I love reading & listening to new books and making notes on things I've read and learned.
I keep Goodreads lists of books I am reading, want to read in future & ones I want to read next.
I also have bookshelves of books I liked & read.
Below are books I read (or listened) sorted by year I read them in. The books with links attached will lead to notes I made when reading the book. Books with 🌟 are my favorite.
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century 🌟
- Brief Answers to the Big Questions 🌟
- A Brief History of Time (Review)
- Mind for Numbers 🌟 (Review) (Notes)
- Flowers for Algernon 🌟 (Review)
- Heart of a Dog 🌟 (Review)
- You Don't Know JS: Up & Going (Review)
- Logical Reasoning: A First Course (Review)
- The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
- The Little Prince 🌟 (Review)
- Understand - Ted Chiang 🌟
- Roadside Picnic (Review)
- A Thousand Tiny Failures: Memoirs of a Pickup Artist (Review)
- The Last Question 🌟 (Review)
- The Master and Margarita 🌟 (Review)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray 🌟 (Review)
- Thinking fast and slow
- Go in action
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- Programming in Haskell
- Surely, you're joking Mr Feynman
- Mindstorms
- Rich dad poor dad
- Elements of programming interviews
- Crafting interpreters
- Brave new world
- Cracking the coding interview
- Code: hidden language of software
- Eloquent ruby
- Confident ruby
- University physics with modern physics
- The Yellow Wallpaper
- Douglas Adams
- Ted Chiang
- Alan Watts
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Nikolay Nekrasov
- HP Lovecraft
- Aleksandr Solzhenitisyn
- David Sedaris
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Ask HN: What are some books where the reader learns by building projects? (2020)
- Gergely Orosz's reading list
- Side Project books
- Derek Sivers's books read
- Rahim's books read
- Books written in a style similar to SICP
- HN recommends (2017)
- Check these books - master switch is interesting
- Most meaningful books I read in 2016
- Most mentioned programming books on Reddit
- Language-agnostic programming books
- Some more recommends
- Bret Victor’s favorite books
- AI books
- Lobsters - what are you reading (2018) (2020)
- Ask HN - what are you reading
- Math books
- History books
- Good books for deep hacks
- Some psychology books to read
- Top programming books 2017
- Many math books
- Psychonaut books
- Reading list
- Pick three books you think every beginner to sci-fi should read, three for "veterans", and three for "experts".
- Any book recommendations for building your own indie business?
- Books read by Radek
- Bookicious - Favorite books of various founders.
- How long to read?
- Ask HN: Recommendations on books and documentaries on tech companies/people?
- Ask HN: What's one book that changed your life? (2018)
- Looking for a dark scifi novel
- Three books every beginner to scifi should read
- Good novels featuring mathematics and mathematical philosophy?
- Math-related pleasure reading books?
- Ask HN: Non-tech books that have helped you grow professionally?
- Ask HN: What are the best textbooks in your field of expertise? (2018)
- What’s the best book you read in 2018?
- Some fiction books
- Books I Recommend (2019)
- Miikka Koskinen's reading list
- My Favourite Book Recommendations by catonmat
- Hacker News Books - Dozens of book recommendations delivered straight to your inbox.
- Ted Chiang's books + audiobooks
- Some fiction audiobook recommendations
- Alan Kay's Reading List
- Ask HN: Recommend one book I need to read this summer? (2019)
- Patrick Collison's bookshelf
- Recommendations from an audiobook addict
- HN: Alan Kay's answer to ‘what are some forgotten books programmers should read?’ (2019)
- Ray Dalio’s Recommended Books: His Reading List
- Josh Wolfe's favorite books
- What are the most indispensable books for indie hackers? (2019) (HN)
- Jared Palmer's favorite books
- Nice CS books/papers
- Programming books that aren't boring
- Some Favorite Non-technical Books of Bjarne Stroustrup (HN)
- The 50 Best Nonfiction Books of the Past 25 Years
- Books Samrat Singh read
- Lobsters: New books worth reading in 2019
- Lobsters: Old books worth reading (2019)
- Ask HN: Books you plan to read in 2020?
- Ask HN: Favorite Nonfiction Books of 2019?
