"Description: Read this guide to get started integrating and building apps and websites accessing itineraries on the platform"
<iframe src="https://www.alpaca.travel/api/examples/mapbox-gl-js/display-itinerary-on-a-map/index.html" style="width:100%; height:400px; border:0; border-radius: 4px; overflow:hidden;" ></iframe> Displaying maps of content doesn't require GraphQL in most cases, and you can simply work with output of the mapping services directly to display content using native formats. [View source](https://www.alpaca.travel/reference/article/display-an-itinerary-on-a-map)The Alpaca Travel Platform enables developers to access and manage travel content, including curated lists, trips, and trails, known as itineraries. Read this guide to get started integrating and building apps and websites accessing itineraries on the platform.
This guide is designed to provide developers with a comprehensive understanding of how to access and query itinerary content through our API. The API allows developers to build applications and websites that access and manage travel content, such as curated lists, trips and trails, which we refer to as itineraries.
We hope that this guide will provide developers with a solid foundation in accessing itinerary content through our API and serve as a useful resource in developing their applications and websites.
What this guide does not cover:
Numerous alternative use cases; This is provided to give a developer an overview of calling the GraphQL API but there are numerous other operations and use cases covered outside of this guide.
This guide does not cover how to make API calls or connect your application to the GraphQL API using a specific client. It is technology agnostic and allows developers to use any GraphQL client to make the calls.
It does not cover how to obtain or use an API key to access the Alpaca Travel GraphQL API. Developers must have a valid API key to make calls to the API.
It does not cover implementation details such as handling errors or rate limiting, which are important but are out of scope of this guide.
It does not cover all the possible options and variations of the GraphQL operations, but it covers the most common and useful ones for managing itineraries.
Additional Resources:
Alpaca Travel GraphQL API Detailed Schema Reference
Apollo Sandbox for testing queries and seeing what other operations/fields are available
To load an individual itinerary from the Alpaca Travel GraphQL API, developers will need to have the itinerary ID handy and include it in the query. The query should include the necessary fields for the itinerary, such as the title and synopsis.
If you are getting started, you can use the Alpaca Travel itinerary editor to edit an itinerary, and obtain the Itinerary ID from the "Integrations" tab.
For example, the following query will retrieve an itinerary with the ID "itinerary/ABC123" and retrieve the title and synopsis of the itinerary:
query {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/ABC123") {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
By including the itinerary ID in the query, the API will return the specific itinerary that matches that ID, providing the title of the itinerary.
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"title": "Wild West Coast"
It is also possible to retrieve additional information about the itinerary by including additional fields in the query. For example, the following query will retrieve the title, synopsis, and publish date of an itinerary and the preferred media image to display for the itinerary with the ID "itinerary/ABC123":
query GetItinerary {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/ABC123") {
# Add additional fields
preferredMedia {
resource {
... on MediaImage {
card: url(bestFit: [800, 800])
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
The additional fields requested will be included in the response:
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"title": "Wild West Coast",
"synopsis": "A road trip showcasing Tasmania's World Heritage wilderness and wild untamed west coast.",
"published": "2022-12-01T04:54:35.698Z",
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/0SkPMi6FnSw3COQDt40Axn",
"card": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/2a/2PG08okaqm2Hfup0xkdzww/IMG_0746/large_1024h.jpeg",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
In addition to loading an individual itinerary, developers can also query for a list of itineraries that are associated with a specific profile on the Alpaca Platform. This can be done by including the "profileId" field in the query and specifying the desired profile ID.
For example, the following query will retrieve a list of the first 10 itineraries associated with the profile ID "profile/ABC123":
query GetProfileItineraries {
itineraries(profileId: "profile/ABC123", first: 10, after: null) {
edges {
node {
preferredMedia {
resource {
... on MediaImage {
thumbnail: url(bestFit: [200, 200])
pageInfo {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
The response will contain a number of itineraries that can be displayed individually using the "itinerary" query.
