Releases: AlaSQL/alasql
Releases · AlaSQL/alasql
"Seoul" (21.04.2015 - 22.04.2015)
"Beijing" (19.04.2015 - 21.04.2015)
- INSERT INTO class returns inserted value
- Classes support
- Tests with SEARCH syntax and tests for CREATE EDGE and CREATE VERTES
- Fixed bug with leaking to global.key
"Amsterdam" (18.04.2015 - 19.04.2015)
- Fixed bug indexedDB.webGetDatabaseNames in Firefox
- Some bugs from Sqllogictest fixed (see test258)
- Bower package registered
- Fixed CASE bonding query to this error
"Antalya" (16.04.2015 - 18.04.2015)
- Added CORRESPONDING keyword to the grammas
- Fixed export to Excel - with data types
- New version of FileSaver is updated
- New INTO XLS() function with colors(!)
- Added params parameter to intoallfn()
- master and develop branches fixed
"Cape Town" (14.04.2015 - 14.04.2015)
- Cleaned 'test' directory
- Fixed problem with tests
- Fixed bug with localStorage DELETE FROM (without WHERE)
"Rio de Janeiro" (13.04.2015 - 13.04.2015)
- Changed CRLF for alacon.js and alaserver.js to LF
"Roma" (02.04.2015 - 13.04.2015)
- Added params to SQLite attached database: alasql('ATTACH SQLITE DATABASE a(?)',[event],cb);
- Root directory was cleaned
- Gulp version is updated
- Fixed bug with (SELECT) and EXISTS() in SELECTS with GROUP BY
"The Wall" (25.03.2015 - 01.04.2015)
- Created "develop" branch for git-flow
- Fixed GREATEST and LEAST() bugs
- Added flags {sourcefilename: "aaa", range:"B4"} to INTO XLSX() function
- CREATE TABLE one(two,three) - without coulmn types
"Eagle" (12.03.2015 - 17.03.2015), "Robin" (17.03.2015 - 25.03.2015)
- MAX() and MIN() math functions renamed to GREATEST() and LEAST()
- ORDER BY 2,1
- :: casting operator
- NOT\sLIKE and NOT\sBETWEEN for multiple spaces
- Removed "Test238"
for column namesJavaScript expression
for JavaScript- Changed package.json (main:alasql.js)
"Sapsan" (24.01.2015 - 06.03.2015)
- IF EXISTS() and subqueries
- MERGE syntax
- alasql('#sql1');
- alasql(document.querySelector('#sql'));
- alasql(function(){/* SELECT 100 */}); for multiline SQL statements
- SELECT one.a,one.b INTO "one.xlsx" FROM "one.json" AS one
- Cut first BOM character when reading text files in UTF-8
- LIKE is case-insensitive