Zero allocation timer/frame counter.
// Scheduler.cs
// Delegate version
SchedulerHandle Delay(float delay, Action callBack, Action<float> onUpdate, TickFrame tickFrame = TickFrame.Update, bool isLooped = false, bool ignoreTimeScale = false);
SchedulerHandle WaitFrame(int frame, Action callBack, Action<int> onUpdate, TickFrame tickFrame = TickFrame.Update, bool isLooped = false);
// Unsafe version
void DelayUnsafe(ref SchedulerHandle handle, float delay, SchedulerUnsafeBinding callBack, SchedulerUnsafeBinding<float> onUpdate,
TickFrame tickFrame = TickFrame.Update, bool isLooped = false, bool ignoreTimeScale = false);
void WaitFrameUnsafe(ref SchedulerHandle handle, int frame, SchedulerUnsafeBinding callBack, SchedulerUnsafeBinding<int> onUpdate,
TickFrame tickFrame = TickFrame.Update, bool isLooped = false);
public class SchedulerTest : MonoBehaviour
public void DelegateAPI()
Scheduler.Delay(1, Log);
public void UnsafeAPI()
Scheduler.DelayUnsafe(1, (SchedulerUnsafeBinding)(&Log));
public void UnsafeAPIWithObject()
Scheduler.DelayUnsafe(1, new SchedulerUnsafeBinding(this, &LogWithObject));
private static void Log()
private static void LogWithObject(object @object)
Debug.Log($"Log {(@object as SchedulerTest)}");
To use debugger, need enable Stack Trace
in Project Settings/AkiFrameworkSettings
Notice that this will add GC allocation in Editor, which will disturb you when profiling.