The Alpaca GraphQL SDK is driven by a number of GraphQL queries and mutations.
This location contains a number of example GraphQL documents to provide the Alpaca JavaScript SDK with a basic set of capabilities.
We provide extensive GraphQL documentation, including covering topics, tutorials and example applications in order to assist developers leverage the GraphQL for their needs.
- create-collection-location Creates an collection location within the provided collection
- delete-collection-location Removes a collection location from a collection
- find-collection-location-ids-by-external Find collection location IDs by external identifiers
- find-collection-location-ids-by-tag Find collection location IDs by a specific tag
- find-collection-locations-by-external Find collection location IDs by an external ID
- find-collection-locations-by-tag Find collection locations by a specific tag
- get-collection-location Obtain informationa bout a collection location
- get-collection Obtains information about a collection
- list-collections Obtain a listing of the collections for a profile
- update-collection-location Update the collection location
- create-itinerary-directions Creates itinerary directions for between locations in an itinerary manually
- create-itinerary-location Creates a new Itinerary Location, which can contain place information
- create-itinerary Creates a new Itinerary data structure for organising an itinerary
- delete-itinerary-location Removes an itinerary location from an itinerary
- delete-itinerary Removes an itinerary
- disable-itinerary-auto-route Modifies an itinerary to disable the automatic routing feature, which will turn off determining the directions between the sequence of locations that the itinerary contains
- enable-itinerary-auto-route Modifies an itinerary to enable a feature that will automatically determine directions between a sequence of itinerary locations at the top level
- find-itinerary-location-ids-by-place-id Checks whether a place has been added to an itinerary, for creating a button state on an "Add to Itinerary" button
- find-itinerary-locations-by-place-id Checks whether a place has been added to an itinerary, for creating a button state on an "Add to Itinerary" button
- get-itinerary-directions Obtains an itinerary directions item
- get-itinerary-location Loads information about an itinerary location
- get-itinerary Loads information about an individual itinerary
- list-itineraries Query a list of itineraries from an associated profile
- list-itinerary-locations Lists in itinerary locations for a provided Itinerary
- move-itinerary-location-after Moves an itinerary location after another itinerary location
- move-itinerary-location-to-start Moves an itinerary location ahead of other itinerary locations
- update-itinerary-location-is-optional Marks an itinerary location whether it is an optional stop
- update-itinerary-location Updates the itinerary location
- update-itinerary Updates an itinerary
- get-media-image Loads information about a media
- autocomplete-search-place Searches for places using Autocomplete search term
- get-place Gets a place based on the provided place ID
- reverse-search-place-by-position Queries a position and returns with matching places
- get-profile Obtains the profile by the provided ID
- list-authorized-profiles Obtains a list of the authorized profiles for the current access token
- search-routes-between-positions Searches for routes between provided positions
If you would like to share an operation that is useful to others, please send us a pull request with the operation created in the appropriate sub-folder. If you need to correct a comment, please update the operations directly, and not the generated markdown