"data": {
"itineraries": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456",
"title": "Coffee Shops of Tokyo",
"synopsis": "Whether it be slow pour overs, cold brews or milky barista style, Tokyo knows how to do coffee. You'll find coffee shops down laneways, hidden in residential streets, behind ivy cloaked buildings, and wedged precariously on busy pavements.",
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/3gf8cBQNipVu1dHEeDOCoM",
"card": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/b1/68Z48ebjSbttxczfZVMmpB/ScreenShot2022-11-22at2.16.55pm/small_m225w_m200h.png",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123",
"title": "Wild West Coast",
"synopsis": "A road trip showcasing Tasmania's World Heritage wilderness and wild untamed west coast.",
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/0SkPMi6FnSw3COQDt40Axn",
"card": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/2a/2PG08okaqm2Hfup0xkdzww/IMG_0746/small_m225w_m200h.jpeg",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"endCursor": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjF9"
"totalCount": 2
The response will contain a list of itineraries that match the specified profile ID. The "edges" field will contain an array of itinerary objects, each containing the ID, title, and synopsis of the itinerary. The "totalCount" field will indicate the total number of itineraries that match the specified profile ID.
It is important to note that in order to retrieve itineraries associated with a specific profile, the user must have the proper permissions and the content must be listed as discoverable if using a public token. Additionally, it is possible to filter and sort the query results by including additional fields in the query.
See More:
- Identifying your Profile ID from your Access Token To obtain the Profile ID for your token, please refer to the this topic for more information on how to obtain the profile ID.
When building an application or website that accesses itinerary content, it is likely that you will need to display a list of locations for a specific itinerary. The Alpaca Travel GraphQL API allows you to easily retrieve a list of locations for an itinerary using the "children" field in the "itinerary" query.
To retrieve a list of locations for an itinerary, you can use the following GraphQL query:
query GetItineraryLocationList {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/0mttpRn7spYNDIV979fHbE") {
# Read in the stops
children(first: 10, type: ItineraryLocation, after: null) {
edges {
node {
# Additional content can be selected here as well, depending on the
# need of your application/website UI
# Include the preferred media thumbnail
preferredMedia {
resource {
... on MediaImage {
thumbnail: url(bestFit: [200, 200])
pageInfo {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
This query retrieves the list of locations for the itinerary with the ID "itinerary/DEF456". The "children" field is used to retrieve the list of locations, and the "first" parameter is used to specify the number of locations to retrieve. The "type" parameter is set to "ItineraryLocation" to only retrieve location nodes.
The query also requests the title, id, and the position of the location in the itinerary. The query will return a list of edges, each edge containing a node representing a location, the totalCount of the locations in the itinerary, and the pageInfo which gives information about the cursor and the next page if there is one.
A successful response to this query may look like the following:
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456",
"children": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456/location/5q7KiwXt00q7CkuuJgwPGI",
"title": "Koffee Mameya",
"siblingPositionNumber": 1,
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/24yfva4idUMfg6mqnbV6XR",
"thumbnail": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/4c/7k4IVQoPo8m8K7J9C8BorF/IMG_65783/small_m225w_m200h.jpeg",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456/location/2Q6thRSfnhhVsKaGqnqrSV",
"title": "Higuma Doughnuts × Coffee Wrights",
"siblingPositionNumber": 2,
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/5Xri6dflmKq8pJFVyPSC0q",
"thumbnail": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/10/76Spj4pXRvbGo58fGufJhe/IMG_65882/small_m225w_m200h.jpeg",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456/location/2rlIDmk0IeETSiA3iseWc4",
"title": "Onibus Coffee",
"siblingPositionNumber": 3,
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/1uaq5yNFC0SPiGNN2xhndN",
"thumbnail": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/0c/1WXshTWzawS3mDPDLIK6lf/ScreenShot2022-11-22at1.29.19pm/small_m225w_m200h.png",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456/location/4DjTycRHtTPAlmN0Gw4Yis",
"title": "About Life Brewers",
"siblingPositionNumber": 4,
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/6G3e4U5GDVWIgbSmb1J9kO",
"thumbnail": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/b0/46yxk1FqbcWoOfHM8JU1iP/ScreenShot2022-11-22at1.36.04pm/small_m225w_m200h.png",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456/location/0bHCYxpyVCYUzPDwrWmt32",
"title": "Blue Bottle Coffee",
"siblingPositionNumber": 5,
"preferredMedia": null
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456/location/5XeXZn2N4b4ndK3VJKqf86",
"title": "Faro Coffee",
"siblingPositionNumber": 6,
"preferredMedia": {
"resource": {
"id": "media/15hTveupnLmusowKvigvOT",
"thumbnail": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/54/4gYEKXPoonVhXFeiT6TkGy/IMG_4195/small_m225w_m200h.jpeg",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson"
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"endCursor": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjV9"
"totalCount": 6
In the above response, we can see that the query returns a list of locations for the itinerary "itinerary/DEF456". Each location is represented by a node, which contains the ID, title, and position of the location in the itinerary. The "pageInfo" field contains information about the cursor and whether there is a next page of locations available.
