diff --git a/guide.xml b/guide.xml index 16b378cb..454fdd24 100644 --- a/guide.xml +++ b/guide.xml @@ -348,7 +348,6 @@ Yose Channelhttps://skyperfectv.co.jp Yose Channelhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp Zaptvhttps://skyperfectv.co.jp -クライム・イン・リゾート~元捜査官アレックスの犯罪ファイル [字] #9https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13059037/S_BC373990422220_ff8a130ebc494b089f931b079ebee432_20240927111500090.jpg クライム・イン・リゾート~元捜査官アレックスの犯罪ファイル [字] #10 [終]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13059038/S_BC209225479778_ea60838f8b3644fc88cb11caf3043a10_20240927111500670.jpg ハドソン&レックス~セントジョンズ警察シェパード犬刑事 5[字]#19【独占日本初】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13056971/S_BC816795473540_ebf24493fac84697942b5f63c7f79b86_20240927091234692.jpg ハドソン&レックス~セントジョンズ警察シェパード犬刑事 5[字]#20[終]【独占日本初】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13056969/S_BC023556077059_7e1c4b47476340ffac77bdd69c92fdf8_20240927091232719.jpg @@ -522,8 +521,8 @@ ゴリラ・スクール:将来への希望(二)3頭のゴリラがイギリスからやってきて1年が経ち、それぞれどれだけ進歩したかを確認する。一方、ゴリラ学校に来たばかりのバンビが、総勢4頭のウディキの家族に加わる。ドキュメンタリー/教養 【すご腕アニマル!】動物サバイバル・バトル:たくましい昆虫(二)すご腕アニマル! トンボの飛行やオオカバマダラの奇跡のような変態、擬態のエキスパートであるカマキリなど生き残り続ける昆虫の世界を紹介する。ドキュメンタリー/教養 【すご腕アニマル!】動物サバイバル・バトル:夜行性動物の世界(二)すご腕アニマル! アライグマやネズミ、北極のホッキョクギツネとアカギツネ、世界中に分布しているヤマアラシなど暗闇を選んで生きる動物に迫る。ドキュメンタリー/教養 -[新]お悩み解決!さすらいの獣医:呼吸問題を抱える白鳥(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13102337/S_BC139367356737_26ed99951cca4d30a3c3b8ae18b45823_20241001131002486.jpg[新]お悩み解決!さすらいの獣医:呼吸問題を抱える白鳥(二)https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407198/image/fcc6e9193087fab93731ec65e1c06953.jpg -[新]お悩み解決!さすらいの獣医:かゆがるダックスフント(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13102368/S_BC015576851840_baed2db20e5a4a55ac8a696de1dd5fd6_20241001131104166.jpg[新]お悩み解決!さすらいの獣医:かゆがるダックスフント(二)https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407199/image/cbd475006eebaddea39af072e747349f.jpg +[新]お悩み解決!さすらいの獣医:呼吸問題を抱える白鳥(二)ペットの問題を解決するために英国中を旅する、著名な獣医で動物医学の専門家、ロメイン・ピッツィを紹介します。今回は靴下が好きな犬と呼吸問題を抱える白鳥を助けます。 +[新]お悩み解決!さすらいの獣医:かゆがるダックスフント(二)英国中を旅する、著名な獣医で動物医学の専門家、ロメイン・ピッツィを紹介。今回はかさぶたのあるアルパカとかゆがるダックスフントを助けます。 [新]エバーグレーズの守り人:夜の恐怖(字)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13117929/S_BC472521550748_8ede3cf806b545e994b5513d0681fec9_20241002115112012.JPG[新]エバーグレーズの守り人:夜の恐怖(字)ドキュメンタリー/教養 [新]解明・危険生物の戦略:愛と戦いの二面性(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13125139/S_BC081556909664_1000545c07b7418ca6d32ebff8ee0304_20241002153453946.jpg[新]解明・危険生物の戦略:愛と戦いの二面性(二)ドキュメンタリー/教養 BBC超大作 セレンゲティ物語:運命(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13118880/S_BC137420906921_2d06287dbd9a4e4387b95512f5cb74f6_20241002121445995.jpgBBC超大作 セレンゲティ物語:運命(二)ドキュメンタリー/教養 @@ -799,8 +798,6 @@ Gintama S1, Ep 1 Rent-A-Girlfriend, Ep 9 Rent-A-Girlfriend, Ep 10 -スプリガン #4https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13222468/S_BC524390703972_14c3bbf4862a4c029409d4944b843bf8_20241008104208773.jpg -[字]アンデッドアンラック #3https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13218589/S_BC662406348349_93a60520a2634341bd04b1f9f6fc29d0_20241008101548862.jpg 転生したらスライムだった件 #23,24https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13232702/S_BC186431783150_24c992b181dc4f5fb5a4a35973fbb49c_20241008115210807.png [字]ドラゴンボール #65,66https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13223746/S_BC335919238370_78c4182a42b2420ba8835e6635bd2519_20241008104959599.jpg [字]テレビアニメ「鬼滅の刃」刀鍛冶の里編 #6,7https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13215058/S_BC453277860695_6795b537496d49c48b5b6aad13c3ef99_20241008100045409.jpg @@ -990,8 +987,8 @@ ノラガミ ARAGOTO #9,10#9「糸の切れる音」 #10「斯(か)く在りし望み」 “夜ト”は、祀られる社の一つもない貧乏でマイナーな神様。<制作:2015年/全13話>アニメ/特撮 テレビアニメ「鬼滅の刃」刀鍛冶の里編 #6,7第六話「柱になるんじゃないのか!」第七話「極悪人」物語は新たなる地へ─。炭治郎が向かう先は「刀鍛冶の里」。新たな戦いが始まる。原作:吾峠呼世晴/制作:2023年/全11話アニメ/特撮 僕のヒーローアカデミア #22,23#22「爆豪VS麗日」 #23「轟焦凍:オリジン」 “無個性”の少年が、最高のヒーローになるべく成長していく!<制作:2017年>アニメ/特撮 -スプリガン #4#4「ノアの方舟(後編)」 過激なアクションと古代ロマンに満ち溢れた 、王道冒険活劇を体感せよ!! 制作:2022年/全12話アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406839/image/feda4ed4e3d6420f8fd6adfea8b4c465.jpg -アンデッドアンラック #3#3「私の不運の使い方」 不死と不運、世界の理(ルール)に否定された2人が出会う時、新たな物語の幕が開く…。 原作:戸塚慶文/制作:2023年/全24話アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406840/image/e7ed1eccb02051012f387c6551ea563f.jpg +スプリガン #4#4「ノアの方舟(後編)」 過激なアクションと古代ロマンに満ち溢れた 、王道冒険活劇を体感せよ!! 制作:2022年/全12話アニメ/特撮 +アンデッドアンラック #3#3「私の不運の使い方」 不死と不運、世界の理(ルール)に否定された2人が出会う時、新たな物語の幕が開く…。 原作:戸塚慶文/制作:2023年/全24話アニメ/特撮 転生したらスライムだった件 #23,24#23「救われる魂」#24「外伝:黒と仮面」 サラリーマンの三上悟は通り魔に刺され死亡し、異世界に転生していた。ただし、その姿はスライムだった!制作:2018年アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406841/image/09d897a8e28414173425171d916502eb.jpg ドラゴンボール #65,66#65「ゆけ悟空!突撃開始」 #66「レッドリボン軍必死の攻防」 ドラゴンボールシリーズ第1弾! 原作:鳥山明/制作:1986年/全153話アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406842/image/b96c431c1526f245357068fd81ca54e5.jpg テレビアニメ「鬼滅の刃」刀鍛冶の里編 #6,7第六話「柱になるんじゃないのか!」第七話「極悪人」物語は新たなる地へ─。炭治郎が向かう先は「刀鍛冶の里」。新たな戦いが始まる。原作:吾峠呼世晴/制作:2023年/全11話アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406843/image/fa60e1d9ea7f5d0a6c30a9a282dd40f5.jpg @@ -1100,8 +1097,8 @@ Naruto S2, Ep 1041.103.0/1S02E104Naruto IINaruto S2, Ep 104S02E104Naruto II - Eps. 104Naruto II - Run, Idate, Run! 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Re: Zero Another World, Ep 220.21.0/1S01E22Re: Zero -Starting Life In Another World- Season 2Re: Zero Another World, Ep 22S01E22Re: Zero -Starting Life In Another World- Season 2 - Eps. 22Re: Zero -Starting Life In Another World- Season 2 - Happiness Reflected On The Water's Surface0.21.0/113While Roswaal's mansion is under siege, Subaru tries to convince Beatrice to break the contract and leave the library. -火影忍者 第2季第104集 -Run, Idate, Run! Nagi Island Awaits!Naruto S2, Ep 104S02E104Naruto IINaruto S2, Ep 104Naruto II - Eps. 104Naruto II - Run, Idate, Run! Nagi Island Awaits!0.103.0/1PGNaruto and Team 7 were poisoned by Aoi while trying to rescue Idate. Later, Idate revealed that he was tricked by Aoi into betraying the village.Naruto S2E104 -Run, Idate, Run! Nagi Island Awaits! -銀魂 第1季第1集 -You Jerks! And You Claim To Have Gintama?! (Part 1)Gintama S1, Ep 1S01E01Gintama Season 1Gintama S1, Ep 1Gintama Season 1 - Eps. 1Gintama Season 1 - You Jerks! And You Claim To Have Gintama?! 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X - Eps. 8My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! X - I Had An Arranged Marriage Meeting…0.7.0/1PGNicol decides to accept a long delayed arranged marriage meeting for the sake of his family and to take his mind off Catarina.My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! S2E8 -I Had An Arranged Marriage Meeting... 轉生成女性向遊戲只有毀滅 End 的壞人大小姐 第2季第9集 -Keith Disappeared... Part 1My Next Life As..., Ep 9S01E09My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! XMy Next Life As..., Ep 9My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! X - Eps. 9My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! X - Keith Disappeared… Part 10.8.0/1PGKeith runs away from home. Catarina and friends decide to go on a journey to find Keith with the help of Lana's magic tool.My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! S2E9 -Keith Disappeared... Part 1 異世界藥局 第1季第7集 -The Boy With No Shadow And The InquisitorParallel World Pharmacy, Ep 7S01E07Parallel World PharmacyParallel World Pharmacy, Ep 7Parallel World Pharmacy - Eps. 7Parallel World Pharmacy - The Boy With No Shadow And The Inquisitor0.6.0/1PGThe true identity of the white-clad group is the inquisitor. Falma is seen as an evil spirit and attacked.Parallel World Pharmacy S1E7 -The Boy With No Shadow And The Inquisitor @@ -1236,7 +1233,7 @@ お役立ち生活情報・お知らせアジアドラマチックTVから皆さんにお得な情報をお知らせいたします。情報/ワイドショー [中]#03 ひそかな恋模様は、曇りのち晴れ<字>【日本初放送】【中国ドラマ】第3話(本編45分)<字>(全25話) 出演:チャオ・ルースー他 制作:中国 2023年ドラマ お役立ち生活情報・お知らせアジアドラマチックTVから皆さんにお得な情報をお知らせいたします。情報/ワイドショー -お役立ち生活情報・アジアドラマチックTVからのお知らせお役立ち生活情報・アジアドラマチックTVからのお知らせ情報/ワイドショー +お役立ち生活情報・アジアドラマチックTVからのお知らせアジアドラマチックTVから皆さんにお得な情報をお知らせいたします。情報/ワイドショー [韓]#19 一度行ってきました<字>◆イ・ミンジョン、イ・サンヨプhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13127891/S_BC792701104495_2ea0e35c567d40a6b32e34f10004e7a2_20241002173014450.jpg[韓]#19 一度行ってきました<字>◆イ・ミンジョン、イ・サンヨプドラマ お役立ち生活情報・アジアドラマチックTVからのお知らせお役立ち生活情報・アジアドラマチックTVからのお知らせ情報/ワイドショー [韓]#20 一度行ってきました<字>◆イ・ミンジョン、イ・サンヨプhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13127882/S_BC650463392392_2b75393d4d3244ffbdbb420db1bf06c3_20241002173012048.jpg[韓]#20 一度行ってきました<字>◆イ・ミンジョン、イ・サンヨプドラマ @@ -1472,8 +1469,8 @@ ありふれた職業で世界最強 season 3 #05#05 英雄の凱旋アニメ/特撮 パーティーから追放されたその治癒師、実は最強につき #06#06 そのクエスト、実は再起の糸口につきアニメ/特撮 スナックバス江 #05・#06#05 Get On The Good Foot(おみあし拝見)他 #06 Hello Stranger(そして伝説へ……)他アニメ/特撮 -ロードス島戦記-英雄騎士伝- #09https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13119440/S_BC101134733986_266d7d185c1f4888902bce961457ef64_20241002122657276.jpgロードス島戦記-英雄騎士伝- #09アニメ/特撮 -じいさんばあさん若返る #11 [終][字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13117958/S_BC526416332043_931345980d274488a3478749c777fc99_20241002115148117.jpgじいさんばあさん若返る #11 [終]アニメ/特撮 +ロードス島戦記-英雄騎士伝- #09#09 若き騎士…試される力 【全27話】1998年放送作品アニメ/特撮 +じいさんばあさん若返る #11 [終]#11 じいさんばあさんと冬休み 【全11話】2024年放送作品アニメ/特撮 りぜるまいん #06https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13124476/S_BC988611355818_b7724012ca624792b7a122b87b61c16a_20241002151931505.jpgりぜるまいん #06アニメ/特撮 闇芝居 第13期 #06https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13124529/S_BC864513699531_be467a8b0d9b4263943a46d255d0965b_20241002152126819.jpg闇芝居 第13期 #06アニメ/特撮 ハミダシクリエイティブ #06https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13124112/S_BC231596779664_555d6b34b2724e25833b9ee9797a00de_20241002150829859.jpgハミダシクリエイティブ #06アニメ/特撮 @@ -1704,7 +1701,7 @@ リサーチ・ユニット〜ボルドー重犯罪部 4 [字] #7第7話「秘密の噛み傷」 フランス発、大ヒット長寿ドラマのシーズン4!捜査官、科学捜査班、コンピューターの専門家などが集結した特別部隊の活躍を描くドラマ リサーチ・ユニット〜ボルドー重犯罪部 4 [字] #8第8話「鉛色の空」 フランス発、大ヒット長寿ドラマのシーズン4!捜査官、科学捜査班、コンピューターの専門家などが集結した特別部隊の活躍を描くドラマ UNIT ONE-特別機動捜査班- 2 [字] #1【マッツ・ミケルセン出演】第1話「スヴェンボー」 20年前の若きマッツを堪能できる幻のクライムドラマ!デンマーク各地を巡りながら警察の精鋭チーム特別機動捜査班が事件に挑む。ドラマ -クライム・イン・リゾート〜元捜査官アレックスの犯罪ファイル [字] #9第9話「死のウェディング」 セブ州マクタン島で暮らす元捜査官が凶悪犯罪に立ち向かう南国クライム・アクション!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406810/image/4130f487395c09678e30f25208c1cfb7.jpg +クライム・イン・リゾート〜元捜査官アレックスの犯罪ファイル [字] #9第9話「死のウェディング」 セブ州マクタン島で暮らす元捜査官が凶悪犯罪に立ち向かう南国クライム・アクション!ドラマ クライム・イン・リゾート〜元捜査官アレックスの犯罪ファイル [字] #10 [終]第10話「ウォーカーの進む道」 セブ州マクタン島で暮らす元捜査官が凶悪犯罪に立ち向かう南国クライム・アクション!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406811/image/9790f8d4af77507b376d301484c1366d.jpg ハドソン&レックス〜セントジョンズ警察シェパード犬刑事 5[字]#19【独占日本初】【犬の日特別企画】 第19話「毒殺と脅迫状」 カナダのセントジョンズを舞台に、刑事ハドソンと相棒のシェパード犬レックスが活躍!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406812/image/ced295bb9eeb4c6a94393ed63c47dfbd.jpg ハドソン&レックス〜セントジョンズ警察シェパード犬刑事 5[字]#20[終]【独占初】【犬の日特別企画】 第20話「車と銃弾」 カナダのセントジョンズを舞台に、刑事ハドソンと相棒のシェパード犬レックスが活躍!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406813/image/c112a5e450f4a9319b878b4bc9f21cb3.jpg @@ -1740,89 +1737,84 @@ ルーキーブルー 6 [字] #4【ミッシー・ペリグリム主演】第4話「手放せない因縁」 カナダ発、ミッシー・ペリグリム主演の大ヒットポリス・アクションドラマ!ついにファイナルシーズン!!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14411102/image/81bdd116c01d6fe6bed12f9a9519491c.jpg ルーキーブルー 6 [字] #5【ミッシー・ペリグリム主演】第5話「優しい男」 カナダ発、ミッシー・ペリグリム主演の大ヒットポリス・アクションドラマ!ついにファイナルシーズン!!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14411103/image/498c439636047ab7c2a9ee8ac5332a12.jpg ルーキーブルー 6 [字] #6【ミッシー・ペリグリム主演】第6話「ホームラン」 カナダ発、ミッシー・ペリグリム主演の大ヒットポリス・アクションドラマ!ついにファイナルシーズン!!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14411104/image/7cac006e783e6e65ae10dfb4b275220f.jpg -Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Floreciendo temprano -Floreciendo temprano -Levántate y Brilla -Levántate y Brilla -Levántate y Brilla -Levántate y Brilla -Pandilla de Colores -Mamá y Yo - Preescolar -Club del desayuno -Club del desayuno -Club del desayuno -Club del desayuno -Club del desayuno -Hora de jugar con Al -Programas para el desarrollo del bebé -Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Floreciendo temprano +Floreciendo temprano +Levántate y Brilla +Levántate y Brilla +Levántate y Brilla +Levántate y Brilla +Pandilla de Colores +Mamá y Yo - Preescolar +Club del desayuno +Club del desayuno +Club del desayuno +Club del desayuno +Club del desayuno +Hora de jugar con Al +Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Mamá y Yo - Preescolar +Música y arte +Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Floreciendo temprano +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Mamá y Yo - Cantemos Mamá y Yo - Preescolar -Música y arte -Programas para el desarrollo del bebé -Floreciendo temprano -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Mamá y Yo - Cantemos -Mamá y Yo - Preescolar -Mamá y Yo - Preescolar +Mamá y Yo - Preescolar +Club de Baby First +Club de Baby First +Club de Baby First +Club de Baby First +Club de Baby First +Club de Baby First Club de Baby First -Club de Baby First -Club de Baby First -Club de Baby First -Club de Baby First -Club de Baby First -Club de Baby First -Música y arte -Mamá y Yo - Cantemos -Favoritos de Baby First -Favoritos de Baby First -A la camita con BabyFirst +Música y arte +Mamá y Yo - Cantemos +Favoritos de Baby First +Favoritos de Baby First +A la camita con BabyFirst +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebéProgramas nocturnos para el bebé Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Programas nocturnos para el bebé -Floreciendo temprano -Floreciendo temprano -Levántate y Brilla -Levántate y Brilla -Levántate y Brilla -Levántate y Brilla -La escuela de figuras -Mis amigos animales con Robi -Cuentos y amigos -Las Notas Musicales -1,2,3 arrancan! - Los bebés aprenden lo básico sobre contar y los números -Pandilla de Colores -Programas para el desarrollo del bebé -Fabuloso vocabulario -Fabuloso vocabulario -Harry y Larry: ¡Profesiones que Ayudan! -Googoo y Gaga -Mamá y Yo - Cantemos -Squeak! -Programas para el desarrollo del bebé -Hora de jugar con Al -Hora de jugar con Al -La escuela de figuras -Mis amigos animales con Robi -Cuentos y amigos -Las Notas Musicales -1,2,3 arrancan! - Los bebés aprenden lo básico sobre contar y los números -Pandilla de Colores -Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Programas nocturnos para el bebé +Floreciendo temprano +Floreciendo temprano +Levántate y Brilla +Levántate y Brilla +Levántate y Brilla +Levántate y Brilla +La escuela de figuras +Mis amigos animales con Robi +Cuentos y amigos +Las Notas Musicales +1,2,3 arrancan! - Los bebés aprenden lo básico sobre contar y los números +Pandilla de Colores +Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Fabuloso vocabulario +Fabuloso vocabulario +Harry y Larry: ¡Profesiones que Ayudan! +Googoo y Gaga +Mamá y Yo - Cantemos +Squeak! +Programas para el desarrollo del bebé +Hora de jugar con Al +Hora de jugar con Al +La escuela de figuras +Mis amigos animales con Robi +Cuentos y amigos +Las Notas Musicales +1,2,3 arrancan! - Los bebés aprenden lo básico sobre contar y los números +Pandilla de Colores +Programas para el desarrollo del bebé [英]ヴェリファイド・ライブマシュー・アムロリワラが世界とイギリスの最新ニュースを、ロンドンからライブでお届けする。ニュース/報道 [英]ヴェリファイド・ライブマシュー・アムロリワラが世界とイギリスの最新ニュースを、ロンドンからライブでお届けする。ニュース/報道 Verified LiveMatthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.News[英]ヴェリファイド・ライブニュース/報道 @@ -1877,6 +1869,7 @@ Business TodayBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.News/Current AffairsBusiness TodayBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.Business TodayNews/Current Affairs2024-11-15 16:30:00ビジネストゥデイニュース/報道 Business TodayBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up to date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X810156.jpg SportsdayA round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.News/Current AffairsSportsdaySportsday (r)NewsSportsdayA round-up of the day&apos;s sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.mac_ptc2104499164mac_sh_ptc692372808スポーツデイ(再)スポーツ +SportsdayA round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/BBC_World_News_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg NewsdayLive from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsNewsdayLive from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.NewsdayNews/Current Affairsmac_ptc1299833242mac_sh_ptc264340265ニュースデイニュース/報道 NewsdayLive from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/978X145434.jpg Business TodayBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.News/Current AffairsBusiness TodayBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.Business TodayNews/Current Affairs2024-11-15 17:30:00ビジネストゥデイニュース/報道 @@ -1899,15 +1892,15 @@ The Travel ShowJoin the team on their journey of discovery as they explore the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite destinations.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X851298.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-15 21:00:00[英]BBCニュースニュース/報道 BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg -The Travel ShowIn 2018 Toby Carr set out to sea kayak all 31 areas of the BBC Shipping Forecast - sadly he died before he was able to achieve his goal. Now, his sister Katie takes up the challenge.News/Current AffairsThe Travel ShowThe Travel Show (r)NewsTravel Show: Shipping ForecastIn 2018 Toby Carr set out to sea kayak all 31 areas of the BBC Shipping Forecast - sadly he died before he was able to achieve his goal. Now, his sister Katie takes up the challenge.Travel Show: Shipping Forecast19820101mac_ptc1657212164mac_sh_ptc1157831069[字][英]トラベル・ショー(再) +The Travel ShowIn 2018 Toby Carr set out to sea kayak all 31 areas of the BBC Shipping Forecast - sadly he died before he was able to achieve his goal. Now, his sister Katie takes up the challenge.News/Current AffairsThe Travel ShowThe Travel Show (r)NewsTravel Show: Shipping ForecastIn 2018 Toby Carr set out to sea kayak all 31 areas of the BBC Shipping Forecast - sadly he died before he was able to achieve his goal. Now, his sister Katie takes up the challenge.19820101mac_ptc1657212164mac_sh_ptc1157831069Travel Show: Shipping Forecast[字][英]トラベル・ショー(再) The Travel ShowIn 2018 Toby Carr set out to sea kayak all 31 areas of the BBC Shipping Forecast - sadly he died before he was able to achieve his goal. Now, his sister Katie takes up the challenge.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/978X146398.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-15 22:00:00BBCニュースニュース/報道 BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-15 22:30:00BBCニュースニュース/報道 The Travel ShowJoin the team on their journey of discovery as they explore the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite destinations.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X851298.jpg -BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-15 23:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407372/image/a82d52957ad69ce72ddca5927029cb89.jpg +BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-15 23:00:00BBCニュースニュース/報道 BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg -HARDtalkIn-depth interviews with the world's leading politicians, opinion-formers and key figures from culture, business and sport.News/Current Affairsハード・トーク(再)HARDtalkHARDtalk (r)NewsHARDtalkIn-depth interviews with the world&apos;s leading politicians, opinion-formers and key figures from culture, business and sport.In-depth interviews with the world's leading politicians, opinion-formers and key figures from culture, business and sport.mac_ptc625472475mac_sh_ptc221925702政治的指導者からエンターテイナー、企業の経営責任者から話題となった一般の人まで、多彩なゲストを迎えてお送りするインタビュー番組。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407373/image/7c0e68a72733fbac82e3cd47be1913b2.jpg +HARDtalkIn-depth interviews with the world's leading politicians, opinion-formers and key figures from culture, business and sport.News/Current AffairsHARDtalkHARDtalk (r)NewsHARDtalkIn-depth interviews with the world&apos;s leading politicians, opinion-formers and key figures from culture, business and sport.In-depth interviews with the world's leading politicians, opinion-formers and key figures from culture, business and sport.mac_ptc625472475mac_sh_ptc221925702ハード・トーク(再)ニュース/報道 HARDtalkThis month marks 50 years since 21 people were killed by the IRA in the Birmingham pub bombings. Stephen Sackur spoke to one of those men, Paddy Hill.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/978X145395.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-16 00:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407374/image/396b129ee67331edbe433a4784568701.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg @@ -1923,8 +1916,7 @@ BBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.News/Current AffairsBBCニュース・ナウBBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.BBC News NowNews/Current Affairsmac_ptc267970001mac_sh_ptc263450067ルーシー・ホッキングスがその日の主要な出来事をライブでお届けする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407380/image/20c38c6f96ba4711b8d84a4fc1d39c30.jpg The Travel ShowJoin the team on their journey of discovery as they explore the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite destinations.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X851298.jpg BBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.News/Current AffairsBBCニュース・ナウBBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.BBC News NowNews/Current Affairsmac_ptc136056493mac_sh_ptc263450067ルーシー・ホッキングスがその日の主要な出来事をライブでお届けする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407381/image/45348c823cde30a58d0fac36ab5a2c4f.jpg -BBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X731711.jpg -Business Today - NYSE Opening BellBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from New York and around the world.News/Current Affairs[英]ビジネストゥデイ NYSEオープニングベルBusiness Today - NYSE Opening BellBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from New York and around the world.Business Today: NYSEBusiness Today: NYSENews/Current Affairs2024-11-16 03:30:00ニューヨークをはじめ世界各国から、最新のビジネスニュースや最新情報に基づいた深い分析を届ける。 +Business Today - NYSE Opening BellBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from New York and around the world.News/Current Affairs[英]ビジネストゥデイ NYSEオープニングベルBusiness Today - NYSE Opening BellBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from New York and around the world.Business Today: NYSENews/Current Affairs2024-11-16 03:30:00Business Today: NYSEニューヨークをはじめ世界各国から、最新のビジネスニュースや最新情報に基づいた深い分析を届ける。 Business Today - NYSE Opening BellBusiness Today. Bringing the latest business news and up to date informed analysis from New York and around the world.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X810618.jpg BBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.News/Current Affairs[英]BBCニュース・ナウBBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.BBC News NowNews/Current Affairsmac_ptc2121517137mac_sh_ptc263450067ルーシー・ホッキングスがその日の主要な出来事をライブでお届けする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407383/image/d90286cf1e1ea1fbea979ddd0d445857.jpg BBC News NowAll the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X731711.jpg @@ -1971,7 +1963,7 @@ Ultimate AzerbaijanAs COP29 unfolds in Baku, adventurer Alice Morrison journeys through Azerbaijan, exploring forests where European Bison roam, tracing the Silk Road and discovering culture with a female photographer.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/BBC_World_News_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-16 15:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14409153/image/e9ee8520ba8a68d8a84b99bd951e991e.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg -Life at 50°C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.News/Current Affairs50度の世界~水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水TBALife At 50°C: Water Crisis -South Sudan: Poisoned FloodsLife at 50°C: Water CrisisNewsLife At 50C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.News/Current Affairs2024-11-16 15:30:00Life At 50C: Water Crisis50度の世界〜水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水ドキュメンタリー/教養 +Life at 50°C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.News/Current Affairs50度の世界~水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水TBALife At 50°C: Water Crisis -South Sudan: Poisoned FloodsLife at 50°C: Water CrisisNewsLife At 50C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.News/Current Affairs2024-11-16 15:30:0050度の世界〜水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水ドキュメンタリー/教養Life At 50C: Water Crisis Life at 50 Degrees: South Sudan: Poisoned FloodsExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X852981.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current AffairsBBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-16 16:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14409155/image/7bac4e882b91b6f65374595e4d7c48b7.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg @@ -1984,6 +1976,7 @@ BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current Affairs[英]BBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-16 18:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14409159/image/de3ae81f60b69f434f82c7fe67afed30.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg Unspun World with John SimpsonUnspun World provides an unvarnished version of the week's major global news stories - reliable, honest and essential viewing with the BBC's world affairs editor John Simpson.News/Current Affairs[英]アンスパン・ワールド ジョン・シンプソンUnspun World with John SimpsonJohn Simpson explores the implications of a second Trump term for US foreign policy, the role of Saudi Arabia in the search for stability in the Middle East, and the appeal of South Korean culture.Unspun World With J. SimpsonUnspun World provides an unvarnished version of the week&apos;s major global news stories - reliable, honest and essential viewing with the BBC&apos;s world affairs editor John Simpson.Unspun World With J. SimpsonUnspun World provides an unvarnished version of the week's major global news stories - reliable, honest and essential viewing with the BBC's world affairs editor John Simpson.News/Current Affairs2024-11-16 18:30:00世界の主な出来事を誇張や先入観のない姿勢でストレートに伝えるニュース番組。ジョン・シンプソンが、その豊富な経験と知識をもとに注目すべき国際ニュースを取り上げる。 +Unspun World With John SimpsonUnspun World provides an unvarnished version of the week's major global news stories - reliable, honest and essential viewing with the BBC's world affairs editor, John Simpson.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X622928.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current Affairs[英]BBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101News2024-11-16 19:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14409161/image/d3a657f0670f4f3a0fb7f98a2c1e99e7.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg ClickLara Lewington explores the latest robotics innovation at MIT's CSAIL research laboratory, as Alasdair Keane finds out how satellite technology is used to help with rescue boat missions back on Earth.News/Current AffairsClickClick (R)Lara Lewington explores the latest robotics innovation at MIT's CSAIL research laboratory, as Alasdair Keane finds out how satellite technology is used to help with rescue boat missions back on Earth.ClickLara Lewington explores the latest robotics innovation at MIT&apos;s CSAIL research laboratory, as Alasdair Keane finds out how satellite technology is used to help with rescue boat missions back on Earth.News/Current Affairs2024-11-16 19:30:00クリック(再)https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14409162/image/bfe32a4b2e4151aa11e79623f93eabd3.jpg @@ -2021,7 +2014,7 @@ The Media ShowA global, topical weekly show that lifts the hood on the entertainment and news business. The Media Show explores the companies and personalities who command our attention.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X798629.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC including sport.News/Current Affairs[英]BBCニュースBBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC including sport.BBC News20070101News2024-11-17 04:00:00世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14411576/image/4c80eea4500266352f47676e242b39a6.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X621986.jpg -Life at 50°C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.News/Current Affairs50度の世界~水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水(再)Verified LiveLife At 50°C: Water Crisis (R) -South Sudan: Poisoned FloodsLife at 50°C: Water Crisis (r)NewsLife At 50C: Water CrisisLife at 50°C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.mac_ptc2090644143mac_sh_ptc673865404Life At 50C: Water Crisis50度の世界〜水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水(再)ドキュメンタリー/教養 +Life at 50°C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.News/Current Affairs50度の世界~水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水(再)Verified LiveLife At 50°C: Water Crisis (R) -South Sudan: Poisoned FloodsLife at 50°C: Water Crisis (r)NewsLife At 50C: Water CrisisLife at 50°C: Water CrisisExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.mac_ptc2090644143mac_sh_ptc67386540450度の世界〜水危機:南スーダンの石油汚染と洪水(再)ドキュメンタリー/教養Life At 50C: Water Crisis Life at 50 Degrees: South Sudan: Poisoned FloodsExtreme flooding has affected hundreds of thousands in South Sudan. Now with added fears of oil pollution.Uhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000386X852981.jpg BBC NewsThe latest news from the BBC.News/Current Affairs[英]BBCニュースBBC NewsNewsThe latest news from the BBC.BBC News20070101mac_ptc3538113mac_sh_ptc397518791世界の最新ニュースをお送りする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14411578/image/5060d94359068f788c0491c9e0ca2934.jpg Somalia: From Crisis to RenewalClimate change in Somalia is acting as a kind of "chaos multiplier", making existing conflicts even more acute. So how is the country rising to the challenge?News/Current Affairsソマリア:危機からの再生(再)Somalia: From Crisis to Renewal (r)NewsVerified LiveSomalia: From Crisis To...Somalia: From Crisis to RenewalSomalia: From Crisis To...Climate change in Somalia is acting as a kind of "chaos multiplier", making existing conflicts even more acute. So how is the country rising to the challenge?mac_ptc384914802mac_sh_ptc1749852078ソマリアの気候変動は混乱の増幅要因となり、既存の対立をさらに激化させている。国はどう対処しているのだろうか。 @@ -3025,7 +3018,7 @@ トライステージTVショッピング情報/ワイドショー トライステージTVショッピング情報/ワイドショー 小山薫堂・東京会議 第374回「近距離モビリティをもっと身近に感じてもらいたい」近距離モビリティを身近に感じてもらうための会議を行う情報/ワイドショー -鉄道伝説ドキュメンタリー/教養 +鉄道伝説 第151回「近江鉄道〜上下分離方式で再生を目指せ〜」鉄道の歴史・伝説に迫る人気番組、第13シーズン。今回は、近江鉄道の物語。ドキュメンタリー/教養 太陽とすずの植彩エプロン〜採れたて!都会畑のごちそう〜注目の都市型農業「アーバンファーミング」を徹底調査! 杉浦太陽と山之内すずによる採れたて野菜を使った絶品レシピもご紹介!バラエティ ウメオシ! 伊藤政則のロックTV 第297回世界の著名なミュージシャンたちと広い交友関係をもつ音楽評論家・伊藤政則がお送りする今までになかった新しいタイプの洋楽ロック専門番組!音楽 @@ -3109,7 +3102,7 @@ ウメオシ! [生]ジュエリーナイト11世界から良質なダイヤモンドとカラーストーンを集めて、おしゃれに使えるジュエリーをお求め安い価格でご紹介いたします。情報/ワイドショー 小山薫堂・東京会議 第374回「近距離モビリティをもっと身近に感じてもらいたい」近距離モビリティを身近に感じてもらうための会議を行う情報/ワイドショー -鉄道伝説ドキュメンタリー/教養 +鉄道伝説 第151回「近江鉄道〜上下分離方式で再生を目指せ〜」鉄道の歴史・伝説に迫る人気番組、第13シーズン。今回は、近江鉄道の物語。ドキュメンタリー/教養 太陽とすずの植彩エプロン〜採れたて!都会畑のごちそう〜注目の都市型農業「アーバンファーミング」を徹底調査! 杉浦太陽と山之内すずによる採れたて野菜を使った絶品レシピもご紹介!バラエティ ウメオシ! 伊藤政則のロックTV 第297回世界の著名なミュージシャンたちと広い交友関係をもつ音楽評論家・伊藤政則がお送りする今までになかった新しいタイプの洋楽ロック専門番組!音楽 @@ -3651,7 +3644,7 @@ ウイニング競馬〜東京〜【東京】11R東京スポーツ杯2歳S(GII)【京都】10R近江特別・11RアンドロメダS(L)【福島】11RキビタキS・12R3歳以上1勝クラススポーツ 快適!ショッピングスタジオDXジャパネットたかたテレビショッピング。今だけの期間限定商品をお得に手にする大チャンス!さらに生放送だからできる旬な商品をご紹介します!情報/ワイドショー テレビショッピング便利な商品をお届け情報/ワイドショー -土曜は寅さん!『男はつらいよ 奮闘篇』「わたし寅ちゃんの嫁ッコになるかナ」[映][字]【4Kデジタル修復版】「寅ちゃんの嫁ッコになるかナ」舞いあがる寅に家族は困惑…。天使の歌声のマドンナは榊原るみ。初代マドンナに寅の母も再登場のシリーズ第7作!映画 +土曜は寅さん!『男はつらいよ 奮闘篇』「わたし寅ちゃんの嫁ッコになるかナ」[映][字]【4Kデジタル修復版】「寅ちゃんの嫁ッコになるかナ」舞いあがる寅に家族は困惑…。天使の歌声のマドンナは榊原るみ。初代マドンナに寅の母も再登場のシリーズ第7作!映画https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/sirc/370000/379502/image/e5bbd8fe91f66cf41ef7dfe6bfed7b23.jpg 教えて!ドクター 家族の健康生活習慣病を中心とした病気と主体的に向き合うために必要な情報を木佐彩子と専門医が紐解いていく。 【聞き手】木佐彩子(フリーアナウンサー)情報/ワイドショー ワタシが日本に住む理由【「宝塚に魅せられ移住した」のに…爆笑!豪州女性(秘)生活】[字]『宝塚愛』で移住が…なぜオタク女子に変身▼「宝塚より魅力的!」36歳の推し活生活▼全通・アクスタって何?奥深きオタク世界▼新たな夢「恋人がいなくても…里親に!」ドキュメンタリー/教養 ガイド情報/ワイドショー @@ -3745,7 +3738,7 @@ [解]よしもと新喜劇(2006〜) 迷える狼を救いたまえ笑いどころ満載となっている「よしもと新喜劇」をどうぞお見逃しなく! 出演者:小籔千豊、川畑泰史、烏川耕一、五十嵐サキ、浅香あき恵、青野敏行 ほか (2007年制作)バラエティ 向井長田のくるま温泉ちゃんねる #39ドライブ・温泉・グルメを気ままに楽しむ! プライベート感満載のゆる旅番組です! 出演者:パンサー向井、チョコレートプラネット長田、永山竜樹バラエティ ガッツ100%テレビ〜笑いと愛が企業を救う〜 #134よしもとで今最もガッツがある、ガッツメンバーが「ガッツ100%」で熱く面白く、全国の企業を紹介し、日本を盛り上げます!バラエティ -[字]東西南北よしもと麻雀リーグ season3 #19吉本の麻雀大好き芸人たちが『東西南北』4つのエリアに分かれチームを結成!半年間のリーグ戦に挑戦(br) 笑いあり、奇跡ありのおもしろ麻雀リーグの第3シーズンをご覧あれ! +東西南北よしもと麻雀リーグ season3 #19吉本の麻雀大好き芸人たちが『東西南北』4つのエリアに分かれチームを結成!半年間のリーグ戦に挑戦(br) 笑いあり、奇跡ありのおもしろ麻雀リーグの第3シーズンをご覧あれ! 千原○ニアの○○-1GP #5面白いからを理由に後先考えず無邪気に遊んでいた子供の頃の様に千原○ニアが純粋に面白いと思う企画を全力でやる、お笑い純度100パーセントのバラエティ番組です。バラエティ 千原○ニアの○○-1GP #6面白いからを理由に後先考えず無邪気に遊んでいた子供の頃の様に千原○ニアが純粋に面白いと思う企画を全力でやる、お笑い純度100パーセントのバラエティ番組です。バラエティ 水田信二の注文の多い料理教室 #18和洋の料理店で7年修行した料理人水田が、ゲストの要望にある程度こたえたりこたえなかったりして、悩みを見事解決?する料理を完成させる!バラエティ @@ -3799,7 +3792,7 @@ ティーン・タイタンズGO!#40(二)ロビン、スターファイアー、ビーストボーイ、レイブン、サイボーグ。人気アメコミ「ティーン・タイタンズ」がちびキャラに!抱腹絶倒のギャグアニメシリーズ!アニメ/特撮 トムとジェリー ショー #60(二)<吸血鬼になっちゃった/卵泥棒をやっつけろ/ハロウィンはごちそうだらけ>あのお騒がせコンビ、トムとジェリ―が帰って来た!家族で楽しめるネコとネズミの傑作短編集。アニメ/特撮 トムとジェリー ショー #61(二)<執事コンテスト/メエわくな子ヤギ/ハート泥棒>あのお騒がせコンビ、トムとジェリ―が帰って来た!家族みんなが楽しめるネコとネズミの傑作短編シリーズ。アニメ/特撮 -ティーン・タイタンズ <一挙放送> (二)ティーン・タイタンズ <一挙放送> (二)アニメ/特撮 +ティーン・タイタンズ <一挙放送> (二)2004年11月の日本上陸から20年を迎え今も愛される「ティーン・タイタンズ」!日本上陸20周年を記念し一挙放送!アニメ/特撮 トムとジェリー テイルズ #25(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13363883/S_BC837236686958_b4bd5afd2146419787734ab70339fea8_20241011101740063.jpgトムとジェリー テイルズ #25(二)アニメ/特撮 トムとジェリー テイルズ #26(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13363881/S_BC730359945494_e672c2a004de4276a7fbc0c206a8323c_20241011101739045.jpgトムとジェリー テイルズ #26(二)アニメ/特撮 ケロロ軍曹 #248https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13309631/S_BC661621533424_9a562f56edd24e90be26edfb71203771_20241009160042256.jpgケロロ軍曹 #248アニメ/特撮 @@ -4144,7 +4137,7 @@ [新]町中華で飲ろうぜ#7 錦糸町編一人でも大勢でも気楽な店「各町の中華料理店」を楽しむメシ&飲み&おしゃべり番組/2019年バラエティ [新]町中華で飲ろうぜ#9 荻窪スペシャル一人でも大勢でも気楽な店「各町の中華料理店」を楽しむメシ&飲み&おしゃべり番組/2019年バラエティ インフォメーションインフォメーション情報/ワイドショー -BS日本のうた #264https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13322740/S_BC411358665194_0f690e00bb354efdaec12ca88c34ab6a_20241010103202081.jpgBS日本のうた #264音楽 +BS日本のうた #264【出演】氷川きよし、ささきいさお、浅田あつこ、あさみちゆき、大江裕、大月みやこ、鏡五郎、伍代夏子、松原のぶえ、水森かおり、由紀さおり/2013年音楽 緑川警部VS「33分の勇気」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13328485/S_BC199434688635_8ba3dabec982428e850490de9a958e20_20241010115631592.jpg緑川警部VS「33分の勇気」ドラマ 韓◆ホジュン~伝説の心医~ #31~32<ノーカット字幕版/全135話>https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13320807/S_BC850773792231_c5275ab3da9e47298ae1e6ead2dd98a8_20241010094133045.jpg韓◆ホジュン〜伝説の心医〜 #31〜32<ノーカット字幕版/全135話>ドラマ [新]日本初◆中国ドラマ「長風渡~あなたと綴る、運命の縁~」#22<字幕>https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13295241/S_BC128110356288_7649f927d1ed49d3ac965e829eb5b771_20241009114432421.jpg[新]日本初◆中国ドラマ「長風渡〜あなたと綴る、運命の縁〜」#22<字幕>ドラマ @@ -4306,7 +4299,7 @@ 検事・沢木正夫 第三の容疑者【寺脇康文主演 2時間サスペンス】放送日/15 かつて甲子園を沸かせた男が老夫婦殺害の容疑で逮捕されるが…。出演:寺脇康文 西郷輝彦 渡辺いっけい(13年・115分)ドラマ 検事 沢木正夫2 公訴取消し【寺脇康文主演 2時間サスペンス】放送日/15 小杉健治の推理小説をドラマ化したサスペンス・シリーズ。出演:寺脇康文 嶋田久作 大和田伸也 宅麻伸(14年・120分)ドラマ 日本統一27放送日/1・15 天下統一を志す侠たちの、誇りと仁義が錯綜する大人気任侠シリーズ第27弾!出演:本宮泰風 山口祥行 大沢樹生(18年・82分)映画 -[字]日本統一28https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13213678/S_BC072546559279_98a6668e6f4d4fb9b5d7cad3e79e16a7_20241008094426578.jpg日本統一28映画 +日本統一28放送日/3・15 天下統一を志す侠たちの、誇りと仁義が錯綜する大人気任侠シリーズ第28弾!出演:本宮泰風 山口祥行 大沢樹生(18年・79分)映画 [字]日本統一29https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13213726/S_BC031823868569_7b19c75d7fc14ed4a2cd103e149769cf_20241008094445977.jpg日本統一29映画 スクロール【北村匠海出演】◆NECO初◆https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13213262/S_BC427808268751_5f324dc0427744989667c998f854e29e_20241008093305605.jpgスクロール【北村匠海出演】◆NECO初◆映画 [字]CONNECT 覇者への道 3【山本裕典 北代高士 高岡蒼佑出演】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13182851/S_BC018672444039_94b957a6d8254d4f8a0c8b69882f5c79_20241007101034297.jpgCONNECT 覇者への道 3【山本裕典 北代高士 高岡蒼佑出演】映画放送日/10・15 NBCユニバーサルが最強俳優陣で放つ、新たな任侠シリーズ第三弾。出演:山本裕典 北代高士 高岡蒼佑(24年・75分)https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406861/image/253847d7b844a8251552a55f9b50aa05.jpg @@ -4444,7 +4437,7 @@ [二]CNNニュースルーム日本語同時通訳付。 アメリカと世界の最新ニュースを、アナリストの解説やコメンテーターの意見を交えながら、わかりやすくお伝えします。ニュース/報道 [二]CNNニュースルーム日本語同時通訳付。 アメリカと世界の最新ニュースを、アナリストの解説やコメンテーターの意見を交えながら、わかりやすくお伝えします。ニュース/報道 [二]CNNニュースルームCNNインターナショナルを代表するキャスター、クリスティーナ・マクファーレンとマックス・フォスターが、ロンドンから最新の国際ニュースをお届けします。ニュース/報道 -[ニ]CNN ディス・モーニングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13291628/S_BC175531215134_88067257e54843a98f57f51b7d276492_20241009110053006.jpg[二]CNN ディス・モーニングニュース/報道 +[二]CNN ディス・モーニングケイシー・ハントがお送りするモーニング・ワイド。 バラエティに富んだゲストを交えて、最新ニュースや旬の話題をお伝えします。ニュース/報道 [ニ]CNN ディス・モーニングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13291627/S_BC284692215533_dde288ffca5f4d71a6ec1e1ff6f2ed16_20241009110052361.jpg[二]CNN ディス・モーニングニュース/報道 [ニ]CNN ニュース・セントラルhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13292590/S_BC037930098446_103570c082164b929456da5857b4a444_20241009110428491.jpg[二]CNN ニュース・セントラルニュース/報道 World Sporthttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13298854/S_BC608319748400_35ab5e17c6fa46fba81f76a9aa3fe8c6_20241009124317040.jpgWorld Sportスポーツ @@ -4665,8 +4658,8 @@ 虎膽巍城 #10-14該劇講述了共産党員蕭寒奉上級命令返回故郷望海帶領群衆共同抗日,並在戰鬥中建立和壯大浙東抗日根據地的故事。ドラマ 記住郷愁展播ドキュメンタリー/教養 遠方的家備受歡迎的旅遊欄目。宗旨是行走、體驗、發現,展示中国的自然與人文之美和中国人眼中的世界之美,弘揚深厚的中華文化。ドキュメンタリー/教養 -中国新聞https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13219390/S_BC357315728825_51f9126645874d1bb30c0a9dd1167cc3_20241008102125682.jpg中国新聞ニュース/報道 -中国文芸https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13221509/S_BC408817852461_292f65d66891474e8449005183851de6_20241008103613964.jpg中国文芸バラエティ +中国新聞欄目宗旨是向全球華人傳遞最新、最快、最權威的新聞資訊。ニュース/報道 +中国文芸節目致力將中華芸術精品文化介紹給海内外華人,傾力打造中国伝統和現代芸術的電視伝播平台。バラエティ 中国新聞 [ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13219402/S_BC398420787454_94d409d4c0c846bf9bf3635ae00aca63_20241008102128911.jpg中国新聞 [二]ニュース/報道 アジア・トゥデイ [ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13229803/S_BC172403397326_f5a12ca11be2411a8e3f1a2ebc58e145_20241008112918413.jpgアジア・トゥデイ [二]ニュース/報道 日本新聞 [ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13218285/S_BC317205079789_42c60df4aef345eea21bbb863ef3f944_20241008101424408.jpg日本新聞 [二]ニュース/報道 @@ -4906,7 +4899,7 @@ 7ORDERの青春ダンスバラエティ!◆7ORDER バトルの時間です!! #27ORDERが高校ダンス部員とチームを組み、3on3の熱いバトルを繰り広げる青春ダンスバラエティ!各チームの個性をぶつけ合う!スポーツ 大人の女性のチアダンスエクササイズ第二弾!◆ENJOY!チア☆エクサ2 #5現役Bリーグチアリーダーが教える!チアダンスエクササイズ第二弾!!スポーツ 大人の女性のチアダンスエクササイズ第二弾!◆【終】ENJOY!チア☆エクサ2#6現役Bリーグチアリーダーが教える!チアダンスエクササイズ第二弾!!スポーツ -大人の女性のためのチアダンスエクササイズ!◆ENJOY!チア☆エクサ #1https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13387335/S_BC410361897143_bc7ea54f98b44d51911b90700295add8_20241011161505600.jpg大人の女性のためのチアダンスエクササイズ!◆ENJOY!チア☆エクサ #1スポーツ +大人の女性のためのチアダンスエクササイズ!◆ENJOY!チア☆エクサ #1元Bリーグのチアリーダーが教える!大人の女性のためのチアダンスエクササイズをレクチャー!スポーツ USA ジャパンチアリーディング&ダンス学生新人大会 2023 イースト #3https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13373059/S_BC028153612707_e94c49c0428e447384db01d68ec20d6d_20241011121543207.jpgUSA ジャパンチアリーディング&ダンス学生新人大会 2023 イースト #3スポーツ 人気のヨガ美女レッスン第5弾!◆ヨガから始まる美女の休日シーズン5 #7https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13380769/S_BC643012180429_7d551ed0a3bd4453b4ab6032643f3bc0_20241011150707492.jpg人気のヨガ美女レッスン第5弾!◆ヨガから始まる美女の休日シーズン5 #7スポーツ Kep1er、DRIPPIN、ALICE他◆SHOW CHAMPION #473https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13365669/S_BC664046610239_1914096bc8174c96adb799111d7fcdfb_20241011105114101.jpgKep1er、DRIPPIN、ALICE他◆SHOW CHAMPION #473スポーツ @@ -5103,7 +5096,7 @@ インフォマーシャル(日)通販番組をお届けする30分ドキュメンタリー/教養 【衝撃SP】大惨事の瞬間58(二)衝撃SP 化学薬品庫火災、BMXで崖からのジャンプで何が、航空母艦の戦闘機離陸訓練で何が…。ドキュメンタリー/教養 【アメリカ大統領選挙SP】[新]ミステリー・ウォーターゲート事件(二)アメリカ大統領選挙SP ドン・ワイルドマンが衝撃の政治スキャンダルを調査する。アメリカ大統領の辞任という、前代未聞の事態を招いた事件を追う。ドキュメンタリー/教養 -名車再生!スバル・インプレッサWRX(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13059897/S_BC639416788705_ab2c70fb37014f4a9f365589d6e63f62_20240927113706204.jpg名車再生!スバル・インプレッサWRX(二)ドキュメンタリー/教養 +名車再生!スバル・インプレッサWRX(二)今回はモダンな車を再生。スバルのインプレッサWRX。この車をさらにスピーディーにかっこよくすれば高く売れるに違いない。ドキュメンタリー/教養 オーバーホール:家宝シボレー・ピックアップトラック(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13059962/S_BC556850665364_ee268015e4b140de95969192b3e7d7f9_20240927113757207.jpgオーバーホール:家宝シボレー・ピックアップトラック(二)ドキュメンタリー/教養 戦闘艦大全 S2:ガリオン船と私掠船(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13058656/S_BC007125695390_1dc865a884be45d791171f657312c149_20240927102910661.JPG戦闘艦大全 S2:ガリオン船と私掠船(二)ドキュメンタリー/教養 [新]ミリタリー・モーターズ S11:フォーデン・トラックの修理(二)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13058387/S_BC952782199883_820b4603ec8a42cd805715b4ac5605f3_20240927101835612.jpg[新]ミリタリー・モーターズ S11:フォーデン・トラックの修理(二)ドキュメンタリー/教養 @@ -5314,8 +5307,8 @@ 魔入りました!入間くん 第3シーズン#52堅牢な城を築き収穫祭を戦うピケロ&ゴエモン組。おせっかいとマイペースの2人は昔…。/テントで宴会を行う教師陣。中継で弟子たちを見守るなか、ライバル心に火がつく。アニメ/特撮 ミラキュラス レディバグ&シャノワール#104[二]センチモンスター、ストライクバックと戦うヒーローたち。でも敵に触れるとスーパーパワーがコピーされてしまう。レディバグはアドリアンにイヌのミラキュラスを渡すが…。アニメ/特撮 ミラキュラス レディバグ&シャノワール#105[二]大混乱に陥ったパリ。更にシャドー・モスの新たな姿、モナークはウサギのミラキュラスを使って過去に戻り、レディバグとシャノワールのミラキュラスを手に入れようとする。アニメ/特撮 -スマイルプリキュア!#28https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13165362/S_BC677213671998_a3401ccdfb5649078268fe6db6fadb40_20241004130750848.jpgスマイルプリキュア!#28アニメ/特撮 -ハムスターとグレーテル#9[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13183644/S_BC887516697170_43863434ff7149af8472832515212176_20241007102953767.jpgハムスターとグレーテル#9[二]アニメ/特撮 +スマイルプリキュア!#28私みゆきとなおちゃんのおばけ嫌いを直そうと、きもだめしをすることになったの!おばけなんていないよね…でも、学校では不思議なことが次々と起こって…おばけのしわざ?アニメ/特撮 +ハムスターとグレーテル#9[二]グレーテルが「退屈だ」と口走り家の掃除を命じられる中、ハムスターはヴィランに捕まる。/物を巨大化するヴィランの光線銃が海で暴発。普通のラッコが巨大化してしまう。アニメ/特撮 ボス・ベイビー ファミリー・ミッション[ニ]ボス・ベイビー ファミリー・ミッション[二]映画 ピーターラビット2/バーナバスの誘惑[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13183947/S_BC341023662452_0d1f834e581d432d83072026a634c4b8_20241007103303066.jpgピーターラビット2/バーナバスの誘惑[二]映画 フィニアスとファーブ[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184658/S_BC361368811268_866713a6d10f4985bada39add395ee5f_20241007104553458.jpgフィニアスとファーブ[二]アニメ/特撮 @@ -5610,8 +5603,8 @@ スパイディとすごいなかまたち#51[二]メイおばさんがローラーレースに出場する。するとライノも現れて…。/ドク・オックは、宝石をちりばめたタコの置物を狙うが、目の前でブラックキャットに盗まれてしまう。 ブルーイ#33[二]トリクシーは指を吸うマフィンにエリザベスカラーをつける。/サーカスごっこをするブルーイたち。ヘラクレスも加わるが…。/車でキャンプ場へ。ブルーイは遊びを考える。 ブルーイ#34[二]「便所」と言うブルーイ。ママが「おトイレ」と言って欲しいと伝える。/パパはビンゴの誕生日にアヒル・ケーキを作る。/誕生日なのに逆立ちに挑むビンゴを誰も見ない。 -すすめ! オクトノーツ#46[二][字/日]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13221339/S_BC122056255053_67109cb8cdd94a98be4f68648fa5230c_20241008103452512.jpgすすめ! オクトノーツ#46[二]https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14421965/image/a351cf499fd085051a2c05e74c2ee2f3.jpg -すすめ! オクトノーツ#47[二][字/日]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13221553/S_BC113108202602_142c167bc4184014b3f1b174fd2d24c9_20241008103623017.jpgすすめ! オクトノーツ#47[二]https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14421966/image/31e37adf5d81f2398b347a7fb4df0ad7.jpg +すすめ! オクトノーツ#46[二]オクトノーツはケルプの森に向かっていた。ケルプの森でシェリントンが会わせたい相手がいるという。/ペソはキタユウレイクラゲのレオの健康診断をしていた。だが・・・。 +すすめ! オクトノーツ#47[二]バーナクルズとダシーが、たくさんのペリカンの患者を連れてオクトポッドに戻ってきた。/シュモクザメの子どもを見つけた。親の世話を受けないという子どもたちは・・・。 しゅつどう!パジャマスク#30[二][字/日英]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13219863/S_BC330456397058_7c2c90d051034f628602b588c157939a_20241008102445094.jpgしゅつどう!パジャマスク#30[二]https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14421967/image/a22a4ae853b9b8c795129c4c86ebc971.jpg パグ・パグ・アドベンチャー#80[二][字/日英]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13226902/S_BC232432428102_58cc2adcdeaa43d386fbf27fef53f085_20241008110816882.jpgパグ・パグ・アドベンチャー#80[二]https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14421968/image/b9cec13c17d4565dac7e33b2d589c6b6.jpg ジェイクとネバーランドのかいぞくたち#82[二][字/日英]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13216353/S_BC061708546228_7c1f5860e1b244c0ac06a0c45c489060_20241008100553895.jpgジェイクとネバーランドのかいぞくたち#82[二]https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14421969/image/32e40f07c661cba0c463039e33f5dbdf.jpg @@ -5916,7 +5909,6 @@ おうこくのめいたんてい ミラ#32[二][字/日英]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13197244/S_BC823827714321_a79e01b5b92b410bae9d365800c6cd47_20241007151308205.jpg きんきゅうしゅつどう隊 OSO#58[二][字/日英]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13215639/S_BC377244948723_ce2698170a324cb6af37e3ec0f168439_20241008100311082.jpg ミッキーマウス クラブハウス#66[二][字/日英]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13239092/S_BC421866527042_706b7ac1dba64745a53af0bc02c90ba3_20241008122745409.jpg -GBI特別捜査官 ウィル・トレント シーズン1 #6[字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13121824/S_BC142804535741_25f3998f8ff74ca0a640ca2372931f37_20241002133350229.jpg X-ファイル シーズン6 #1「ビギニング」[字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13122165/S_BC476371200043_aa239087ebd945cc8a7e8ca876eedfa1_20241002134959542.jpg X-ファイル シーズン6 #2「迷走」[字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13122176/S_BC065206478554_e48bb4eec9b54503b2b892e5eefd764c_20241002135013512.jpg [新]ブルーブラッド ~NYPD家族の絆~ シーズン7 #1[字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13100225/S_BC130500325044_c247a56428ad49aeab7a8de5df8268c5_20241001121445319.jpg @@ -6099,7 +6091,7 @@ 歌舞伎◆信州川中島合戦 輝虎配膳 ▼中村梅玉近松門左衛門が享保6年(1721)に書いた五段の時代浄瑠璃で「輝虎配膳」は三段目にあたる義太夫歌舞伎らしい技巧に富んだ一幕。(平成17年6月・歌舞伎座)劇場/公演 歌舞伎◆恋飛脚大和往来 新口村<字幕付> ▼片岡仁左衛門追われる身となった忠兵衛(仁左衛門)と梅川(孝太郎)は、手持ちの金も使い果たしいよいよ死を覚悟する。(平成13年11月・歌舞伎座) 2001年 59分劇場/公演 番組案内[歌舞伎]今後放送される歌舞伎作品をご紹介! 2024年情報/ワイドショー -陽氣な渡り鳥【HD初放送】 ▼美空ひばり、淡島千景https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13108517/S_BC730768026667_7fc0818bec4640c997b1c7f3d631da04_20241001171443540.jpg陽氣な渡り鳥【HD初放送】 ▼美空ひばり、淡島千景映画 +陽氣な渡り鳥【HD初放送】 ▼美空ひばり、淡島千景◆不死鳥 美空ひばり〜永遠の歌姫〜◆ 美空、淡島の初顔合わせが、唄と涙と笑いで描く女劍戟一番乗り初姿! 1952年 84分 モノクロ映画 北京的西瓜 ▼ベンガル、もたいまさこ/監督:大林宣彦https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13108478/S_BC999050207655_6a7f395e69df453dbb6ace9a38f26957_20241001171402763.jpg北京的西瓜 ▼ベンガル、もたいまさこ/監督:大林宣彦映画 韓◆韓チャン!#230韓◆韓チャン!#230バラエティ 韓◆韓音[字]韓◆韓音[字]バラエティ @@ -6258,7 +6250,7 @@ シン・オカルト倶楽部 #29/MC:島田秀平古代文明から超常現象、UFO、怪談、都市伝説…世界の不思議に触れ、様々な“シン”に迫るオカルトトークバラエティー!バラエティ 怪談のシーハナ聞かせてよ。第四章#15◆松阪牛をゲット!詳細はHP(10/1〜)松阪牛が当たるチャンス!詳しくはHPで(10/1〜)/狩野英孝が司会を務める、地上波では披露できないほど怖い、最恐の怪談番組!バラエティ パチンコ頂上決戦!4 〜オリ法vs必勝本〜 #12オカルト攻略のオリ法チームVSボーダー攻略の必勝本チーム。第4弾となる今回も、それぞれの理論を掲げる2チームの目が離せない戦いが始まる! -エハラマサヒロのパチバラ8 #9/相棒はピスタチオ伊地知https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13106841/S_BC191093112982_bce8487463964a4cafc7a662219422cc_20241001160810172.jpgエハラマサヒロのパチバラ8 #9/相棒はピスタチオ伊地知https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14417289/image/41c5f5dcf45762ce9c8ef47e1dc494af.jpg +エハラマサヒロのパチバラ8 #9/相棒はピスタチオ伊地知新メンバーとしてピスタチオ伊地知を迎え更にパワーアップ!