- Ask HN: Best books you read in the past decade? (2019)
- What and How I read in 2019 by Christopher Schroeder
- Books read in 2019 by arshia
- 85 Best Business Books in 2020 for Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Professionals to Read (and Grow) (2020)
- Naval’s Recommended Reading
- Toby Shorin's Library
- Books read by Mark McGranaghan
- Books read by James Somers
- Ask HN: What are the best unknown books you have read? (2020)
- Which book did you enjoy the most in 2019? 📚
- Favorite books that almost nobody else knows or talks about (2019)
- Rational Fiction books
- Top Fantasy Reads - Processed thousands of comments to determine top fantasy books the people of Reddit are reading. (HN)
- On the shoulders of the giants (2020) (HN)
- Ask HN: Great fiction books that have had a positive impact on your life? (2020)
- Books That Every Programmer Should Read (2020) (Lobsters)
- Nice web books (2020)
- Reading List of Ben Congdon
- Rafaël Garcia-Suarez's books read
- Books I recommend to my software engineering students (2020) (HN)
- Calvin French-Owen's bookshelf
- Maksim Stepanenko's bookshelf
- Austen Allred's reading list
- 107 books recommended by Patrick Collison
- Ask HN: Mind bending books to read and never be the same as before? (2020)
- Tom MacWright's reading list
- Which books have you read at least 3 times? (2020)
- Kevin Rooke books - Explore the books recommended by the world's top investors, entrepreneurs, and thinkers.
- Julian Weisser's books
- AskReddit: What's your favourite book you've read and why? (2020)
- Ask HN: Best books under 200 pages for developers (2020)
- Reading of David Blue
- Matthew Bunday's reading list
- Luke Smith's personal library
- Ask HN: Which books have you read more than once? (2020)
- Ask HN: What, in your opinion, are the greatest and most useful textbooks? (2020)
- Books I bought in 2019 but didn't read
- Amber Wilson's book reviews
- Michael Akilian's favorite books
- Nick Cammarata's bookshelf
- List of books on various topics
- Bardia Pourvakil's favorite books
- Juvoni Beckford's bookshelf
- Nabeel Qureshi's favorite books
- Sharif Shameem's Bookshelf
- Ask HN: Which book helped you understand the world? (2020)
- Dan Romero's bookshelf
- Devine's curated list of books
- Books people (re)read (2020)
- 89 books Paul Graham recommended
- Best-Books.dev - Best programming books, all in one place.
- Derek Sivers books read with notes
- 8 Science Fiction Books That Get Programming Right
- Juanito Fatas Bookshelf
- Library of Merveilles
- Patricia Mou Bookshelf
- Brutality of Life Reading List (HN)
- Some good books
- Abhinav Sarkar's books read
- Science Fiction Stories with Good Astronomy and Physics: A Topical Index (HN)
- The 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time
- Ian Vanagas's Reading List
- Maker Reads (News)
- Essential Reading for Startup CTOs
- Book Recommendations - Limitless Curiosity
- Lex Fridman Library - Library of book recommendations of all guests of the Lex Fridman Podcast.
- NPR's Best Books (2020)
- Founder Library Bookshelf
- Ask HN: Recommend books that give you insight into other professions (2020)
- The Best Books of 2020
- The Best Books of 2020 2
- Great Books Program
- A Map that Reflects the Territory - Essays by the LessWrong community.
- My Favorite Books 2020 (HN)
- 2020 booklist
- Lobsters: What books are you reading? (2021)
- Best Books I read in 2020
- The Greatest Books of All Time (HN)
- Ask HN: What are some books where the reader learns by building projects? (2021)
- My sci-fi novel recommendations (2021)
- Most Recommended Books - Discover books recommended by the world's most influential people.
- Longest book you actually are delighted you read and think about very often?
- Ask HN: What is a good fictional universe to get immersed in? (2021)
- Unhinged Women Fiction // Book Recs (2021)
- 50 book recommendations (2021)
- 20 books to read in your 20s
- In search of the new (2021)
- Reddit's Favorite Books (HN)
- Books from which you forgot to take breaks (2021)
- Sylvain Kerkour - Readings
- If you could only ever read three books, again and again, what would they be? (2021)
- With Audible plans, you can do easy exchanges. Don’t love a book? Swap it for free, anytime.
- Kindle changed the way we read books and then… stopped there. I want social highlights, notes, flash cards, and fractal reading (each chapter summarized in 1 paragraph, expandable on several levels if you want to dig deeper)
- Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
- Awesome books
- Free Programming Books (Code)
- Ask HN: How do you read programming books?
- Ask HN: 2018 Summer Reading List?
- Thinking with Types LaTeX source - Original source material for Thinking with Types: Type-Level Programming in Haskell book.
- Scribd - Books, audiobooks, and more for a fixed fee / month.
- Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Sub-Genres
- Ask HN: What books changed the way you think about almost everything? (2019)
- Awesome Programming Books
- Libby - Local library of thousands of ebooks and audiobooks.
- Why books don’t work (2019) (HN)
- BookBrowser - Easy-to-use tool to generate a web-based ePub and PDF ebook browser.
- Now, what do I read? - Enter your favorite book and get a list of suggested books to read.
- How I Read (2018)
- The Most Abandoned Books on GoodReads (2019) (HN)
- What Should I Read Next?
- Reedsy - Crafting beautiful books is at the heart of everything that Reedsy does.
- Ask HN: Are books worth it? (2020)
- 1,000 Free Audio Books
- Read This Twice - Books worth reading twice.
- Holloway - Knowledge you can rely on. Modern book publisher.
- JSTOR Open Content Books (Search)
- Public Books Database
- LibriVox - Free public domain audiobooks. (HN)
- Standard Ebooks (HN)
- SafariBooks - Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from Safari Books Online library.
- Crafting "Crafting Interpreters" (2020) (HN)
- BookAuthority - Curates the books recommended by the world's most successful CEOs, business leaders and experts.
- Ask HN: How can I restore my concentration when reading? (2020)
- Writing a Book with Pandoc, Make, and Vim (2020) (HN)
- Library JSON - A Proposal for a Decentralized Goodreads (2020)
- Springer Link - Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips.
- Python script to download all Springer books
- The Tools I Use To Write Books (2018)
- KindleUnpack - Python based software to unpack Amazon / Kindlegen generated ebooks.
- How to write a programming book (2020) (HN)
- Most book clubs are doing it wrong (2017) (HN)
- Antilibrary - Space both for celebrating all sorts of amazing books, and exploring more broadly the idea of learning from the unknown.
- Hello, EPUB (2020) - Intro to the format.
- On Books - Collection of readings and notes on the past, present, and future of books.
- I won't buy ebooks anymore (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- ZLibrary - Electronic library. Download books free.
- Reading habits that changed my life (2020) (HN)
- LibraryThing - Catalog your books online.
- Bookshop - Buy books online. Support local bookstores.
- Kindle Highlights - Vercel/Next.js app to render my Kindle highlights.
- How I made $3,300 on a short niche philosophy book (2020) (HN)
- Collection of free books from Springer (HN)
- Project Gutenberg - Library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
- GutenSearch - Full text search Project Gutenberg (60m paragraphs) . (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you read long PDFs? (2020)
- The Open Book Project - Open-source, DRM-free Kindle alternative. (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you take notes when reading a book? (2020)
- Readwise - Makes it easy to revisit and learn from your ebook & article highlights.
- Penguin Random House - Committed to publishing great books, connecting readers and authors globally, and spreading the love of reading.
- Klutz Press: books built for learning stuff (HN)
- HN: There’s no replacement for the thrill of browsing in a bookstore (2020)
- Lessons and Regrets from My $25000 Book Launch (2020)
- Timeful Texts (2020) (Tweet)
- Future Text Publishing - Collection of dreams for how we want text to evolve as well as how we understand our current textual infrastructures, how we view the history of writing, and much more.
- Literature Map - Tourist Map of Literature.
- Making a modern ebook with Standard Ebooks
- Readng - Global community of book lovers & readers. (Beta)
- GITenberg - Open source community for publishing ebooks in the public domain. (HN)
- Highlights from books and articles
- The Book is a Program - Practical exploration in dual-publishing websites and printed books, using Pollen, LaTeX, and the Racket programming language.
- Write a Micro-Textbook - Write a complete first draft of a micro-textbook on a subject of your choice.
- 3D Book Image CSS Generator (Code)
- StoryGraph - Help you to surface the best books that fit your current mood.
- Great book covers
- Gatsby Starter Book - Gatsby starter focused on simplicity to help you create books.
- How Chekhov invented the modern short story (2020) (HN)
- I Want to Fix Goodreads (2020) (HN)
- DeDRM tools for ebooks - Remove DRM from ebooks.
- Writing a book: is it worth it? (2020) (HN)
- Searchable Library of book summaries
- The Book Trail - Match your next read to your destination with The Literary Travel Agency.
- Chareads (YouTube)
- IntechOpen - Publisher of Open Access books. By scientists, for scientists.
- Open Textbook Library
- How I Made $30,000 on My First Self-Published Book (2020)
- Readium - Easier way to track reading habits.