It's important to note that the Alpaca Travel GraphQL API uses a cursor-based pagination approach. This means that if the total number of locations for an itinerary exceeds the number specified in the "first" parameter, the API will return a cursor in the "endCursor" field of the "pageInfo" object. To retrieve the next page of locations, you can pass this cursor as the "after" parameter in the "children" field in a subsequent query.
In summary, the Alpaca Travel GraphQL API allows developers to easily retrieve a list of locations for an itinerary, and to paginate and sort the results to meet their specific needs. By using the "itinerary" query and the "children" field, developers can retrieve the necessary information to display a list of locations in their application or website.
See More:
- Cursor-based Pagination Read more about how to use cursor-based pagination
When presenting itineraries to users, it may be useful to tailor the presentation based on the type of itinerary and how it should be displayed. The Alpaca Travel GraphQL API offers several attributes that can be used to enhance the presentation of itineraries.
The "itinerary/type" attribute can be used to determine the type of itinerary and tailor the presentation accordingly. It will return "list", "trip" or "trail" if set. For example:
query GetItineraryType {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/DEF456") {
# Determine the type of itinerary
type: attrValue(id: "itinerary/type")
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
If successful, the response may look like the following:
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456",
"type": "list"
Additionally, you may choose not to display a corresponding number against each of the stops on an itinerary as they may imply an importance or sequential ordering which is not intended. For this, you can check the attribute "itinerary/list-presentation" in order to determine if the list is set to either "unordered" or "ordered".
query GetItineraryListPresentation {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/DEF456") {
# Determine the list presentation of the itinerary
listPresentation: attrValue(id: "itinerary/list-presentation")
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
If successful, the response may look like the following:
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"id": "itinerary/DEF456",
"listPresentation": "ordered"
It is important to note that the values of these attributes may not always be set, so developers should take that into consideration when using these attributes to enhance the presentation of itineraries. Additionally, developers should also consider the context and purpose of the itinerary when choosing how to present it to the users.
When building an application or website that includes itineraries that include directions between locations, such as trip itineraries, you may want to enhance your list to provide directions between each of the locations. Alpaca provides enhancements to your query that can look between each of the locations for directions contained within the itinerary.
In order to query for directions between locations, you will need to include the "directions" field in your query.
Here is an example of how to query for directions between locations in an itinerary:
query GetItineraryListWithDirections {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/ABC123") {
children(type: ItineraryLocation, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
# Additionally, query the routes between the locations as edge data,
# which will obtain directions from the itinerary that arrive (Inbound)
# to this location, from the last location in the edge sequence
directions(first: 1, direction: Inbound) {
nodes {
# Duration (in minutes)
# Distance (in meters)
# Access the route modes (e.g. Car, etc)
route {
segments {
pageInfo {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
If successful, as response may look like this:
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"children": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/49Mjaf7N7y6mHiCJRhuwOL",
"title": "Devonport",
"siblingPositionNumber": 1
"directions": {
"nodes": []
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/3jatHEitBPH1aM4G8HX2Gr",
"title": "Sheffield",
"siblingPositionNumber": 2
"directions": {
"nodes": [
"durationMin": 26.352466666666665,
"distance": 29.165044,
"route": {
"segments": [
"mode": "Car"
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/1aP34WcskKnMmOpbAfTEkL",
"title": "Cradle Mountain",
"siblingPositionNumber": 3
"directions": {
"nodes": [
"durationMin": 46.50026666666667,
"distance": 54.270784,
"route": {
"segments": [
"mode": "Car"
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"endCursor": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjZ9"
"totalCount": 7
In this example, we are querying the itinerary with the ID "itinerary/ABC123" and asking for all the children of type "ItineraryLocation". Along with the basic information for each location such as the ID, title and the "siblingPositionNumber" which represents the position of the location in the list.
