I share most things on Twitter, Instagram & Reddit.
I do monthly reflections on life here. Comes as part of my newsletter.
- January - Joined Rekki.
- February - React, RN, Go.
- March - Left Rekki.
- April - Learning.
- May - Learning.
- June - Surviving.
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January - First month at Enpicom, building a platform for personalized immunotherapies.
- February - Moved to Den Bosch. Writing code.
- March - Visited London/Paris. First Go conference.
- April - Last month at Enpicom. Building LA 1.0
- May - Moved to London. Joined Gyana.
- June - Gyana.
- July - Gyana.
- August - Gyana. Practicing focus.
- September - Prague. Gyana. Gatsby is cool.
- October - Left Gyana.
- November - Redoing personal site, learning.
- December - New years with family.
Matured as a person. Gained my first work experience. Listened to Nils Frahm.
- January - LA nominated for Golden Kitty award. Stopped using FB.
- February - Made Telegram macOS/iOS group.
- March - Stopped listening to music when working.
- April - Finding happiness. Started playing tennis and growing a healthy recipe collection.
- May - Started using Nix. Minimized more things.
- June - University exams. Working on LA's design and more minimizing.
- July - Joined Deedmob. Happiest month in a long while.
- August - Moved to Amsterdam.
- September - Learning JavaScript. Moved Karabiner to Goku.
- October - Web Summit. Learning.
- November - Learning.
- December - Celebrated new year in Spain with family.
Interesting year. Learn Anything was born. Started writing this wiki.