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FreeRTOS Blink simplest example for ATmega2560 on MPLAB X IDE and avr-gcc. it based on FreeRTOSv202112.00 and on ATmega328 example for Microchip Studio. It was a little bit problem to import Microchip Studio's project to MPLAB X. I try to use "import" menu of MPLAB X but there are a problems with patch see Now it works. All my code use the same license as FreeRTOS

There are some defines for all project located into Project property -> avr-gcc -> Preprocessing and messanges -> Defined symbols. It contains: F_CPU=16000000UL portUSE_TIMER0

I rewrite defenition of configCPU_CLOCK_HZ at FreeRTOSConfig.h. Now if there is F_CPU so configCPU_CLOCK_HZ = F_CPU Just see #1 (comment)

If you want to use Arduino bootloader so you can. Produce .hex file via MPLAB X and flash it to ATmega using avrdude into console. Example

avrdude -c arduino -p atmega2560 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:"PATH/blink_2560.X.production.hex" Where PATH is your path to .hex. ttyUSB0 may be not the same on your system. See avaliable ttyUSBs on your system in /dev

Also if you want to flash using MPLAB X IDE after every build you can. Open project property -> Building -> Execution this line after build and past here your code for cosole (above).

MPLAB X interface 'Execution this line after build'

Code was tested on Atmega2560.