find some frameworks which can functional test reactJS.
- Docker containers - start with containerizing web, api-server+scripts later on
- Milestone 4 - Some 3rd party cloud server
- General: Placement training ends early sept 2020.
- Last week:
- demo, restructured server code, commiting chaincode.
- Anoop: To test the existing setup and give comments/bugs
- This week:
- Reading endorsement policy
- Updating endorsement policy
- Demo: check readiness
- Anoop: To test with 2 peers 2 orgs in private browser windows
- This week:
- Implement commit
- Updating channel definitions
- Demo: update collection def.
- Anoop: approval/commit per user (edit paths)
- This week:
- Improved logging
- Approving PDC
- This week:
- Check peer approval (if possible) + commit definition
- update channel definition if there is time.
- Take a look at bugs
- Demoed PDC - RO (RW scripts ready UI integration pending)
- Anoop to get back on how approval/commit process work for RW scenarios
- Last week:
- UI PDC RO, RW backend scripts
- This week:
- Take a look at channel definition
- Improving logging/error handling
- Clean up Front End code
- Discuss about the release 0.1, what needs to be included, timeline etc.
- 0.1 release - W/R of private collections
- Final submission - blog, white paper etc.
- Try to deploy our solution on atleast 1 cloud vendor with HF managed service
- Try it at the end of phase - 2
- Last week:
- reading pdc
- Improved UI
- Bug fixes
- Next week:
- PDC update: text box that accepts JSON from user
- Update endorsement policies - if possible
- cli containers deprecated, Fabric specific dirs are obtained from client(UI)
- Big changes - shell scripts etc.
- Next weeks tasks:
- how to implement the same for private data collections - Need path for chaincode
- Anoop to test and report bugs for some-test-network
- Demoed the UI (R/O) - looks good
- Next weeks tasks
- Anoop to test and report on a different netwotk
- Study about Implementing UI for R/O private data collections
- Add small hands-on instructions on how to deploy easy-doser on an existing hyperledger network.
- demoed basic UI - looks good
- Next weeks task
- Parse hyperledger json + crypt the certificate
- First deadline: try to get pdc - readOnly
- pdc for single peer vs. multipeer
- Project plan submitted - 12.06.2020
- Agreed to create issues and mark them.
- Mailing lists and search
- Did architecture diagram
- My vacations: Full july
Project plan
- Deadline: on/before 15.06
- add from requirements.md (based on feasibility)
Pre-MVP (v0.0.1)
- Fabricv2.x docker-compose env
- fabric-node-sdk
- Peer query
- 21.06.2020 - rough deadline