今回のテーマは、ガチ感の追求!パチンコ・パチスロ打ちのリアルな日常に迫る! エハラマサヒロのパチバラ8 #10/相棒はピスタチオ伊地知https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13106838/S_BC849001540189_ce87af18c2d84b23b3edc9a06170fa50_20241001160809175.jpgエハラマサヒロのパチバラ8 #10/相棒はピスタチオ伊地知https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14417290/image/3a22e697ba8e1d12aa635881988662e3.jpg 万発・ヤングのわかってもらえるさ #307https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13107930/S_BC931099118744_62c0ba8273384e27a77fc9d352da94fe_20241001164429852.jpg万発・ヤングのわかってもらえるさ #307https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14417291/image/60386ddf5e5464d91305985e36f2014d.jpg 万発・ヤングのわかってもらえるさ #308https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13107928/S_BC846059273125_daa3cfc8870e4ec7bf758543993096a7_20241001164428925.jpg万発・ヤングのわかってもらえるさ #308https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14417292/image/a082fd23cad4cdbe61b5a2f6e7d0f44d.jpg @@ -6430,8 +6422,6 @@ 封印映像70https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13108615/S_BC648315875641_e5416e00ee4043639ec076892e18bda1_20241001171803684.jpg グラっちゃお! 橋本梨菜https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13107960/S_BC535045490584_4b517c35ba2d4b3b979a22ec00f568c0_20241001164904001.jpg パチンコオリ法TV THE BATTLE~運留軍VS珍留軍~ #22https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13107559/S_BC321274952373_b868e26a7389471f82c2862484f5527f_20241001163051551.jpg -吸血温泉へようこそhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13101450/S_BC685116207278_93a4768ccce24df8a414b2d86f5f05b3_20241001124025856.jpg -ガイド8分 新婦調教 ガイド9分 女教師放 課後の秘密 @@ -6883,7 +6873,7 @@ 【FV CLASSIC】Troutist Dream アラスカ シルバーサーモン2過去釣りビジョンで放送した名作、記憶に残る名人たちの番組をお届けします。当時を知る人も知らない人も想いを馳せてご覧ください。 チヌ道一直線 127 的矢湾・畔蛸!秋のかかり釣り127回目の『チヌ道一直線』は、番組初登場となる的矢湾・畔蛸(あだこ)が舞台。中・小型が主体の数釣り期に、秋の良型チヌを求めた。 熱愛!サカナ図鑑 9 〜ハゼ〜サカナを愛する者が集まると話が止まらなくなる。普段交わることが少ない人たちが集いサカナ愛に溢れたトークを繰り広げる。今回のテーマは都市河川でも身近な「ハゼ」。 -G WORLD 38 高知県鵜来島の巨大尾長グレhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13311267/S_BC009322024699_fdd00914d2d0481491b74e8206b87dea_20241009165101516.jpgG WORLD 38 高知県鵜来島の巨大尾長グレ海面下に巨大尾長グレが浮いてくる全国でも珍しい釣り場、高知県沖ノ島・鵜来島海域。様々な磯釣り師が挑み続けてきたこの海域に、西森と北村がタッグを組み挑戦する! +G WORLD 38 高知県鵜来島の巨大尾長グレ海面下に巨大尾長グレが浮いてくる全国でも珍しい釣り場、高知県沖ノ島・鵜来島海域。様々な磯釣り師が挑み続けてきたこの海域に、西森と北村がタッグを組み挑戦する! せとうち!ツリキャス 7 香川県 タチウオ釣りhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13319980/S_BC789708894307_07529ae781614cf4a3d152610ecd0e5b_20241010091414725.jpgせとうち!ツリキャス 7 香川県 タチウオ釣り今回お邪魔したのは、うどん県として有名な香川県高松エリア。ゆっきーは、近年秋口からの人気ターゲットとなっているタチウオを狙います。 [新]剛海 2 沖縄の泳がせカンパチhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13128239/S_BC572344141380_7892e6aa888f4cf9965fcaaddcc886a9_20241002173403429.jpg[新]剛海 2 沖縄の泳がせカンパチ強さとしなやかさを兼ね備えたロッドで大物や旬の魚とファイトを繰り広げる新番組『剛海』。使用するロッドは“剛樹”。ロッド作りの中心となっている弦巻海謙が主人公だ。 [新]フライギャラリー 宮城県荒雄川C&R区間https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13127987/S_BC926314597290_d809e9239531494ebb1752daffd149ed_20241002173059965.jpg[新]フライギャラリー 宮城県荒雄川C&R区間今回は、フライフィッシングの次世代を担う友大郎と渓亮の杉坂ブラザーズが登場。舞台となるのは、兄弟が初めて訪れるという宮城県北西部の荒雄川C&R区間。 @@ -7065,7 +7055,7 @@ 9-1-1: LA救命最前線 シーズン6 #2「衝突と学び」[字]庭に穴を掘るジリスを退治しようと、ある男が庭を爆発させる。だが穴を掘っていた犯人は…。一方、昏睡状態となった父親を見舞うため、アシーナはボビーとともに実家へ。ドラマ インフォメーション[日]インフォメーション GBI特別捜査官 ウィル・トレント シーズン1 #5[字]「ザ・ルック・アウト」アメフトの元花形選手が強盗に襲われ、彼の妻が撃たれた事件を捜査するウィルとフェイス。一見単純な事件と思われたが…。ドラマ -GBI特別捜査官 ウィル・トレント シーズン1 #6[字]「シュド・アイ・ゴー・ゲット・マイ・ティン・フォイル・ハット」何者かに尾行されていると言うジェレミーの父親チャールズ。ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14419165/image/7b99aa4ca2600e7b37a72f1289386b88.jpg +GBI特別捜査官 ウィル・トレント シーズン1 #6[字]「シュド・アイ・ゴー・ゲット・マイ・ティン・フォイル・ハット」何者かに尾行されていると言うジェレミーの父親チャールズ。ドラマ X-ファイル シーズン6 #1「ビギニング」[字]オフィス火災後、モルダーは書類の修復を始める。だがモルダーとスカリーはXファイル担当から外されてしまう。見かねたスキナーは、ある事件のファイルをモルダーに渡す。ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14419166/image/e4bbb7167acd959ee2fa47095d7a4831.jpg X-ファイル シーズン6 #2「迷走」[字]モルダーとスカリーはXファイルから外され、国内テロ対策として肥料を購入した農家の聞き込み捜査をしていた。そんな折、ネバダ州である男が、警察とカーチェイスを展開。ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14419167/image/3f008982b081b50fac642b2d524e0d97.jpg [新]ブルーブラッド 〜NYPD家族の絆〜 シーズン7 #1[字]「大いなる正義」TV初!『私立探偵マグナム』のトム・セレック主演。3世代にわたりNY市警察官として勤めるレーガン一家が事件に立ち向かう人気シリーズ第7弾。ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14419168/image/f3201e01d0df49bc87c58ddd69d963b7.jpg @@ -7118,7 +7108,7 @@ パチンコLAB 〜12th season〜 #16出玉にこだわらない新しい楽しみ方を追求する新感覚パチンコバラエティ! <出演>木村魚拓 青山りょう ロギー パチスロ(旅) #74「長崎編(2)」「長崎編(2)」 <出演>桜井誠(Dragon Ash/ATOM ON SPHEREドラマー)、射駒タケシ(パチスロ必勝本/パチスロ7ライター) パチスロ(旅) #75「長崎編(3)」「長崎編(3)」 <出演>桜井誠(Dragon Ash/ATOM ON SPHEREドラマー)、射駒タケシ(パチスロ必勝本/パチスロ7ライター) -超特急のふじびじスクール! #1https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13256074/S_BC918673707242_b2c707d8212a406db49c0cb70fee26a4_20241008171200578.JPG超特急のふじびじスクール! #1音楽 +超特急のふじびじスクール! #1地上波未公開映像部分を30分加えた豪華1時間版!絵本アプリを使ってメンバーがイケボで読み聞かせ?超特急意識調査ではマサヒロが食へのこだわりを話す!音楽 超特急のふじびじスクール! #2https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13256075/S_BC517321297731_8495c2c72ff54fc0a02f9fe02cfd1be6_20241008171201806.JPG超特急のふじびじスクール! #2音楽 スパイストラベラー #35 第35話「幸せの味のもとへ集合さ」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13247430/S_BC949407943048_f5fa333abffd4172a3d9e8d835e4b64d_20241008144525213.jpgスパイストラベラー #35 第35話「幸せの味のもとへ集合さ」バラエティ スパイストラベラー #36 第36話「心の壁、愛の橋」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13247431/S_BC051486735458_3c866f15d2614f11b95d20b0b1f4c5de_20241008144526491.jpgスパイストラベラー #36 第36話「心の壁、愛の橋」バラエティ @@ -7250,7 +7240,7 @@ 笑う犬の生活 −YARANEVA!!− #11「ミツコと小松君」「ミル姉さん」「笑福亭鶴瓶」「小須田部長の引っ越し」 <出演>内村光良 ネプチューン ほか (地上波放送日 1998年12月23日)バラエティ 笑う犬の生活 −YARANEVA!!− #12「笑う犬の正月」「笑う犬の正月」小須田部長スペシャル/テリーとドリー/ボクサー ほか <出演>内村光良 ネプチューン ほか (地上波放送日 1999年1月1日)バラエティ 全力!脱力タイムズ #127  新感覚の脱力ニュースバラエティ!<ゲスト>山本舞香 長田庄平(チョコレートプラネット) <全力解説員>吉川美代子 岸博幸 齋藤孝 (地上波放送日 2019年7月19日)バラエティ -つば九郎のカンペDEトーク #58~#62 ディレクターズカット版https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250566/S_BC145601744928_6dc446f5f9f746f485091c5b709d367e_20241008153449706.jpegつば九郎のカンペDEトーク #58〜#62 ディレクターズカット版スポーツ +つば九郎のカンペDEトーク #58〜#62 ディレクターズカット版<ゲスト>真中満 館山昌平 秋吉亮 <MC>つば九郎 西山喜久恵 ▽つば九郎が得意のカンペで鋭く切り込む!スポーツ SWALLOWS BASEBALL L!VE 2024 ヤクルト×日本ハム(再)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13248453/S_BC365739886358_d8a120b638d24be19deca507be5ed2ff_20241008151247444.jpgSWALLOWS BASEBALL L!VE 2024 ヤクルト×日本ハム(再)スポーツ ゴリパラ見聞録 #329「熊本県・大観峰からの景色を激写する旅」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13085369/S_BC240701596978_34ef8f219bd940d1bb9c9087170869cf_20240930144149974.jpgゴリパラ見聞録 #329「熊本県・大観峰からの景色を激写する旅」バラエティ [生]オールナイトe! season20    新世代ゲーム実況番組!https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13122675/S_BC186423350528_66efa63ddad340ce9ce21cc78b748545_20241002141213464.jpg[生]オールナイトe! season20    新世代ゲーム実況番組!肌寒い夜はお部屋でゲーム三昧!薄着の女子たちによる新世代ゲーム生実況番組!!! <出演>彩川ひなの 桜りん 藤井マリー 山田あい 西本莉美 【生放送】https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14426583/image/cfd0121672d4605a944d02ad76722d93.jpgバラエティ @@ -7446,7 +7436,7 @@ ワンピース 女ヶ島編 #8第415話「ハンコックの告白 姉妹の忌わしき過去」 (地上波放送日 2009年8月30日) <原作>尾田栄一郎 <声の出演>田中真弓 ほかアニメ/特撮 ワンピース 女ヶ島編 #9第416話「エースを救え!新たな目的地は大監獄」 (地上波放送日 2009年9月6日) <原作>尾田栄一郎 <声の出演>田中真弓 ほかアニメ/特撮 救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #8   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描く第8話「運命的な出会い」 <出演>江口洋介 松雪泰子 伊藤英明 須藤理彩 田畑智子 小日向文世 渡辺いっけい ほか (地上波放送日 2001年8月21日)ドラマ -救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #9   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13251623/S_BC629057180622_9a33ad61737d4ae6b00b1329fccb6afe_20241008154251725.jpg救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #9   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くドラマ +救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #9   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描く第9話「君の手を握ってる」 <出演>江口洋介 松雪泰子 伊藤英明 須藤理彩 田畑智子 小日向文世 渡辺いっけい ほか (地上波放送日 2001年8月28日)ドラマ 救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #10   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13251616/S_BC332321172506_dd07ad89d89e4b019b81e73aa68dc43b_20241008154246207.jpg救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #10   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くドラマ 救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #11   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13251632/S_BC216558797272_2d1c76224cdb4ac990078a5017e79b86_20241008154258479.jpg救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #11   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くドラマ 救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #12   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13251628/S_BC537204638755_b45c787a7bfa46bab48d03c431a44e97_20241008154255515.jpg救命病棟24時 第2シリーズ #12   救命救急医たちの活躍と葛藤を描くドラマ @@ -8167,7 +8157,7 @@ ダイヤモンドコレクション世界中から直接仕入れた厳選ダイアモンドを使い、GSTVプライスのジュエリーを実現!GSTVのダイヤモンドジュエリーをお楽しみください。情報/ワイドショー 鼈甲・琥珀ジュエリージェムショッピング情報/ワイドショー カットバリエーションアワージェムショッピング情報/ワイドショー -ファンシーチェーンコレクションファンシーチェーンコレクション情報/ワイドショー +ファンシーチェーンコレクション世界で活躍するチェーン屋さんがこだわりのチェーンだけでなく、ピアスにバングル、コインジュエリーなどもお届けします!情報/ワイドショー ブラウンダイヤモンドコレクションブラウンダイヤモンドコレクション情報/ワイドショー カジュアルコーディネートジュエリーカジュアルコーディネートジュエリー情報/ワイドショー Destiny PearlsDestiny Pearls情報/ワイドショー @@ -8329,8 +8319,8 @@ 古代の宇宙人S10 #122&#123[二]『#122 神々の巨大都市/#123 宇宙人の周波数』 宇宙人に関する目撃情報や現象を取り上げ、地球における宇宙人の存在を新たな方向から掘り下げる。ドキュメンタリー/教養 まんが日本史 #32 鉄砲の伝来−キリスト教と西洋技術−『#32 鉄砲の伝来−キリスト教と西洋技術−』 1543年、九州の種子島に流れ着いたポルトガル人が所持していた鉄砲により、鉄砲は武器として瞬く間に広まる。 <全52話>アニメ/特撮 【MADE IN USA】バトル360〜空母エンタープライズの戦い〜 #8[二]『#8 太平洋のD-デイ』 エンタープライズはサイパンで最大規模の戦いを援護し、フィリピンへ。「マリアナの七面鳥撃ち」と呼ばれた戦いで日本軍を一掃する。 <全10話> -【にっぽんの歴史】THE歴史列伝(福澤諭吉)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13342583/S_BC142360581066_45befe9b064b4e4c8e8a74eeef3f2f05_20241010155152385.jpg【にっぽんの歴史】THE歴史列伝(福澤諭吉)ドキュメンタリー/教養 -【無料】ルネサンス新世界 #41 社会活動家・半田晴久https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13346126/S_BC226159066798_2342d6c83f5a4b36a8201386bc2ae1f4_20241010170539579.jpgルネサンス新世界 #41 社会活動家・半田晴久ドキュメンタリー/教養 +【にっぽんの歴史】THE歴史列伝(福澤諭吉)『学問のすゝめ 福澤諭吉』 学問の意義を説き啓蒙したその根幹には幼少時代に体験した門閥制度に対する怒りがあった。生涯在野を貫いた近代教育の祖・諭吉の人生に迫る!ドキュメンタリー/教養 +ルネサンス新世界 #41 社会活動家・半田晴久『#41 社会活動家・半田晴久』 世界中で社会貢献を精力的に続けている人物・半田晴久。その理念に共感した世界の著名人をご紹介します。ドキュメンタリー/教養 ザ・ユニバース~宇宙の歴史~S3 #42 第二の地球[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13344667/S_BC941822739054_c8b2fb576ecd4321bf2dfc704ffa0023_20241010164213170.jpgザ・ユニバース〜宇宙の歴史〜S3 #42 第二の地球[二]ドキュメンタリー/教養 [初][新]ジョン・F・ケネディ #2 第二次世界大戦(1940~1946)[字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13342829/S_BC360773045164_567683d5e3b542c5bf100bb128478467_20241010155955969.jpg[初][新]ジョン・F・ケネディ #2 第二次世界大戦[字]https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407516/image/658aa1cbd1bf6bb87bf0d130ccee1e03.jpg 古代の宇宙人S15 #221 第五種接近遭遇[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13346692/S_BC960427179639_6362e8f93d7843e1bff14941161b67e7_20241010172447062.jpg古代の宇宙人S15 #221 第五種接近遭遇[二]ドキュメンタリー/教養 @@ -8507,7 +8497,7 @@ インフォメーション通販情報番組情報/ワイドショー 鬼平犯科帳第3シリーズ#10 ▼中村吉右衛門/原作:池波正太郎#10「網虫のお吉」 圧倒的な人気を誇っている吉右衛門版「鬼平」シリーズの第3弾! 1991年 47分 全19話ドラマ 必殺渡し人#2 ▼高峰三枝子#2「秘密の宴で渡します」 中村雅俊と高峰三枝子で贈る必殺シリーズの第20弾!“三途の川の渡し人”が江戸の街の極悪人を闇から闇に始末する! 1983年 47分 全13話ドラマ -【中国時代劇】少年歌行~Beginning of the Legend~#29[字]【日本初放送】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13096802/S_BC041659425204_10c4479eecae4b408387d5f87527cea2_20241001101218608.jpg【中国時代劇】少年歌行〜Beginning of the Legend〜#29[字]ドラマ +【中国時代劇】少年歌行〜Beginning of the Legend〜#29[字]【日本初】▼リー・ホンイー 中国全土に旋風を巻き起こした、極上のブロマンス×ファンタジー時代劇! 2022年 中国 45分 全40話ドラマ 【中国時代劇】少年歌行~Beginning of the Legend~#30[字]【日本初放送】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13096811/S_BC131451619233_fbc386a55ff9410ebd8e9839d82f4527_20241001101230006.jpg【中国時代劇】少年歌行〜Beginning of the Legend〜#30[字]ドラマ 韓◆今からショータイム#11[字]【ノーカット版】 ▼パク・ヘジンhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13097085/S_BC853890170558_dae85f9ccdb8414ab103f2b2d30e77e2_20241001102008677.jpg韓◆今からショータイム#11[字]【ノーカット版】 ▼パク・ヘジンドラマ 韓◆今からショータイム#12[字]【ノーカット版】 ▼パク・ヘジンhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13097095/S_BC548787349369_451e1013a66345b198af9eb2eec428f5_20241001102016654.jpg韓◆今からショータイム#12[字]【ノーカット版】 ▼パク・ヘジンドラマ @@ -8682,8 +8672,8 @@ 囲碁)パンダネット囲碁講座「実戦死活 この石どうなる?」No.7〜9パンダネット囲碁講座「実戦死活 この石どうなる?」No.7〜9 この石どうなる? 実戦から… ほか 講 師:山田規三生九段 アシスタント:佃 亜紀子五段 囲碁)囲碁AIアナリシス 第62期 十段戦No.11挑戦手合第2局 芝野虎丸十段 vs 井山裕太王座 対局日:2024年3月25日 解 説:王 銘エン九段 聞き手:矢野瑞季 囲碁)首藤 瞬の囲碁上級講座「すぐに使えるAI布石」No.7〜9ハサミに手抜き(1) ほか 解 説:首藤 瞬七段 聞き手:下田和美 -囲碁)Let'sチャレンジ詰碁 No.271https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13233213/S_BC344870073821_310aeb587c734f01843e251ed12efac7_20241008115438601.png囲碁)Let'sチャレンジ詰碁 No.271https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14432083/image/48594eb509ce9cfae6c3aa425fc3d9db.jpg -囲碁)挑戦!テレビ囲碁認定 No.1263https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13232824/S_BC221103472705_1fc710e6c45b42fc95de8b50653c1d7e_20241008115308922.png囲碁)挑戦!テレビ囲碁認定 No.1263https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14432084/image/414d8d17a223825da3bcc853948ab43e.jpg +囲碁)Let'sチャレンジ詰碁 No.271Let'sチャレンジ詰碁 #271 +囲碁)挑戦!テレビ囲碁認定 No.1263番組進行:中島美絵子三段 ★解答応募〆切日★ 令和06年11月16日(土) 消印有効 囲碁)囲碁ドラフト戦2015https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13233175/S_BC407651161723_ce234a9c8a5141f79b028278be190ec9_20241008115428587.png囲碁)囲碁ドラフト戦2015https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14432085/image/82fdaa4144ceffdae8ab2ff9ca307ef9.jpg 囲碁)Let'sチャレンジ詰碁 No.92https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13233190/S_BC165916617193_5bc6612954fe4c1e8394ea8034ccd204_20241008115433227.png囲碁)Let'sチャレンジ詰碁 No.92https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14432086/image/1b174d515ab8c4d8f8b633c9058bba90.jpg 将棋)[増田康宏特集]第27期 銀河戦https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13235867/S_BC585917495241_5795abb666a1437db6ec18eede7427bf_20241008120643139.png将棋)[増田康宏特集]第27期 銀河戦https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14432087/image/6e6f7c0ef26bada75d3e3e14077004ce.jpg @@ -8918,7 +8908,7 @@ インフォメーションインフォメーションをお送りします情報/ワイドショー 人を集めて解決しよう!驚きのアイデア こちらJ:COM安心安全課〜人手不足編〜▽東京都板橋区/現役世代を獲得する挑戦▽宮城県仙台市/消防団に若者を呼び込む秘策は…?? ほか全国から7事例を紹介情報/ワイドショー ふくあじ ▽大阪・島本町「鮮酔丸」/宮城・富谷「和食 緒」ほか▼「料理の鉄人」構成、映画「おくりびと」脚本などを手掛け、くまモンの生みの親でもある小山薫堂監修のグルメ番組。▼食を通じた心のふれあいをお届けします。情報/ワイドショー -居酒屋秀ちゃん ▽大田区のスポーツクラブがアツい!街を愛する地元の人々が集う居酒屋を舞台に、大将の中山秀征がお客様の人生観や地元愛を伺います。今回は葛飾区と大田区からのお客様です。バラエティhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14321581/image/94f27c173a8033ff1d2fc978650f35aa.jpg +居酒屋秀ちゃん ▽大田区のスポーツクラブがアツい!街を愛する地元の人々が集う居酒屋を舞台に、大将の中山秀征がお客様の人生観や地元愛を伺います。今回は葛飾区と大田区からのお客様です。バラエティ ジモトトピックス・プラス ▽11月11日(月)〜11月15日(金)東京エリア地元のニュースや話題のほかお得な情報をプラスしておとどけ!▼【東京ビッグサイト】地方銀行フードセレクション▼【千代田区】澄和Futurist賞表彰式▼ほかニュース/報道 新素適音楽館日本の財産である森林・木材の利用について先進的な事例を紹介する番組。音楽 お天気&LIVEカメラお天気情報や定点カメラによる地域の映像、J:COMからのお知らせなど、様々な情報をお届けします。ニュース/報道 @@ -9031,7 +9021,7 @@ テレビショッピング情報/ワイドショー 世界の船旅▼海の幸を満喫!アメリカ東海岸の旅 アメリカ,カナダ陽気なカジュアル客船カーニバル・グローリーで巡るアメリカとカナダの旅。幅広い世代に人気でアメリカ東海岸からカナダの港町まで美味しいシーフードと歴史を堪能します。 テレビショッピング情報/ワイドショー -京都◆不動産の魅力/大人の趣味とライフスタイル国際的な観光都市、京都。観光としての魅力以外に実は不動産投資としての魅力がありました。希少性・将来性に裏付けられた驚きの実態とその魅力を現役オーナーに密着取材!https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14262468/image/fb19dad92186455f12650ecc974870fc.jpg +京都◆不動産の魅力/大人の趣味とライフスタイル国際的な観光都市、京都。観光としての魅力以外に実は不動産投資としての魅力がありました。希少性・将来性に裏付けられた驚きの実態とその魅力を現役オーナーに密着取材! テレビショッピング情報/ワイドショー 【歴史番組】偉人・敗北からの教訓▼毛利輝元・破られた家康との約束関ヶ原の戦いで西軍総大将を務めた毛利輝元。家康と所領安堵の約束を交わし、和議を結ぶが、戦後、その約束は破られてしまう。輝元が所領を守られなかった理由とは?https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14262470/image/bd2ea9226e6688ec67d419c9dda25d73.jpg 坊さん弁護士・郷田夢栄(ごうだむえい)17才の殺人者▼萩原健一、宮本真希商事会社社長の藤崎が刺殺。殺人の容疑にかけられたのは17歳の高校生。「俺が殺した」と主張する彼の弁護を引き受けたのは坊さん弁護士郷田夢栄。お経とともに謎も解く!ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14262471/image/2f4c15c69d6466169ddff7e746d7602d.jpg @@ -9101,7 +9091,7 @@ 助け人走る #5「御生命大切」 出演:田村高廣/中谷一郎/山村聰 人助けのためなら殺しも厭わない「裏」の顔の持つ「助け人」の活躍を描く。(1973年・全36話)ドラマ 破れ奉行 #22「死神が乗った流人船」 出演:萬屋錦之介/大谷直子/ミヤコ蝶々 鯨舟で悪党のもとへ乗り込む錦之介の勇姿に興奮必至!(1977年・全39話)ドラマ 吉宗評判記 暴れん坊将軍 #59 ◆松平健/岡田奈々第59回「賭けた命が纒に燃える」本編47分 -1978〜1982年・全207話- 出演:松平健/北島三郎/春川ますみ 他 ゲスト:岡田奈々ドラマ -名奉行 遠山の金さん 第5部 #9https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13118042/S_BC222226373197_37d83680d55c4464ae5419bb44ed1274_20241002115340552.jpg名奉行 遠山の金さん 第5部 #9ドラマ +名奉行 遠山の金さん 第5部 #9「花嫁に化けた女目明し」 出演:松方弘樹/池上季実子/石立鉄男 ゲスト:大沢逸美 歴代金さん屈指の立ち回りも必見!(1993年・全31話)ドラマ 五瓣の椿 2(完結編)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13084574/S_BC005211377728_fbb491d774bf49dda932ad646d367d26_20240930132247398.jpg五瓣の椿 2(完結編)ドラマ 上意討ち ◆山本周五郎原作 渡瀬恒彦https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13084842/S_BC503771669510_e1f173f7e49443589c89171f1095bea9_20240930135448354.jpg上意討ち ◆山本周五郎原作 渡瀬恒彦ドラマ 悪党狩り #3【新・藤沢周平劇場】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13063263/S_BC222426194390_f4361544a5734fbe84dcf2482c62335e_20240927132217671.jpg悪党狩り #3【新・藤沢周平劇場】ドラマ @@ -10084,7 +10074,7 @@ みんなのうた「僕らはいきものだから」/「太陽のカーニバル」「僕らはいきものだから」うた:緑黄色社会/「太陽のカーニバル」うた:大江裕音楽 ニュース・気象情報[字]ニュース/報道 大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[字]【解説】正面(十両)…熊ヶ谷(元玉飛鳥),【アナウンサー】正面(十両)…三輪洋雄 〜福岡国際センターから中継〜スポーツ -大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)(4:10)「幕内取組」 【解説】正面(幕内)…湊川(元貴景勝),向正面(幕内)…中村(元嘉風)ほかスポーツ +大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]3大関でただ一人6連勝は豊昇龍!きょうは阿炎と!一敗の琴櫻は熱海富士!新大関大の里は宇良と▽先場所引退した元大関貴景勝の湊川親方が初めて放送席で出演!!!スポーツ ニュース[二][字]ニュース/報道 所さん!事件ですよ 1個300万の桃!?驚きフルーツ最新事情[字]1つ100万円を超える高額フルーツが続々と登場している理由は?来年はオレンジジュースが飲めなくなる!?「肉」の代わりとして期待される果物は?衝撃のフルーツ最前線情報/ワイドショー 大河ドラマ「光る君へ」2分ダイジェスト(43)輝きののちに[字]三条天皇(木村達成)に異変を感じて、道長(柄本佑)は譲位を迫るも、受け入れられない。その頃、まひろ(吉高由里子)は越後から帰京した父・為時(岸谷五朗)と再会し…ドラマ @@ -10228,7 +10218,7 @@ マツコ&有吉 かりそめ天国 この冬食べたい世界の絶品鍋!ブラマヨ小杉が徹底調査[字]この冬に食べたい世界の鍋3選!韓国人気店の新感覚の海鮮鍋&スイス風しゃぶしゃぶ&ネパール絶品の宮廷料理を調査!◇空港グルメの誘惑に有マツ嘆き…バラエティ ABC天気予報各地の天気、気温、週間予報などをお伝えします。ニュース/報道 ミュージックステーション アイドルSP!明菜&小泉今日子カバー!J.Y. Park×NiziU[字]最強アイドル大集合SP!聖子・嵐・モー娘…アイドル貴重映像BEST10!現役アイドルが明菜&小泉今日子の名曲カバー!オーディション話題timelesz!J.Y. Park×NiziUコラボ音楽 -報道ステーション[字]社会保険の壁どうなる…厚労省部会でも議論へ▽大谷翔平にMLBが栄誉…今年も受賞ラッシュへ▽超速報…W杯最終予選▽秋雨で気温ダウン…台風25号はニュース/報道 +報道ステーション “トクリュウ”のリーダーか…マンション侵入容疑で逮捕[字]社会保険の壁どうなる…厚労省部会でも議論▽大谷翔平にMLBが栄誉…今年も受賞ラッシュ▽超速報…W杯最終予選▽秋雨で気温ダウン…台風25号はニュース/報道 港時間[字]透き通るような伊良部の海。伊良部の海も陸も愛し、カニ漁を通じ、自然を愛する大切さを伝える“港時間”とは…。ドキュメンタリー/教養 探偵!ナイトスクープ【緊急事態】排水溝に落ちた最愛のペット「のろ太」を救え![解][字]今週も3つの依頼に応えて笑いを届けます▽風呂場の排水溝に落ちた「のろ太」を救え!▽子どもが親をおんぶすると…親はどんな気持ちになる?▽ナマケモノの爪を切りたい!?バラエティ探偵!ナイトスクープ【緊急事態】排水溝に落ちた最愛のペット「のろ太」を救え![解][字]バラエティ ザキ山小屋 別館毎月第二金曜深夜放送の番組『ザキ山小屋』のメンバー達が、話のネタに使える「クイズ!今バズりまくりのこれな〜に!?」で盛り上がる(第二金曜は今日のハイライトです)バラエティザキ山小屋 別館バラエティ @@ -10368,7 +10358,7 @@ 出没!アド街ック天国【駒場東大前】もうひとつの東大がある街は日本一の頭脳集積地[字]本郷だけじゃない!渋谷のお隣にあるもうひとつの東大の街【駒場東大前】一大イベント“駒場祭”も来週開催!田んぼ&東洋一の邸宅ある異空間☆芸能人多数出没の隠れ美食店情報/ワイドショー たこるくんテレビ大阪のキャラクター「たこるくん」が番組の紹介をする。情報/ワイドショー 新美の巨人たち【三島喜美代「愛しきゴミのかたち」なぜゴミがアートに!?】[字]▼浪花の元気なオバアチャン、三島喜美代は“ゴミ”を作り続けた人です▼しかしそのゴミ、実は比類なきアート。どうやって作ったのか?超絶技巧の秘密に迫ります。 -スポーツ リアライブ〜SPORTS Real&Live〜“アスリートやその試合に秘められた「Real」を伝え、スポーツの「Live」が体感できる番組”をコンセプトに、野球・サッカー・五輪種目などを独自目線でお届けします!スポーツ +スポーツ リアライブ▽受賞ラッシュ!大谷翔平▽卓球伊藤美誠の第二章に密着▽受賞ラッシュ!ドジャース大谷翔平▽卓球伊藤美誠の第二章に密着▽松山英樹が出場!国内男子ゴルフ▽バスケットボールNBA八村塁スポーツ BLEACH 千年血戦篇-相剋譚-33話「GATE OF THE SUN」[字]霊王宮を塗りつぶすかのように『真世界城』を創り上げたユーハバッハ。一護たちは城に向かい動き始めるが、そこにアスキン・ナックルヴァールが姿を見せる。アニメ/特撮 サタデーナイトJ最新のビジュアルイメージでお届けするJリーグ応援番組がスタート!!最も熱く盛り上がった試合を中心に解説者独自の視点や情報で分かりやすく、深く、魅力を伝える30分ですスポーツ ぴったり にちようチャップリン★世界へ羽ばたけ!チャップリン的ゴットタレント[字]▼たんぽぽ白鳥&チェリー吉武…夫婦ネタ ▼R1王者アキラ100%&愉快な仲間達 ▼RGが全世界に届けたいニッポンの笑い ▼千鳥・井戸田潤・田中卓志…爆笑と困惑バラエティ @@ -10479,7 +10469,7 @@ みんなのうた「僕らはいきものだから」/「太陽のカーニバル」「僕らはいきものだから」うた:緑黄色社会/「太陽のカーニバル」うた:大江裕音楽 ニュース・気象情報[字]ニュース/報道 大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[字]【解説】正面(十両)…熊ヶ谷(元玉飛鳥),【アナウンサー】正面(十両)…三輪洋雄 〜福岡国際センターから中継〜スポーツ -大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)(4:10)「幕内取組」 【解説】正面(幕内)…湊川(元貴景勝),向正面(幕内)…中村(元嘉風)ほかスポーツ +大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]3大関でただ一人6連勝は豊昇龍!きょうは阿炎と!一敗の琴櫻は熱海富士!新大関大の里は宇良と▽先場所引退した元大関貴景勝の湊川親方が初めて放送席で出演!!!スポーツ ニュース[二][字]ニュース/報道 ほっと関西サタデー ▽兵庫太子町を親子旅 ▽淡路名物タコの姿焼き ▽絶品柿の酢2府4県お得情報▽JR「網干駅」最寄りの兵庫太子町を近藤由紀が親子旅▽豪快!淡路名物タコの姿焼き▽草津のデパ地下「柿の酢」▽だるまランタン▽モンスターエンジンニュース/報道 NHKニュース7[二][字]きょうもあすもあなたと一緒に 日本、そして世界のこれからを考える確かな情報を届けます。ニュース/報道 @@ -10780,7 +10770,7 @@ マツコ&有吉 かりそめ天国 この冬食べたい世界の絶品鍋!ブラマヨ小杉が徹底調査[字]この冬に食べたい世界の鍋3選!韓国人気店の新感覚の海鮮鍋&スイス風しゃぶしゃぶ&ネパール絶品の宮廷料理を調査!◇空港グルメの誘惑に有マツ嘆き…バラエティ 私の幸福時間[字]あなたの「しあわせ」は、どこから?なにから?友人や家族と過ごす時間、歴史や文化に触れ合う時間、趣味に没頭する時間…誰もがもっている“大切なひととき"をご紹介。ドキュメンタリー/教養 ミュージックステーション アイドルSP!明菜&小泉今日子カバー!J.Y. Park×NiziU[字]最強アイドル大集合SP!聖子・嵐・モー娘…アイドル貴重映像BEST10!現役アイドルが明菜&小泉今日子の名曲カバー!オーディション話題timelesz!J.Y. Park×NiziUコラボ音楽 -報道ステーション[字]社会保険の壁どうなる…厚労省部会でも議論へ▽大谷翔平にMLBが栄誉…今年も受賞ラッシュへ▽超速報…W杯最終予選▽秋雨で気温ダウン…台風25号はニュース/報道 +報道ステーション “トクリュウ"のリーダーか…マンション侵入容疑で逮捕[字]社会保険の壁どうなる…厚労省部会でも議論▽大谷翔平にMLBが栄誉…今年も受賞ラッシュ▽超速報…W杯最終予選▽秋雨で気温ダウン…台風25号はニュース/報道 気づきの扉[解][字]いろいろな人々の運命を変えた『気づき』を紹介するストーリー。今回、お届けする“気づきの言葉"は…“付録"をきっかけに大ヒット!!こども向け雑誌の決定版!!ドキュメンタリー/教養 無能の鷹 #6/会社に行かない主義の君へ[解][字]無能すぎる鷹野(菜々緒)とヘタレ相棒の鶸田(塩野瑛久)は大事なプレゼン当日、電車を乗り間違え、なぜか栃木のテーマパークに!?絶体絶命のリモートプレゼンが始まる!ドラマ無能の鷹 #6/会社に行かない主義の君へ[解][字]ドラマ キッチンカー大作戦![字]爆売れキッチンカーグルメを開発せよ!企画・監修秋元康&グルメ賢者&天才シェフがヒットメニューを発明!放送後、実際にキッチンカーで販売!見届け人はヒロミ&指原莉乃バラエティキッチンカー大作戦![字]バラエティ @@ -11185,7 +11175,7 @@ ほっと関西 ▽大相撲ウクライナ出身 安青錦 夢に向かって[字]▽“ホット”なニュースと“ほっと”する話題は午後6時から! ▽各地のネットワークを最大限生かし気になるニュースを徹底取材!ニュース/報道 京いちにち ▽秋公演前に芸舞妓たちが大ざらえ ▽京丹波の新そば花街のひとつ宮川町で5年ぶりの秋の公演を前に芸舞妓が「大ざらえ」▽「きものの日」で京都市職員が和装で業務▽「ええとこ」は京丹波町を訪ね新そばを味わうニュース/報道 NHKニュース7 エンゲル係数が上昇▽トランプ関税に懸念[二][字]「エンゲル係数」8月は30.4% 家計の食費にかかる割合が上昇し42年ぶり高水準に影響は…今後は…▽トランプ次期大統領の追加関税導入の考えに各国で懸念広がるニュース/報道 -かんさい熱視線 生きることは、歩くこと 冒険家・稲葉香10月、ひとりの女性がネパール山岳地帯の秘境540キロを踏破した。大阪府に暮らす美容師、稲葉香さん51歳。リウマチの痛みと闘いながら、歩き続ける姿を追った。ニュース/報道 +かんさい熱視線 生きることは、歩くこと 冒険家・稲葉香10月、ひとりの女性がネパール山岳地帯の秘境540キロを踏破した。大阪府に暮らす美容師、稲葉香さん51歳。リウマチの痛みと闘いながら、歩き続ける姿を追った。ニュース/報道 チコちゃんに叱られる!▽ゆで卵の上手なむきかた▽止まれの謎▽ハニワとは[字]今回のチコちゃんの疑問は…ゆで卵の殻がむきやすかったりむきにくかったりするのはなぜ?“止まれ”の標識が逆三角形なのはなぜ?ハニワってなに?わかりますか?バラエティ #NHK おすすめ番組の紹介【アナウンサー】中川安奈情報/ワイドショー 京都ニュース845京都府のその日のニュースをまとめてお伝えします。身近な話題、知りたい情報をコンパクトに紹介。気になる明日の天気もしっかりと届けます。ニュース/報道 @@ -11239,7 +11229,7 @@ みんなのうた「僕らはいきものだから」/「太陽のカーニバル」「僕らはいきものだから」うた:緑黄色社会/「太陽のカーニバル」うた:大江裕音楽 ニュース・気象情報[字]ニュース/報道 大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[字]【解説】正面(十両)…熊ヶ谷(元玉飛鳥),【アナウンサー】正面(十両)…三輪洋雄 〜福岡国際センターから中継〜スポーツ -大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)(4:10)「幕内取組」 【解説】正面(幕内)…湊川(元貴景勝),向正面(幕内)…中村(元嘉風)ほかスポーツ +大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]3大関でただ一人6連勝は豊昇龍!きょうは阿炎と!一敗の琴櫻は熱海富士!新大関大の里は宇良と▽先場所引退した元大関貴景勝の湊川親方が初めて放送席で出演!!!スポーツ ニュース[二][字]ニュース/報道 ほっと関西サタデー ▽兵庫太子町を親子旅 ▽淡路名物タコの姿焼き ▽絶品柿の酢2府4県お得情報▽JR「網干駅」最寄りの兵庫太子町を近藤由紀が親子旅▽豪快!淡路名物タコの姿焼き▽草津のデパ地下「柿の酢」▽だるまランタン▽モンスターエンジンニュース/報道 NHKニュース7[二][字]きょうもあすもあなたと一緒に 日本、そして世界のこれからを考える確かな情報を届けます。ニュース/報道 @@ -11303,7 +11293,7 @@ らいよんチャンネル情報/ワイドショー A-Studio+【土屋太鳳】家族への愛と感謝&鶴瓶の言葉に感銘の涙[解][字]▽姉・土屋炎伽が明かす妹の一面&身近すぎる関係の尾上松也にも取材▽料理家・栗原はるみからサプライズプレゼント▽鶴瓶からの言葉に涙&体を張った取材にスタジオ爆笑バラエティ ララLIFE 風間俊介、閉店したラーメン店さんの味を完全再現[字]【MC】三村マサカズ(さまぁ〜ず)青木崇高◆風間が愛した「アイバンラーメン」が10年前に閉店アメリカに帰国した店長が番組のためだけに来日、風間と共に味を再現!バラエティ -news23[字]あなたと、あなたの身近な人にとって大切なニュースをどこよりもわかりやすく、わかりやすい言葉で、色んな人の意見、色んな声、色んな視点と共にお伝えします。経験豊富な23ジャーナリストたちが、ニュースを深掘りします。ニュース/報道news23[字]あなたと、あなたの身近な人にとって大切なニュースをニュース/報道 +news23[字] トランプ氏 ワクチン“懐疑派”をアメリカ保険行政トップに…市民は▽200万人の手取り減少?年収の壁「106万円」撤廃で議論開始 ▽給食「焼き肉風炒め」で1歳児死亡 保育園が会見 ▽三笠宮妃百合子さまご逝去 歩んだ激動の時代ニュース/報道news23[字] トランプ氏 ワクチン“懐疑派”をアメリカ保険行政トップに…市民はニュース/報道 魔法のレストラン[再][字]【食のプロ50人が選ぶ!大阪ホンマに美味しい定食ランキング】料理人やライターなど「食のプロ」50人が選ぶ大阪No.1定食が決定!サッカー・本田圭佑さんの元専属シェフが作る大行列定食や、取材NG!?のだし巻き×肉すい定食など続々登場!バラエティ魔法のレストラン[再][字]【食のプロ50人が選ぶ!大阪ホンマに美味しい定食ランキング】バラエティ らいよんチャンネル情報/ワイドショーらいよんチャンネル 魔法使いになれなかった女の子の話 #07【アニメイズム】第7話「私、ハッピーホリデイなのに悲劇です!」▼魔素パトの途中で《黒きモヤ》に襲われるマジ研のメンバー。とっさにユズが描いた魔法陣によりピンチを切り抜けるが…!?アニメ/特撮魔法使いになれなかった女の子の話 #07【アニメイズム】アニメ/特撮 @@ -11366,12 +11356,12 @@ ひるおび[字] ◎大谷さあ「賞タイム」!2年連続5冠なるか? ◎カスハラ増加の忘年会シーズンが到来…あなたは大丈夫?クレームとの線引きはどこ?◎「130万円の壁」解消なるか家計影響は◎見納め!?ディズニークリスマスパレード!◎光り絵アーティストニュース/報道 ゴゴスマ【12月下旬並み?週明け気温急降下▼速報!大谷翔平“賞タイム"なるか?】12月下旬並み?週明け気温急降下▼速報!大谷翔平“賞タイム"なるか?▼速報!ドン・ファン殺害事件▼政界ウラ話!石破総理「103万円の壁」どうする? (他)(予定)情報/ワイドショー Nスタ[字] キャベツが高い!高すぎる! きょうもトランプ人事でサプライズ GDP季節外れのあたたかさ キャベツの値段3倍に▽トランプ政権の人事 タカ派&強硬派ズラリ▽103万と106万 年収の壁はなくなるか▽東京で楽しめる温泉 ほかニュース/報道 -世界野球プレミア12 日本×韓国[字][デ]侍ジャパン、この秋再び世界一へ!スポーツ +世界野球プレミア12 日本×韓国[字][デ]あの熱狂、再び! 日本野球界の未来を担う若き侍ジャパンが、世界の頂を目指す! 今夜は宿命のライバル・韓国との一戦!スポーツ 金曜ドラマ「ライオンの隠れ家」 第6話【姉の決意と真実】[解][字][デ]弟思いの兄(柳楽優弥)×自閉スペクトラム症の弟(坂東龍汰)×ライオンと名乗る男の子。姉はなぜ行方をくらませたのか?完全オリジナル脚本で贈るヒューマンサスペンス!ドラマ WatchLIST -わたしが選ぶ物語-【大沢一菜】[解][字]さまざまなジャンルのクリエイターをゲストに招き、おすすめの “物語"をご紹介◆俳優・大沢一菜が選ぶWatchLISTドキュメンタリー/教養 A-Studio+【土屋太鳳】家族への愛と感謝&鶴瓶の言葉に感銘の涙[解][字]▽姉・土屋炎伽が明かす妹の一面&身近すぎる関係の尾上松也にも取材▽料理家・栗原はるみからサプライズプレゼント▽鶴瓶からの言葉に涙&体を張った取材にスタジオ爆笑バラエティ ララLIFE 風間俊介、閉店したラーメン店の味を完全再現[字]【MC】三村マサカズ(さまぁ〜ず)青木崇高 風間が愛した「アイバンラーメン」が10年前に閉店 アメリカに帰国した店長が番組のためだけに来日、風間と共に味を再現!バラエティ -news23[字]あなたと、あなたの身近な人にとって大切なニュースをどこよりもわかりやすく、わかりやすい言葉で、色んな人の意見、色んな声、色んな視点と共にお伝えします。経験豊富な23ジャーナリストたちが、ニュースを深掘りします。ニュース/報道news23[字]あなたと、あなたの身近な人にとって大切なニュースをニュース/報道 +news23[字] トランプ氏 ワクチン“懐疑派"をアメリカ保険行政トップに…市民は▽200万人の手取り減少?年収の壁「106万円」撤廃で議論開始 ▽給食「焼き肉風炒め」で1歳児死亡 保育園が会見 ▽三笠宮妃百合子さまご逝去 歩んだ激動の時代ニュース/報道news23[字] トランプ氏 ワクチン“懐疑派"をアメリカ保険行政トップに…市民はニュース/報道 Gヘルスケア【テーマ:腰痛】明日も元気に過ごせるよう健康雑学をちょっとだけお伝えする情報ミニ番組。金曜日の健康ナビゲーターは大島璃乃。『クリッくん』&『Dr.もりたくん』とお届けします。情報/ワイドショーGヘルスケア【テーマ:腰痛】情報/ワイドショー 有田哲平とコスられない街★タイムマシーン3号・幡ヶ谷編★激旨餃子&芸人御用達バー幡ヶ谷に通い続けて14年のタイムマシーン3号の行きつけ▽ミシュランビブグルマン8年連続掲載店の激旨餃子&絶品ラーメン▽通うと賞レースで優勝できる!?伝説バーバラエティ有田哲平とコスられない街★タイムマシーン3号・幡ヶ谷編★激旨餃子&芸人御用達バーバラエティ ジョシとドラゴン★サバンナ高橋&moca【日常系ゆるふわゲーム番組】 ジョシの家に住み着くゲーム大好きドラゴンがいた!ドラゴンはゲームに興味がないジョシたちにその魅力を伝えようと大奮闘!バラエティジョシとドラゴン★サバンナ高橋&mocaバラエティ @@ -11539,7 +11529,7 @@ 関内デビル◇舞台は横浜・関内にある喫茶店「関内デビル」。マスターの大場英治とアルバイトの私立恵比寿中学が働くこの店に常連客の中島来弥が来店。様々なトークを繰り広げる。バラエティ テレビショッピングヒザ・腰・歩み対策に(ヒザこし健康源)情報/ワイドショー 金曜時代劇 大岡越前 第6部心の病の荒療治◇シリーズ6作目!名奉行、大岡越前が難事件を次々と解決!ドラマ -やきゅうたいそうだいいち〜12球団マスコットバージョン〜◇NPB(日本野球機構)制作のダンス動画。野球の「投げる・打つ・捕る・走る」動きや開脚、バランスをとる動きなどで、子どもに身体を動かす楽しさを知ってもらいます。スポーツhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/sirc/370000/378450/image/832e68ae575d51626bf407e5283e4da4.jpg +やきゅうたいそうだいいち〜12球団マスコットバージョン〜◇NPB(日本野球機構)制作のダンス動画。野球の「投げる・打つ・捕る・走る」動きや開脚、バランスをとる動きなどで、子どもに身体を動かす楽しさを知ってもらいます。スポーツ 熱血!タイガース党岩崎投手!いらっしゃいませ!◇世界の盗塁王福本豊党首のもと、阪神タイガースのシーズンオフを追うトラ応援番組!バラエティ テレビショッピングワンランク上の寝心地(トゥルースリーパープレミアリッチ/オークローンマーケティング)情報/ワイドショーhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/sirc/370000/378448/image/6d0e76e4bb14da0253e2f2a4c6bfe9f4.jpg サンテレビニュースニュース/報道 @@ -11729,7 +11719,7 @@ ダーツ PDCクラシック #17【2015 プレミアリーグダーツ】ミハエル・ファンヘーレン×ジェームス・ウェイド これまでのPDC主催大会の中から、印象に残る試合をピックアップしたPDCクラシックシリーズ。スポーツ 結束!侍ジャパン #113甲子園のスターが集まったU18代表が8月に戦ったアジア選手権の戦いに密着。 チームづくりの裏側や、大会中のオフショットなどをたっぷりと伝える。スポーツ 結束!侍ジャパン #114甲子園のスターが集まったU18代表が8月に戦ったアジア選手権の戦いに密着。 チームづくりの裏側や、大会中のオフショットなどをたっぷりと伝える。スポーツ -[生]2024 WBSC世界野球プレミア12 #21 オーストラリア×ドミニカ共和国https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13285923/S_BC522558662248_29fe35b7603f42e68cfed4d8017cc822_20241009094831076.jpg[生]2024 WBSC世界野球プレミア12 #21 オーストラリア×ドミニカ共和国スポーツ +[生]2024 WBSC世界野球プレミア12 #21 オーストラリア×ドミニカ共和国世界のトップ12チームが参加する野球世界一決定戦。侍ジャパンは井端弘和監督の下、再び世界の頂点を目指す! オープニングラウンド グループBスポーツ [初]第104回全国高校ラグビー大会 福岡県予選 決勝 東福岡×筑紫https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13293082/S_BC572871129373_d03888e7815348c9ae7f68c565f2f2ac_20241009111136266.JPG[初]第104回全国高校ラグビー大会 福岡県予選 決勝 東福岡×筑紫スポーツ [初]第104回全国高校ラグビー 京都府予選 決勝 京都工学院×京都成章https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13293069/S_BC189609581109_c44d81f8e8544e4b941e17cb71febd0b_20241009111117676.JPG[初]第104回全国高校ラグビー 京都府予選 決勝 京都工学院×京都成章スポーツ [初]野球好き広島秋季キャンプin日南 2024(11/15)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13809209/S_BC816071164141_911f6482bfb1471699fb10f2f8172ac8_20241111153058033.jpg[初]野球好き広島秋季キャンプin日南 2024(11/15)スポーツ @@ -11931,7 +11921,7 @@ ナカジケイの○月誰クル?2024 #6 Cycle*サイクルロードレース優勝予想「サイクル誰クル?」の予想ポイントなど様々な情報をお届け!スポーツ J SPORTSオンラインショップ インフォメーション #1我らワールドwith自転車系YouTuberのけんたさんでお届けするJ SPORTSオンラインショップインフォメーション!スポーツ [生]バドミントン ワールドツアー 熊本マスターズジャパン 2024 準々決勝2回目の開催となる熊本マスターズジャパン2024。 熊本を活動拠点にしているWSの山口茜選手やWDの志田千陽/松山奈未ペアら再春館製薬所勢に注目!スポーツ -ラグビー関東大学対抗戦2024 早稲田大学×筑波大学https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13290295/S_BC606089253959_2b3dd097c3f148ffad26e77bf5a2ec06_20241009104744836.jpgラグビー関東大学対抗戦2024 早稲田大学×筑波大学スポーツ +ラグビー関東大学対抗戦2024 早稲田大学×筑波大学帝京、明治、早稲田、筑波、慶応など関東の有力8校による対抗戦。大学ラグビーの中でも高い人気を誇る。スポーツ [初]SUPER GT 2024【Team Radioプラス】第7戦 オートポリス・決勝https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13293919/S_BC931909174979_b17ac8f0f118472794dd3fd0d04a04bd_20241009112913374.jpg[初]SUPER GT 2024【Team Radioプラス】第7戦 オートポリス・決勝スポーツ 2024 WBSC世界野球プレミア12 #15 メキシコ×アメリカhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13284889/S_BC693424409057_1b87aac625b54d3a8dae2ea882ed9fa8_20241009094413069.jpg2024 WBSC世界野球プレミア12 #15 メキシコ×アメリカスポーツ世界のトップ12チームが参加する野球世界一決定戦。侍ジャパンは井端弘和監督の下、再び世界の頂点を目指す! オープニングラウンド グループAhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406935/image/3fb3cdf24325344402c7ef7201937c80.jpg ダーツ PDCクラシック #15【2014ワールドチャンピオンシップ2回戦】フィル・テイラー×マイケル・スミス これまでのPDC主催大会の中から、印象に残る試合をピックアップしたPDCクラシックシリーズ。スポーツダーツ PDCクラシック #15【2014ワールドチャンピオンシップ2回戦】スポーツ @@ -12150,7 +12140,7 @@ くらしの情報この時間は、ショッピング情報をお送りしております。情報/ワイドショー USEN演歌ベスト20 #235有線放送「USEN」がリクエストデータやオンエア実績等を独自に集計した演歌・歌謡曲ランキングを毎週ミュージックビデオで紹介。音楽 70年代 女性アイドルソング・ベスト100 #1音楽雑誌「レコード・コレクターズ」で話題となった「日本の女性アイドルソング・ベスト100」をテレビ番組でお届け。70年代ヒットソングをカウントダウン形式でご紹介。音楽 -70年代 女性アイドルソング・ベスト100 #2https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13116960/S_BC878066205277_c70ce62f61dc4f5ba78145b6785eb94a_20241002110625145.png70年代 女性アイドルソング・ベスト100 #2音楽 +70年代 女性アイドルソング・ベスト100 #2音楽雑誌「レコード・コレクターズ」で話題となった「日本の女性アイドルソング・ベスト100」をテレビ番組でお届け。70年代ヒットソングをカウントダウン形式でご紹介。音楽 レッツゴーヤング #15 榊原郁恵、沢田研二https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13451109/S_BC681230117650_cbc2a9b2cda442c894c8c46258aceef3_20241017195621923.pngレッツゴーヤング #15 榊原郁恵、沢田研二音楽 70/80年代 昭和歌謡名曲アルバム#9◆山口百恵、テレサ・テン、尾崎紀世彦ほか70/80年代 昭和歌謡名曲アルバム#9◆山口百恵、テレサ・テン、尾崎紀世彦ほか音楽 40年分の鉄板ソング!ポップス&ロック編(7)◆MV特集40年分の鉄板ソング!ポップス&ロック編(7)◆MV特集音楽 @@ -12463,9 +12453,9 @@ もっと!まじめにふまじめ かいけつゾロリ 第2シリーズ セレクション #18第18話「ずるっこあくまとふしぎな本(ほん)」 いたずらの王者をめざすゾロリの夢は、花よめさんとお城を手に入れること!アニメ/特撮 ポケットモンスター(2019年) #13,14#13「サトシ対ダンデ!最強への道!!」#14「初イッシュ地方!遺跡でレイドバトル!!」アニメ/特撮 花田少年史 #15,16#15「ゴンパチ」#16「花さん」アニメ/特撮 -SPACE KIDS STATION「ひらけ宇宙の扉」ぼくらは宇宙取材班 #7https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184447/S_BC141552951578_eac1b80f0bdf4e7c9e99eddd5b74073e_20241007104316698.pngSPACE KIDS STATION「ひらけ宇宙の扉」ぼくらは宇宙取材班 #7https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407015/image/0d3b71bf74faf8d0295ea8083d08ea96.jpg -ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂(第2期) セレクション[字] #29https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13173600/S_BC174861927104_4f4615f26832442bb915ad97760727e7_20241004172802156.pngふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂(第2期) セレクション #29アニメ/特撮 -新あたしンち[字] #20https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13199656/S_BC217579293321_324cf09df232475b82b7c072f64a2307_20241007162434354.jpg新あたしンち #20アニメ/特撮 +SPACE KIDS STATION「ひらけ宇宙の扉」ぼくらは宇宙取材班 #7第7話「人工流れ星が見たい!」 未来のぼくらと宇宙の関係を創造する宇宙エンタテインメント番組 +ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂(第2期) セレクション #29第29話「スピーチジュース 後編」 幸運な人だけがたどりつける、ふしぎな駄菓子屋「銭天堂(ぜにてんどう)」。アニメ/特撮 +新あたしンち #20第20話「よく食べるたっくん/父、母、トレッキング/みかん、玉忘れる」他愛のない日常生活をテーマに思わず笑ってしまうタチバナ家の姿はニッポンの家族そのもの!?アニメ/特撮 ダイヤのA[字] #37-40https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13190136/S_BC642634691651_de97bafffa22409a80a15b4daea1c51e_20241007120115003.jpgダイヤのA #37-40アニメ/特撮 スペースコブラ<デジタルリマスター版> #15,16https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13191777/S_BC461758132622_73616a2434414064a0c90fb89868d228_20241007121720394.jpgスペースコブラ<デジタルリマスター版> #15,16アニメ/特撮 ハクション大魔王 #33,34https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13194805/S_BC684561554079_2705dbc0c6b342e486cc2f473084f5d1_20241007134240389.jpgハクション大魔王 #33,34アニメ/特撮 @@ -12673,7 +12663,7 @@ 撮るなら何する? #248国民的MCユ・ジェソク×「無限に挑戦」演出家が再タッグを組んだ大ヒットバラエティ 豪華ゲストも続々登場! *日本語字幕放送*バラエティ 高麗契丹戦争 #2強国に立ち向かう高麗8代王・顕宗(ヒョンジョン)の一代記! 名ばかりの王となった顕宗は、強大な契丹の侵略から国を守ることができるのか!? 全32話*日本語字幕放送*ドラマ シングル男のハッピーライフ #559▼ドヨン(NCT)シングルライフを謳歌するスターたちのプライベートに密着する大人気バラエティ。豪華ゲストも続々登場! *日本語字幕放送*バラエティ -イモン~禁断の愛~ #15https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13120718/S_BC958958779041_89ef90d00dfd4e2da1ee3f0925889b27_20241002125440505.jpgイモン〜禁断の愛〜 #15ドラマ +イモン〜禁断の愛〜 #15日本統治時代の朝鮮を背景に、朝鮮初の女性医師となるが“スパイ”という裏の顔を持つ女性―彼女を通して激動の時代を生きた人々、禁断の愛を描くスパイ・ラブロマンスドラマ 高麗契丹戦争 #27https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13120772/S_BC937465835190_8e9297f0ca844a6a8ce858a577a7ad0a_20241002125530881.jpg高麗契丹戦争 #27ドラマ 高麗契丹戦争 #28https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13120749/S_BC019289860611_adf847b5215a45719f76b598a5342fbf_20241002125515933.jpg高麗契丹戦争 #28ドラマ V Cliphttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13119320/S_BC049658661339_9b9dfee606084f6c82768ddc22fd4e7f_20241002122448336.jpgV Clip音楽 @@ -12819,8 +12809,8 @@ 韓◆月桂樹洋服店の紳士たち#24[字]イ・ドンゴン×チョ・ユニ出演!イ・ドンゴン×チョ・ユニ出演!訳あり紳士達の人生再起と成長、そして恋を描くヒューマンラブストーリー[全54話]2016年ドラマ インフォメーションインフォメーション情報/ワイドショー BigドリームSmallハウス 夢のコンテナハウス[吹]限られた空間を生かし、自らの手で理想的な空間を作り出す。住人の希望をかなえるユニークなタイニーハウスの製作過程に密着!/2017年 -韓◆三食ごはん 漁村編#9[字][終]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13340674/S_BC014531754178_da258ea803124771abcd63cd349fcf11_20241010152208147.jpg韓◆三食ごはん 漁村編#9[字][終]バラエティ -インフォメーションhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13332611/S_BC419323298454_4f84c80a37c24b71af2af3f243990cf2_20241010132004989.jpgインフォメーション情報/ワイドショー +韓◆三食ごはん 漁村編#9[字][終]「三食ごはん」の第2弾は「漁村編」!船路で最も遠い場所に位置する島を舞台に、三食のごはんを賄うべく3人の男たちが奮闘する自給自足漁師ライフ![全9回]2015年バラエティ +インフォメーションインフォメーション情報/ワイドショー [初]華◆恋心が芽吹く頃~Blooming Days~#23[字]<TV初>ピーター・ホーhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13341186/S_BC339313382682_f9ac823a83a948b2a04c89d806807bfc_20241010152846822.jpg[初]華◆恋心が芽吹く頃〜Blooming Days〜#23[字]<TV初>ピーター・ホードラマ [初]華◆笑門来福~イケメン同居人は私のフィアンセ!?~#15[字]<TV初>https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13341298/S_BC696760741276_491f90d9b88a41b6949feefa5b623d89_20241010153153320.jpg[初]華◆笑門来福〜イケメン同居人は私のフィアンセ!?〜#15[字]<TV初>ドラマ [初]韓◆今、別れの途中です#11[字]ソン・ヘギョ ×チャン・ギヨン共演https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13341383/S_BC179242506373_4c692fbbd05c4a75a9f1fe2699320422_20241010153523519.jpg[初]韓◆今、別れの途中です#11[字]ソン・ヘギョ ×チャン・ギヨン共演ドラマ @@ -12993,8 +12983,6 @@ 韓◆セマンティックエラー#6<ノーカット版>[字]韓国で爆発的人気!BLドラマhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13346304/S_BC082092913667_9726f9053f8847f8936229e08217b928_20241010171253028.jpg リマーカブル・リビング「シンガポール チョコにお茶の香りを」ほか[字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13333779/S_BC755235272972_4d0bbac37da342bd9f7678369eb047d3_20241010133607277.jpg 華◆策略ロマンス~謎解きの鍵は運命の恋~#2[字]シュー・ジェンシー主演!https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13346371/S_BC161095392343_68415f436af2444a8d2eec9d8f3852da_20241010171532925.jpg -情報番組 -競馬レース中継番組のご案内 情報番組 競馬レース中継番組のご案内 情報番組 @@ -13390,7 +13378,7 @@ インフォメーション通販番組をお届けする30分ドキュメンタリー/教養 モンド21麻雀プロリーグ 第4回名人戦 #13「予選第13戦」麻雀 対局者:金子正輝×土田浩翔×小島武夫×五十嵐毅 予選14戦(各自7戦) 合計ポイント上位4名が決勝進出 決勝2戦で覇者決定 インフォメーション通販番組をお届けする30分ドキュメンタリー/教養 -第2回三人麻雀GRANDPRIX #8https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13195889/S_BC698813799477_49f3b4255ff74ae5867a4737509ad552_20241007141050011.jpg第2回三人麻雀GRANDPRIX #8https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406983/image/399a8ceb8f0971ccae9d4a38a4099490.jpg +第2回三人麻雀GRANDPRIX #8MONDOTVがお届けする本格三人麻雀のリーグ戦番組。6人の選抜されたプロ雀士でリーグ戦を行い三人麻雀王を決める! 予選 第8回戦 前原雄大、鈴木達也、和久津晶 モンド麻雀プロリーグ24/25 第18回名人戦 #2https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13204997/S_BC398772805031_70a36b59682448a7989b8691be57006b_20241007173346314.jpgモンド麻雀プロリーグ24/25 第18回名人戦 #2https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406984/image/7a56067ff1a7f3ddb4e7ede8d66c83a1.jpg 【集中放送】旧車TV レストア・ファクトリー #5https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13198835/S_BC632355969617_ff7c48dfff44433ba49a009b3bd22129_20241007160245933.jpg【集中放送】旧車TV レストア・ファクトリー #5https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406985/image/a6ca86853f5d0da736bf5cc5f9a1ed33.jpg オズボーン一家の衝撃怪奇動画ウソホント? #5https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13198927/S_BC422422442823_830c8edfe5074c15831119a0b8cab120_20241007160514720.jpgオズボーン一家の衝撃怪奇動画ウソホント? #5バラエティ @@ -13691,8 +13679,9 @@ 最新洋楽USランキング50https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13188002/S_BC636363148019_b5aadfa5a86b4350b03a36b5d44efff8_20241007113435154.jpg最新洋楽USランキング50音楽最新USランキング50曲をすべてオンエア! 1982年 洋楽BESTヒッツ20▼TOTO / スティーヴィー・ワンダー ほか1982年 洋楽BESTヒッツ20▼TOTO / スティーヴィー・ワンダー ほか音楽ヒット曲を年代別にピックアップしてお届け!当時流行した曲や話題になった楽曲を厳選!忘れかけてたあの名曲と再会できるかも?https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438574/image/0e10cb76be304a03b0793986aeccad10.jpg リンキン・パーク ビデオ特集https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184889/S_BC178603022216_11ea2bd39a2d4bd8b156eee08d84dc65_20241007104751863.jpgリンキン・パーク ビデオ特集音楽11月15日にニューアルバム『From Zero』をリリースし、新体制で約7年ぶりの再始動を果たした、リンキン・パークのミュージックビデオをお届け。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438575/image/0d920b10726e279db8c3a143a8870e32.jpg -リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#1(2009年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184896/S_BC501910916323_7c3a7b8bd47f4a90bdeb59b6e50e9f39_20241007104755604.jpgリンキン・パーク海外ライブ#1(2009年)音楽2009年にロサンゼルスで開催された映画「トランスフォーマー/リベンジ」の試写会でのリンキン・パークのサプライズパフォーマンスの模様をお届けする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438576/image/a8676da5988b2edb7458f33dd647d5fe.jpg -リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#2(2008年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184891/S_BC858262950222_23c4bc631e184d6f89d840422c182fd5_20241007104752567.jpgリンキン・パーク海外ライブ#2(2008年)音楽2008年にイギリスのThe National Bowlで行われた「Project Revolution Festival Tour」でのリンキン・パーク feat. ジェイ・Zのステージの模様をお届けする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438577/image/0a74367f39d2f73ec8a180b419fe8e2c.jpg +リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#1(2009年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184896/S_BC501910916323_7c3a7b8bd47f4a90bdeb59b6e50e9f39_20241007104755604.jpgリンキン・パーク インタビュー特番音楽人気アーティストがファンからの質問に答えるMTVの人気番組。音楽活動のみならずアーティストの素顔や私生活を垣間見ることができる貴重なインタビューをお届け。 +リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#2(2008年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184891/S_BC858262950222_23c4bc631e184d6f89d840422c182fd5_20241007104752567.jpgリンキン・パーク独占インタビュー▼2017年音楽2017年に放送されたチェスター・ベニントンとマイク・シノダの独占インタビューの模様をアンコール放送する。 +My Life on MTV#4 リンキン・パーク&グリーン・デイMTVの歴史を彩ったスターたちの軌跡を、これまで彼らがMTVの番組やアワードに出演した映像を中心に追体験することができるスペシャルな番組!音楽My Life on MTV#4 リンキン・パーク&グリーン・デイ音楽 リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#3(2010年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184895/S_BC605989715304_1fc6e2b2f1ab4018a223102afb3dabd8_20241007104755029.jpgリンキン・パーク海外ライブ#3(2010年)音楽スペイン・マドリードにて開催された「MTV EMA 2010」より、アルカラ門で披露されたリンキン・パークのステージの模様をお届けする。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438578/image/4d0e81c73705381201ce9ac187718725.jpg リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#4(2011年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184898/S_BC810024242674_74af2184b8d44c6b9c08bb79dec1cf55_20241007104756763.jpgリンキン・パーク海外ライブ#4(2011年)音楽リンキン・パークが2011年にモスクワで披露したライブの模様をお届け。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438579/image/a577f44949febf7ecfbc799324758e13.jpg リンキン・パーク海外ライブ#5(2012年)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13184885/S_BC278923161400_400452c0b1b74cd1878942a6f805ed09_20241007104750114.jpgリンキン・パーク海外ライブ#5(2012年)音楽リンキン・パークが2012年にメキシコで行ったライブの模様をお届け。9000人のファンの前で、「Somewhere I Belong」「Lost In The Echo」等を披露した。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241116/14438580/image/e90f514c15589929bca1d53a42e27818.jpg @@ -13786,9 +13775,9 @@ ロック歴史秘話 〜Rock Legends〜 シーズン2 Ep13グランジ▽ニルヴァーナ他ロックの歴史を辿るシリーズ番組。今回は「グランジ」を特集!ニルヴァーナ、パール・ジャム、サウンドガーデン等アーティストを紹介!音楽 ロック歴史秘話 〜Rock Legends〜 シーズン2 Ep14ニューウェーヴ▽ザ・キュアー他今回は「ニューウェーヴ」を特集!ジョイ・ディヴィジョン、ザ・キュアー、スージー・アンド・ザ・バンシーズ、トーキング・ヘッズ、バウハウスなどニューウェーヴを紹介!音楽 情報番組快適で健やかな暮らしに役立つ品々の通信販売のご案内。情報/ワイドショー -ジュールズ倶楽部#118▽ニュー・オーダー、マイケル・マクドナルド他ジュールズ倶楽部#118▽ニュー・オーダー、マイケル・マクドナルド他音楽 -ニュー・オーダー:ロック・レジェンズニュー・オーダー:ロック・レジェンズ音楽 -スパークス:ライヴ・イン・ベルギー1974スパークス:ライヴ・イン・ベルギー1974音楽 +ジュールズ倶楽部#118▽ニュー・オーダー、マイケル・マクドナルド他ジュールズ・ホランド司会、英国BBCの人気音楽番組。2001年収録。出演はニュー・オーダー、ライアン・アダムスほか。音楽 +ニュー・オーダー:ロック・レジェンズ伝説的バンド「ジョイ・ディヴィジョン」を母体とし、UKロックに影響を与えたUK最重要バンド、ニュー・オーダーの軌跡に迫るライヴ&ドキュメンタリー。(2014年制作)音楽 +スパークス:ライヴ・イン・ベルギー1974現在もカルト的人気を誇るメイル兄弟率いるUSポップ・バンド、スパークス。彼らの代表作『Kimono My House』リリース時の1974年ベルギーでのライヴ。音楽 TOTO:ライヴ・イン・チリ2004TOTO:ライヴ・イン・チリ2004音楽 マイケル・ジャクソン:ライフ、デス&レガシーマイケル・ジャクソン:ライフ、デス&レガシー音楽 シェリル・クロウ:メモリー・レーンhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13297332/S_BC337289427564_bd94dbacf8bb4f3b9bd550f94a3318e9_20241009121337409.pngシェリル・クロウ:メモリー・レーン音楽 @@ -13979,7 +13968,6 @@ マルーン5:ポップ・プロフィール ボブ・マーリー:伝説のルーツ LIVEダブリンの街角で ~Other Voices~ EP105 グリフ・リース他https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13301511/S_BC066728784561_fcba84a5305646b89bb92bc43e1c3907_20241009132604723.jpg -情報番組 紙ジャケ天国!ベンチャーズ編 情報番組 レコジャケ天国!『レコードの日2024編 Part.2』https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13143538/S_BC023689966609_10318f0cef5b4c9c86ad87e048865ef8_20241003115449923.jpg @@ -14102,8 +14090,6 @@ 紙ジャケ天国!『ELO編』 懐かし探偵団『マッチの歴史編』 懐かし探偵団『歴代のソニー商品編』 -THE BOYZ スペシャル -ATEEZ スペシャルhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13333066/S_BC630136525730_9aa90189d2e44b259ec1bd2e9ca78402_20241010132640025.jpg 最新!カウントダウン TOP20https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13336869/S_BC147336154313_3f9fc96234b2441699f1756a7a6667ea_20241010140425080.jpg 十人十色ラブソング vol.1~Mコレhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13335057/S_BC610763965358_ec59a2b1530b4cb7b4f7ed8674bd9c84_20241010134546442.jpg MAZZEL スペシャル @@ -14268,7 +14254,6 @@ HYDE スペシャル 新譜紹介 New Orderhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13336979/S_BC829108563599_7de7f0a442184319922770e073ede7fe_20241010140604141.jpg Velvet Musichttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13336000/S_BC529213046040_f398b3e03ae0466f90f7d2cf1cafd90e_20241010135258974.jpg -Japan Music Video Countdown on YouTube▼Creepy Nuts 他https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13379921/S_BC708781171699_c9eb1cd91585445ab2540b4f0964f84b_20241011142857563.jpg J-POP最強カウントダウン20【歌詞入り】▼Snow Man、THE RAMPAGE 他https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13376981/S_BC638680634483_b6c3d8c0a5ae4719bf5644caa7ac3937_20241011131553320.jpg 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ MV特集https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13322452/S_BC034399561725_622b4d4976ae43d798fe5794359763e5_20241010102104195.jpg あいみょん MV特集 @@ -14379,7 +14364,7 @@ 名探偵のお弁当(シーズン2)#2半七捕物帳「雪達磨」(岡本綺堂)/ミステリーと食を愛する私立探偵・源道寺醍醐が作るお弁当を通して名探偵の魅力をご紹介するオリジナル番組。バラエティ インフォメーション通販情報などをお送りする15分番組。 各商品のお問い合わせは、番組中に流れるお問い合わせ番号まで。情報/ワイドショー 刑事コロンボ #53 [二]【名探偵アワー】かみさんよ安らかに ボサボサ頭にヨレヨレのトレンチコート。コミカルな風貌に隠された鋭い推理力で世界中に愛された推理ドラマの金字塔!ドラマ -刑事コロンボ #54 [ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13115639/S_BC518834521927_d12c0b4530ee43568571531b79b40113_20241002092808071.jpg刑事コロンボ #54 [二]ドラマ +刑事コロンボ #54 [二]【名探偵アワー】華麗なる罠 ボサボサ頭にヨレヨレのトレンチコート。コミカルな風貌に隠された鋭い推理力で世界中に愛された推理ドラマの金字塔!ドラマ 主任警部モース #20 [字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13117086/S_BC302976007655_0c2b70407a03457c94618c4913ce56dc_20241002111539665.jpg主任警部モース #20 [字]ドラマ シェパード警部 ブロークンウッドの事件簿(シーズン3) #1 [字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13108630/S_BC796628999743_3cd19483761c4e4caa10fcdedee867eb_20241001171814600.jpgシェパード警部 ブロークンウッドの事件簿(シーズン3) #1 [字]ドラマ アストリッドとラファエル 文書係の事件録 #6 [字]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13108424/S_BC176152349449_01b903f565b24731870441809394f6df_20241001171113911.jpgアストリッドとラファエル 文書係の事件録 #6 [字]ドラマ第6話 大人気シリーズ!論理的なアストリッドと大らかなラファエルが事件に挑む。(2019-2020年)https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14408709/image/5eb99ac28fdb8c493141e382698d43ec.jpg @@ -14500,7 +14485,7 @@ カー・SOS 蘇れ!思い出の名車5[二]「名もなき英雄 オースチン10・ユーティリティトラック」第2次大戦中に陰ながら活躍した軍用車であり、89歳のテッドにとっては人生の相棒だ。ドキュメンタリー/教養 カー・SOS 蘇れ!思い出の名車3「スターリング・モス現る」[二]2014年制作/今回はモータースポーツ界の伝説、サー・スターリング・モスが登場。ティムとファズはオースチン・ヒーレー・セブリング・スプライトの復活に挑む。ドキュメンタリー/教養 スゴ腕どうぶつドクター4「オークションの行方」[二]ウサギを連れて来院した女性に頼まれ、ドクター・ポールは彼女の牧場のためのオークションに参加することになる。チャールズも悩んだ末出品。果たして結果は。ドキュメンタリー/教養 -スゴ腕どうぶつドクター2「新しい仲間」[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13142272/S_BC331033246390_d62ffbf007c4426cbd76b4be90921dca_20241003111959227.jpgスゴ腕どうぶつドクター2「新しい仲間」[二]ドキュメンタリー/教養 +スゴ腕どうぶつドクター2「新しい仲間」[二]大学を卒業したばかりのサンドラがクリニックにやってくることになった。果たして彼女は、本物の獣医としての緊張感やプレッシャーに耐えられるのだろうか?ドキュメンタリー/教養 ローマ帝国の失われた秘宝「巨大な長城に眠る秘密」声:花澤香菜[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13145886/S_BC426316254855_c3d83462a8774cff97fa9635172fa954_20241003123114317.jpgローマ帝国の失われた秘宝「巨大な長城に眠る秘密」声:花澤香菜[二]ドキュメンタリー/教養 カー・SOS 蘇れ!思い出の名車 11「隠れた名車 ルノー・アルピーヌGTA」[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13139851/S_BC391267878174_a7dd3c88087f4397adc97310a60f8cf9_20241003102807378.jpgカー・SOS 蘇れ!思い出の名車 11「隠れた名車 ルノー・アルピーヌGTA」ドキュメンタリー/教養 ヨーロッパ空中散歩 4「悠久の海洋大国 デンマーク」声:中谷一博[ニ]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13145230/S_BC737422866324_7a1103dcbdfa4d929614010176cfd534_20241003122211353.jpgヨーロッパ空中散歩 4「悠久の海洋大国 デンマーク」声:中谷一博[二]ドキュメンタリー/教養 @@ -14866,7 +14851,7 @@ [4K]新・BS日本のうた▽前川清・細川たかし・三山ひろし、北の名曲をたっぷりと![字][再]演歌界の艶男、前川&細川&三山が北の名曲やオリジナルヒット曲をたっぷり熱唱。懐メロボーイ&ガールは山の名曲を細川とともに。前川、大江、川野は最新曲を披露音楽[4K]新・BS日本のうた▽前川清・細川たかし・三山ひろし、北の名曲をたっぷりと![字][再]音楽 [4K]大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[多][HDR]※副音声は場内音声 【解説】正面(幕下)…阿武松(元大道),正面(十両)…熊ヶ谷(元玉飛鳥),【アナウンサー】正面(幕下)…高山大吾,正面(十両)…三輪洋雄スポーツ[4K]大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[多][HDR]スポーツ [4K]大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[多][字][HDR]※副音声は場内音声 【解説】正面(十両)…熊ヶ谷(元玉飛鳥),【アナウンサー】正面(十両)…三輪洋雄 〜福岡国際センターから中継〜スポーツ[4K]大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[多][字][HDR]スポーツ -[4K]大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字][HDR]七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)(4:10)「幕内取組」 【解説】正面(幕内)…湊川(元貴景勝),向正面(幕内)…中村(元嘉風)ほかスポーツ[4K]大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字][HDR]スポーツ +[4K]大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字][HDR]3大関でただ一人6連勝は豊昇龍!きょうは阿炎と!一敗の琴櫻は熱海富士!新大関大の里は宇良と▽先場所引退した元大関貴景勝の湊川親方が初めて放送席で出演!!!スポーツ[4K]大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字][HDR]スポーツ [4K]にっぽんカメラアイ 第11シリーズ「貝に包んで」[HDR]3方を海に囲まれた自然豊かな街、室蘭。ここに全国から多くの人が買い求める人気の駅弁がある。作っているのは関根勝治さんご家族。一家の思いが詰まったお弁当でした。ドキュメンタリー/教養[4K]にっぽんカメラアイ 第11シリーズ「貝に包んで」[HDR]ドキュメンタリー/教養 [4K]もういちど、日本「北海道・襟裳岬の昆布漁」[字]北海道・襟裳岬沖は親潮と黒潮がぶつかり合う上質な昆布の漁場だ。しかし戦後、森の乱伐による赤土の流出で昆布が危機に。森を再生し昆布を復活させた漁師の取り組みとは。ドキュメンタリー/教養[4K]もういちど、日本「北海道・襟裳岬の昆布漁」[字]ドキュメンタリー/教養 [4K]カムイの森にごはん降る降る[字][再]阿寒湖のほとりに住む姉妹と家族が「カムイ=大自然の恵み」に感謝しながら、すべて食べ切り、使い切る。昆布と野草たっぷりの鹿肉の汁物など、豊かなアイヌ料理の世界へ。