This repository defines the schemas needed to validate and document metadata. As a core service, it is used across multiple teams and services. Therefore, any contributions must follow certain rules to ensure stability and organization. This document will go through best practices for contributing to this project
Feature requests and bug reports are all welcome as issues. Create a ticket using the provided templates to ensure we have enough information to work with. Our team will review, assign, and address the ticket. If the ticket is urgent, you may tag a dedicated engineer in the issue but please refrain from assigning it.
If you have a broader suggestion or a question about how things work, start a new Discussion!
NOTE: If your request requires upgrading pydantic, create a separate ticket and a dedicated engineer will handle the upgrade.
To develop the software, clone the repository and create a new branch for your changes. Please do not fork this repository unless you are an external developer.
git clone [email protected]:AllenNeuralDynamics/aind-metadata-mapper.git
git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch
Then run the following command in the checked out directory.
pip install -e .[dev]
Testing is required to open a PR in this repository to ensure robustness and reliability of our codebase.
- 1:1 Correspondence: Structure unit tests in a manner that mirrors the module structure.
- For every package in the src directory, there should be a corresponding test package.
- For every module in a package, there should be a corresponding unit test module.
- For every method in a module, there should be a corresponding unit test.
- Test Coverage: Aim for comprehensive test coverage to validate all critical paths and edge cases within the module. To open a PR, you will need at least 80% coverage.
- Please test your changes using the coverage library, which will run the tests and log a coverage report:
To open the coverage report in a browser, you can run
coverage run -m unittest discover && coverage report
and find the report in the htmlcov/index.html.coverage html
- Please test your changes using the coverage library, which will run the tests and log a coverage report:
There are several libraries used to run linters and check documentation. We've included these in the development package. You can run them as described here.
To run tests locally, navigate to AIND-DATA-SCHEMA directory in terminal and run (this will not run any on-line only tests):
python -m unittest
To test any of the following modules, conda/pip install the relevant package (interrogate, flake8, black, isort), navigate to relevant directory, and run any of the following commands in place of [command]:
[command] -v .
Use interrogate to check that modules, methods, etc. have been documented thoroughly:
interrogate .
For more information you can run
interrogate --verbose .
Use flake8 to check that code is up to standards (no unused imports, etc.):
flake8 .
Use black to automatically format the code into PEP standards:
black .
Use isort to automatically sort import statements:
isort .
NOTE: Please note that these linters are automatically run in github actions when a PR is opened. These linters must pass for a PR to merge.
Documentation is required for contributing to this project. We have settled on using Numpy's conventions as a default: Numpy docstring standards
For internal members, please create a branch. For external members, please fork the repo and open a pull request from the fork. We'll primarily use Angular style for commit messages. Roughly, they should follow the pattern:
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
where scope (optional) describes the packages affected by the code changes and type (mandatory) is one of:
- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: pyproject.toml,
- ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (examples: .github/workflows/ci.yml)
- docs: Documentation only changes
- feat: A new feature
- fix: A bug fix
- perf: A code change that improves performance
- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests to set up your environment.
When you are ready to open a pull request, please link any relevant issues and request a review. Thanks for contributing!
- From dev, create a branch called release-vX.Y.Z
- Manually increment the version number in the aind_data_schema/ file to match
- Manually increment the major/minor/patch versions of the core files as needed
- Push the branch and open a PR into main
- After this push, any last minute changes to the release-vX.Y.Z will have to done to via a PR
- After review, use a merge commit to merge into main
- Open a PR from main back into dev so they're synced again
- Create a Github release with the corresponding tag, modify the auto-generated release notes to focus on the major changes that occurred