Basic requirements
Can you open the pdf?
- No
- Yes
Is the report anonymous?
- No
- Yes
Are the mean and covariance of the prior in 1a) reported?
- Not reported
- Yes, but they are not ...
- Yes, and they are ...
Is the source code for p_log_prior in 1b) reported?
- No
- Yes
Is the source code for p_log_posterior in 1c) reported?
- No
- Yes
Is the posterior density in 1d) plotted?
- No
- Yes
Does the posterior density in 1d) look something like this figure?
- No
- Yes
Is the source code for the two functions in 1e) reported?
- No
- Yes
Is the posterior mean in 1f) computed using importance sampling and reported?
- No
- Yes, and alpha is outside [-,-] or beta is outside [-,-]
- Yes, and alpha is between [-,-] and beta is between [-,-]
Is the effective sample size in 1g) reported?
- No
- Yes, but it is below 1000
- Yes, and it is above 1000
Is there a scatterplot in 1h) from a posterior sample obtained by importance resampling?
- No
- Yes, but it looks different from the posterior
- Yes, and it looks like the points are sampled from the posterior
Is the estimate p(beta > 0 | x,n,y) from 1i) reported?
- No
- Yes, it is smaller than - or larger than -
- Yes, it is exactly -
- Yes, it is above - and below -
Is the histogram of the LD50 in 1j) plotted?
- No
- Yes, and it is distributed much wider or narrower than [-,-]
- Yes, and it is mostly contained in [-,-]
Overall quality of the report
Does the report follow the formatting instructions?
- Not at all
- Little
- Mostly
- Yes
Justify your answers for overall quality of the report if needed