ドキュメンタリー/教養[4K]カムイの森にごはん降る降る[字][再]ドキュメンタリー/教養 @@ -15111,7 +15096,7 @@ みんなのうた「僕らはいきものだから」/「太陽のカーニバル」「僕らはいきものだから」うた:緑黄色社会/「太陽のカーニバル」うた:大江裕音楽 ニュース・気象情報[字]ニュース/報道 大相撲(2024年) 九州場所 七日目[字]【解説】正面(十両)…熊ヶ谷(元玉飛鳥),【アナウンサー】正面(十両)…三輪洋雄 〜福岡国際センターから中継〜スポーツ -大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)(4:10)「幕内取組」 【解説】正面(幕内)…湊川(元貴景勝),向正面(幕内)…中村(元嘉風)ほかスポーツ +大相撲 九州場所 七日目▽土俵人生を振り返る 湊川親方(元大関・貴景勝)[二][字]3大関でただ一人6連勝は豊昇龍!きょうは阿炎と!一敗の琴櫻は熱海富士!新大関大の里は宇良と▽先場所引退した元大関貴景勝の湊川親方が初めて放送席で出演!!!スポーツ ニュース[二][字]ニュース/報道 所さん!事件ですよ 1個300万の桃!?驚きフルーツ最新事情[字]1つ100万円を超える高額フルーツが続々と登場している理由は?来年はオレンジジュースが飲めなくなる!?「肉」の代わりとして期待される果物は?衝撃のフルーツ最前線情報/ワイドショー 大河ドラマ「光る君へ」2分ダイジェスト(43)輝きののちに[字]三条天皇(木村達成)に異変を感じて、道長(柄本佑)は譲位を迫るも、受け入れられない。その頃、まひろ(吉高由里子)は越後から帰京した父・為時(岸谷五朗)と再会し…ドラマ @@ -15173,338 +15158,343 @@ NHK NEWSLINE<NY>NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.NewsNewsline BizNewsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Japan Railway JournalIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.News-Current AffairsCore KyotoJapan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use : Japan Railway JournalCore KyotoJapan Railway Journal/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NHK NEWSLINE<NY>NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NewslineNhk NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.NewsNewsline BizNewsline BizNewsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Core KyotoThe desire to pass on knowledge spurred the evolution of books made of washi paper. Artisans carry on the trade of binding with thread, repairing damaged books, and creating facsimiles of old books.NewsDesign X StoriesCore KyotoTraditional Books: Age-Old Wisdom Conveyed in Print : Core KyotoAsia InsightDesign X StoriesCore Kyoto/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NHK NEWSLINE<NY>NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NewslineNHK NewslineNhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.NewsNewsline BizNewsline BizNewsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Core KyotoThe desire to pass on knowledge spurred the evolution of books made of washi paper. Artisans carry on the trade of binding with thread, repairing damaged books, and creating facsimiles of old books.NewsDesign X StoriesCore KyotoTraditional Books: Age-Old Wisdom Conveyed in Print : Core KyotoDesign X StoriesAsia InsightCore Kyoto/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 NHK NEWSLINE<NY>NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Ukiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-Life NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.NewsNewsline BizNEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Okinawa: The Holiest PlaceOkinawa: The Holiest PlaceOkinawa: The Holiest Place Japan From Above: Up CloseJapan From Above: Up CloseJapan From Above: Up Close -DESIGN X STORIESToday's theme: Inspired by Nature's Strength. Creators have always been inspired by the power of natural phenomena that lie beyond our control. Explore a world of designs informed by nature's might.NewsGrand Sumo HighlightsDesign X StoriesInspired by Nature's Strength : Design X StoriesDESIGN X STORIESTodays theme: Inspired by Natures Strength. Creators have always been inspired by the power of natural phenomena that lie beyond our control. Explore a world of designs informed by natures might.Bento ExpoGrand Sumo HighlightsDESIGN X STORIES/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +DESIGN X STORIESToday's theme: Inspired by Nature's Strength. Creators have always been inspired by the power of natural phenomena that lie beyond our control. Explore a world of designs informed by nature's might.NewsGrand Sumo HighlightsDesign X StoriesInspired by Nature's Strength : Design X StoriesDESIGN X STORIESTodays theme: Inspired by Natures Strength. Creators have always been inspired by the power of natural phenomena that lie beyond our control. Explore a world of designs informed by natures might.Grand Sumo HighlightsBento ExpoDESIGN X STORIES/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Zero Waste Life SumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NHK NEWSLINE<NY>NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NHK NEWSLINE<NY>NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Chatroom Japan -Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(2)The top 3 geisha idol celebrities in Edo: Tomimoto Toyohina, Takashima Ohisa, and Naniwaya Kita. See how Kitagawa Utamaro, the master of female beauty has illustrated them so differently.NewsNewsline In DepthUkiyoe Edo-Life2Three Beauties of the Present Day : Ukiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(2)The top 3 geisha idol celebrities in Edo: Tomimoto Toyohina, Takashima Ohisa, and Naniwaya Kita. See how Kitagawa Utamaro, the master of female beauty has illustrated them so differently.Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpgUkiyoe Edo-life(3)Newsline In DepthUkiyoe Edo-lifeInfoNEWSLINE IN DEPTHUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(2)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: The Holiest Place.NewsOkinawa: The Holiest PlaceOKINAWA: The Holiest Place : Time-Lapse JapanOKINAWA: The Holiest PlaceOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: The Holiest Place.OkinawaAll Actualityhttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/288649_Okinawa.jpgOkinawa: Us InfluencesTime-lapse JapanNature + TravelsOKINAWA: The Holiest Place/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.NewsJapan From Above: Up CloseRemembering Tsukiji Fish Market : Japan From Above: Up CloseJAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the birds-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.This programme takes you on an aerial journey across 21st-century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.All ActualityJapanology Plus MiniUnique documentary series that takes viewers on an aerial journey over the Japanese archipelago. See the stunning landscapes, meet a variety of people, and discover more about their occupations and traditions. Through the changing seasons, take a look at the country's diversity, from the island of Hokkaido in the north, to the islands of Honshu and Shikoku, and Kyushu in the south. Viewers also have a chance to see Tokyo, the capital and most populous prefecture of Japan, and Kyoto, the country's imperial and cultural capital for over 1000 years.http://images.media-press.cloud/ee16fa3033f245219b0d2019a5cc6c29JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.NewsAsia InsightGrand Sumo HighlightsLunch ON!GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.As interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingGrand Sumo HighlightsAsia Insighthttp://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136Asia InsightGRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -SumopediaSumopedia #6NewsSumopediaKokugikan : SumopediaSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportSumopediaExplores the Kokugikan Arena, which is the location for grand sumo tournaments. Unlike the other in-door stadiums, this place permits people to eat while enjoying the fight.The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(2)The top 3 geisha idol celebrities in Edo: Tomimoto Toyohina, Takashima Ohisa, and Naniwaya Kita. See how Kitagawa Utamaro, the master of female beauty has illustrated them so differently.NewsNewsline In DepthUkiyoe Edo-Life2Three Beauties of the Present Day : Ukiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(2)Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpgThe top 3 geisha idol celebrities in Edo: Tomimoto Toyohina, Takashima Ohisa, and Naniwaya Kita. See how Kitagawa Utamaro, the master of female beauty has illustrated them so differently.Newsline In DepthUkiyoe Edo-life(3)Ukiyoe Edo-lifeInfoNEWSLINE IN DEPTHUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(2)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: The Holiest Place.NewsOkinawa: The Holiest PlaceOKINAWA: The Holiest Place : Time-Lapse JapanOKINAWA: The Holiest PlaceOkinawaAll Actualityhttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/288649_Okinawa.jpgOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: The Holiest Place.Okinawa: Us InfluencesTime-lapse JapanNature + TravelsOKINAWA: The Holiest Place/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.NewsJapan From Above: Up CloseRemembering Tsukiji Fish Market : Japan From Above: Up CloseJAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis programme takes you on an aerial journey across 21st-century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.All ActualityThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the birds-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.Japanology Plus MiniUnique documentary series that takes viewers on an aerial journey over the Japanese archipelago. See the stunning landscapes, meet a variety of people, and discover more about their occupations and traditions. Through the changing seasons, take a look at the country's diversity, from the island of Hokkaido in the north, to the islands of Honshu and Shikoku, and Kyushu in the south. Viewers also have a chance to see Tokyo, the capital and most populous prefecture of Japan, and Kyoto, the country's imperial and cultural capital for over 1000 years.http://images.media-press.cloud/ee16fa3033f245219b0d2019a5cc6c29JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.NewsAsia InsightGrand Sumo HighlightsLunch ON!GRAND SUMO HighlightsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Asia InsightGrand Sumo Highlightshttp://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136Asia InsightGRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +SumopediaSumopedia #6NewsSumopediaKokugikan : SumopediaSumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.Explores the Kokugikan Arena, which is the location for grand sumo tournaments. Unlike the other in-door stadiums, this place permits people to eat while enjoying the fight.SumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Documentary 360 -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct Talkhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgNewsline In DepthJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct TalkNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/6206701c-bc3d-3acd-9866-f5ebe14b11b1/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fDirect TalkNEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Bento ExpoThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightCore Kyotohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/12203300930014331254.jpgAsia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1Dynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Bento ExpoVpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5166377.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBENTO EXPOAsia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct Talkhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct TalkJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/6206701c-bc3d-3acd-9866-f5ebe14b11b1/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fDirect TalkNEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Bento ExpoThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightDynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsAsia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1Many Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Bento ExpoCore Kyotohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/12203300930014331254.jpgVpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5166377.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBENTO EXPOAsia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Zero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Gifts Of The North Furano:part1 -Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk #160NewsNewsline In DepthKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpgDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Direct Talk #025https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/17309427008746686874.jpgDirect and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Newsline In DepthNeposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154513.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.http://images.media-press.cloud/4f5d916eb4744cae8b7de20819fd0b69NEWSLINE IN DEPTHDirect Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoBENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSpecial ProgramSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgBento ExpoToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.GRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5573657205357524205.jpgBento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazinePresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.Special ProgramBento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205070.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoSpecial programBENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk #160NewsNewsline In DepthKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpgDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Newsline In DepthDirect Talk #025https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/17309427008746686874.jpgNeposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154513.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.http://images.media-press.cloud/4f5d916eb4744cae8b7de20819fd0b69NEWSLINE IN DEPTHDirect Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoBENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSpecial ProgramSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgBento ExpoToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazineBento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1Presenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.Special ProgramGRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5573657205357524205.jpgBento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205070.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoSpecial programBENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpgZero Waste LifeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpŽivljenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoZero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Sumopedia #6: KokugikanSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Cycle Around Japan NL BridgeДосуг,Хобби -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline In Depthhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/c7259e5d-0820-3ea7-b0d6-932b5ea7cad5/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthNewsline BizIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline In Depthhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Japanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/c7259e5d-0820-3ea7-b0d6-932b5ea7cad5/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Chatroom JapanПозновательное -TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsSpecial ProgramTrailblazersNewsJapan Railway JournalInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpgSpecial ProgramInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.DESIGN X STORIEShttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5778750303521727829.jpgSpecial Programme - Season 1, Episode 1Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgThe AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.Japan Railway JournalPioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/1bcc0f9b-92c5-31db-b506-4cc013128fb5/3147Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1InfoJapan Railway JournalSpecial Program: Flipping the Script - A Different Kind of Political DebatereportageSpecial program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISpecial ProgramGrand Sumo HighlightsTrailblazersNewsJapan Railway JournalInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpgTrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgSpecial Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.Japan Railway JournalDESIGN X STORIEShttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5778750303521727829.jpgPioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/1bcc0f9b-92c5-31db-b506-4cc013128fb5/3147Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1InfoJapan Railway JournalSpecial Program: Flipping the Script - A Different Kind of Political DebatereportageSpecial program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 SumopediaТВ-шоу -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Newsroom Tokyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/18058635651840840914.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsroom Tokyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/18058635651840840914.jpgNhk NewslineNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Today's Close-up NL BridgeДосуг,Хобби -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline In Depthhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/bbbe08de-786a-3884-b1d5-19a05d82850f/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthDirect TalkIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline In Depthhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/bbbe08de-786a-3884-b1d5-19a05d82850f/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline In DepthJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpg -Japan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to UseIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.0.134.0/1S01E135https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/8175279dfa3f4c7fa77f1e441504efaa&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapan Railway JournalJapan Railway JournalIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Grand Sumo HighlightsPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Usehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2049135/images/wide_m_OJN5irWML8UGOhEaMZCgShHnpsmZxR3zzvecqZ9v.jpgJapan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use : Japan Railway JournalIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaidos discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Japan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1Local residents and businesses in Hokkaido are finding ways to utilise JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines - see how these are being used.TechnologyA look at how in Hokkaido, Japan, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. Following how these discontinued lines are being used in modern times.Grand Sumo HighlightsDnevnik o japonski železnici: Uporaba zapuščenih Hokkaidskih JR linijPotopishttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/4bf9976e-ee34-308d-805a-de91759b53bf/3147Japan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1InfoGRAND SUMO HighlightsRetired railway cars often end up in museums or parks to be appreciated after their service. However, some are...Japan Railway Journal/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Japan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to UseIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.0.134.0/1S01E135https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/8175279dfa3f4c7fa77f1e441504efaa&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapan Railway JournalJapan Railway JournalIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Grand Sumo HighlightsPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Usehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2049135/images/wide_m_OJN5irWML8UGOhEaMZCgShHnpsmZxR3zzvecqZ9v.jpgJapan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use : Japan Railway JournalIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaidos discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Local residents and businesses in Hokkaido are finding ways to utilise JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines - see how these are being used.TechnologyJapan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1A look at how in Hokkaido, Japan, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. Following how these discontinued lines are being used in modern times.Grand Sumo HighlightsDnevnik o japonski železnici: Uporaba zapuščenih Hokkaidskih JR linijPotopishttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/4bf9976e-ee34-308d-805a-de91759b53bf/3147Japan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1InfoGRAND SUMO HighlightsRetired railway cars often end up in museums or parks to be appreciated after their service. However, some are...Japan Railway Journal/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Direct Talk #026Episode: 14.11.2024 18:15. Luis von Ahn created the most used educational app, Duolingo. The app teaches 40+ languages on a smartphone to its 72 million monthly active users for free. He aims to make learning available to all.https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/9622584041147190539.jpgKids Edutainment https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/logos/NHK%20World%20logo.jpg SumopediaSumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japan's Top Inventionshttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3528812445083002573.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -News around japan +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Japan's Top Inventionshttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3528812445083002573.jpgNhk NewslineNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct Talkhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current AffairsIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct TalkNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/bce91a9d-18ab-3d3e-9de3-433428fcf3ec/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fDirect TalkIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 NL BridgeДосуг,Хобби Newsline BizНовости The Seasons Of Yamato Ukiyoe Edo-life: Doodles Or Ukiyoe -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 5NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.739.0/1S01E740https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightGrand Sumo HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Asia Insighthttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsSeasoning the SeasonsJapanology Plushttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/12721670147618549853.jpgAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingGrand Sumo HighlightsSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Asia InsightGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 5 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136Asia InsightNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -SumopediaKokugikanSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.4.0/1S01E05https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia #6NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.SumopediaKokugikan : Sumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportSumopediaExplores the Kokugikan Arena, which is the location for grand sumo tournaments. Unlike the other in-door stadiums, this place permits people to eat while enjoying the fight.Sumopedija: Kokugikanhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/61c9efad-3662-3899-bd25-6d1c86536a43/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/280d58e6b5a447a5bfec2b7b7aaea504Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsroom TokyoNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Newsline Asia 24https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsline Asia 24Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNEWSLINE ASIA 24NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 5NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.739.0/1S01E740https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsAsia InsightNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Asia Insighthttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsSeasoning the SeasonsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Asia InsightJapanology Plushttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/12721670147618549853.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 5 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136Asia InsightNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Documentary on popular writers +SumopediaKokugikanSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.4.0/1S01E05https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia #6NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.SumopediaKokugikan : Sumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportExplores the Kokugikan Arena, which is the location for grand sumo tournaments. Unlike the other in-door stadiums, this place permits people to eat while enjoying the fight.SumopediaSumopedija: Kokugikanhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/61c9efad-3662-3899-bd25-6d1c86536a43/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/280d58e6b5a447a5bfec2b7b7aaea504Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNewsroom TokyoNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Newsline Asia 24https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsline Asia 24NHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNhk NewslineThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNEWSLINE ASIA 24NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Japan's Top Inventions -Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk #160NewsKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpgDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463157Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207537.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk #160NewsKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpgDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463157Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207537.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/13272044588671087764.jpg +Peek a Boo Newsline in DepthНовости -Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Bento ExpoThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightJapan Railway Journalhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201468.jpgJapanse production from 2015 with Takashi Kitamura, Tamotsu Mikami, Noboru Hiura among others. Episode: Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use. In Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used. Presentation: Nathan Berry.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 120240101Dynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Bento ExpoVpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBENTO EXPOThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Asia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Bento ExpoThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightJapan Railway Journalhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201468.jpgDynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsAsia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1Many Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Bento ExpoJapanse production from 2015 with Takashi Kitamura, Tamotsu Mikami, Noboru Hiura among others. Episode: Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use. In Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used. Presentation: Nathan Berry.20240101Vpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBENTO EXPOThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Asia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +With mother requested songs Direct TalkРазвлекательноеBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life Zero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life Ukiyoe Edo-lifePythagoraswitch Mini -Newsline Asia 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/cbf938dd3d8f4fd4b612ca9c9e8f4c56&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsroom TokyoNewsline Asia 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.Newsline Asia 24https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1003/images/wide_m_GmVMZEn3bacYMVeOTX5MYtpcz43lHks6QcZrjYkE.jpgNHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNewsline Asia 24 keeps you informed about all major stories, significant events and news that matter in Japan as well as around Asia.This daily news programme picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineDaily news program that picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.Newsline Asia 24NoticieroNovice iz Azijehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205067.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b5e6c955-cb90-379b-969a-4d799fa3a469/3147NewsNEWSLINE ASIA 24NEWSLINE ASIA 24/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Documentary 360Chinese navi +Newsline Asia 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/cbf938dd3d8f4fd4b612ca9c9e8f4c56&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline Asia 24Newsroom TokyoThis daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.Newsline Asia 24https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1003/images/wide_m_GmVMZEn3bacYMVeOTX5MYtpcz43lHks6QcZrjYkE.jpgNHK NEWSLINEThis daily news programme picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.All ActualityDaily news program that picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.NHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNhk NewslineNewsline Asia 24NoticieroNewsline Asia 24 keeps you informed about all major stories, significant events and news that matter in Japan as well as around Asia.Novice iz Azijehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205067.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b5e6c955-cb90-379b-969a-4d799fa3a469/3147NewsNEWSLINE ASIA 24NEWSLINE ASIA 24/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Documentary 360Kid's discovery Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/13272044588671087764.jpg -Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoBento ExpoBENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSpecial ProgramSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgBento ExpoCore Kyotohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201462.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.The desire to pass on knowledge spurred the evolution of books made of washi paper. Artisans carry on the trade of binding with thread, repairing damaged books, and creating facsimiles of old books.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 120240101Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazinePresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.Special ProgramBento ExpoEpisodio 100Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoSpecial programBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...Basic englishBENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste Life. Прямая трансляцияZero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpgZero Waste LifeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Choices on how to deal -Newsline Asia 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/cbf938dd3d8f4fd4b612ca9c9e8f4c56&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNewsline Asia 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1003/images/wide_m_GmVMZEn3bacYMVeOTX5MYtpcz43lHks6QcZrjYkE.jpgNewsline Asia 24NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNewsline Asia 24 keeps you informed about all major stories, significant events and news that matter in Japan as well as around Asia.This daily news programme picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineDaily news program that picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.Newsline Asia 24NoticieroNovice iz Azijehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205067.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/0579d683-828b-3802-9ae0-dc53498647ad/3147NewsNHK NEWSLINENEWSLINE ASIA 24/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Whiz kids tv hello +Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoBento ExpoBENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSpecial ProgramSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgBento ExpoCore Kyotohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201462.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazineBento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1Presenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.Special ProgramThe desire to pass on knowledge spurred the evolution of books made of washi paper. Artisans carry on the trade of binding with thread, repairing damaged books, and creating facsimiles of old books.Bento ExpoEpisodio 10020240101Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoSpecial programBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...BENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life. Прямая трансляцияWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpgZero Waste LifeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline Asia 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/cbf938dd3d8f4fd4b612ca9c9e8f4c56&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline Asia 24NHK NewslineThis daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1003/images/wide_m_GmVMZEn3bacYMVeOTX5MYtpcz43lHks6QcZrjYkE.jpgNewsline Asia 24NHK NEWSLINEThis daily news programme picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.All ActualityDaily news program that picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.NHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNhk NewslineNewsline Asia 24NoticieroNewsline Asia 24 keeps you informed about all major stories, significant events and news that matter in Japan as well as around Asia.Novice iz Azijehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205067.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/0579d683-828b-3802-9ae0-dc53498647ad/3147NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK news 7NEWSLINE ASIA 24/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Gifts Of The North Furano:part1 Newsline in DepthНовостиNewsline BizNewsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/13272044588671087764.jpg Chatroom JapanChatroom JapanChatroom JapanChatroom Japan -TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITrailblazersSpecial ProgramTrailblazersNewsGrand Sumo HighlightsInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpgSpecial ProgramInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersDESIGN X STORIEShttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201464.pngA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.Japanse production from 2023. Crafts, fashion, products, buildings, and food: explore a diverse range of Japanese designs and the ideas and values of their creators. Our presenters visit designers at work to reveal new stories. Episode: Today's theme: Inspired by Nature's Strength. Creators have always been inspired by the power of natural phenomena that lie beyond our control. Explore a world of designs informed by nature's might.Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1Kimono evangelist Motoji Keita is working to communicate kimono's appeal to a wide demographic. Layering tradition with innovation, he promotes time-honored crafts while also pursuing new techniques.Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgThe AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.Grand Sumo HighlightsProgramación especialEpisodio 633Pioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/e9e9476a-fdbe-3b70-8cc8-6681623b4f91/3147Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!http://images.media-press.cloud/ebdb9e5738fd47369a1b5a484b5378acGRAND SUMO HighlightsThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also...Special program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Documentary on popular writers -SumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISpecial ProgramTrailblazersTrailblazersNewsGrand Sumo HighlightsInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpgTrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersDESIGN X STORIEShttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201464.pngA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgSpecial Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.Grand Sumo HighlightsJapanse production from 2023. Crafts, fashion, products, buildings, and food: explore a diverse range of Japanese designs and the ideas and values of their creators. Our presenters visit designers at work to reveal new stories. Episode: Today's theme: Inspired by Nature's Strength. Creators have always been inspired by the power of natural phenomena that lie beyond our control. Explore a world of designs informed by nature's might.Programación especialEpisodio 633Kimono evangelist Motoji Keita is working to communicate kimono's appeal to a wide demographic. Layering tradition with innovation, he promotes time-honored crafts while also pursuing new techniques.Pioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/e9e9476a-fdbe-3b70-8cc8-6681623b4f91/3147Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!http://images.media-press.cloud/ebdb9e5738fd47369a1b5a484b5378acGRAND SUMO HighlightsThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also...Tokyo local informationSpecial program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +SumopediaSumopediaSumopediaTrivia quizzes you'll get +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Bosai: Science That Can Save Your Life -Nl BridgeNL Bridgehttps://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.repositories.local.internal/Repositories.EPG/OttCategoryImages/Entretenimento.jpg&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINL BridgeNewsNL Bridge20240101Presents the latest entertainment news and trends along with special interviews with TV personalities.NL most +Nl BridgeNL Bridgehttps://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.repositories.local.internal/Repositories.EPG/OttCategoryImages/Entretenimento.jpg&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINL BridgeNewsNL BridgePresents the latest entertainment news and trends along with special interviews with TV personalities.20240101NL most NL Bridgehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1006/images/wide_m_eOw3WXoxZ12LyzMBxtdbSb3XxP6DdC2qjHgaZhR9.jpg -Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline in DepthNewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/logos/NHK%20World%20logo.jpgFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All ActualityReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Direct TalkNewsline BizNoticieroDirect TalkNovice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b3d4a87a-078e-3c7a-a689-7842d2af68de/3147NewsDirect TalkNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: The Holiest Place.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201470.jpgTime-lapse Japanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/15893529764361348800.jpgPeek a Boo -Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIChatroom Japan"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.#3: Homework Challengeshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/6049003/images/wide_m_SsJDCVY3052nj5Ngr22uIZe3a9oAStCBieeZlAjN.jpgChatroom JapanHomework Challenges : Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges. Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Chatroom Japan Homework Challengeshttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EA spotlight on our diverse international community as we report on issues, speak to those involved, and get a fresh look at what it's like to live in Japan.All ActualityElsa, a mother from the Faroe Islands, shares her struggles with the language barrier when assisting her children with their homework at a Japanese public school.Chatroom JapanEpisodio 3Japonska klepetalnicaHomework Challenges: Elsa is from the Faroe Islands and ger two children attend a Japanese public school - she feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Chatroom Japan Homework ChallengesTalk-showChatroom Japan puts a spotlight on our diverse international community.We report on the issues, speak to those...Chatroom Japan/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizNewsline in DepthReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgNewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All ActualityReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Direct Talkhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/logos/NHK%20World%20logo.jpgDirect TalkNewsline BizNoticieroFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Novice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b3d4a87a-078e-3c7a-a689-7842d2af68de/3147NewsDirect TalkNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: The Holiest Place.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201470.jpgTime-lapse Japanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/15893529764361348800.jpg +Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIChatroom Japan"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.#3: Homework Challengeshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/6049003/images/wide_m_SsJDCVY3052nj5Ngr22uIZe3a9oAStCBieeZlAjN.jpgChatroom JapanHomework Challenges : Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges. Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.A spotlight on our diverse international community as we report on issues, speak to those involved, and get a fresh look at what it's like to live in Japan.All ActualityChatroom Japan Homework ChallengesElsa, a mother from the Faroe Islands, shares her struggles with the language barrier when assisting her children with their homework at a Japanese public school.Chatroom JapanEpisodio 3https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EJaponska klepetalnicaHomework Challenges: Elsa is from the Faroe Islands and ger two children attend a Japanese public school - she feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Chatroom Japan Homework ChallengesTalk-showChatroom Japan puts a spotlight on our diverse international community.We report on the issues, speak to those...Chatroom Japan/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201466.jpgJAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4012861594158830438.jpgPythagoraswitch Mini -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 5NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.739.0/1S01E740https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-upGrand Sumo HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsDocument 72 Hourshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 5. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.20240101As interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingGrand Sumo HighlightsSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Japan Railway JournalGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsJapan Railway JournalGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 5 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136Japan Railway JournalNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -With mother requested songs -SumopediaKokugikanSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.4.0/1S01E05https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia #6NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.SumopediaKokugikan : Sumopediahttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201469.jpgSumopedia #6: Kokugikanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpgThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportSumopediaExplores the Kokugikan Arena, which is the location for grand sumo tournaments. Unlike the other in-door stadiums, this place permits people to eat while enjoying the fight.SumopediaSumopediaSumopedija: Kokugikanhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/61c9efad-3662-3899-bd25-6d1c86536a43/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Cycle Around JapanKid's discovery -Nl BridgeNL Bridgehttps://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.repositories.local.internal/Repositories.EPG/OttCategoryImages/Entretenimento.jpg&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINL BridgeNewsNL Bridge20240101Presents the latest entertainment news and trends along with special interviews with TV personalities.NL most +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 5NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.739.0/1S01E740https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsToday's Close-upNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsDocument 72 Hourshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Japan Railway JournalJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 5. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Japan Railway JournalGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights20240101Grand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 5 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136Japan Railway JournalNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NHK news +SumopediaKokugikanSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.4.0/1S01E05https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia #6NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.SumopediaKokugikan : Sumopediahttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201469.jpg'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportExplores the Kokugikan Arena, which is the location for grand sumo tournaments. Unlike the other in-door stadiums, this place permits people to eat while enjoying the fight.Sumopedia #6: Kokugikanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpgSumopediaSumopediaSumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.Sumopedija: Kokugikanhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/61c9efad-3662-3899-bd25-6d1c86536a43/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...News watch 9NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Cycle Around Japan +Nl BridgeNL Bridgehttps://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.repositories.local.internal/Repositories.EPG/OttCategoryImages/Entretenimento.jpg&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINL BridgeNewsNL BridgePresents the latest entertainment news and trends along with special interviews with TV personalities.20240101NL most NL Bridgehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1006/images/wide_m_eOw3WXoxZ12LyzMBxtdbSb3XxP6DdC2qjHgaZhR9.jpg -Direct TalkHoriuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm FoundationDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.36.0/1S01E37https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline in DepthDirect TalkDirect Talk #037NewsHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.Direct TalkHoriuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm Foundation : Direct TalkNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.20240101Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.Talkhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25394727eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpDirect TalkEpisodio 37Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154545.jpgHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in northern Thailand - she is blind but has a passion for reading and believes that it can change lives for a better future.