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Y. Runtime Events

wangjj9219 edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Runtime Events

Auction Related

Event Parameters Description Module
NewCollateralAuction 1. AuctionId : new collateral auction id 2. CurrencyId : collateral type 3. Balance : collateral amount 4. Balance : target aUSD amount, when bid >= target, auction is in reverse stage collateral auction created AuctionManager
NewDebitAuction 1. AuctionId : auction id 2. Balance : initial avalible ACA amount 3. Balance : fixed aUSD amount, bid must >= it debit auction created AuctionManager
NewSurplusAuction 1. AuctionId : auction id 2. Balance : aUSD amount of surplus surplus auction created AuctionManager
CancelAuction 1. AuctionId : auction id auction canceled AuctionManager
AuctionDealed 1. AuctionId : auction id auction dealed AuctionManager
Bid 1. AuctionId : auction id 2. AccountId : bidder address 3. Balance : bid price bid succeeded Auction

DEX Related

Event Parameters Description Module
AddLiquidity 1. AccountId : who add liquidity to pool 2. CurrencyId : specific liquidity pool of other token / aUSD pair 3. Balance : other token amount added 4. Balance : aUSD amount added 5. Share : increased share amount add liquidity to specific pool Dex
WithdrawLiquidity 1. AccountId : who withdraw liquidity from pool 2. CurrencyId : specific liquidity pool of other token / aUSD pair 3. Balance : other token amount withdrew 4. Balance : aUSD amount withdrew 5. Share : decreased share amount withdraw liquidity from specific pool Dex
Swap 1. AccountId : exchanger 2. CurrencyId : the token type which exchanger sold to DEX 3. Balance : amount of sold token 4. CurrencyId : the token type which exchanger bought from DEX 5. Balance : amount of bought token swap token to another token with DEX Dex

CDP Related

Event Parameters Description Module
Authorization 1. AccountId : authorizer account 2. AccountId : the authorized account 3. CurrencyId : the authorized loan type An account authorize other account to manipulate its specific type of loan Honzon
UnAuthorization 1. AccountId : authorizer account 2. AccountId : the authorized account 3. CurrencyId : the authorized loan type authorizer account revoke the right of authorized account to manipulate specific type of loan Honzon
UnAuthorizationAll 1. AccountId : authorizer account account revoked all authorization to other accounts with all loan types Honzon
LiquidateUnsafeCDP 1. CurrencyId : collateral token type 2. AccountId : owner of the liquidated CDP 3. Balance : the confiscated amount for liquidation 4. Balance : the bad debt amount(in aUSD) produced by the liquidated Cdp liquidate an unsafe CDP CdpEngine
SettleCDPInDebit 1. CurrencyId : collateral token type 2. AccountId : owner of the settled CDP settle a CDP has debit after emergency shutdown begin CdpEngine
UpdatePosition 1. AccountId : CDP's owner 2. CurrencyId : CDP's collateral type 3. Amount : collateral adjustment amount, positive means collateral increased, negative means collateral decreased 4. DebitAmount : debit adjustment amount, positive means CDP's debit increased and owner get more aUSD loan, negative means CDP's debit decreased and owner repay some debt cdp owner manipulate his loan and collateral Loans
ConfiscateCollateralAndDebit 1. AccountId : CDP's owner 2. CurrencyId : CDP's collateral type 3. Balance : collateral amount to be confiscated 4. DebitBalance : debit balance to be confiscated emit by system operations for CDPs, such as settlement, liquidation Loans
TransferLoan 1. AccountId : sender 2. AccountId : receiver 3. CurrencyId : collateral type sender transfer his whole specific collateral CDP(include all collateral amount and debit amount) to receiver Loans

Emergency Shutdown Related

Event Parameters Description Module
Shutdown 1. BlockNumber : block number the emergency shutdown occurs system emergency shutdown EmergencyShutdown
OpenRefund 1. BlockNumber : block number when refund operation is allowed refund operation opened EmergencyShutdown
Refund 1. Balance : aUSD amount used to refund refund succeeded EmergencyShutdown

Risk Management Parameters Related

Event Parameters Description Module
UpdateStabilityFee 1. CurrencyId : collateral type 2. Option<Rate> : extra stalibity fee rate param updated CdpEngine
UpdateLiquidationRatio 1. CurrencyId : collateral type 2. Option<Ratio> : liquidation ratio param updated CdpEngine
UpdateLiquidationPenalty 1. CurrencyId : collateral type 2. Option<Rate> : extra penalty rate when CDP liquidated param updated CdpEngine
UpdateRequiredCollateralRatio 1. CurrencyId : collateral type 2. Option<Ratio> : the limit of collateral ratio when owner manipulate param updated CdpEngine
UpdateMaximumTotalDebitValue 1. CurrencyId : collateral type 2. Balance : aUSD cap issued by this type of collateral param updated CdpEngine
UpdateSurplusAuctionFixedSize 1. Balance : fixed aUSD amount to be sold in a surplus auction param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateSurplusBufferSize 1. Balance : surplus pool buffer size, surplus auction is only created when surplus pool exceed it param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateInitialAmountPerDebitAuction 1. Balance : initial ACA amount to be sold in a debit auction param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateDebitAuctionFixedSize 1. Balance : fixed aUSD amount to buy a debit auction param updated CdpTreasury
UpdateCollateralAuctionMaximumSize 1. CurrencyId : collateral type 2. Balance : max collateral amount to be sold when create new collateral auction param updated CdpTreasury
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