Contributions to this repository are likely to become part of Recommendation-track documents governed by the W3C Patent Policy and Software and Document License.
To make substantive contributions to the HTML specification (i.e. ones that change conformance in some way), you must either be a member of the Web Platform Working Group or make a non-member patent licensing commitment.
If you propose a contribution in a Pull Request, but you are not a member nor have you made an IPR commitment, an automatic test on your proposed commit will tell you that the "IPR check failed". The Working Group chairs and W3C staff will be notified. If the contribution is not substantive you don't need to do anything - it will be checked, marked, and queued for review. This process requires a human, so it may take some time - usually hours or a day or two.
If it is substantive, the chairs will contact you about making a commitment to the terms of the W3C Patent Policy.
If you work for a W3C member that is not participating in the Web Platform Working Group, please ask your W3C Advisory Committee representative if you can join.
If you do not work for a W3C member, you may be eligible to be invited to participate as an Invited Expert. Alternately, you can make a commitment to the terms of the Patent Policy, without joining the Working Group.
If you are not the sole contributor to a contribution (pull request), please identify all contributors in the pull request comment.
To add a contributor (other than yourself, that's automatic), mark them one per line as follows:
If you added a contributor by mistake, you can remove them in a comment with:
If you are making a pull request on behalf of someone else but you had no part in designing the feature, you can remove yourself with the above syntax.