When deciding on an issue to work on, look for the Help Wanted
or Good First Issue
git checkout develop
git pull upstream develop
Ensure you have setup AgileVentures/WebsiteOne-FE's upstream develop
. Otherwise you will not have the latest develop
To confirm this, run git remote -v
You should see a simillar output.
origin https://github.com/yourgithubusername/WebsiteOne-FE.git (fetch)
origin https://github.com/yourgithubusername/WebsiteOne-FE.git (push)
upstream https://github.com/AgileVentures/WebsiteOne-FE (fetch)
upstream https://github.com/AgileVentures/WebsiteOne-FE (push)
If not, you need to set the remote develop in order to get the latest copy once changes are merged.
Inorder to achieve that, run:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/AgileVentures/WebsiteOne-FE
git pull upstream develop
This depends on the name of your origin (Counter check before running the above command).
You will now have the latest copy of develop in your local.
Once this is done, you can proceed with naming your branch following the below convention.
git checkout -b 17-add-agileventures-logo
Where 17
is the ticket number and add-agileventures-logo
is a short description of the purpose of your branch.
Ensure your commit message clearly communicate the work you have done.
For example,
git commit -m "Implement user login"
For your Pull Requests, ensure you have a proper title describing your task. Make sure to add a link to the ticket you've worked on and add any screenshots if necessary.
Your pull request needs to be reviewed by at least two people in the team for it to be merged in delop