- Write Useful Books - Guide containing everything I know about how to design, test, and refine nonfiction books.
- Inventaire - Collaborative resource mapper powered by open-knowledge, starting with books. (Code)
- Five Books - Best Books Recommended by Leading Experts.
- 3D Book Cover - Create your 3D Book Cover, and embed it on your website. (HN)
- Pollen - Book-publishing system written in Racket. (Docs)
- How I read (2020)
- ibis - PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.
- Writing a technical book: from idea to print (2020) (HN)
- Bit Better Book Club
- No Starch Press - Publishing company, specializing in technical literature often geared towards the geek, hacker, and DIY subcultures.
- Fable - Social reading club app.
- How I read books: a guide on how to learn (2020) (HN)
- Guide to Effective Reading (HN)
- Nat Eliason's Roam books notes
- Ask HN: How do you decide what books to read? (2020)
- BookDark - Read over 56000 Free Books Online.
- Books Search with Typesense - Instantly search 28M books from OpenLibrary (by Internet Archive). (HN) (Code)
- A Book Like Foo - Powerful Book Recommendations. (HN)
- Open Library - Open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. (Code) (Open Library Data Dumps)
- Packt - Programming Books, eBooks & Videos for Developers. (GitHub)
- Paged.js - Open-source library to display paginated content in the browser and to generate print books using web technology.
- Verso Books - Largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.
- BookWyrm - Social Reading and Reviewing. (Code)
- The Most Popular College Books (HN)
- Downpour - DRM Free Audiobooks. (HN)
- Free Science Books
- Free Ebook Foundation - Making the world safe for free ebooks. (GitHub)
- Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem (2020) (Article) (Code)
- ePubViewer - ePub viewer with dictionary, themes, search, offline support, and more. (Code)
- Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction (HN)
- Old Book Illustrations
- Shortform - World's Best Book Summaries.
- Book Marks Reviews - Book review aggregator.
- Literary Hub - Daily literary website highlighting the best in contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and criticism.
- The new reading stack (2020) (HN)
- Goodreads Scraper - Python scripts can be used to collect book reviews and metadata from Goodreads.
- Reading Techniques
- Bookfeed.io - RSS Feed with New Releases from Your Favorite Authors.
- 50 Great Classic Novels Under 200 Pages (2021)
- Literary Hub - Daily literary website.
- The Art of Reading More Effectively and Efficiently (HN)
- Find Books - Generate search query links for books across a range of websites.
- worldmiao.two - Book search engine.
- How I self-published a professional paperback and eBook using LaTeX and Pandoc
- Zeneca - Share and discuss your favorite books. (HN)
- Plex & Booksonic Audiobook Guide - Walkthrough for optimal Audiobook experience using Plex.
- Ask HN: Do you read books regularly? Fiction or nonfiction? (2021)
- The Ambiguous Utopia of Iain M. Banks (HN)
- Storytel - Audiobooks in your iPhone or Android mobile.
- What Goodreads could have been (2021)
- Copybooks - Books recommended by real people, not Amazon's robots. (Code)
- Pictures, Engravings and Extracts From Old Books
- Why has no one made a better Goodreads (2021) (HN)
- How to Write a Technical Book (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Shepherd - Discover The Best Books To Read. (HN)
- Ask HN: How do you become an active reader and deep thinker? (2021)
- Goodreads Datasets (Code) (Reddit)
- Little Free Library (HN)
- Ask HN: How can I read faster? (2021)
- Writing books is not really a good idea (2021) (HN)
- Writing a Programming Book in 2021 (HN)
- Librimood - Find books based on your mood.
- Suggest Me A Book Reddit
- Writing a Technical Book (2021)
- Unbuch - Compile markdown into an HTML and PDF book based on Pandoc.
- So You Want to Write a Book
- How to Write a Programming Book (2021) (HN)
- Setanta Books - Rare and Collectable Photography and Books.
- IndieBound.org - Find your local indie bookstore.
- Oku - The companion app for your book shelf.
- A Book Apart - Brief books for people who design, write, and code.
- Aleator Press - Computer-Generated Literature.
- 640 Pages in 15 Months (2021) (Lobsters)
- So you want to self-publish books and courses on programming (2021)
- Writing an iOS book: tools/process used (2021)
- The 4 Reading Levels: Different Ways To Read Different Books (2018)
- Apress - Book publisher. (GitHub)
- ЛитРес - Библиотека электронных книг – скачивай, читай и слушай. (GitHub)