This package will create a node named 'uart_mraa_controller', and this node has two functions:
- This node will subscribe to a topic 'message_to_uart' and will write the message to uart port.
- This node will listen to the uart port every 500ms and will publish the message from the uart to the topic 'message_from_uart'.
ros2 run nsdk_example_serial mraa_uart_controller
This package create a node named 'data_publisher', and this node publishes data every 500ms to a topic 'message_to_uart'.
ros2 run nsdk_example_serial data_publisher
This package create a node named 'message_subscriber', and this node subscirbes to topic 'message_from_uart', and show the message from the uart on the screen.
ros2 run nsdk_example_serial uart_message_subscriber
- Pleace install mraa for ROScube-I from Adlink-ROS-mraa.
- You should change the directory in /examples_mraa_uart_controller/CMakeLists.txt line 18 & 19 to the directory where the mraa is installed. This will be fixed in the future.