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Direct TalkHoriuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm FoundationDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.36.0/1S01E37https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkNewsline in DepthDirect Talk #037NewsHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.Direct TalkHoriuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm Foundation : Direct TalkNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgDirect and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.Talkhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25394727eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Direct TalkEpisodio 3720240101Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154545.jpgHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in northern Thailand - she is blind but has a passion for reading and believes that it can change lives for a better future.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline BizNewsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ -Whiz kids tv hello -Japan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to UseIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.0.134.0/1S01E135https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/8175279dfa3f4c7fa77f1e441504efaa&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightJapan Railway JournalIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Usehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2049135/images/wide_m_OJN5irWML8UGOhEaMZCgShHnpsmZxR3zzvecqZ9v.jpgJapan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use : Japan Railway JournalAsia Insighthttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaidos discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Japanse production from 2024. An in-depth portrait of Asia today, covering its dynamism as a center of growth as well as its traditions tossed around by the advance of globalization. Episode: The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas. Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Japan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 120240101Local residents and businesses in Hokkaido are finding ways to utilise JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines - see how these are being used.TechnologyA look at how in Hokkaido, Japan, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. Following how these discontinued lines are being used in modern times.Japan Railway JournalEpisodio 135Asia InsightDnevnik o japonski železnici: Uporaba zapuščenih Hokkaidskih JR linijPotopishttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/4bf9976e-ee34-308d-805a-de91759b53bf/3147Japan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1InfoAsia InsightRetired railway cars often end up in museums or parks to be appreciated after their service. However, some are...Japan Railway Journal/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK WORLDJAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK News 7NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsroom TokyoNHK NewslineInterés generalNewsroom TokyoNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNEWSROOM TOKYONHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK news 7NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Japan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to UseIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.0.134.0/1S01E135https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d07154152bd442d1b81858a9dadbed3f&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapan Railway JournalAsia InsightIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Usehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2049135/images/wide_m_OJN5irWML8UGOhEaMZCgShHnpsmZxR3zzvecqZ9v.jpgJapan Railway JournalPutting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use : Japan Railway JournalAsia Insighthttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgIn Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaidos discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used.Local residents and businesses in Hokkaido are finding ways to utilise JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines - see how these are being used.TechnologyJapan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1A look at how in Hokkaido, Japan, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. Following how these discontinued lines are being used in modern times.Japanse production from 2024. An in-depth portrait of Asia today, covering its dynamism as a center of growth as well as its traditions tossed around by the advance of globalization. Episode: The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas. Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Asia InsightJapan Railway JournalEpisodio 13520240101Dnevnik o japonski železnici: Uporaba zapuščenih Hokkaidskih JR linijPotopishttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/4bf9976e-ee34-308d-805a-de91759b53bf/3147Japan Railway Journal - Season 1, Episode 1InfoAsia InsightRetired railway cars often end up in museums or parks to be appreciated after their service. However, some are...Japan Railway Journal/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsroom TokyoJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Newsroom TokyoNhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNEWSROOM TOKYONHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Document 72 hoursNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Today's Close-up Direct TalkРазвлекательноеDirect Talk #160https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201472.jpgEpisode: 15.11.2024 10:15. Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government. -Nl BridgeNL Bridgehttps://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.repositories.local.internal/Repositories.EPG/OttCategoryImages/Entretenimento.jpg&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINL BridgeNewsNL BridgePresents the latest entertainment news and trends along with special interviews with TV personalities.20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p17064842ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNL most +Nl BridgeNL Bridgehttps://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.repositories.local.internal/Repositories.EPG/OttCategoryImages/Entretenimento.jpg&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINL BridgeNewsNL BridgePresents the latest entertainment news and trends along with special interviews with TV personalities.20240101NL most NL Bridgehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1006/images/wide_m_eOw3WXoxZ12LyzMBxtdbSb3XxP6DdC2qjHgaZhR9.jpg -Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Find out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroNovice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/0267c591-d80c-3284-9902-03ffa9a4c8b7/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgNewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All ActualityReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Newsline BizNoticieroFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Novice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/0267c591-d80c-3284-9902-03ffa9a4c8b7/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline In DepthNewsline In DepthNEWSLINE IN DEPTH -Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsAsia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Asia Insight -E2022-389The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/axmvz.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=87351351ab3a80646abd37f27918a00a1463c74aAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Tokyo Local Information NETADORI!BENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 120240101Dynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24972850eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpAsia InsightEpisodio 389Vpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Tokyo local informationAsia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Kids EdutainmentDirect TalkDirect TalkDirect Talk +Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightGrand Sumo HighlightsMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgAsia Insighthttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/axmvz.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=87351351ab3a80646abd37f27918a00a1463c74aThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgDynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsAsia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1Many Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Asia InsightEpisodio 38920240101Vpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Somewhere street valparaisoAsia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Direct TalkDirect TalkKids EdutainmentDirect Talk Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201474.jpgZero Waste Lifehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/2975199088635785435.jpg Ukiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3) -SumopediaТВ-шоуTrivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan!Trivia quizzes you'll get -Newsroom TokyoProgram that gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/fe870fab2d084b4c902c23e0b252bfd8&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNewsroom TokyoThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpgThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the days developments and what is behind them.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsroom TokyoComprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Find out all the latest news and most important developments from Japan and the rest of Asia. See the expert reports and analysis, and discover what's happening in the entertainment world. Programme also includes interviews with different newsmakers. Anchored by Yoshioka Takuma, Shibuya Aki, and Yuko Fukushima.This programme gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia, explaining the day's developments and what is behind them.Current AffairsNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11606253ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsroom TokyoNoticieroNovice iz Tokiahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154546.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/c26b6613-be0b-32af-b55b-b866886b2aea/3147NewsNEWSROOM TOKYOThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what...NEWSROOM TOKYO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +SumopediaТВ-шоуTrivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan! +Newsroom TokyoProgram that gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/fe870fab2d084b4c902c23e0b252bfd8&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsroom TokyoNHK NewslineThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpgThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the days developments and what is behind them.Newsroom Tokyohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeComprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgThis programme gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia, explaining the day's developments and what is behind them.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11606253ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNewsroom TokyoNoticieroFind out all the latest news and most important developments from Japan and the rest of Asia. See the expert reports and analysis, and discover what's happening in the entertainment world. Programme also includes interviews with different newsmakers. Anchored by Yoshioka Takuma, Shibuya Aki, and Yuko Fukushima.Novice iz Tokiahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154546.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/c26b6613-be0b-32af-b55b-b866886b2aea/3147NewsNEWSROOM TOKYOThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what...NEWSROOM TOKYO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Japan's Top Inventions Newsline in DepthНовостиNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world. -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/d8c9b1ad-7570-3cc4-9935-fff53254f40f/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Bento ExpoТВ-шоуTrailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Bento ExpoBento ExpoBENTO EXPO -Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk #160NewsDirect Talk -E2105-160Keeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with more than 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463157Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkThe World Heritage Sites In JapanInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Direct TalkEpisodio 160Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207537.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNewsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/d8c9b1ad-7570-3cc4-9935-fff53254f40f/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Bento ExpoТВ-шоуTrailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgBento ExpoBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Bento ExpoBENTO EXPO +Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk -E2105-160Direct Talk #160NewsKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Direct Talkhttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with more than 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.The World Heritage Sites In JapanDirect TalkEpisodio 160Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463157Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207537.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 World Weather -Zero Waste Life. Прямая трансляцияПозновательноеNHK News 845Zero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeNHK news -Ukiyoe Edo-Life: Bustling Scenes Of Old TokyoThe series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by UtamaroAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3b703c7bdb824f55ab8167cdb0a93c5e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)NewsUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-003Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpgUkiyoe EDOLIFE3https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeUkiyoe Edo-Life3Ukiyoe Edo-LifeAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.S01E03Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1In the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpgThe Seasons Of Yamatohttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15319338bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 3Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter; this chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1InfoAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Newsroom TokyoProgram that gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/fe870fab2d084b4c902c23e0b252bfd8&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsroom TokyoNewsroom TokyoThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpgThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the days developments and what is behind them.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsroom TokyoComprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.News Watch 9Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Find out all the latest news and most important developments from Japan and the rest of Asia. See the expert reports and analysis, and discover what's happening in the entertainment world. Programme also includes interviews with different newsmakers. Anchored by Yoshioka Takuma, Shibuya Aki, and Yuko Fukushima.This programme gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia, explaining the day's developments and what is behind them.Current AffairsNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11606253ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsroom TokyoNoticieroNHK NewslineNovice iz Tokiahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154546.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/13571f8e-304e-3fe5-9460-2ece2eaf30ce/3147NewsNHK NEWSLINEThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what...News watch 9NEWSROOM TOKYO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Zero Waste Life. Прямая трансляцияПозновательноеNHK News 845Zero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeInternational news report +Ukiyoe Edo-Life: Bustling Scenes Of Old TokyoThe series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by UtamaroAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3b703c7bdb824f55ab8167cdb0a93c5e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-003Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)NewsUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpgUkiyoe EDOLIFE3Ukiyoe Edo-Life3https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeUkiyoe Edo-LifeAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.S01E03Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpgUkiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15319338bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons Of YamatoUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 3In the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter; this chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1InfoAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsroom TokyoProgram that gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/fe870fab2d084b4c902c23e0b252bfd8&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsroom TokyoNewsroom TokyoThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpgThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the days developments and what is behind them.Newsroom Tokyohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeComprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.News Watch 9Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgThis programme gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia, explaining the day's developments and what is behind them.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11606253ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineNhk NewslineNewsroom TokyoNoticieroFind out all the latest news and most important developments from Japan and the rest of Asia. See the expert reports and analysis, and discover what's happening in the entertainment world. Programme also includes interviews with different newsmakers. Anchored by Yoshioka Takuma, Shibuya Aki, and Yuko Fukushima.Novice iz Tokiahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154546.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/13571f8e-304e-3fe5-9460-2ece2eaf30ce/3147NewsNHK NEWSLINEThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what...NEWSROOM TOKYO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Documentary 360 -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpgNewsline In DepthNEWSLINE IN DEPTH +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In DepthJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline In DepthNEWSLINE IN DEPTH Newsline in DepthНовости -Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoBENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsBento Expo -E2077-100Season 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgToday part two of a special twopart series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/b53yf.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=4646d9fbf12cdba1b84e2702d570eb56410ae296Bento ExpoPresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.S09E10Japan Railway Journalhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201468.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Japanse production from 2015 with Takashi Kitamura, Tamotsu Mikami, Noboru Hiura among others. Episode: Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use. In Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used. Presentation: Nathan Berry.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 120240101Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!Magazinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p28597495eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpTrailblazersBento ExpoEpisodio 100Special ProgramBento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoSpecial programBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...BENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoBento Expo -E2077-100BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgToday part two of a special twopart series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Bento Expohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/b53yf.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=4646d9fbf12cdba1b84e2702d570eb56410ae296Presenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.S09E10Japan Railway Journalhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201468.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazineBento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p28597495eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpTrailblazersJapanse production from 2015 with Takashi Kitamura, Tamotsu Mikami, Noboru Hiura among others. Episode: Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use. In Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used. Presentation: Nathan Berry.Special ProgramBento ExpoEpisodio 10020240101Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoSpecial programBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...Samurai drama moshichiBENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Direct TalkРазвлекательное -Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Zero Waste Life -E2093-043Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeUnsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -E2093-043Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeMeet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Ukiyoe Edo-life -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIMedical FrontiersNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK WORLDJAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The Comedy of Life : Autumnhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Document 72 hoursNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineMedical FrontiersNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK WORLDJAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The Comedy of Life : Autumnhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Gifts Of The North Furano:part1 -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/9cab0405-f7c6-3f0d-8bfe-a1eea8fa1d0d/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITrailblazersSpecial ProgramTrailblazersNewsSpecial Programme -E7000-633Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeSpecial ProgramInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersThe AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.S01E31GRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. Its also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Japanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 5. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1Kimono evangelist Motoji Keita is working to communicate kimono's appeal to a wide demographic. Layering tradition with innovation, he promotes time-honored crafts while also pursuing new techniques.Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p22092992ih11ae_Iconic_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpProgramación especialEpisodio 633Today's Close-UpPioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpgA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!http://images.media-press.cloud/ebdb9e5738fd47369a1b5a484b5378acToday's Close-UpThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also...Somewhere street valparaisoSpecial program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline in DepthNoticieroNewsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/9cab0405-f7c6-3f0d-8bfe-a1eea8fa1d0d/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...My gardeningNEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISpecial ProgramTrailblazersSpecial Programme -E7000-633TrailblazersNewsInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersThe AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.S01E31GRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. Its also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgSpecial Programme - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p22092992ih11ae_Iconic_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 5. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Today's Close-UpProgramación especialEpisodio 633Kimono evangelist Motoji Keita is working to communicate kimono's appeal to a wide demographic. Layering tradition with innovation, he promotes time-honored crafts while also pursuing new techniques.Pioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b64c3e6f-cd89-3883-a6b2-e5bec6982ff7/3147Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!http://images.media-press.cloud/ebdb9e5738fd47369a1b5a484b5378acToday's Close-UpThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also...Special program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Go focus Tsubasa Honda's Game Genome : T2 EP5 - It Takes Two1.4.0/1S02E05 Sumopedia #6Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201469.jpgSumopedia #6: Kokugikanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Biz Stream +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK WORLDJAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Biz StreamNhk academia kuriyama hideki Mini Program -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Magnificent Sight! - Mountain Lodges in EuropeDirect Talk #160https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201472.jpgEpisode: 15.11.2024 10:15. Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/8e34bc7a-7504-3a46-a686-78782e281667/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Magnificent Sight! - Mountain Lodges in EuropeDirect Talk #160https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201472.jpgIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: 15.11.2024 10:15. Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Newsline in DepthNoticieroNewsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/8e34bc7a-7504-3a46-a686-78782e281667/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline BizНовости -Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-upToday's Close-UpUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Today's Close-Up -E4002-935Uneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeToday'S Close-UpJapan in FocusDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.News CommentaryAsia Insighthttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgTodays Close-UpJapanse production from 2024. An in-depth portrait of Asia today, covering its dynamism as a center of growth as well as its traditions tossed around by the advance of globalization. Episode: The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas. Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Uneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.20240101Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpEpisodio 935Asia InsightDanes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/c171b6d1079a447f81f48022c7389d1fAsia InsightJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Today's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-UpToday's Close-upToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Uneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Uneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeToday'S Close-UpJapan in FocusDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.News CommentaryAsia Insighthttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgTodays Close-UpDig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. An in-depth portrait of Asia today, covering its dynamism as a center of growth as well as its traditions tossed around by the advance of globalization. Episode: The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas. Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Asia InsightToday's Close-UpEpisodio 93520240101Danes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/c171b6d1079a447f81f48022c7389d1fAsia InsightJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Today's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 News & WeatherKids Edutainment -International News Report 2024International news report -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsline Asia 24https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201376.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHK WORLD-JAPANのメインニュース番組。毎日毎正時から、日本・アジアを中心に世界の最新ニュース、経済情報、気象情報などを伝える。 -Hometown Stories -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpDirect TalkNewsline in DepthNoticieroDirect TalkNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/c0348107-f8da-3901-8a46-6cb9ce3c8d04/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fDirect TalkIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道注目ニュースの深堀から、ローカルのきらりと光る話題まで、日本・アジア・世界のあらゆる出来事の真相をジャンルを問わず発信。 +International News Report 2024 +Kid's discovery +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsline Asia 24https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201376.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHK WORLD-JAPANのメインニュース番組。毎日毎正時から、日本・アジアを中心に世界の最新ニュース、経済情報、気象情報などを伝える。 +Hometown StoriesWith mother requested songs +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpDirect TalkDirect TalkNewsline in DepthNoticieroNewsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/c0348107-f8da-3901-8a46-6cb9ce3c8d04/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fDirect TalkIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道注目ニュースの深堀から、ローカルのきらりと光る話題まで、日本・アジア・世界のあらゆる出来事の真相をジャンルを問わず発信。 Newsline BizНовости World Weather -Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightAsia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Asia Insight -E2022-389The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/axmvz.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=87351351ab3a80646abd37f27918a00a1463c74aAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Kumokiri NizaemonBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 120240101Dynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24972850eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsAsia InsightEpisodio 389Grand Sumo HighlightsVpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoGRAND SUMO HighlightsThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Samurai drama moshichiAsia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道アジアの“今”を映し出すドキュメンタリー。成長センターとして世界の注目を集めるアジアの新しい姿などをその背景とともに伝える。 +Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightAsia InsightAsia Insight -E2022-389Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/axmvz.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=87351351ab3a80646abd37f27918a00a1463c74aAsia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.Kumokiri NizaemonBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgDynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsAsia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24972850eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Grand Sumo HighlightsAsia InsightEpisodio 38920240101Vpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoGRAND SUMO HighlightsThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Asia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道アジアの“今”を映し出すドキュメンタリー。成長センターとして世界の注目を集めるアジアの新しい姿などをその背景とともに伝える。 +Nhk special the reality of voy Easy Japanese Core Kyoto Mini Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201474.jpgZero Waste Lifehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/2975199088635785435.jpgWild Hokkaido! SumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsline Asia 24https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201376.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHK WORLD-JAPANのメインニュース番組。毎日毎正時から、日本・アジアを中心に世界の最新ニュース、経済情報、気象情報などを伝える。 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newsline Asia 24https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201376.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHK WORLD-JAPANのメインニュース番組。毎日毎正時から、日本・アジアを中心に世界の最新ニュース、経済情報、気象情報などを伝える。 Framing Everyday Moments Mini Program -Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk -E2105-160Direct Talk #160NewsKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with more than 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.My GardeningGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463157Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Newsline In DepthDirect TalkEpisodio 160Newsline In DepthNeposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207537.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Talk-showNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...My gardeningDirect Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道第一線で活躍するビジネスマンや芸術家など社会的に影響力のある人々の声を紹介するインタビュー番組。 +Direct TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai WatchDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.159.0/1S01E160https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk -E2105-160Direct Talk #160NewsKeeping Our Rivers Plastic Free: Gary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watchhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105160/images/wide_m_41rocQfjHsFB989EnXjZf1gMhubhEmUcpHuhvL8k.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDirect TalkGary Bencheghib / Environmental Activist, Founder of Sungai Watch : Direct TalkGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with more than 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.My GardeningGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100 members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.TalkInterviews with leaders, academics, visionaries and entrepreneurs whose work is changing the world. Offers insight into those who are applying their skills to solve challenges at a local, regional and international level.Newsline In DepthNewsline In DepthTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniDirect TalkEpisodio 160Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463157Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207537.jpgGary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products - he tackles pollution cooperating with local government.Talk-showNEWSLINE IN DEPTHIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道第一線で活躍するビジネスマンや芸術家など社会的に影響力のある人々の声を紹介するインタビュー番組。 Newsline BizНовости The Seasons Of Yamato -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeGrand Sumo HighlightsFrontrunnersSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Trailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!20240101As interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.WrestlingGrand Sumo Highlightshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBento ExpoGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsBento ExpoGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136BENTO EXPONHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道2か月に一度開催される大相撲本場所の主な取り組みを、15日間にわたってハイライトで放送する。 -Go FocusGo focus -Zero Waste Life. Прямая трансляцияПозновательноеZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeSumopediaDohyo : SumopediaDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportSumopediahttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道基本ルールや決まり手、往年の名力士など相撲の知識をコンパクトに解説。日本人も意外と知らないトリビアもあり、外国人に説明するときのヒントにもなります。 +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsBento ExpoGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeGrand Sumo HighlightsFrontrunnersSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Trailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBento ExpoBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Bento ExpoGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights20240101Grand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136BENTO EXPONHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道2か月に一度開催される大相撲本場所の主な取り組みを、15日間にわたってハイライトで放送する。 +Go Focus +Zero Waste Life. Прямая трансляцияПозновательноеZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeNatural grandeur of the east +SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeSumopediaDohyo : SumopediaDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.Sumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道基本ルールや決まり手、往年の名力士など相撲の知識をコンパクトに解説。日本人も意外と知らないトリビアもあり、外国人に説明するときのヒントにもなります。 Zero Waste Life -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Newsroom Tokyohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNewsroom TokyoNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNEWSROOM TOKYONHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHK WORLD-JAPANのメインニュース番組。毎日毎正時から、日本・アジアを中心に世界の最新ニュース、経済情報、気象情報などを伝える。 -Chatroom JapanПозновательноеNHK AcademiaCycle Around JapanNhk academia kuriyama hideki +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Newsroom Tokyohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK NewslineHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNewsroom Tokyohttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNEWSROOM TOKYONHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Drama serial audreyNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHK WORLD-JAPANのメインニュース番組。毎日毎正時から、日本・アジアを中心に世界の最新ニュース、経済情報、気象情報などを伝える。 +Chatroom JapanПозновательноеNHK AcademiaCycle Around Japan NL Bridge -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-lifeNewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline in DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline Bizhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/0ae660f5-735c-3887-a182-d1339493c359/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道注目ニュースの深堀から、ローカルのきらりと光る話題まで、日本・アジア・世界のあらゆる出来事の真相をジャンルを問わず発信。 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthUkiyoe Edo-lifeIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline in DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline Bizhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline in DepthNoticieroNewsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/0ae660f5-735c-3887-a182-d1339493c359/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...Nhk regional showcasesNEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道注目ニュースの深堀から、ローカルのきらりと光る話題まで、日本・アジア・世界のあらゆる出来事の真相をジャンルを問わず発信。 OkinawaДосуг,Хобби Chatroom Japan"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201476.jpgChatroom Japanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5520482296617605454.jpg Japanology PlusПозновательное Newsline In DepthNewsline In DepthNewsline In DepthNEWSLINE IN DEPTH -Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsBento ExpoBento Expo -E2077-100BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/b53yf.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=4646d9fbf12cdba1b84e2702d570eb56410ae296Bento ExpoPresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.S09E10GRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Japanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 5. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 120240101Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!Magazinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p28597495eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBento ExpoEpisodio 100Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...BENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道世界中のBENTOファンをつなぐ視聴者参加型番組として、番組ホームページによせられた、ヘルシーで思いがこめられたレシピの数々を紹介する。 +Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoGrand Sumo HighlightsBento Expo -E2077-100BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/4/b53yf.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=4646d9fbf12cdba1b84e2702d570eb56410ae296Bento ExpoPresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.S09E10GRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazineBento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p28597495eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 5. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 14, Day 5 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Bento ExpoEpisodio 10020240101Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...BENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道世界中のBENTOファンをつなぐ視聴者参加型番組として、番組ホームページによせられた、ヘルシーで思いがこめられたレシピの数々を紹介する。 Direct TalkNews & WeatherDirect TalkDirect TalkDirect Talk -Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -E2093-043Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeLet's Enjoy English and Meets the WorldWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道モノを大切にする「MOTTAINAI」精神を育んできた日本。「捨てない暮らし」を実践する人々を各地で取材し、世界に発信する。 -Ukiyoe Edo-LifeKid's DiscoveryUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)Kid's discovery +Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -E2093-043Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeLet's Enjoy English and Meets the WorldWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道モノを大切にする「MOTTAINAI」精神を育んできた日本。「捨てない暮らし」を実践する人々を各地で取材し、世界に発信する。 +Ukiyoe Edo-LifeKid's DiscoveryUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3) SumopediaТВ-шоуSumopedia #6https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201469.jpgSumopedia #6: Kokugikanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg -Newsroom TokyoProgram that gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/fe870fab2d084b4c902c23e0b252bfd8&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNewsroom TokyoThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Medical Frontiershttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsroom TokyoComprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the days developments and what is behind them.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Find out all the latest news and most important developments from Japan and the rest of Asia. See the expert reports and analysis, and discover what's happening in the entertainment world. Programme also includes interviews with different newsmakers. Anchored by Yoshioka Takuma, Shibuya Aki, and Yuko Fukushima.This programme gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia, explaining the day's developments and what is behind them.Current AffairsMedical FrontiersNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11606253ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsroom TokyoNoticieroNovice iz Tokiahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154546.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/7589c5f0-1ceb-3f3b-970b-60989a03f81c/3147NewsMedical FrontiersThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what...NEWSROOM TOKYO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道平日夜に日本とアジアの1日の動きをせきとめ、中継やリポートを軸に、専門家や取材記者の解説を交えて、深く分かりやすくニュースを伝えます。 -Climate TechПозновательноеWith MotherDocumentary 360With mother requested songs +Newsroom TokyoProgram that gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/fe870fab2d084b4c902c23e0b252bfd8&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsroom TokyoNHK NewslineThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Medical Frontiershttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsroom TokyoComprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the days developments and what is behind them.This programme gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia, explaining the day's developments and what is behind them.Current AffairsMedical Frontiershttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11606253ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineNewsroom TokyoNoticieroFind out all the latest news and most important developments from Japan and the rest of Asia. See the expert reports and analysis, and discover what's happening in the entertainment world. Programme also includes interviews with different newsmakers. Anchored by Yoshioka Takuma, Shibuya Aki, and Yuko Fukushima.Novice iz Tokiahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154546.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/7589c5f0-1ceb-3f3b-970b-60989a03f81c/3147NewsMedical FrontiersThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what...News Good Morning, JapanNEWSROOM TOKYO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道平日夜に日本とアジアの1日の動きをせきとめ、中継やリポートを軸に、専門家や取材記者の解説を交えて、深く分かりやすくニュースを伝えます。 +Climate TechПозновательноеWith MotherDocumentary 360 NL Bridge Direct Talk #037Horiuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201477.jpgDirect Talk #037https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/9622584041147190539.jpg -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline in DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNovice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/7de2e5bf-cd17-3856-9e83-5ff208380298/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道注目ニュースの深堀から、ローカルのきらりと光る話題まで、日本・アジア・世界のあらゆる出来事の真相をジャンルを問わず発信。 -TrailblazersJapan Railway Journalhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201468.jpgJapanse production from 2015 with Takashi Kitamura, Tamotsu Mikami, Noboru Hiura among others. Episode: Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use. In Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used. Presentation: Nathan Berry.TrailblazersSpecial ProgramSpecial program -30 MillionNhk special the reality of voy -Direct TalkHoriuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm FoundationDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.36.0/1S01E37https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk -E2105-037Direct Talk #037NewsHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.Horiuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm Foundation : Direct Talk20240101Direct and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.Talkhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25394727eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpDirect TalkEpisodio 37Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154545.jpgHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in northern Thailand - she is blind but has a passion for reading and believes that it can change lives for a better future.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道第一線で活躍するビジネスマンや芸術家など社会的に影響力のある人々の声を紹介するインタビュー番組。 -Ukiyoe Edo-Life: Bustling Scenes Of Old TokyoThe series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by UtamaroAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3b703c7bdb824f55ab8167cdb0a93c5e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-003Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)NewsUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpgUkiyoe Edo-LifeAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.S01E03Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1In the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15319338bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 3Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter; this chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1InfoAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHKワールド JAPANを放送しています。詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。 nhk.jp/nhkworld -Medical FrontiersDestroying Pancreatic Cancer With UltrasoundUltrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/421b93f5c4994453b8354751eca4eea3&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineMedical FrontiersMedical Frontiers -E2050-151Ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential.NHK NewslineDestroying Pancreatic Cancer With Ultrasoundhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2050151/images/wide_m_G1eL781BByzUj8Y75NdQQBY5xRfT6aSL7c6ruHag.jpgDestroying Pancreatic Cancer with Ultrasound : Medical FrontiersA look at how ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body.Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Recent data show constipation can lead to life-threatening conditions like stroke and chronic kidney disease. We explore the risks of self-diagnosing and a new device for managing constipation.Ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer - HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26406643eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpMedical FrontiersEpisodio 151Meje medicinehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191718.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/1c9285e7-1dbe-3966-a2a6-a56f3f7952d5/3147HealthNHK NEWSLINEUltrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy...Medical Frontiers/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道世界をリードする日本の医療技術・サービスと、日常の中で簡単にできる健康法を発信する情報番組。健康な暮らしへのヒントに。 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d6fc7568ffdc4e1ebcc0b84249fa9bd1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNewsline in DepthIntroducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Introducing a colourful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Current Affairshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713527ih8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline in DepthNoticieroNewsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.Novice poglobljenohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205069.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/7de2e5bf-cd17-3856-9e83-5ff208380298/3147NHK World is the international service of NHK, the sole public broadcaster of Japan. Newsline in Depth provides the most essential stories with a focus mainly on Japan, the rest of Asia, and then finally the rest of the world to a global audience. This news programme is all about depth and no detail is too small. The flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather on the hour, 24 hours a day. It is rated as one of the top English–language news programs in the Asia Pacific region.http://images.media-press.cloud/82f4e26efd324d8db37d662f016e1c3fIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as...NEWSLINE IN DEPTH/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道注目ニュースの深堀から、ローカルのきらりと光る話題まで、日本・アジア・世界のあらゆる出来事の真相をジャンルを問わず発信。 +TrailblazersJapan Railway Journalhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201468.jpgTrailblazersSpecial ProgramJapanse production from 2015 with Takashi Kitamura, Tamotsu Mikami, Noboru Hiura among others. Episode: Putting JR Hokkaido's Abandoned Lines to Use. In Hokkaido, local residents and businesses are finding ways to utilize JR Hokkaido's discontinued railway lines. See how these discontinued lines are being used. Presentation: Nathan Berry.Special program +30 Million +Direct TalkHoriuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm FoundationDirect and in-depth. Interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.0.36.0/1S01E37https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d589dc768d6446e5bd40c2b8fe203f1c&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIDirect TalkDirect Talk -E2105-037Direct Talk #037NewsHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.Horiuchi Yoshimi / Founder of Bookworm Foundation : Direct TalkDirect and in-depth interviews exploring the minds and motivations of the leaders, visionaries, artists and entrepreneurs who are changing our world.Talkhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25394727eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpDirect TalkEpisodio 3720240101Neposrednohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154545.jpgHoriuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in northern Thailand - she is blind but has a passion for reading and believes that it can change lives for a better future.Talk-showIn 2022, Jenna wrote and composed a song called "The Symphony" as a prayer for peace in Ukraine. She talks about the...Direct Talk/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道第一線で活躍するビジネスマンや芸術家など社会的に影響力のある人々の声を紹介するインタビュー番組。 +Ukiyoe Edo-Life: Bustling Scenes Of Old TokyoThe series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by UtamaroAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3b703c7bdb824f55ab8167cdb0a93c5e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-003Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)NewsUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpgUkiyoe Edo-LifeAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.S01E03Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpgUkiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15319338bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 3In the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter; this chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1InfoAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHKワールド JAPANを放送しています。詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。 nhk.jp/nhkworld +Medical FrontiersDestroying Pancreatic Cancer With UltrasoundUltrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/421b93f5c4994453b8354751eca4eea3&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIMedical FrontiersNHK NewslineMedical Frontiers -E2050-151Ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential.NHK NewslineDestroying Pancreatic Cancer With Ultrasoundhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2050151/images/wide_m_G1eL781BByzUj8Y75NdQQBY5xRfT6aSL7c6ruHag.jpgDestroying Pancreatic Cancer with Ultrasound : Medical FrontiersA look at how ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body.Nhk Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgUltrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer - HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26406643eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Nhk NewslineMedical FrontiersEpisodio 151Recent data show constipation can lead to life-threatening conditions like stroke and chronic kidney disease. We explore the risks of self-diagnosing and a new device for managing constipation.Meje medicinehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191718.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/1c9285e7-1dbe-3966-a2a6-a56f3f7952d5/3147HealthNHK NEWSLINEUltrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy...Medical Frontiers/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道世界をリードする日本の医療技術・サービスと、日常の中で簡単にできる健康法を発信する情報番組。健康な暮らしへのヒントに。 Gifts of the NorthДосуг,ХоббиGifts Of The North Furano:part1 NL Bridge -Newsline BizNewsline Bizhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline BizNEWSLINE BIZ +Newsline BizNewsline Bizhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline BizJapanse production from 2024. Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.NEWSLINE BIZ Rural Japan Satoyama -TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISpecial ProgramSpecial Programme -E7000-633TrailblazersNewsToday's Close-UpInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersThe AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.S01E31Asia Insighthttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. Its also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Japanse production from 2024. An in-depth portrait of Asia today, covering its dynamism as a center of growth as well as its traditions tossed around by the advance of globalization. Episode: The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas. Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1Kimono evangelist Motoji Keita is working to communicate kimono's appeal to a wide demographic. Layering tradition with innovation, he promotes time-honored crafts while also pursuing new techniques.Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgToday's Close-Uphttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p22092992ih11ae_Iconic_w1920.webpProgramación especialEpisodio 633Pioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpgA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!http://images.media-press.cloud/ebdb9e5738fd47369a1b5a484b5378acToday's Close-UpThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also...Special program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHKワールド JAPANを放送しています。詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。 nhk.jp/nhkworld +TrailblazersInnovating Japanese Wooden ArchitectureThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!0.632.0/1S01E633https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/571d311d501f40d1a5c0044506330dc1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISpecial ProgramSpecial Programme -E7000-633TrailblazersNewsToday's Close-UpInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/7000633/images/wide_m_5SzmI2fK7K4jSbZFqFp61BPHO6yws2H7YV9yQOUM.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeInnovating Japanese Wooden Architecture : TrailblazersThe AQ Group reexamines the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It pursues greater earthquake and fire resistance.S01E31Asia Insighthttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. Its also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Special ProgrammeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/371141_Special_Programme.jpgSpecial Programme - Season 1, Episode 1Today's Close-Uphttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p22092992ih11ae_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. An in-depth portrait of Asia today, covering its dynamism as a center of growth as well as its traditions tossed around by the advance of globalization. Episode: The Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas. Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Programación especialEpisodio 633Kimono evangelist Motoji Keita is working to communicate kimono's appeal to a wide demographic. Layering tradition with innovation, he promotes time-honored crafts while also pursuing new techniques.Pioniji: Inovacija japonske lesene arhitekturehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5147768.jpgA wide range of topics featuring Japanese culture and society are introduced.Special Programme - Season 1, Episode 1The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!http://images.media-press.cloud/ebdb9e5738fd47369a1b5a484b5378acToday's Close-UpThe AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also...Special program/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道NHKワールド JAPANを放送しています。詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。 nhk.jp/nhkworld Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho Highlights -Natural grandeur of the east -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.CarnationNewsroom Tokyohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201379.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024 with Yuko Fukushima, Aiko Doden, Takafumi Terui among others. This program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNhk Newslinehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Drama serial audreyNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.CarnationNewsroom Tokyohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201379.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024 with Yuko Fukushima, Aiko Doden, Takafumi Terui among others. This program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.Nhk NewslineNHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Drama serial the tiger and herNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Cycle Around JapanДосуг,ХоббиCycle Around Japan -A AnunciarNhk regional showcases -Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline Bizhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Find out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroNovice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/177e9ac4-7c3d-3d10-870a-366d380b774d/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +A AnunciarThe instruction manual show +Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline Bizhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Novice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/177e9ac4-7c3d-3d10-870a-366d380b774d/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpg -Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-UpToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Uneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Asia InsightUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpgJapan in FocusDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Todays Close-UpUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.20240101Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsAsia Insighthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpEpisodio 935Danes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/d63188af120e495b8ed98fa5251baeeaAsia InsightJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Today's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-UpToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Uneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Asia InsightUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpgJapan in FocusDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Todays Close-UpDig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Asia Insighthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpEpisodio 93520240101Danes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/d63188af120e495b8ed98fa5251baeeaAsia InsightJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Today's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Direct Talk #160Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201472.jpgDirect Talk #160https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3516403278358758363.jpg Local Exquisite Omusubi Fun with Okinawa DialectsUkiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201478.jpgEpisode: The series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by Utamaro. At dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo. -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News: Good Morning, JapanNewsroom Tokyohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201379.jpgNhk NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024 with Yuko Fukushima, Aiko Doden, Takafumi Terui among others. This program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...News Good Morning, JapanNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News: Good Morning, JapanNewsroom Tokyohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201379.jpgNhk NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024 with Yuko Fukushima, Aiko Doden, Takafumi Terui among others. This program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Trivia quizzes you'll getNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Today's Close-upНовости -Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline Bizhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Newsline BizFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroNovice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/ed1cccc3-555f-35ed-a188-1aeba2edbffa/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightAsia Insight -E2022-389Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Bento ExpoThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.BENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgAsia InsightToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 120240101Dynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsBento Expohttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24972850eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpAsia InsightEpisodio 389Vpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBENTO EXPOThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Asia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.Newsline Bizhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Novice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/ed1cccc3-555f-35ed-a188-1aeba2edbffa/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Asia InsightThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers OverseasMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.0.388.0/1S01E389https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/195ed5e02ced4945ab69b31eca56976d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAsia InsightAsia Insight -E2022-389Many Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.Bento ExpoThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseashttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2022389/images/wide_m_9IbrVyj6W86JIRnkxtTm3nXnt0ecckXng6nuJ8Uy.jpgThe Reality Faced by Nepal's Workers Overseas : Asia InsightMany Nepali workers bare harsh conditions overseas in order to send money to their families back home.BENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgAsia InsightDynamic Asia - the stories behind the world's largest continent as it faces political, economic, cultural and technological change.Current AffairsAsia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1Bento Expohttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24972850eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Asia InsightEpisodio 38920240101Vpogled v Azijo: Resničnost, s katero se soočajo nepalski delavci v tujinihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207538.jpgMany Nepali workers labour overseas to send home funds to their families, but a large number are permanently damaging their health - or even losing their lives - due to harsh working conditions.Asia Insight - Season 1, Episode 1InfoBENTO EXPOThe magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey displaced 2.5 million people. In Iskenderun, a group of evacuees are living in...Asia Insight/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Viewpoint ScienceПозновательное -Zero Waste LifeZero Waste Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201474.jpgA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them, he's put the same love he has for bread into making delicious craft beer. Episode: Tick-Tock Transformation. Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Zero Waste LifeZero Waste Life +Zero Waste LifeZero Waste Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201474.jpgZero Waste LifeA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them, he's put the same love he has for bread into making delicious craft beer. Episode: Tick-Tock Transformation. Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Zero Waste LifeCorrelation diagram Story LandДосуг,Хобби -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News: Good Morning, Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News: Good Morning, Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +The visualization entertainmen Trails to Oishii TokyoДосуг,ХоббиChatroom JapanChatroom JapanChatroom Japan -Ukiyoe Edo-LifeNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Ukiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3) -Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgNewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Newsline BizFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Reporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroNovice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/4a2fe94b-2b4a-3220-8f37-b3e3891a7f50/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Ukiyoe Edo-LifeNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyoe Edo-LifeJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3) +Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d30edfbdca7f4d3d8bcaff60b574543d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpgNewsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from expert guests at the studio.Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news with added analysis from studio guests.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16713560ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNewsline BizNoticieroFind out all the latest business, finance and economic news, while various studio guests provide analysis and give their opinions.Novice iz poslovnega svetahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205068.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/4a2fe94b-2b4a-3220-8f37-b3e3891a7f50/3147NewsNEWSLINE BIZ/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 The Seasons of YamatoПозновательноеOkinawa: US InfluencesOkinawa: US InfluencesOKINAWA: US Influences Ukiyoe Edo-lifeJapanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus mini -Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsBento ExpoBento Expo -E2077-100BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsGrand Sumo HighlightsSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgBento ExpoPresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.S09E10Trailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgBento ExpoToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.British production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 120240101Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazineGrand Sumo Highlightshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p28597495eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBento ExpoEpisodio 100Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoGRAND SUMO HighlightsBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...BENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -E2093-043Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Bento Expo Kyoto SpechialSeason9: Episode10Today: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.0.99.0/1S01E100https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0e14c008e2664391999dc36fe8ecd73a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBento ExpoGrand Sumo HighlightsBento Expo -E2077-100BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialNewsGrand Sumo HighlightsSeason 9-10 Koyadofu and Chicken Teriyaki Bento & Koyadofu and Matsutake Rice Bentohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2077100/images/wide_m_PN5JWCrkYT4OAwm5a92owYLgIQ7nlaFx8pTXII1G.jpgBento ExpoPresenting bento ideas sent in from around the world and teaching how to give leftovers a bento makeover and use shared ingredients to make different bento for your family.S09E10Trailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgBento ExpoToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Bento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world with step-by-step instructions and delicious tips and tricks!MagazineBento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1Grand Sumo Highlightshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p28597495eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Bento ExpoEpisodio 10020240101Bento Expo: Kyoto Specialhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5207536.jpgPart two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto - Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko as the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu, together.Bento Expo - Season 1, Episode 1InfoGRAND SUMO HighlightsBento connects the world! Discover a universe of bento from Japan and around the world, with step-by-step instructions...BENTO EXPO/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Nhk special tracking the red +Zero Waste LifeTick-Tock TransformationWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.0.42.0/1S01E43https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/858145abd7564e419f53e83f9b3e9c65&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIZero Waste LifeZero Waste Life -E2093-043Watchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Tick-Tock Transformationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2093043/images/wide_m_PPlaQ2WD8t8PepR54TV4G75hcUi316Xu6IjGqh4U.jpghttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeTick-Tock Transformation : Zero Waste LifeZero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmakers appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of 'mottainai', which values cherishing the things we have.Wildlifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25214854eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZero Waste LifeEpisodio 43Unsellable substandard produce becomes soap thanks to farmer Harada Yuko. She hopes her work will change how people see fruits and vegetables, so that none of them will ever go to waste.Življenje brez odpadkov: Tik tok preobrazbahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5200161.jpgWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist - using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.InfoA bread maker for many years, Yoshioka Kenichi had a problem with leftover bread crusts. Seeking some use for them,...Zero Waste Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 SumopediaТВ-шоуSumopediaSumopediaSumopedia World Weather -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Omusubihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Japanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Drama serial the tiger and herNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapan's Top InventionsChatroom JapanChatroom Japan -E6049-003"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Documentary 360: Climate Tech#3: Homework Challengeshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/6049003/images/wide_m_SsJDCVY3052nj5Ngr22uIZe3a9oAStCBieeZlAjN.jpgHomework Challenges : Chatroom JapanElsa, a mother from the Faroe Islands, shares her struggles with the language barrier when assisting her children with their homework at a Japanese public school.Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges. Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Chatroom Japan Homework Challengeshttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EA spotlight on our diverse international community as we report on issues, speak to those involved, and get a fresh look at what it's like to live in Japan.All ActualityDocumentary 360: Climate Techhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23715869eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpChatroom JapanEpisodio 3Japonska klepetalnicaHomework Challenges: Elsa is from the Faroe Islands and ger two children attend a Japanese public school - she feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Talk-showChatroom Japan Homework ChallengesDocumentary 360Chatroom Japan puts a spotlight on our diverse international community.We report on the issues, speak to those...Chatroom Japan/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Ukiyoe Edo-Life: Bustling Scenes Of Old TokyoThe series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by UtamaroAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3b703c7bdb824f55ab8167cdb0a93c5e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-003Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)NewsUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpgUkiyoe Edo-LifeAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.S01E03The Instruction Manual ShowNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgUkiyoe Edo-life(3)Japanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Ukiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1In the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15319338bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 3Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter; this chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.InfoUkiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1At dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for...The instruction manual showUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Time-Lapse JapanOKINAWA: US InfluencesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ba5bff9af21243a7ae0411fead493592&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIOkinawa: Us InfluencesOkinawa -E6025-032Time-lapse JapanNewsOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeOKINAWA: US Influences : Time-Lapse JapanOkinawa: Us InfluencesTime-Lapse Japan Okinawa: US InfluencesNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.OkinawaAll Actualityhttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/288649_Okinawa.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p22461870eh8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpOkinawaEpisodio 32 - US InfluencesJaponska skozi časPotopisOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan - we examine its past and present with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.Nature + TravelsTime-Lapse Japan Okinawa: US InfluencesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with...OKINAWA: US Influences/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Japanology Plus MiniJapanese Dog BreedsWe bring you a five-minute digest of "Japanology Plus," a show that explores Japanese culture from various angles.0.8.0/1S01E09https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1b07809b2ea94d509dbd065a2925c190&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus Mini -E6032-009Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japanologymini/images/wide_m_d0gZS0pDiN0MPViuhV96RFJVCHXIJxXt3okJNYs3.jpgJapanese Dog Breeds : Japanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus Mini - Season 1, Episode 1Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at donburi rice bowls, Japan's ultimate comfort food.'Japanology Plus' explores Japanese life and culture - in this digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including the Shiba Inu and the Akita.Varietyhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20506829eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanology PlusEpisodio 9Še o japonologijihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205072.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/671700e5-32fb-389d-9a8c-48a2f1ff314f/3147CultureJapanology Plus Mini - Season 1, Episode 1Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japan's innovative, efficient,...Japanology Plus mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgTrails to Oishii TokyoSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Japan in Focushttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201381.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of programs focusing on Japan.20240101As interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Omusubihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Chatroom JapanHomework Challenges"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIChatroom JapanJapan's Top InventionsChatroom Japan -E6049-003"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Documentary 360: Climate Tech#3: Homework Challengeshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/6049003/images/wide_m_SsJDCVY3052nj5Ngr22uIZe3a9oAStCBieeZlAjN.jpgHomework Challenges : Chatroom JapanElsa, a mother from the Faroe Islands, shares her struggles with the language barrier when assisting her children with their homework at a Japanese public school.Chatroom JapanA spotlight on our diverse international community as we report on issues, speak to those involved, and get a fresh look at what it's like to live in Japan.All ActualityHomework Challenges. Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Chatroom Japan Homework ChallengesDocumentary 360: Climate Techhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23715869eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpChatroom JapanEpisodio 3https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EJaponska klepetalnicaHomework Challenges: Elsa is from the Faroe Islands and ger two children attend a Japanese public school - she feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.Talk-showChatroom Japan Homework ChallengesDocumentary 360Chatroom Japan puts a spotlight on our diverse international community.We report on the issues, speak to those...Chatroom Japan/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Ukiyoe Edo-Life: Bustling Scenes Of Old TokyoThe series Summer Outfits: Beauties of Today by UtamaroAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3b703c7bdb824f55ab8167cdb0a93c5e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe Edo-LifeUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-003Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)NewsUkiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpgUkiyoe Edo-LifeAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.S01E03The Instruction Manual ShowNewsline In Depthhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgUkiyoe Edo-life(3)Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpgUkiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15319338bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. Introducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 3In the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgAt dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter; this chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.InfoUkiyo-e Edo-Life - Season 1, Episode 1At dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(3)/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Time-Lapse JapanOKINAWA: US InfluencesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ba5bff9af21243a7ae0411fead493592&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIOkinawa: Us InfluencesOkinawa -E6025-032Time-lapse JapanNewsOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeOKINAWA: US Influences : Time-Lapse JapanOkinawa: Us InfluencesOkinawaAll Actualityhttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/288649_Okinawa.jpgTime-Lapse Japan Okinawa: US Influenceshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p22461870eh8aa_Iconic_w1920.webpOkinawaEpisodio 32 - US InfluencesNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.Japonska skozi časPotopisOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan - we examine its past and present with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.Nature + TravelsTime-Lapse Japan Okinawa: US InfluencesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with...OKINAWA: US Influences/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Japanology Plus MiniJapanese Dog BreedsWe bring you a five-minute digest of "Japanology Plus," a show that explores Japanese culture from various angles.0.8.0/1S01E09https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1b07809b2ea94d509dbd065a2925c190&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus Mini -E6032-009Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japanologymini/images/wide_m_d0gZS0pDiN0MPViuhV96RFJVCHXIJxXt3okJNYs3.jpgJapanese Dog Breeds : Japanology Plus MiniJapanology Plus Mini'Japanology Plus' explores Japanese life and culture - in this digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including the Shiba Inu and the Akita.VarietyJapanology Plus Mini - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20506829eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanology PlusEpisodio 9Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at donburi rice bowls, Japan's ultimate comfort food.Še o japonologijihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205072.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/671700e5-32fb-389d-9a8c-48a2f1ff314f/3147CultureJapanology Plus Mini - Season 1, Episode 1Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japan's innovative, efficient,...Japanology Plus mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgTrails to Oishii TokyoSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Japan in Focushttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201381.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of programs focusing on Japan.Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights20240101Grand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...Documentary 20 minutesGRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life PythagoraSwitchПозновательное -SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDohyo : SumopediaDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.SumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Trivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan!https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalDnevno-informativna oddajaNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/241f5cc2-c550-377a-b3e6-6c3524b77d94/3147http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...Trivia quizzes you'll getNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechDocumentary 360 -E3026-014Climate TechNewsGifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Documentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measures : Documentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.20240101This flagship documentary series offers must-see episodes on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.SocialGifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Dokumentarni film 360Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechPart 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 -Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpg +SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopediaSumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDohyo : SumopediaDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.Sumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.Sumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Trivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan!https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgDnevno-informativna oddajaNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/241f5cc2-c550-377a-b3e6-6c3524b77d94/3147http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NewsNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechDocumentary 360 -E3026-014Climate TechNewsGifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Documentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measures : Documentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360This flagship documentary series offers must-see episodes on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.SocialNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate Tech20240101Dokumentarni film 360Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 +Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpgExploring factories Asia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgAsia Insighthttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/10631716051532297364.jpg -Correlation Diagram of the Complex Social PhenomenaCorrelation diagram -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News & Weatherhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -The Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-KunThe visualization entertainmen -Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGifts of the NorthGifts Of The North Furano -E5001-421Gifts of the NorthNewsCycle Around JapanGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgGifts of the North Furanohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK Drama ShowcaseGifts Of The North Furano:part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.20240101Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.All ActualityCycle Around Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpDarovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpgGifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/399170ab-2aa9-3986-8b3f-d08248b73119/3147InfoCYCLE AROUND JAPANLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Correlation Diagram of the Complex Social PhenomenaDrama serial the tiger and her +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>NewsNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News & Weatherhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +The Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-KunHistorical drama dear radiance +Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGifts of the NorthGifts Of The North Furano -E5001-421Gifts of the NorthNewsCycle Around JapanGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgGifts of the North Furanohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK Drama ShowcaseGifts Of The North Furano:part1Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.All ActualityLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Cycle Around Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpGifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 42120240101Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/399170ab-2aa9-3986-8b3f-d08248b73119/3147InfoCYCLE AROUND JAPANLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Direct Talk #160Gary Bencheghib, a French activist in Bali, founded Sungai Watch with 100+ members to clean rivers and turn plastic waste into new products. He tackles pollution cooperating with the local government.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201472.jpgDirect Talk #160https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3516403278358758363.jpg GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217963.jpgGRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5573657205357524205.jpg Mini Program -The Last Lecture : T1 EP2 - Shinichi Fukuoka0.1.0/1S01E02Nhk special tracking the red +The Last Lecture : T1 EP2 - Shinichi Fukuoka0.1.0/1S01E02 +The last lecture emoto akira Sumopedia #7Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201469.jpgSumopedia #7: Dohyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/95b3e5ff165149f484cc84553df7033e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your LifeCycle Around Japan -E2066-054CYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsToday's Close-UpAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgThe ProfessionalsFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.Cycle Around JapanCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.Come ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All ActualityToday's Close-Uphttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpS kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpgCycle Around JapanEpisodio 54Late Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...Today's Close-UpCYCLE AROUND JAPAN/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7000f715c1374c95a9c8eda2ac1eea75&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your LifeCycle Around Japan -E2066-054CYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsToday's Close-UpAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgThe ProfessionalsFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.Cycle Around JapanCome ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All ActualityCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Today's Close-Uphttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCycle Around JapanEpisodio 54«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpgLate Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...Today's Close-UpCYCLE AROUND JAPAN/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpg PythagoraSwitchПозновательное -Grand Sumo HighlightsНовостиDocumentary: 20 minutesBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.Documentary 20 minutes -Viewpoint ScienceViewpoint ScienceViewpoint ScienceKids Edutainment +Grand Sumo HighlightsНовостиDocumentary: 20 minutesBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu. +Viewpoint ScienceViewpoint ScienceViewpoint ScienceKids EdutainmentCapturing landscapes by drone Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201474.jpgZero Waste Lifehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/2975199088635785435.jpg Story LandNo Art, No LifeStory LandStory Land Dining with the Chef Mini World Weather SumopediaТВ-шоу -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NewsNewsroom Tokyohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201379.