Additionally, we are querying for directions between the locations by using the "directions" field. We set the "direction" argument to "Inbound" which will obtain directions from the itinerary that arrive to this location, from the last location in the edge sequence. The response will contain the duration, distance and mode of transportation between each location.
By using this query, developers can enhance their list of locations with the additional information of directions, providing a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience for their users.
Note: you can also use the "first" argument to limit the number of directions returned in the query. Also, you can use the argument "direction" to retrieve the directions inbound or outbound, depending on the use case.
When querying an itinerary, it is possible to retrieve information about the individual locations within the itinerary using the "children" operation. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to retrieve additional information about a specific location. This is where the "node" operation comes in handy.
Using the "node" operation, developers can make a specific query for an itinerary location to retrieve more detailed information about that location. The following example shows a query that retrieves information about a specific itinerary location using the "node" operation:
query GetItineraryLocation {
# Use the node query to access an Itinerary Location node
node(id: "itinerary/ABC123/location/6DuqdpTlTwKFtOjA9zhYZY") {
# Node loads different types of objects, so we request fields for the
# Itinerary Location specifically
... on ItineraryLocation {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
The response will look similar to the following:
"data": {
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/6DuqdpTlTwKFtOjA9zhYZY",
"__typename": "ItineraryLocation",
"title": "Arthur River",
"synopsis": "As you cross the bridge, don't miss the view up the river.",
"siblingPositionNumber": 6
It is important to note that when using the "node" operation, developers must specify the specific fields they want to retrieve for the itinerary location. This allows for more granular control over the information retrieved and can help to minimize unnecessary data retrieval.
In addition to the fields shown in the example above, developers can also retrieve other types of content related to the location, such as places of interest, arrival and departure directions, and more. It is recommended that developers only request the information they need in their queries and fetch additional information as needed.
It is important to be mindful of when to query the information; whether from the "children" call or seperately with the "node" call. The "children" call is useful when you want to retrieve a list of locations on the itinerary and their basic information, while the "node" call is useful when you want to retrieve more detailed information about a specific location.
Each location can support a gallery of media objects, that can include things like images to display with the location.
The below query demonstrates loading the first series of images from a gallery.
query GetItineraryLocationGallery {
node(id: "itinerary/ABC123/location/6DuqdpTlTwKFtOjA9zhYZY") {
# When fetching an itinerary location..
... on ItineraryLocation {
# Load the first 3 images of the gallery
mediaContainers(first: 3) {
edges {
node {
resource {
... on MediaImage {
thumbnail: url(bestFit: [200, 200])
large: url(bestFit: [800, 800])
pageInfo {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
The response now includes an gallery information to display for the location:
"data": {
"node": {
"__typename": "ItineraryLocation",
"title": "Arthur River",
"synopsis": "As you cross the bridge, don't miss the view up the river.",
"mediaContainers": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/6DuqdpTlTwKFtOjA9zhYZY/media-container/31456c91c6f2fabad9ec21d515629f20",
"resource": {
"__typename": "MediaImage",
"thumbnail": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/11/6d6MmLWncZdobgf5Hu8ApM/IMG_10744/small_m225w_m200h.jpeg",
"large": "https://media-cdn.alpacamaps.com/uploads/11/6d6MmLWncZdobgf5Hu8ApM/IMG_10744/large_1024h.jpeg",
"attribution": "Source: Zoe Manderson",
"caption": "Looking upstream the river"
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"endCursor": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjB9"
"totalCount": 1
Each location has a place associated with it. This place can represent a simple position like a map marker, or could be attached to a place or address that has more information available to read in.
Alpaca is integrated with a number of place providers. The supported place providers enable information about the place to be kept up to date, such as when information about opening hours are updated or contact details.
The ItineraryLocation type offers a mechanism to search for itinerary directions when you are loading them individually, opposed to searching between locations within a list.
query GetItineraryLocationDirections {
node(id: "itinerary/ABC123/location/6DuqdpTlTwKFtOjA9zhYZY") {
# When querying the itinerary location individually
... on ItineraryLocation {
# Search for directions used to arrive here from other itinerary locations
arriveFrom: directions(first: 1, direction: Inbound) {
nodes {
origin {
... on ItineraryLocation {
route {
# Search for directions used to depart here to other itinerary locations
departTo: directions(first: 2, direction: Outbound) {
nodes {
parent {
... on ItineraryLocation {
route {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
The above can look directions that can link locations between where it was coming from, and where it is departing to.
"data": {
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/6DuqdpTlTwKFtOjA9zhYZY",
"__typename": "ItineraryLocation",
"arriveFrom": {
"nodes": [
"origin": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/3ZPvzV7WyAalXWo6hJijBJ",
"title": "Corinna"
"distance": 95.459772,
"durationMin": 79.61751666666667,
"route": {
"modes": ["Car"]
"totalCount": 1
"departTo": {
"nodes": [
"parent": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/7BuzRTLQYH4rWBoIPh2UvV",
"title": "Boat Harbour"
"distance": 91.74235300000001,
"durationMin": 66.4878,
"route": {
"modes": ["Car"]
"totalCount": 1
Creating context around a location is essential for building good travel planning experiences. By providing users with information about their surroundings, such as distances and estimated travel times for different modes of transport, isochrone representations of distance and duration, and bearings, compass, line of sight distances, developers can help users to understand their location and plan their movements effectively. This can greatly enhance the user's travel experience by providing them with the necessary information to understand their location and plan their itinerary more effectively. To learn more about how to create context for your users, refer to our guide on Place Context
Many options are available for you to work with drawing itinerary content onto various mapping platforms.
From the GraphQL API calls, you can include fields to extract information from the API directly for the itinerary content.
The below example shows fields that can be queried in order to locate key mapping positions and route paths for directions:
query GetItineraryMapData {
itinerary(id: "itinerary/ABC123") {
# Read in the stops
children(first: 10, type: ItineraryLocation, after: null) {
edges {
node {
... on ItineraryLocation {
# Load the longitude/latitude
# Alpaca uses EPSG:3857/WGS 84 CRS
position {
directions(first: 1, direction: Inbound) {
edges {
node {
route {
segments {
# Use the polyline field to access a polyline encoded
# representation of the route path
pageInfo {
Sandbox: Configure | Try Operation
An example of the output expected is shown below
"data": {
"itinerary": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123",
"children": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/49Mjaf7N7y6mHiCJRhuwOL",
"position": {
"lon": 146.37010715588758,
"lat": -41.18011907368838
"directions": {
"edges": []
"node": {
"id": "itinerary/ABC123/location/3jatHEitBPH1aM4G8HX2Gr",
"position": {
"lon": 146.32474076543986,
"lat": -41.382109677628286
"directions": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"route": {
"segments": [
"polyline": "..."
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": false,
"endCursor": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjZ9"
"totalCount": 7
Alpaca provide mapping services that can be used to create great interactive maps that interact with itinerary content. You can use any preferred mapping environment (such as mapbox, google, leaflet or more) in order to create presentation of your map.
These services also include offering:
Itinerary GeoJSON
Hosted Vector Tiles
SVG Paths
View Alpaca Mapping Service Documentation
Alpaca have created examples of how to quickly create mapbox maps that display the itineraries. These examples shows how to quickly leverage the Alpaca map styles, create your own style and even create more complicated 3D visualisations of your content using the Mapbox API.
It is also possible to create applications and website functionality built around creating and managing itineraries via the GraphQL API. This functionality allows developers to issue mutations to the API and create content.
This could have relevance for integrating within content management systems or building website trip planning or favouriting functionality.
To understand more about this functionality, you can refer to to the following resources:
Managing a List Build curated list content, such as top-10's, favorites or other lists.
Managing a Trip Build trips, allowing users to plan out stops along a route.