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024 with Yuko Fukushima, Aiko Doden, Takafumi Terui among others. This program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENewsNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICycle Around JapanToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Today's Close-UpNewsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpgJapan in FocusDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Today's Close-upTodays Close-UpUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Uneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EDig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsTrails To Oishii Tokyo Minihttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpDanes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpgToday's Close-UpEpisodio 935http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/d63188af120e495b8ed98fa5251baeeaJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Trails to Oishii Tokyo MiniToday's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Exploring FactoriesExploring factories +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NewsNewsroom Tokyohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201379.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024 with Yuko Fukushima, Aiko Doden, Takafumi Terui among others. This program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINEThe human age special editionNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICycle Around JapanToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Today's Close-UpNewsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpgJapan in FocusDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Today's Close-upDig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsTodays Close-UpUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Trails To Oishii Tokyo Minihttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpEpisodio 935Uneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EDanes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/d63188af120e495b8ed98fa5251baeeaJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Trails to Oishii Tokyo MiniToday's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Exploring Factories The Seasons Of YamatoThe Seasons Of YamatoThe Seasons Of YamatoThe seasons of Yamato Ukiyoe Edo-Life: DoodlesUkiyoe Edo-Life: DoodlesUkiyoe Edo-Life: DoodlesUkiyoe EDO-LIFE: Doodles or Ukiyoe Newsline In DepthIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201366.jpgNewsline In Depthhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/3162231445114951056.jpg Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGRAND SUMO Highlights -Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint Science -E4037-003Viewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeMake a Hypothesis : Viewpoint ScienceDiscovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPANDirect Talk #037https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201477.jpgKids EdutainmentEpisode: 15.11.2024 18:15. Horiuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EKids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpZnanstveni vidikViewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3This proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...Kids Edutainment/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -OmusubiDrama serial the tiger and her -Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIStory Land -E4040-003Story LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeStory Land in Classical JapaneseStory Land in Classical Japanesehttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Dežela zgodbStory LandEpisodio 3Leading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... +Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint Science -E4037-003Viewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeMake a Hypothesis : Viewpoint ScienceDiscovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPANDirect Talk #037https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201477.jpgKids EdutainmentKids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: 15.11.2024 18:15. Horiuchi Yoshimi is running a library in a small city in Northern Thailand. She is blind, yet she has the passions about reading and believes it can change lives for the better future.Viewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EZnanstveni vidikThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...Kids Edutainment/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Omusubi +Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIStory Land -E4040-003Story LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeStory Land in Classical JapaneseStory Land in Classical JapaneseIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EDežela zgodbLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)At dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201478.jpgUkiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/7834243854722754385.jpg SumopediaSumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News & WeatherMedical Frontiershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201435.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2015. Episode: Destroying Pancreatic Cancer With Ultrasound. Ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential. Presentation: Erica Angyal.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Dear RadianceHistorical drama dear radiance -Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini (10Min)HoneyOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.0.12.0/1S01E13https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/160381896ca940cea21f59250beb6b21&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-upTrails To Oishii Tokyo Mini -E6119-013Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)NewsJapan's Top InventionsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Time and TideConcerned about the decline in global bee populations, urbanites take on rooftop beekeeping in Japan's capital. Also, visiting beekeeping sites responsible for precious honey varieties that are increasingly at risk.Trails To Oishii Tokyo MiniTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EOur focus this time is on honey - innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavours in this fascinating world of honey.All ActualityJapan's Top Inventionshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23025343eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpPot do TokiaTrails to Oishii TokyoEpisodio 13http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/9943c3c8-5225-3c0f-b689-e51a43110e06/3147InfoTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Bananas in Japan visit a plantation in one of the country's snowiest regions, and learn how sweetness is carefully...Japan's Top InventionsTrails to Oishii Tokyo Mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -The Seasons Of YamatoLightSnow (Shousetsu) Whispers of water/ The 24 Solar TermsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ca58ab118c424b0788f80000a062d272&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons Of Yamato -E6042-039The seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.The Seasons of YamatoNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.The Seasons Of YamatoA bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.Documentaryhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpObdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpgThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/fda649f9-b1e1-3317-a16f-9cd01770f4a1/3147InfoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine...The seasons of Yamato/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Ukiyoe Edo-LifeDoodles? Or Ukiyo-e?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d7dab6edc26b459596d0ca4a1fb47a59&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-014Ukiyoe EDO-LIFENewsUkiyoe Edo-Life: Doodles Or UkiyoeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?Doodles or UkiyoeDoodles or Ukiyoe : Ukiyoe Edo-LifeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. We investigate what kind of artistic statement was he trying to make.Ukiyoe Edo-life: Doodles Or UkiyoeUkiyo-e Edo-LifeIn the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Doodles or Ukiyo-e: A series of doodles by famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day, what kind of statement was he trying to make?All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p18100025eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEdohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 14 - Doodles or UkiyoeDoodles or Ukiyo-e: A series of doodles by famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day; what kind of statement was he trying to make?InfoA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741GRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Day 6 : Grand Sumo HighlightsSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Trailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!20240101As interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News & WeatherMedical Frontiershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201435.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2015. Episode: Destroying Pancreatic Cancer With Ultrasound. Ultrasound is emerging as an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer. HIFU uses focused heat to target and destroy cancer cells, and there is minimal harm to the body. We report on its potential. Presentation: Erica Angyal.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.Novicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Dear Radiance +Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini (10Min)HoneyOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.0.12.0/1S01E13https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/160381896ca940cea21f59250beb6b21&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIToday's Close-upTrails To Oishii Tokyo Mini -E6119-013Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)NewsJapan's Top InventionsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Time and TideConcerned about the decline in global bee populations, urbanites take on rooftop beekeeping in Japan's capital. Also, visiting beekeeping sites responsible for precious honey varieties that are increasingly at risk.Trails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is on honey - innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavours in this fascinating world of honey.All ActualityTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Japan's Top Inventionshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23025343eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpTrails to Oishii TokyoEpisodio 13https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EPot do Tokiahttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/9943c3c8-5225-3c0f-b689-e51a43110e06/3147InfoTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Bananas in Japan visit a plantation in one of the country's snowiest regions, and learn how sweetness is carefully...Japan's Top InventionsTrails to Oishii Tokyo Mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +The Seasons Of YamatoNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57dd9f251f9044289da807de9dbf2c1d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons Of Yamato -E6042-039The seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.The Seasons of YamatoNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.The Seasons Of YamatoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.Documentaryhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39A bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/fda649f9-b1e1-3317-a16f-9cd01770f4a1/3147InfoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine...The seasons of Yamato/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Ukiyoe Edo-LifeDoodles? Or Ukiyo-e?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d7dab6edc26b459596d0ca4a1fb47a59&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyo-E Edo-Life -E6030-014Ukiyoe EDO-LIFENewsUkiyoe Edo-Life: Doodles Or UkiyoeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?Doodles or UkiyoeDoodles or Ukiyoe : Ukiyoe Edo-LifeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. We investigate what kind of artistic statement was he trying to make.Ukiyoe Edo-life: Doodles Or UkiyoeUkiyo-e Edo-LifeLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/365506_Ukiyo-e_Edo-Life.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p18100025eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 14 - Doodles or UkiyoeIn the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Edohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgDoodles or Ukiyo-e: A series of doodles by famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day; what kind of statement was he trying to make?InfoA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki...Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741GRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Day 6 : Grand Sumo HighlightsSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Trailblazershttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201475.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBritish production from 2016 with Gary Humphrey, Christopher Gillette among others. Episode: Innovating Japanese Wooden Architecture. The AQ Group is reexamining the potential of wooden buildings with a focus on traditional techniques. It's also pursuing greater earthquake and fire resistance, and we take a look at its innovations!Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights20240101Grand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...Science zeroGRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Viewpoint ScienceПозновательноеBOSAIBOSAIBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life -Story LandДосуг,ХоббиThe Soul of MinyoThe last lecture emoto akira +Story LandДосуг,ХоббиThe Soul of Minyo PythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch mini -SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.Dohyo : SumopediaSumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpgSumopediaSumopediahttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/280d58e6b5a447a5bfec2b7b7aaea504Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Nhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Japan's Top InventionsSinging Synthesizers / SolderThe fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7fac866b8b454c97b72fd1e62d50c371&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapan's Top InventionsJapan's Top Inventions -E2091-036Japan's Top InventionsNewsDocumentary 360: Climate TechSinging Synthesizers / Solderhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2091036/images/wide_m_DazJT1WBCPacEffkCo8iWptTGnajbOu2zTf2THn0.jpgExplores the process of developing the singing synthesiser and various types of solder.Singing Synthesizers / Solder : Japan's Top InventionsJapan's Top InventionsJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japans Top InventionsThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers solder.Made in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.All ActualityThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EDocumentary 360: Climate Techhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27261914eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNajboljši japonski izumihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205065.jpgJapan's Top InventionsEpisodio 36The stories behind hit Japanese products plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesisers and solder.InfoJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets.Documentary 360Japan's Top Inventions/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.Dohyo : SumopediaSumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.Sumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/280d58e6b5a447a5bfec2b7b7aaea504Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Nhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Japan's Top InventionsSinging Synthesizers / SolderThe fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7fac866b8b454c97b72fd1e62d50c371&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJapan's Top InventionsJapan's Top Inventions -E2091-036Japan's Top InventionsNewsDocumentary 360: Climate TechSinging Synthesizers / Solderhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2091036/images/wide_m_DazJT1WBCPacEffkCo8iWptTGnajbOu2zTf2THn0.jpgExplores the process of developing the singing synthesiser and various types of solder.Singing Synthesizers / Solder : Japan's Top InventionsJapan's Top InventionsMade in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.All ActualityJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japans Top InventionsThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers solder.Documentary 360: Climate Techhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27261914eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapan's Top InventionsEpisodio 36Najboljši japonski izumihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205065.jpgThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EThe stories behind hit Japanese products plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesisers and solder.InfoJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets.Documentary 360Japan's Top Inventions/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/13272044588671087764.jpg Today's Close UpA controversial book of essays has sparked a global conversation on the pitfalls of motherhood. We speak to mothers who, despite loving their children, can't help but feel a sense of regret.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222470.jpgToday's Close Uphttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/1714575252.jpg Mini Program -Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeTsunami EvacuationIn this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/48a252862d554a97bdb9a4ea0830d1b4&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe World Heritage Sites in JapanBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life -E2090-036BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your LifeNewsBosai#40 Tsunami Evacuationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2090036/images/wide_m_ZXR20vsUJ5SRp19GvGm9ZwqJAFr0dBQgRuaFQtk7.jpgA look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate it's risks, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your LifePROJECT ALIENS PA008Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeIn this episode, we look at Japans efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Japan has a long history of natural disasters - Bosai explores how to overcome them and save lives with the power of science.ScienceBosai: An Educational Journeyhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26939671eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBosai: Izobraževalno potovanjehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154434.jpgBOSAIEpisodio 36We look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming 'normalcy bias' that causes people to underestimate risk to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.http://images.media-press.cloud/f4175b93a4c64a49946181ad423a8dc7In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes...Capturing landscapes by droneBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -PythagoraSwitch Mini#18There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...0.17.0/1S01E18https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/a9bc2d2f29644ed78d1c9a0aba45978a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons of YamatoPythagoraswitch Mini -E6021-018PythagoraSwitch miniNewsThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...Featuring Nendore Nandore Mr Clay.Pythagora Switch MiniPythagoraswitch MiniThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!...There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking we can discover in our daily lives - get ready for fun with anime, songs, exercises and Pythagora tools! This time: 'Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!'...EdutainmentThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!", etchttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11891784eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpPitagorov mehanizemhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205077.jpgPythagoraSwitchEpisodio 18http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/58c2082f-0705-3722-95da-ef844749ca1f/3147InfoPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises,...PythagoraSwitch mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Nhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINEThe human age special editionNHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechDocumentary 360 -E3026-014Climate TechNewsGifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Documentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDocumentary 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measures : Documentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.This flagship documentary series offers must-see episodes on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.Social20240101Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechDokumentarni film 360Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 +Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeTsunami EvacuationIn this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/48a252862d554a97bdb9a4ea0830d1b4&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe World Heritage Sites in JapanBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life -E2090-036BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your LifeNewsBosai#40 Tsunami Evacuationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2090036/images/wide_m_ZXR20vsUJ5SRp19GvGm9ZwqJAFr0dBQgRuaFQtk7.jpgA look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate it's risks, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your LifePROJECT ALIENS PA008Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeJapan has a long history of natural disasters - Bosai explores how to overcome them and save lives with the power of science.ScienceIn this episode, we look at Japans efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26939671eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpBOSAIEpisodio 36Bosai: Izobraževalno potovanjehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154434.jpgBosai: An Educational Journeyhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EWe look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming 'normalcy bias' that causes people to underestimate risk to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.http://images.media-press.cloud/f4175b93a4c64a49946181ad423a8dc7In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes...BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +PythagoraSwitch Mini#18There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...0.17.0/1S01E18https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/a9bc2d2f29644ed78d1c9a0aba45978a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons of YamatoPythagoraswitch Mini -E6021-018PythagoraSwitch miniNewsThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...Featuring Nendore Nandore Mr Clay.Pythagora Switch MiniPythagoraswitch MiniThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking we can discover in our daily lives - get ready for fun with anime, songs, exercises and Pythagora tools! This time: 'Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!'...EdutainmentThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!...https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11891784eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpPythagoraSwitchEpisodio 18Pitagorov mehanizemhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205077.jpgThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!", etchttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/58c2082f-0705-3722-95da-ef844749ca1f/3147InfoPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises,...PythagoraSwitch mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Nhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechDocumentary 360 -E3026-014Climate TechNewsGifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Documentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDocumentary 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measures : Documentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360This flagship documentary series offers must-see episodes on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.SocialNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechDokumentarni film 36020240101Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/13272044588671087764.jpg Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip! Asia InsightMany Nepali workers labor overseas to send home funds to their families, but due to harsh working conditions, a large number are permanently damaging their health, or even losing their lives.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201471.jpgAsia Insighthttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/10631716051532297364.jpg Mini Program -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho at Fukuoka Kokusai CenterNhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGifts of the NorthGifts Of The North Furano -E5001-421Gifts of the NorthNewsBOSAIGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgGifts of the North Furanohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK Drama ShowcaseGifts Of The North Furano:part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.All Actuality20240101BOSAIhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpGifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/399170ab-2aa9-3986-8b3f-d08248b73119/3147InfoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK Newslinehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho at Fukuoka Kokusai CenterNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGifts of the NorthGifts Of The North Furano -E5001-421Gifts of the NorthNewsBOSAIGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgGifts of the North Furanohttps://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeNHK Drama ShowcaseGifts Of The North Furano:part1Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.All ActualityLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.BOSAIhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpGifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpg20240101http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/399170ab-2aa9-3986-8b3f-d08248b73119/3147InfoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Newsline BizReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201358.jpgNewsline Bizhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/13272044588671087764.jpg PythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch mini -BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/11110348997044066576.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGRAND SUMO HighlightsScience zero +BENTO EXPO Kyoto SpechialToday: part two of a special two-part series focusing on timeless Kyoto. Marc visits cooking expert Sugimoto Setsuko. Together, the pair make bentos featuring koyadofu, a dried tofu.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201473.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsBENTO EXPO Kyoto Spechialhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/11110348997044066576.jpgGRAND SUMO Highlights Zero Waste LifeWatchmaker Ito Naofumi is also a rather unusual artist. Using old watch parts, his lifelike creations express a watchmaker's appreciation for the eternal beauty found inside a timepiece.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201474.jpgZero Waste Lifehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/2975199088635785435.jpg SumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineNhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeTsunami EvacuationIn this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/48a252862d554a97bdb9a4ea0830d1b4&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBiz StreamBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life -E2090-036BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your LifeNewsBosai#40 Tsunami Evacuationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2090036/images/wide_m_ZXR20vsUJ5SRp19GvGm9ZwqJAFr0dBQgRuaFQtk7.jpgA look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate it's risks, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Mosquito Coils / Screw Removal Tools : Japan's Top InventionsChatroom Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201476.jpgBosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeJapanse production from 2022. "Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.In this episode, we look at Japans efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Japan has a long history of natural disasters - Bosai explores how to overcome them and save lives with the power of science.ScienceBosai: An Educational Journeyhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ECycle Around Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26939671eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCycle Around JapanBOSAIEpisodio 36Bosai: Izobraževalno potovanjehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154434.jpgWe look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming 'normalcy bias' that causes people to underestimate risk to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.http://images.media-press.cloud/f4175b93a4c64a49946181ad423a8dc7In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes...CYCLE AROUND JAPANBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeTsunami EvacuationIn this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/48a252862d554a97bdb9a4ea0830d1b4&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBiz StreamBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life -E2090-036BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your LifeNewsBosai#40 Tsunami Evacuationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2090036/images/wide_m_ZXR20vsUJ5SRp19GvGm9ZwqJAFr0dBQgRuaFQtk7.jpgA look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate it's risks, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Mosquito Coils / Screw Removal Tools : Japan's Top InventionsChatroom Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201476.jpgBosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeJapan has a long history of natural disasters - Bosai explores how to overcome them and save lives with the power of science.ScienceIn this episode, we look at Japans efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming normalcy bias that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Cycle Around JapanCycle Around Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26939671eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2022. "Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.BOSAIEpisodio 36Bosai: Izobraževalno potovanjehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154434.jpgBosai: An Educational Journeyhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EWe look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming 'normalcy bias' that causes people to underestimate risk to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.http://images.media-press.cloud/f4175b93a4c64a49946181ad423a8dc7In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes...CYCLE AROUND JAPANBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)At dusk in summer, a woman is absorbed in reading a letter. This chic lady is actually an advertisement model for Mitsui Echigoya, one of the top kimono fabric stores in Edo.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201478.jpgUkiyoe EDO-LIFE: Bustling Scenes of Old Tokyo(3)https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/7834243854722754385.jpg Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201470.jpgTime-lapse Japanhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/15893529764361348800.jpg -PythagoraSwitch Mini#18There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...0.17.0/1S01E18https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/a9bc2d2f29644ed78d1c9a0aba45978a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIPythagoraswitch Mini -E6021-018PythagoraSwitch miniNewsThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...Featuring Nendore Nandore Mr Clay.Pythagora Switch MiniJapanology Plushttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203214.pngPythagoraswitch MiniJapanse production from 2014 with Peter Barakan among others. Episode: Japanese Dog Breeds. Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!...There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking we can discover in our daily lives - get ready for fun with anime, songs, exercises and Pythagora tools! This time: 'Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!'...EdutainmentThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!", etchttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11891784eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpPythagoraSwitchEpisodio 18Pitagorov mehanizemhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205077.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/58c2082f-0705-3722-95da-ef844749ca1f/3147InfoPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises,...PythagoraSwitch mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741GRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Sumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Day 6 : Grand Sumo Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217964.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 6. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.As interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestling20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +PythagoraSwitch Mini#18There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...0.17.0/1S01E18https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/a9bc2d2f29644ed78d1c9a0aba45978a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIPythagoraswitch Mini -E6021-018PythagoraSwitch miniNewsThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...Featuring Nendore Nandore Mr Clay.Pythagora Switch MiniJapanology Plushttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203214.pngPythagoraswitch MiniThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking we can discover in our daily lives - get ready for fun with anime, songs, exercises and Pythagora tools! This time: 'Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!'...EdutainmentThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!...https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p11891784eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2014 with Peter Barakan among others. Episode: Japanese Dog Breeds. Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.PythagoraSwitchEpisodio 18Pitagorov mehanizemhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205077.jpgThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!", etchttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/58c2082f-0705-3722-95da-ef844749ca1f/3147InfoPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises,...PythagoraSwitch mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 6NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.740.0/1S01E741https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGrand Sumo Highlights -E2061-741GRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Sumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Day 6 : Grand Sumo Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217964.jpgGrand Sumo HighlightsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 6. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpg20240101NHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 6 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Viewpoint ScienceПозновательноеBOSAI: Science That Can Save Your Life Story LandДосуг,Хобби -SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.Dohyo : Sumopediahttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203211.jpgSumopediaSumopedia #7: Dohyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineNewsNhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +SumopediaDohyoSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.5.0/1S01E06https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia -E2062-006Sumopedia #7NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDohyo is a sacred stage for Sumo wrestling. However, there are some secrets intertwined with beliefs behind making one.Dohyo : Sumopediahttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203211.jpgSumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p14525752bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpSumopedia #7: Dohyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpgSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpgThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/004df68f-926b-347b-b42a-c608894bc104/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineNewsNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Tokoro-san's Pursuit of Truth -Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/95b3e5ff165149f484cc84553df7033e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIHometown StoriesCycle Around Japan -E2066-054CYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.The ProfessionalsClimate Techhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217965.jpgCycle Around JapanNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Come ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All Actuality«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.Today's Close-Uphttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpToday's Close-UpCycle Around JapanEpisodio 54S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpgLate Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...Today's Close-UpCYCLE AROUND JAPAN/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/95b3e5ff165149f484cc84553df7033e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIHometown StoriesCycle Around Japan -E2066-054CYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.The ProfessionalsClimate Techhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217965.jpgCycle Around JapanCome ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All ActualityCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Today's Close-UpToday's Close-Uphttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Cycle Around JapanEpisodio 54S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpg«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.Late Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...Today's Close-UpCYCLE AROUND JAPAN/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 With Mother Easy JapaneseПозновательное Core Kyoto miniПозновательноеViewpoint ScienceViewpoint ScienceKids Edutainment Wild Hokkaido!ТВ-шоу Story LandStory Land Dining with the Chef Mini -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineNHK News 7Nhk NewslineNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIFraming Everyday MomentsToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Today's Close-UpNewsUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpgDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Japan in FocusGifts of the Northhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203216.jpgToday's Close-upEpisode: Furano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1. Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Todays Close-UpUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Dig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EJapan's Top Inventionshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpJapan's Top InventionsToday's Close-UpEpisodio 935Danes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/c171b6d1079a447f81f48022c7389d1fJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Japan's Top InventionsToday's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineNHK News 7Nhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NEWSLINE<NY>https://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/b543/newsline5.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Today's Close-UpUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's HospitalsUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1ff294b47344433e8d4c3136b3d2295a&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIFraming Everyday MomentsToday's Close-Up -E4002-935Today's Close-UpNewsUneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitalshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/4002935/images/wide_m_xpK6JavbGTRgsZCbl94TvsJwShStBfvKUhwDfmvW.jpgDigging deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Japan in FocusGifts of the Northhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203216.jpgToday's Close-upDig deeper into current affairs with cutting-edge information and critical analysis on important issues confronting Japanese lives.Current AffairsTodays Close-UpUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japans medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.Japan's Top InventionsJapan's Top Inventionshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p960651bdh8aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpEpisode: Furano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1. Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Today's Close-UpEpisodio 935Danes od blizuhttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205075.jpgUneven distribution of doctors, both by specialty and location, has led to a crisis in Japan's medical system, despite overall doctor numbers actually increasing. We look at some possible solutions.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/2bc9774d-6183-4f0c-a2f9-4d3fb755718a/3147Current affairs programme that provides all the latest information and analysis of the various important issues that are affecting people in Japan. Programme also includes interviews with experts and special guests.http://images.media-press.cloud/c171b6d1079a447f81f48022c7389d1fJapanese government data shows that retired women face a greater risk of financial insecurity than men. We look into...Japan's Top InventionsToday's Close-Up/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Trails to Oishii TokyoДосуг,Хобби The Seasons of YamatoПозновательное Grand Sumo HighlightsНовостиWin the Regular Program Slot! -Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint Science -E4037-003Viewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDiscovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Make a Hypothesis : Viewpoint ScienceKids EdutainmentKids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpghttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EWorld Heritage Sites In Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpWorld Heritage Sites In JapanViewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3Znanstveni vidikThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...The World Heritage Sites in JapanKids Edutainment/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIStory Land -E4040-003Story LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeStory Land in Classical JapaneseStory Land in Classical Japanesehttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3Dežela zgodbLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... +Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint Science -E4037-003Viewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDiscovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Make a Hypothesis : Viewpoint ScienceKids EdutainmentKids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpgWorld Heritage Sites In JapanWorld Heritage Sites In Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpViewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3Znanstveni vidikhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...The World Heritage Sites in JapanKids Edutainment/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIStory Land -E4040-003Story LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeStory Land in Classical JapaneseStory Land in Classical JapaneseIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3Dežela zgodbhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ELeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... The Seasons Of YamatoThe Seasons Of YamatoThe seasons of Yamato SumopediaТВ-шоу Mini Program -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineFishing Crazyhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Japan's Top InventionsSinging Synthesizers / SolderThe fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7fac866b8b454c97b72fd1e62d50c371&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICycle Around JapanJapan's Top Inventions -E2091-036Japan's Top InventionsNewsSinging Synthesizers / Solderhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2091036/images/wide_m_DazJT1WBCPacEffkCo8iWptTGnajbOu2zTf2THn0.jpgExplores the process of developing the singing synthesiser and various types of solder.Time and TideCYCLE AROUND JAPANhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203217.jpgJapan's Top InventionsEpisode: Akita - The Wisdom of Nature. Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japans Top InventionsThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers solder.Made in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.All ActualityThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EDocumentary 360: Climate Techhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27261914eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpDocumentary 360: Climate TechJapan's Top InventionsEpisodio 36Najboljši japonski izumihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205065.jpgThe stories behind hit Japanese products plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesisers and solder.InfoJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets.Documentary 360Japan's Top Inventions/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineFishing Crazyhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Japan's Top InventionsSinging Synthesizers / SolderThe fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.0.35.0/1S01E36https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7fac866b8b454c97b72fd1e62d50c371&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICycle Around JapanJapan's Top Inventions -E2091-036Japan's Top InventionsNewsSinging Synthesizers / Solderhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2091036/images/wide_m_DazJT1WBCPacEffkCo8iWptTGnajbOu2zTf2THn0.jpgExplores the process of developing the singing synthesiser and various types of solder.Time and TideCYCLE AROUND JAPANhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203217.jpgJapan's Top InventionsMade in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets hidden behind the creation of Japan's most loved and intriguing inventions.All ActualityJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japans Top InventionsThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers solder.Documentary 360: Climate TechDocumentary 360: Climate Techhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27261914eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: Akita - The Wisdom of Nature. Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Japan's Top InventionsEpisodio 36Najboljši japonski izumihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205065.jpgThe stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EThe stories behind hit Japanese products plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesisers and solder.InfoJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets.Documentary 360Japan's Top Inventions/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 The Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-Kun -The World Heritage Sites In JapanThe Fabric of Life in a Forest: Shirakami-SanchiShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.0.10.0/1S01E11https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ca889777fa2f45409fa1af88e2bafc34&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe World Heritage Sites In Japan -E6214-011The World Heritage Sites in JapanNewsShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeThe Fabric of Life in a Forest: Shirakami-Sanchi : The World Heritage Sites in JapanThe World Heritage Sites In JapanThe World HeritageShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the worlds largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.Shirakami-Sanchi (the Shirakami Mountain Range) is home to one of the world's largest beech forests - its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife and a group of hunter-gatherers.All Shows20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26417428eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpThe World Heritage SiteEpisodio 11Unescova svetovna dediščina na JaponskemDokumentarnihttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/7327325e-6553-33b8-a206-5520cded0e9a/3147Nature + TravelsShirakawa-go is one of Japan's snowiest regions, famous for its traditional thatched-roof Gassho-style homes. Every...The World Heritage Sites in Japan/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +The World Heritage Sites In JapanThe Fabric of Life in a Forest: Shirakami-SanchiShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.0.10.0/1S01E11https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ca889777fa2f45409fa1af88e2bafc34&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe World Heritage Sites In Japan -E6214-011The World Heritage Sites in JapanNewsShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeThe Fabric of Life in a Forest: Shirakami-Sanchi : The World Heritage Sites in JapanThe World Heritage Sites In JapanShirakami-Sanchi (the Shirakami Mountain Range) is home to one of the world's largest beech forests - its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife and a group of hunter-gatherers.All ShowsThe World HeritageShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the worlds largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p26417428eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpThe World Heritage SiteEpisodio 11Unescova svetovna dediščina na JaponskemDokumentarni20240101http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/7327325e-6553-33b8-a206-5520cded0e9a/3147Nature + TravelsShirakawa-go is one of Japan's snowiest regions, famous for its traditional thatched-roof Gassho-style homes. Every...The World Heritage Sites in Japan/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 World Weather -The Seasons Of YamatoLightSnow (Shousetsu) Whispers of water/ The 24 Solar TermsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57dd9f251f9044289da807de9dbf2c1d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons Of Yamato -E6042-039The seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.The Seasons of YamatoNews & WeatherJapanology Plus Minihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201389.jpgThe Seasons Of YamatoJapanse production. Five-minute shows presenting the limitless, kaleidoscopic appeal of Japanese culture, traditions, and lifestyles in sushi-sized helpings. (Digest versions of "Japanology Plus.").A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.DocumentaryA bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/fda649f9-b1e1-3317-a16f-9cd01770f4a1/3147InfoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine...The seasons of Yamato/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineSaturday Watch 9https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechDocumentary 360 -E3026-014Climate TechNewsDocumentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDocumentary 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measures : Documentary 360 Climate TechToday's Close Uphttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222470.jpgDocumentary 360Japanse production from 2024. A controversial book of essays has sparked a global conversation on the pitfalls of motherhood. We speak to mothers who, despite loving their children, can't help but feel a sense of regret. Presentation: Hiroko Kuniya and Takeshige Morimoto.NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.This flagship documentary series offers must-see episodes on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.Social20240101Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechDokumentarni film 360Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 +The Seasons Of YamatoNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57dd9f251f9044289da807de9dbf2c1d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons Of Yamato -E6042-039The seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.The Seasons of YamatoNews & WeatherJapanology Plus Minihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201389.jpgThe Seasons Of YamatoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.Documentaryhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpJapanse production. Five-minute shows presenting the limitless, kaleidoscopic appeal of Japanese culture, traditions, and lifestyles in sushi-sized helpings. (Digest versions of "Japanology Plus.").The Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpgA bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/fda649f9-b1e1-3317-a16f-9cd01770f4a1/3147InfoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine...The seasons of Yamato/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineSaturday Watch 9https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechDocumentary 360 -E3026-014Climate TechNewsDocumentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360https://images1.resources.foxtel.com.au/store2/mount1/16/1/9jr1v.jpg?maxheight=90&limit=10f1b34559aab942604d5a829866d3c09c0381aeDocumentary 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measures : Documentary 360 Climate TechToday's Close Uphttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222470.jpgDocumentary 360This flagship documentary series offers must-see episodes on politics, the economy, social trends, science and the environment in Japan and beyond.SocialNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Gifts Of The North Furano, Pt 1Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Japanse production from 2024. A controversial book of essays has sparked a global conversation on the pitfalls of motherhood. We speak to mothers who, despite loving their children, can't help but feel a sense of regret. Presentation: Hiroko Kuniya and Takeshige Morimoto.Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechDokumentarni film 36020240101Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 Viewpoint ScienceThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203218.jpgViewpoint Sciencehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/18233164698943815773.jpg Story LandLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203219.jpgStory Landhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/11183170623973733657.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK Newsline30 Millionhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGifts of the NorthGifts Of The North Furano -E5001-421Gifts of the NorthNewsGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgNHK Drama ShowcaseTrails To Oishii Tokyo Minihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203220.jpgGifts Of The North Furano:part1Japanse production. Our focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Gifts of the North FuranoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.All Actuality20240101Biz Streamhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpBiz StreamGifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/399170ab-2aa9-3986-8b3f-d08248b73119/3147InfoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...BIZ STREAM北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK Newsline30 Millionhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGifts of the NorthGifts Of The North Furano -E5001-421Gifts of the NorthNewsGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgNHK Drama ShowcaseTrails To Oishii Tokyo Minihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203220.jpgGifts Of The North Furano:part1Gifts Of The North FuranoLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/212320_1.jpgLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Biz StreamBiz Streamhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production. Our focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Gifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpg20240101Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.InfoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...BIZ STREAM北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 The Seasons Of YamatoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201393.pngThe Seasons Of Yamatohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/1158405867200315891.png.jpg Ukiyoe Edo-lifeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203221.jpgUkiyoe Edo-lifehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/1714495259.jpg GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217964.jpgGRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5573657205357524205.jpg @@ -15512,115 +15502,115 @@ Mini ProgramStory LandStory Land News & Weather Sumopedia #7Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203211.jpgSumopedia #7: Dohyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineVenue101https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Biz StreamMaking a Comeback Through CustomizationThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.0.211.0/1S01E212https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/071e12d730794209be4110f33930d348&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICycle Around JapanBiz Stream -E2074-212BIZ STREAMNewsMaking a Comeback Through Customizationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2074212/images/wide_m_Q4hWNB3uUux8zu22pzvzNJqrQPlVL2BzytfMXx3X.jpgFeaturing small and medium-sized businesses that are able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customised products.Cycle Around Japan HighlightsJapan's Top Inventionshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203222.pngBiz StreamJapanse production from 2018 with Peter Von Gomm, Yuki Rhinehart, Jason David Danielson among others. Made in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets behind hit Japanese products, plus parts and machines that boast the top share of niche markets. Episode: Singing Synthesizers / Solder. The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.This episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.This programme focuses on the latest Japanese business trends, corporate strategies and technologies - we look behind the scenes and discuss their global impact from various perspectives.Magazine20240101Hometown Storieshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15178816bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpHometown StoriesBiz StreamEpisodio 212Poslovni trendihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154435.jpgThis upbeat programme combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.This upbeat program combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/ab611b6a44964cb5bbf2db542eca7364This episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the...Hometown StoriesBIZ STREAM/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineVenue101https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Biz StreamMaking a Comeback Through CustomizationThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.0.211.0/1S01E212https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/071e12d730794209be4110f33930d348&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICycle Around JapanBiz Stream -E2074-212BIZ STREAMNewsMaking a Comeback Through Customizationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2074212/images/wide_m_Q4hWNB3uUux8zu22pzvzNJqrQPlVL2BzytfMXx3X.jpgFeaturing small and medium-sized businesses that are able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customised products.Cycle Around Japan HighlightsJapan's Top Inventionshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203222.pngBiz StreamThis programme focuses on the latest Japanese business trends, corporate strategies and technologies - we look behind the scenes and discuss their global impact from various perspectives.MagazineThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.Hometown StoriesHometown Storieshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15178816bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2018 with Peter Von Gomm, Yuki Rhinehart, Jason David Danielson among others. Made in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets behind hit Japanese products, plus parts and machines that boast the top share of niche markets. Episode: Singing Synthesizers / Solder. The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.Biz StreamEpisodio 212Poslovni trendihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154435.jpg20240101This upbeat programme combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.This upbeat program combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/ab611b6a44964cb5bbf2db542eca7364This episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the...Hometown StoriesBIZ STREAM/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Somewhere Street Easy JapaneseEasy JapaneseEasy Japanese -Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint Science -E4037-003Viewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.Discovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Make a Hypothesis : Viewpoint ScienceBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203223.jpgKids EdutainmentEpisode: Tsunami Evacuation. In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Kids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpghttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ECore Kyoto Minihttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCore Kyoto MiniViewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3Znanstveni vidikThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...Core Kyoto miniKids Edutainment/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint Science -E4037-003Viewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.Discovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Make a Hypothesis : Viewpoint ScienceBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203223.jpgKids EdutainmentKids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpgCore Kyoto MiniCore Kyoto Minihttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: Tsunami Evacuation. In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Viewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3Znanstveni vidikhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...Core Kyoto miniKids Edutainment/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Wild Hokkaido!Wild Hokkaido!Wild Hokkaido! -Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIStory Land -E4040-003Story LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!Story Land in Classical JapaneseStory Land in Classical Japanesehttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3Dežela zgodbLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... +Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIStory Land -E4040-003Story LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!Story Land in Classical JapaneseStory Land in Classical JapaneseIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3Dežela zgodbhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ELeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... Pythagora Switch miniThere are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"...https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203224.jpgPythagora Switch minihttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/15682883673452152665.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Hometown StoriesA House-call Doctor in FukushimaStories about people, stories about life. Intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching lives of others.0.234.0/1S01E235https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/508fd1f7b9214870b25a3173d50fad73&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBiz StreamHometown Stories -E5003-235Hometown StoriesNewsA House-call Doctor in Fukushimahttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5003235/images/wide_m_Nf62iXlrIliSsj8kqCJKIUbijDSEMZHN2q06bw4o.jpgIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until six years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.A House-call Doctor in Fukushima : Hometown StoriesClimate Techhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217965.jpgHometown StoriesNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1In 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.In 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster - residents were forced to evacuate until six years ago, and his goal now is to help them live the lives they want to.BiographyWith themes ranging from ancient traditions to contemporary social issues, these documentaries produced by local broadcast stations present intimate portraits of people's lives around Japan today.Framing Everyday Momentshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25480524eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpFraming Everyday MomentsHometown StoriesEpisodio 235Zgodbe iz domačega krajahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154437.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/075abd6d-e280-3c0e-8dae-c3a0ad6925ee/3147InfoHometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Since the 2011 tsunami, the population of Ogatsu, northeast Japan, has plummeted. We visit a fishing family and a...Framing Everyday MomentsHometown Stories/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Hometown StoriesA House-call Doctor in FukushimaStories about people, stories about life. Intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching lives of others.0.234.0/1S01E235https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/508fd1f7b9214870b25a3173d50fad73&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIBiz StreamHometown Stories -E5003-235Hometown StoriesNewsA House-call Doctor in Fukushimahttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5003235/images/wide_m_Nf62iXlrIliSsj8kqCJKIUbijDSEMZHN2q06bw4o.jpgIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until six years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.A House-call Doctor in Fukushima : Hometown StoriesClimate Techhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217965.jpgHometown StoriesIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster - residents were forced to evacuate until six years ago, and his goal now is to help them live the lives they want to.BiographyHometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1In 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.Framing Everyday MomentsFraming Everyday Momentshttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25480524eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Hometown StoriesEpisodio 235Zgodbe iz domačega krajahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154437.jpgWith themes ranging from ancient traditions to contemporary social issues, these documentaries produced by local broadcast stations present intimate portraits of people's lives around Japan today.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/075abd6d-e280-3c0e-8dae-c3a0ad6925ee/3147InfoHometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Since the 2011 tsunami, the population of Ogatsu, northeast Japan, has plummeted. We visit a fishing family and a...Framing Everyday MomentsHometown Stories/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Trails To Oishii Tokyo MiniTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniTrails to Oishii Tokyo Mini The Seasons Of YamatoThe Seasons Of YamatoThe seasons of Yamato PROJECT ALIENS PA008Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGRAND SUMO Highlights -Easy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House?#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.0.0.0/1S01E01https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/8d79e59cf82d45e78292dfc0b0187ae3&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIEasy Japanese -E6022-001Easy JapaneseNews#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.Where is Haru-san House? : Easy JapaneseEasy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.#1: Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put 'wa doko desu ka' after its name.All Actualityhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16059335eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEasy JapaneseEpisodio 1 - Where Is Haru-San House? / Learn How to Ask About LocationsEnostavno po japonskohttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/01974206-7944-3a8e-ab48-11c19a873202/3147Language lessons#27 Which one is the most tasty? / To ask which one among 3 or more things is the best or the most, say "dore ga...Easy Japanese/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Core Kyoto MiniBuddhist Statues: Figures of belief and beautyKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.0.25.0/1S01E26https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1b7ae5816d99411c8af2be0eb09767d7&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint ScienceCore Kyoto Mini -E6024-026Core Kyoto miniNewsKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.A look at Kyoto and its more than 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues and highlighting the sculptors that breathe new life into these artisanally made objects of worship.Buddhist Statues: Figures of Belief and Beauty : Core Kyoto MiniCore Kyoto MiniCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Kyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues - sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.All Actualityhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20437618eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCore KyotoEpisodio 26Mala hišahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154443.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/78adb441-ef0c-4c4f-8762-c91d2096b07d/3147Nature + TravelsCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Watch a professional furniture cleaner return a chest of draws to its former glory.Core Kyoto mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Wild Hokkaido!Family Camping by Lake ShikotsuA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.0.105.0/1S01E106https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3f3c5fa76406421c8b7f962ae782d38b&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIWild Hokkaido! -E2069-106Wild Hokkaido!NewsFamily Camping by Lake Shikotsuhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2069106/images/wide_m_qkNtBGFDFYJAIqTLl6ahhChJfFJGZTZhttNMHii1.jpgA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido.Wild Hokkaido!Wild Hokkaido!A travel show focused on the great nature of Japans northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHKs archives.A travel show focused on the great nature of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island - we visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.All ActualityA British cycling guide takes on the challenge of a hill climb up a mountain road on a bicycle in Niseko Mountain Range, which requires skill and stamina for cyclists.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19558555eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpWild Hokkaido!Episodio 106Divji Hokkaidohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205076.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b8a19126-e01a-3971-8d01-34aab14ecfa6/3147Breathtaking travel series that shows viewers all the beauty of Hokkaido, northern land and second largest island of Japan. Visit some exquisite and stunning locations and see how the colorful and majestic nature changes through all four seasons.http://images.media-press.cloud/be920d0c105841ec9c45a2d355bd5c12A pair of canoers take on one of the fastest-flowing streams in Hokkaido to feast their eyes on a valley adorned with...Wild Hokkaido!/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Easy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House?#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.0.0.0/1S01E01https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/8d79e59cf82d45e78292dfc0b0187ae3&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIEasy Japanese -E6022-001Easy JapaneseNews#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.Where is Haru-san House? : Easy JapaneseEasy Japanese#1: Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put 'wa doko desu ka' after its name.All Actuality#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16059335eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEasy JapaneseEpisodio 1 - Where Is Haru-San House? / Learn How to Ask About LocationsEnostavno po japonskohttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/01974206-7944-3a8e-ab48-11c19a873202/3147Language lessons#27 Which one is the most tasty? / To ask which one among 3 or more things is the best or the most, say "dore ga...Easy Japanese/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Core Kyoto MiniBuddhist Statues: Figures of belief and beautyKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.0.25.0/1S01E26https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1b7ae5816d99411c8af2be0eb09767d7&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIViewpoint ScienceCore Kyoto Mini -E6024-026Core Kyoto miniNewsKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.A look at Kyoto and its more than 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues and highlighting the sculptors that breathe new life into these artisanally made objects of worship.Buddhist Statues: Figures of Belief and Beauty : Core Kyoto MiniCore Kyoto MiniKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues - sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.All ActualityCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20437618eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCore KyotoEpisodio 26Mala hišahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154443.jpghttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/78adb441-ef0c-4c4f-8762-c91d2096b07d/3147Nature + TravelsCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Watch a professional furniture cleaner return a chest of draws to its former glory.Core Kyoto mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Wild Hokkaido!Family Camping by Lake ShikotsuA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.0.105.0/1S01E106https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/85162f0fe53848f5b67f25816a0703cd&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIWild Hokkaido! -E2069-106Wild Hokkaido!NewsFamily Camping by Lake Shikotsuhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2069106/images/wide_m_qkNtBGFDFYJAIqTLl6ahhChJfFJGZTZhttNMHii1.jpgA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido.Wild Hokkaido!Wild Hokkaido!A travel show focused on the great nature of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island - we visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.All ActualityA travel show focused on the great nature of Japans northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHKs archives.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19558555eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpWild Hokkaido!Episodio 106Divji Hokkaidohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205076.jpgA British cycling guide takes on the challenge of a hill climb up a mountain road on a bicycle in Niseko Mountain Range, which requires skill and stamina for cyclists.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b8a19126-e01a-3971-8d01-34aab14ecfa6/3147Breathtaking travel series that shows viewers all the beauty of Hokkaido, northern land and second largest island of Japan. Visit some exquisite and stunning locations and see how the colorful and majestic nature changes through all four seasons.http://images.media-press.cloud/be920d0c105841ec9c45a2d355bd5c12A pair of canoers take on one of the fastest-flowing streams in Hokkaido to feast their eyes on a valley adorned with...Wild Hokkaido!/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Story LandДосуг,Хобби SumopediaSumopediaSumopedia -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Framing Everyday Moments#03 Factories at NightA unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature, celestial phenomena, cityscapes and each single moment of everyday life.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIHometown StoriesFraming Everyday MomentsNewsFraming Everyday Moments -E6041-003Framing Everyday's MomentsA unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature, celestial phenomena, cityscapes and each single moment of everyday life.A unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros. As most of Japan sleeps, factories across the country work through the night to keep the wheels of industry turning.Time and TideGifts of the Northhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203216.jpgFraming Everyday MomentsEpisode: Furano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1. Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.A unique time-lapse photography project, shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature, celestial phenomena, cityscapes and each single moment of everyday life.CulturalIn this unique project which celebrates everyday moments, photographers all around the world, both professionals and amateurs, capture various sights of day-to-day life. Enjoy watching these beautiful time-lapse visions, from images of natural landscapes and celestial phenomena to cityscapes.Cycle Around Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20721674eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCycle Around JapanFraming Everyday MomentsEpisodio 3Vsakdanji trenutkihttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/e6857cb2-c0b1-3a61-a7d5-62e1bdf2ea46/3147Nature + TravelsA unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature,...CYCLE AROUND JAPANFraming Everyday Moments/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini (10Min)HoneyOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.0.12.0/1S01E13https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/160381896ca940cea21f59250beb6b21&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITrails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)NewsTrails To Oishii Tokyo Mini -E6119-013Trails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Concerned about the decline in global bee populations, urbanites take on rooftop beekeeping in Japan's capital. Also, visiting beekeeping sites responsible for precious honey varieties that are increasingly at risk.Honey : Trails to Oishii Tokyo MiniRamen JapanTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Our focus this time is on honey - innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavours in this fascinating world of honey.All Actualityhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23025343eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpTrails to Oishii TokyoEpisodio 13Pot do Tokiahttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/9943c3c8-5225-3c0f-b689-e51a43110e06/3147InfoTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Bananas in Japan visit a plantation in one of the country's snowiest regions, and learn how sweetness is carefully...Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -The Seasons Of YamatoLightSnow (Shousetsu) Whispers of water/ The 24 Solar TermsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ca58ab118c424b0788f80000a062d272&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe seasons of YamatoNewsThe Seasons Of Yamato -E6042-039A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.The Seasons of YamatoThe Seasons Of YamatoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.DocumentaryA bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/fda649f9-b1e1-3317-a16f-9cd01770f4a1/3147InfoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine...The seasons of Yamato/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 7NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.741.0/1S01E742https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Sumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Day 7 : Grand Sumo HighlightsJapanese Entertainment EncyclopediaGrand Sumo HighlightsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestling20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 7 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK Newslinehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Framing Everyday Moments#03 Factories at NightA unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature, celestial phenomena, cityscapes and each single moment of everyday life.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIHometown StoriesFraming Everyday Moments -E6041-003Framing Everyday MomentsNewsFraming Everyday's MomentsA unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature, celestial phenomena, cityscapes and each single moment of everyday life.A unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros. As most of Japan sleeps, factories across the country work through the night to keep the wheels of industry turning.Time and TideGifts of the Northhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203216.jpgFraming Everyday MomentsA unique time-lapse photography project, shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature, celestial phenomena, cityscapes and each single moment of everyday life.CulturalCycle Around JapanCycle Around Japanhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20721674eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: Furano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1. Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Framing Everyday MomentsEpisodio 3Vsakdanji trenutkiIn this unique project which celebrates everyday moments, photographers all around the world, both professionals and amateurs, capture various sights of day-to-day life. Enjoy watching these beautiful time-lapse visions, from images of natural landscapes and celestial phenomena to cityscapes.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/e6857cb2-c0b1-3a61-a7d5-62e1bdf2ea46/3147Nature + TravelsA unique time-lapse photography project. Shot by pros and non-pros from around the world, on the transience of nature,...CYCLE AROUND JAPANFraming Everyday Moments/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini (10Min)HoneyOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.0.12.0/1S01E13https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/160381896ca940cea21f59250beb6b21&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITrails To Oishii Tokyo Mini -E6119-013Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)NewsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Concerned about the decline in global bee populations, urbanites take on rooftop beekeeping in Japan's capital. Also, visiting beekeeping sites responsible for precious honey varieties that are increasingly at risk.Honey : Trails to Oishii Tokyo MiniRamen JapanTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is on honey - innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavours in this fascinating world of honey.All ActualityTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23025343eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpTrails to Oishii TokyoEpisodio 13Pot do Tokiahttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/9943c3c8-5225-3c0f-b689-e51a43110e06/3147InfoTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Bananas in Japan visit a plantation in one of the country's snowiest regions, and learn how sweetness is carefully...Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +The Seasons Of YamatoNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57dd9f251f9044289da807de9dbf2c1d&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe Seasons Of Yamato -E6042-039The seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.The Seasons of YamatoThe Seasons Of YamatoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.Documentaryhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpgA bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/fda649f9-b1e1-3317-a16f-9cd01770f4a1/3147InfoA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine...The seasons of Yamato/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 7NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.741.0/1S01E742https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Sumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Day 7 : Grand Sumo HighlightsJapanese Entertainment EncyclopediaGrand Sumo HighlightsAs interest in sumo grows worldwide, daily coverage of the highlights of all 6 annual tournaments in Japan is about to take off on NHK World TV.Wrestlinghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpg20240101NHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 7 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.http://images.media-press.cloud/b636dcf160374b7d9292c6f2fb984136NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division...GRAND SUMO Highlights/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Easy JapaneseПозновательное Core Kyoto miniПозновательное Wild Hokkaido!ТВ-шоу -SumopediaRituals in the Sumo RingSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.6.0/1S01E07https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia #8NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.Every round of sumo wrestling requires a sacred ritual to expel the evil spirits, including drinking water to cleanse and purify their bodies.Rituals in the Sumo Ring : SumopediaSumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All SportThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p17343773eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/6030deda-d481-3c60-b284-cbe803578bd5/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +SumopediaRituals in the Sumo RingSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.6.0/1S01E07https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia #8NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.Every round of sumo wrestling requires a sacred ritual to expel the evil spirits, including drinking water to cleanse and purify their bodies.Rituals in the Sumo Ring : SumopediaSumopedia'Sumopedia' enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past - the rules may be simple, but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.All Sporthttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p17343773eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpgThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/6030deda-d481-3c60-b284-cbe803578bd5/3147The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual. Sumopedia delivers viewers the facts about the greatest Sumo wrestlers of the past to the present getting behind the scenes action of how these deeply traditional and larger-than-life characters exist in the modern world.http://images.media-press.cloud/1d5c8e602c6e4b0ea00ad669e5ab2366Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the...Sumopedia/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Cycle Around Japan -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News & Weatherhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News & Weatherhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 No Art, No Life -Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/5e2f4e5247ed4e29830f5b6cddc3c00f&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITrails to Oishii TokyoCYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.A AnunciarBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203223.jpgCycle Around JapanEpisode: Tsunami Evacuation. In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Come ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All Actuality«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCycle Around JapanEpisodio 54S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpgLate Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...Documentary 360CYCLE AROUND JAPAN/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/95b3e5ff165149f484cc84553df7033e&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITrails to Oishii TokyoCYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.A AnunciarBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203223.jpgCycle Around JapanCome ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All ActualityCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: Tsunami Evacuation. In this episode, we look at Japan's efforts to improve tsunami evacuation, from overcoming "normalcy bias" that causes people to underestimate risk, to the installation of coastal evacuation towers.Cycle Around JapanEpisodio 54S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpg«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.Late Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...Documentary 360CYCLE AROUND JAPAN/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 The Seasons of YamatoПозновательное Ukiyoe Edo-lifePythagora Switch minihttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203224.jpgJapanse production. There are various interesting laws and rules and philosophies hidden in our daily lives. This program introduces them to children and teaches how to think. Episode: #18. There are hidden rules and unique ways of thinking, we can discover in our daily lives. With anime, songs, exercises, and Pythagora tools, get ready for fun! This time "Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!"... Grand Sumo HighlightsНовостиGRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217964.jpgJapanse production from 2024. Episode: Day 6. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 15, Day 6 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka. Nyan-chu Space BroadcastingBOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Lifehttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203223.jpgJapan has a long history of natural disasters. BOSAI explores how to overcome them and save lives with the power of science. SumopediaТВ-шоуSumopedia #7https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203211.jpgSumopedia #7: Dohyohttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/4021112064463152064.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechClimate TechNewsDocumentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360 Climate TechWith MotherCYCLE AROUND JAPANhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203217.jpgDocumentary 360Episode: Akita - The Wisdom of Nature. Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Documentary 360Politicalhttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/378435_Aso_Jinja.jpg20240101Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechDokumentarni film 360Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part1: Zero-emission MeasuresNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/c31a8c7aa5bd4fa2b36fd4141b037563&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIClimate TechClimate TechNewsDocumentary: 360 Climate TechTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 1: Zero-emission Measureshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026014/images/wide_m_KjaLaJS1ecI68lMzR8hXBTQELiXOrGMWaiGgOEUc.jpgDocumentary 360 Climate TechWith MotherCYCLE AROUND JAPANhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203217.jpgDocumentary 360Documentary 360Politicalhttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/378435_Aso_Jinja.jpgNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1New Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Featuring new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Looking at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Episode: Akita - The Wisdom of Nature. Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Documentary 360Episodio 14 - Climate TechDokumentarni film 36020240101Part 1 of a look at new Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis - we look at urban mitigation measures including zero-carbon buildings and the challenge of turning cities into forests.InfoNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...Gifts of the North Furano:Part1Documentary 360 気候変動を食い止めろ!都市を変革する日本の新技術1ニュース/報道 The Last Lecture : T1 EP2 - Shinichi Fukuoka0.1.0/1S01E02 Japanology Plus MiniFive-minute shows presenting the limitless, kaleidoscopic appeal of Japanese culture, traditions, and lifestyles in sushi-sized helpings. (Digest versions of "Japanology Plus.")https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201389.jpgJapanology Plus Minihttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/5628472226777183061.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 -Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINavigating DisastersGifts of the NorthNewsGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgToday's Close Uphttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222470.jpgGifts Of The North Furano:part1Japanse production from 2024. A controversial book of essays has sparked a global conversation on the pitfalls of motherhood. We speak to mothers who, despite loving their children, can't help but feel a sense of regret. Presentation: Hiroko Kuniya and Takeshige Morimoto.Gifts of the North FuranoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.All Actuality20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpGifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/399170ab-2aa9-3986-8b3f-d08248b73119/3147InfoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...CYCLE AROUND JAPAN北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINENHK NEWSLINE/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 +Gifts Of The NorthFurano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.0.420.0/1S01E421https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/0bef9b8f19f34db19c77686d770a4672&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINavigating DisastersGifts of the NorthNewsGifts Of The North Furano: Part1Furano: A Chef and Maître d'hôtel Part1 - Spring and Summerhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5001421/images/wide_m_3RypuxzRQy0VZ05IpOUxi1tu9iDfUlTsbu1awZ7w.jpgToday's Close Uphttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222470.jpgGifts Of The North Furano:part1Gifts Of The North FuranoLifestylehttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/212320_1.jpgLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p27418387ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. A controversial book of essays has sparked a global conversation on the pitfalls of motherhood. We speak to mothers who, despite loving their children, can't help but feel a sense of regret. Presentation: Hiroko Kuniya and Takeshige Morimoto.Gifts of the North Furano - Part 1Episodio 421Darovi severahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205074.jpg20240101Part 1: Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago - there they offer enticing and unique dishes with local flavours found nowhere else.InfoLeaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they...CYCLE AROUND JAPAN北の大地の贈り物 〜富良野レストラン四季物語〜春夏編/NHKワールド JAPANニュース/報道 Mix Bijutune! Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho Highlights Viewpoint ScienceThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203218.jpgViewpoint Sciencehttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/18233164698943815773.jpg Story LandLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!https://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203219.jpgStory Landhttps://cdn.gvidi.tv/img/booxmedia/2e87/11183170623973733657.jpg -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Carnationhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7000f715c1374c95a9c8eda2ac1eea75&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJ-MeloCYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.Japan's Top Inventionshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203222.pngCycle Around JapanJapanse production from 2018 with Peter Von Gomm, Yuki Rhinehart, Jason David Danielson among others. Made in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets behind hit Japanese products, plus parts and machines that boast the top share of niche markets. Episode: Singing Synthesizers / Solder. The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Come ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All Actuality«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCycle Around JapanEpisodio 54S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpgLate Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...BIZ STREAM +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Carnationhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNhk NewslineNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +Cycle Around JapanAkita - The Wisdom of Nature"Cycle Around Japan" proposes a new journey of Japan, and provides useful information to enjoy the adventure on a bike. Join us on the trip to see inside of Japan that you won't find in the guidebooks.0.53.0/1S01E54https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/7000f715c1374c95a9c8eda2ac1eea75&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIJ-MeloCYCLE AROUND JAPANNewsAkita - The Wisdom of Naturehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2066054/images/wide_m_up3I9wX5GDyEqq5yyNSqhwITavncLloV5eYikHc1.jpgFeatures Akita Prefecture's nature and craftsmanship, including Hatahata sandfish, 800-year-old lacquerware, pickled and preserved produce, and a guardian deity made from straw.Japan's Top Inventionshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203222.pngCycle Around JapanCome ride with us! Bicycle through the scenery of Japan, stay with locals, and discover hidden traditions in a Japan that you didn't know existed.All ActualityCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23997778eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2018 with Peter Von Gomm, Yuki Rhinehart, Jason David Danielson among others. Made in Japan! The fascinating stories and secrets behind hit Japanese products, plus parts and machines that boast the top share of niche markets. Episode: Singing Synthesizers / Solder. The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: singing synthesizers & solder.Cycle Around JapanEpisodio 54S kolesom po Japonskihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191664.jpg«Cycle Around Japan» is a show that explores real-life Japan from the eyes and speed of cyclers.Late Autumn In Akita: as winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made from local timber, and hand-crafted straw guardian deities in the rice paddies.Nature + TravelsCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Late autumn in Akita. As winter snows approach, we experience seasonal seafood and pickled vegetables, lacquerware made...BIZ STREAM Win the Regular Program Slot! Little CharoThe World Heritage Sites in Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203225.jpgJapanse production from 2017. From natural landscapes to historic architecture representing centuries of cultural development, Japan's World Heritage sites offer a wide range of glimpses into history and the beauty of nature. Episode: The Fabric of Life in a Forest: Shirakami-Sanchi. Shirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.Kids Edutainment Mini Program The First Train Stories Japanology PlusПозновательное A Cat's-Eye View of JapanДосуг,ХоббиThe Seasons Of Yamatohttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201393.pngJapanse production from 2021 by director Koichi Hozan. A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons. Episode: LightSnow (Shousetsu) Whispers of water/ The 24 Solar Terms. NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia. -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -Biz StreamMaking a Comeback Through CustomizationThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.0.211.0/1S01E212https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/071e12d730794209be4110f33930d348&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAnime Manga ExplosionBIZ STREAMNewsMaking a Comeback Through Customizationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2074212/images/wide_m_Q4hWNB3uUux8zu22pzvzNJqrQPlVL2BzytfMXx3X.jpgFeaturing small and medium-sized businesses that are able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customised products.Kumokiri NizaemonClimate Techhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217965.jpgNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.This episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.This programme focuses on the latest Japanese business trends, corporate strategies and technologies - we look behind the scenes and discuss their global impact from various perspectives.Magazine20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15178816bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpBiz StreamEpisodio 212Poslovni trendihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154435.jpgThis upbeat programme combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.This upbeat program combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/9d81e1a14e5542348042fe484aa8c6eaThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the...Hometown Stories +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Newshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityNHK WORLD-JAPANs flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +Biz StreamMaking a Comeback Through CustomizationThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.0.211.0/1S01E212https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/071e12d730794209be4110f33930d348&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIAnime Manga ExplosionBIZ STREAMNewsMaking a Comeback Through Customizationhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2074212/images/wide_m_Q4hWNB3uUux8zu22pzvzNJqrQPlVL2BzytfMXx3X.jpgFeaturing small and medium-sized businesses that are able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customised products.Kumokiri NizaemonClimate Techhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1217965.jpgThis programme focuses on the latest Japanese business trends, corporate strategies and technologies - we look behind the scenes and discuss their global impact from various perspectives.MagazineThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p15178816bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpNew Japanese technologies to solve the climate crisis. Part 1 is urban mitigation measures. We look at zero-carbon buildings, perovskite solar cells, and the challenge of turning cities into forests.Biz StreamEpisodio 212Poslovni trendihttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154435.jpg20240101This upbeat programme combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.This upbeat program combines business and economic news with in-depth feature stories that give you a closer look at the latest trends within Japan and around the world.http://images.media-press.cloud/9d81e1a14e5542348042fe484aa8c6eaThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the...Hometown Stories Easy Japanese -Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITexicoViewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.Discovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Kids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpghttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpViewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3Znanstveni vidikThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...Core Kyoto mini +Viewpoint Science#3 Make a HypothesisThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/57c7c4ca50ec44969ebdb817170acdbb&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFITexicoViewpoint ScienceNewsThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.Discovers the idea of weighing by guessing, under different conditions, the weight of two boxes, each containing a bottle of water that weighs the same.S2023E03Kids EdutainmentAll Showshttps://03mcdecdnimagerepository.blob.core.windows.net/epguideimage/img/343824_KidsEdutainment.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p24578029eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpViewpoint ScienceEpisodio 3Znanstveni vidikhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EThis proactive science education programme encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and investigate the mysteries which puzzle them.InfoThe proactive science education program which encourages primary and lower secondary school children to discover and...Core Kyoto mini Wild Hokkaido! -Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIU &amp; IStory LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!Story Land in Classical Japanesehttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3Dežela zgodbLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... +Story LandKintaroLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations.0.2.0/1S01E03https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d74d4700a1b04cbfa36e57f1b7865d02&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIU &amp; IStory LandNewsLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations!Story Land in Classical JapaneseIntroduces traditional folk tales that have been told and loved in Japan for centuries. Presents the stories with the rich expressiveness of one-person performances, enhanced by illustrations that bring the tales to life.Story LandEpisodio 3Dežela zgodbhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ELeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries - watch out for some delightful illustrations too!InfoLeading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries.... Weather News & Weather -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News: Good Morning, Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All ActualityThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -Hometown StoriesA House-call Doctor in FukushimaStories about people, stories about life. Intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching lives of others.0.234.0/1S01E235https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/508fd1f7b9214870b25a3173d50fad73&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe World Heritage Sites in JapanHometown StoriesNewsA House-call Doctor in Fukushimahttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5003235/images/wide_m_Nf62iXlrIliSsj8kqCJKIUbijDSEMZHN2q06bw4o.jpgIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until six years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.Gifts of the Northhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203216.jpgEpisode: Furano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1. Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1In 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster - residents were forced to evacuate until six years ago, and his goal now is to help them live the lives they want to.BiographyWith themes ranging from ancient traditions to contemporary social issues, these documentaries produced by local broadcast stations present intimate portraits of people's lives around Japan today.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25480524eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpHometown StoriesEpisodio 235Zgodbe iz domačega krajahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154437.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/075abd6d-e280-3c0e-8dae-c3a0ad6925ee/3147In 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.http://images.media-press.cloud/e9ec01bd2ce04da78c2f7acc37c6bb23Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Since the 2011 tsunami, the population of Ogatsu, northeast Japan, has plummeted. We visit a fishing family and a...Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.News: Good Morning, Japanhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.http://images.media-press.cloud/d45f1171596845d786f87928ceee0eebNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +Hometown StoriesA House-call Doctor in FukushimaStories about people, stories about life. Intimate portraits of people from around Japan, each leading diverse lives while enriching lives of others.0.234.0/1S01E235https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/508fd1f7b9214870b25a3173d50fad73&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe World Heritage Sites in JapanHometown StoriesNewsA House-call Doctor in Fukushimahttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5003235/images/wide_m_Nf62iXlrIliSsj8kqCJKIUbijDSEMZHN2q06bw4o.jpgIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until six years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.Gifts of the Northhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203216.jpgIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster - residents were forced to evacuate until six years ago, and his goal now is to help them live the lives they want to.BiographyHometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p25480524eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEpisode: Furano: A Chef and Maitre d'hotel Part1. Leaving a popular Tokyo restaurant, Otsuka Kenichi and his wife Keiko relocated to Hokkaido six years ago. There, they offer enticing, unique dishes with local flavors found nowhere else.Hometown StoriesEpisodio 235Zgodbe iz domačega krajahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154437.jpgWith themes ranging from ancient traditions to contemporary social issues, these documentaries produced by local broadcast stations present intimate portraits of people's lives around Japan today.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/075abd6d-e280-3c0e-8dae-c3a0ad6925ee/3147In 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.http://images.media-press.cloud/e9ec01bd2ce04da78c2f7acc37c6bb23Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Since the 2011 tsunami, the population of Ogatsu, northeast Japan, has plummeted. We visit a fishing family and a...Trails to Oishii Tokyo Mini The seasons of Yamato Okinawa: HomesПозновательноеUkiyoe EDO-LIFE: Doodles or Ukiyoe Grand Sumo HighlightsНовостиGRAND SUMO Highlights -Easy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House?#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.0.0.0/1S01E01https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/5ccac4bc4d0943f8ad9f8bf29940b66f&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIEasy JapaneseNews#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.#1: Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put 'wa doko desu ka' after its name.All Actuality#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16059335eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEasy JapaneseEpisodio 1 - Where Is Haru-San House? / Learn How to Ask About LocationsEnostavno po japonskohttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/01974206-7944-3a8e-ab48-11c19a873202/3147Language lessons#27 Which one is the most tasty? / To ask which one among 3 or more things is the best or the most, say "dore ga... -Core Kyoto MiniBuddhist Statues: Figures of belief and beautyKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.0.25.0/1S01E26https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1b7ae5816d99411c8af2be0eb09767d7&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICore Kyoto miniNewsKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.A look at Kyoto and its more than 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues and highlighting the sculptors that breathe new life into these artisanally made objects of worship.Core Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Kyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues - sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.All Actualityhttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20437618eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCore KyotoEpisodio 26Mala hišahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154443.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/78adb441-ef0c-4c4f-8762-c91d2096b07d/3147Nature + TravelsCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Watch a professional furniture cleaner return a chest of draws to its former glory. -Wild Hokkaido!Family Camping by Lake ShikotsuA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.0.105.0/1S01E106https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3f3c5fa76406421c8b7f962ae782d38b&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIWild Hokkaido!NewsFamily Camping by Lake Shikotsuhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2069106/images/wide_m_qkNtBGFDFYJAIqTLl6ahhChJfFJGZTZhttNMHii1.jpgA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido.Natural Grandeur of the EastA travel show focused on the great nature of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island - we visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.All ActualityA British cycling guide takes on the challenge of a hill climb up a mountain road on a bicycle in Niseko Mountain Range, which requires skill and stamina for cyclists.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19558555eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpWild Hokkaido!Episodio 106Divji Hokkaidohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205076.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b8a19126-e01a-3971-8d01-34aab14ecfa6/3147Breathtaking travel series that shows viewers all the beauty of Hokkaido, northern land and second largest island of Japan. Visit some exquisite and stunning locations and see how the colorful and majestic nature changes through all four seasons.http://images.media-press.cloud/6743dce287cc4dfdb97f21ffeb00fdecA pair of canoers take on one of the fastest-flowing streams in Hokkaido to feast their eyes on a valley adorned with... +Easy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House?#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.0.0.0/1S01E01https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/8d79e59cf82d45e78292dfc0b0187ae3&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIEasy JapaneseNews#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.#1: Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put 'wa doko desu ka' after its name.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p16059335eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpEasy JapaneseEpisodio 1 - Where Is Haru-San House? / Learn How to Ask About LocationsEnostavno po japonsko#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put wa doko desu ka after its name.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/01974206-7944-3a8e-ab48-11c19a873202/3147Language lessons#27 Which one is the most tasty? / To ask which one among 3 or more things is the best or the most, say "dore ga... +Core Kyoto MiniBuddhist Statues: Figures of belief and beautyKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.0.25.0/1S01E26https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/1b7ae5816d99411c8af2be0eb09767d7&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFICore Kyoto miniNewsKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.A look at Kyoto and its more than 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues and highlighting the sculptors that breathe new life into these artisanally made objects of worship.Kyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues - sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.All ActualityCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p20437618eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpCore KyotoEpisodio 26Mala hišahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154443.jpghttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/78adb441-ef0c-4c4f-8762-c91d2096b07d/3147Nature + TravelsCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Watch a professional furniture cleaner return a chest of draws to its former glory. +Wild Hokkaido!Family Camping by Lake ShikotsuA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.0.105.0/1S01E106https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/3f3c5fa76406421c8b7f962ae782d38b&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIWild Hokkaido!NewsFamily Camping by Lake Shikotsuhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2069106/images/wide_m_qkNtBGFDFYJAIqTLl6ahhChJfFJGZTZhttNMHii1.jpgA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido.Natural Grandeur of the EastA travel show focused on the great nature of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island - we visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.All Actualityhttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19558555eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpWild Hokkaido!Episodio 106Divji Hokkaidohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205076.jpgA British cycling guide takes on the challenge of a hill climb up a mountain road on a bicycle in Niseko Mountain Range, which requires skill and stamina for cyclists.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/b8a19126-e01a-3971-8d01-34aab14ecfa6/3147Breathtaking travel series that shows viewers all the beauty of Hokkaido, northern land and second largest island of Japan. Visit some exquisite and stunning locations and see how the colorful and majestic nature changes through all four seasons.http://images.media-press.cloud/6743dce287cc4dfdb97f21ffeb00fdecA pair of canoers take on one of the fastest-flowing streams in Hokkaido to feast their eyes on a valley adorned with... SumopediaТВ-шоуSumopedia World Weather -NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Gentle Journeyshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpgJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini (10Min)HoneyOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.0.12.0/1S01E13https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/160381896ca940cea21f59250beb6b21&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIHometown StoriesTrails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)NewsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Concerned about the decline in global bee populations, urbanites take on rooftop beekeeping in Japan's capital. Also, visiting beekeeping sites responsible for precious honey varieties that are increasingly at risk.Biz Streamhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222471.jpgJapanse production from 2018. Episode: 16.11.2024 23:10. This episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products. Presentation: Raja Pradhan and Phoebe Amoroso.Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9Ehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23025343eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpTrails to Oishii TokyoEpisodio 13Pot do TokiaOur focus this time is on honey - innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavours in this fascinating world of honey.Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Bananas in Japan visit a plantation in one of the country's snowiest regions, and learn how sweetness is carefully...Documentary 360 -The Seasons Of YamatoLightSnow (Shousetsu) Whispers of water/ The 24 Solar TermsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ca58ab118c424b0788f80000a062d272&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.A bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpgA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine... -Ukiyoe Edo-LifeDoodles? Or Ukiyo-e?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d7dab6edc26b459596d0ca4a1fb47a59&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe EDO-LIFENewsUkiyoe Edo-Life: Doodles Or UkiyoeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. We investigate what kind of artistic statement was he trying to make.Dear JapanUkiyo-e Edo-LifeIn the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p18100025eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 14 - Doodles or UkiyoeEdohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgDoodles or Ukiyo-e: A series of doodles by famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day; what kind of statement was he trying to make?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki... -Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 7NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.741.0/1S01E742https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Sumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.20240101https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpgNHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 7 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division... +NewslineNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/31220699b5ea4e78a1cd0cbb76e910a1&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFINHK NewslineNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.Gentle Journeyshttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1201371.jpghttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2024. NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini (10Min)HoneyOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.0.12.0/1S01E13https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/160381896ca940cea21f59250beb6b21&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIHometown StoriesTrails to Oishii Tokyo Mini (10min)NewsTrails To Oishii Tokyo MiniOur focus this time is honey. Innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavors in this fascinating world of honey.Concerned about the decline in global bee populations, urbanites take on rooftop beekeeping in Japan's capital. Also, visiting beekeeping sites responsible for precious honey varieties that are increasingly at risk.Biz Streamhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1222471.jpgTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p23025343eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpJapanse production from 2018. Episode: 16.11.2024 23:10. This episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products. Presentation: Raja Pradhan and Phoebe Amoroso.Trails to Oishii TokyoEpisodio 13Pot do Tokiahttps://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EOur focus this time is on honey - innovations like urban beekeeping are born of a global bee crisis. Differing flowers and environments offer infinite flavours in this fascinating world of honey.Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Bananas in Japan visit a plantation in one of the country's snowiest regions, and learn how sweetness is carefully...Documentary 360 +The Seasons Of YamatoNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.0.38.0/1S01E39https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ca58ab118c424b0788f80000a062d272&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIThe seasons of YamatoNewsA series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine Kawakami, for which she plays exclusive pieces, makes you experience each seasons.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a variety of short programs focusing on Japan and Asia.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p19991354bdh10aa_Backdrop_w1920.webpThe Seasons of YamatoEpisodio 39Obdobja Yamatahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5205073.jpgA bundle of high-quality aesthetic videos created by videographer Koichi Hozan, and accompanied by the piano stylings of Mine Kawakami, in an attempt to simulate the experience of each season. Mine, the Japanese pianist, plays her musical pieces on a century-old piano.A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with pianist Mine Kawakami - for which she plays exclusive pieces - helps you experience each season.A series of poetic videos by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara, in collaboration with a pianist, Mine... +Ukiyoe Edo-LifeDoodles? Or Ukiyo-e?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?0.13.0/1S01E14https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/d7dab6edc26b459596d0ca4a1fb47a59&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIUkiyoe EDO-LIFENewsUkiyoe Edo-Life: Doodles Or UkiyoeA series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. We investigate what kind of artistic statement was he trying to make.Dear JapanUkiyo-e Edo-Lifehttps://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p18100025eh10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpUkiyo-e Edo-LifeEpisodio 14 - Doodles or UkiyoeEdohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154541.jpgIn the pleasure quarters of Edo, a precious house cat stares longingly out the window at a crowd of people going to and fro. Telltale signs scattered about the room reveal why it appears to be upset.Doodles or Ukiyo-e: A series of doodles by famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day; what kind of statement was he trying to make?A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki... +Grand Sumo HighlightsDay 7NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.0.741.0/1S01E742https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/4514776d514441fea119622ac417ae10&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFIGRAND SUMO HighlightsNewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.Sumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p13004977ih10aa_Iconic_w1920.webpGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand sumohttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191678.jpg20240101NHK World-Japan presents a sumo highlights programme for fans around the globe featuring all top-division bouts from Day 7 of the latest Grand Sumo tournament in Fukuoka.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division... Easy JapaneseПозновательное Core Kyoto miniПозновательное Wild Hokkaido!ТВ-шоу Design Ah! neoStory Landhttps://sat.tv/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child/data_lineups/nilesat/images4/epg-1203219.jpgJapanse production. Episode: Kintaro. Leading actors take turns as solo storytellers to act and recite traditional folk tales loved in Japan for centuries. Watch out, too, for the delightful illustrations! -SumopediaRituals in the Sumo RingSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.6.0/1S01E07https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia #8NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.Every round of sumo wrestling requires a sacred ritual to expel the evil spirits, including drinking water to cleanse and purify their bodies.The origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p17343773eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpghttp://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/6030deda-d481-3c60-b284-cbe803578bd5/3147Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the... -NHK NewslineНовостиNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgNHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -Climate TechПозновательноеClimate TechNewsTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 2: Adapting to Urban Riskshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026015/images/wide_m_hwt3zFs0e48gHBxSX9QfqFnwQh8TgW9aV8EHYwBj.jpgDocumentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 36020240101Documentary 360Episodio 15Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...NHK WORLD-JAPAN Special program -NHK NewslineНовостиNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK NewslineInterés generalNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -Navigating DisastersПозновательноеNavigating Disasters: Heavy RainNewsNavigating DisastersTorrential rains are causing increasing devastation worldwide. This program shares Japan's disaster prevention expertise and latest research.Sharing valuable tips for disaster prevention.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a wide range of programs from news, current affairs, documentaries, etc. focusing on Japan and Asia.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ENHK World-Japan Special ProgramEpisodio 147Torrential rains are causing increasing devastation worldwide. This program shares Japan's disaster prevention...J-MELO +SumopediaRituals in the Sumo RingSumopedia offers short videos to enrich your sumo experience. Learn about techniques, traditions, and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple, but the more you know, the more you see.0.6.0/1S01E07https://mage.stream.nos.pt/v1/nostv_mage/Images?sourceUri=http://vip.pam.local.internal/PAM.Images/Store/ff7550aa1f9543279dde214aedc9d216&profile=ott_1_452x340&client_id=xe1dgrShwdR1DVOKGmsj8Ut4QLlGyOFISumopedia #8NewsSumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.Every round of sumo wrestling requires a sacred ritual to expel the evil spirits, including drinking water to cleanse and purify their bodies.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p17343773eh11aa_Iconic_w1920.webpSumopediaSumopediaSumopedijahttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5191677.jpgThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.http://epgstatic.sky.com/epgdata/1.0/paimage/46/1/lisa/5.2.2/linear/channel/6030deda-d481-3c60-b284-cbe803578bd5/3147Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the... +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.https://services.sg101.prd.sctv.ch/content/imagestv/program/p817175ih10ab_Iconic_w1920.webpNHK NewslineInterés generalNovicehttps://tv2go.t-2.net/static/media/img/epg/max_crop/EPG_IMG_5154433.jpgThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK World-Japan's flagship hourly news programme delivers the latest world news, business and weather with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +Climate TechПозновательноеClimate TechNewsTransforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 2: Adapting to Urban Riskshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3026015/images/wide_m_hwt3zFs0e48gHBxSX9QfqFnwQh8TgW9aV8EHYwBj.jpgDocumentary 360 Climate TechDocumentary 360Episodio 15Documentary 36020240101Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and...NHK WORLD-JAPAN Special program +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK NEWSLINENewsNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.Hourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +Navigating DisastersПозновательноеNavigating Disasters: Heavy RainNewsNavigating DisastersTorrential rains are causing increasing devastation worldwide. This program shares Japan's disaster prevention expertise and latest research.Sharing valuable tips for disaster prevention.NHK World-Japan Special ProgramEpisodio 147NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a wide range of programs from news, current affairs, documentaries, etc. focusing on Japan and Asia.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9ETorrential rains are causing increasing devastation worldwide. This program shares Japan's disaster prevention...J-MELO Little Charo Japanology Plus mini A Cat's-Eye View of Japan -NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK NewslineInterés generalNHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE -J-MELOJoin May J. for Japanese music! This week: 8-piece dance-and-vocal group ICEx, who've marked a year together in the EBiDAN music collective; and Philippine-born singer REIKO, who debuted last October.NewsJ-MELOhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/j-melo/images/wide_m_CyLarIMnxThyGkKRMGdCDLkcbXe3CD8MFOt2S3Z2.jpgThe host shares with the viewer Japan's exciting music scene, including pop, rock, traditional and more, with live performances, artist interviews, plus all the latest news. This time with ICEx and Reiko.Join May J. for Japanese music! This week: BRIDEAR (a five-piece all-female heavy metal band with a growing fanbase in Europe) and Matsuura Kodai (a singer with an astonishingly versatile voice).J-MeloEpisodio 427ANIME MANGA EXPLOSION -Little CharoLittle Charo is an animation series about a Japanese dog who got lost in NY. "I want to see my owner again!" Charo starts his adventure back home. Season 2-10.NewsLittle Charohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/littlecharo/images/wide_m_87fJrqYCVz97b4Y2zdCEYUelLbiilbhJRFNUYmhF.jpgThe adventures of Charo, a Japanese dog who finds himself lost in New York City and decides to find his way back home.Little Charo is an animation series about a Japanese dog who got lost in NY. "I want to see my owner again!" Charo starts his adventure back home.Little CharoEpisodio 33Kids Edutainment -Japanology Plus miniJapanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.NewsJapanology Plus minihttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japanologymini/images/wide_m_d0gZS0pDiN0MPViuhV96RFJVCHXIJxXt3okJNYs3.jpgJapanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at donburi rice bowls, Japan's ultimate comfort food.Japanology PlusEpisodio 9 -A Cat's-Eye View of JapanWe visit a cat at a serene temple garden with a 500-year-history. Then, we encounter cats with artisan owners, including a knitting expert and a man who hand carves shogi (Japanese chess) pieces.NewsA Cat's-Eye View of JapanWe visit a cat at a serene temple garden with a 500-year-history. Then, we encounter cats with artisan owners, including a knitting expert and a man who hand carves shogi (Japanese chess) pieces.A unique trip around the country of Japan with photographer and filmmaker Iwago Mitsuaki, discovering the uncharted charms and customs of regions, all seen through the eyes of cats.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EA Cat's-Eye View of JapanEpisodio 65 -NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK NewslineInterés generalNHK NEWSLINE -ANIME MANGA EXPLOSIONThis time, we're featuring THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR, a hit that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Learn the secrets of its enduring charm and get an exclusive look at the new PATLABOR EZY!AnimationANIME MANGA EXPLOSIONThis time, we're featuring THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR, a hit that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Learn the secrets of its enduring charm and get an exclusive look at the new PATLABOR EZY!Featuring `THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR', a hit that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Learn the secrets of its enduring charm and get an exclusive look at the new `PATLABOR EZY'.S01E1520240101Anime Manga ExplosionEpisodio 15The World Heritage Sites in Japan +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on...NHK NEWSLINE +J-MELOJoin May J. for Japanese music! This week: 8-piece dance-and-vocal group ICEx, who've marked a year together in the EBiDAN music collective; and Philippine-born singer REIKO, who debuted last October.NewsJ-MELOhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/j-melo/images/wide_m_CyLarIMnxThyGkKRMGdCDLkcbXe3CD8MFOt2S3Z2.jpgThe host shares with the viewer Japan's exciting music scene, including pop, rock, traditional and more, with live performances, artist interviews, plus all the latest news. This time with ICEx and Reiko.J-MeloEpisodio 427Join May J. for Japanese music! This week: BRIDEAR (a five-piece all-female heavy metal band with a growing fanbase in Europe) and Matsuura Kodai (a singer with an astonishingly versatile voice).ANIME MANGA EXPLOSION +Little CharoLittle Charo is an animation series about a Japanese dog who got lost in NY. "I want to see my owner again!" Charo starts his adventure back home. Season 2-10.NewsLittle Charohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/littlecharo/images/wide_m_87fJrqYCVz97b4Y2zdCEYUelLbiilbhJRFNUYmhF.jpgThe adventures of Charo, a Japanese dog who finds himself lost in New York City and decides to find his way back home.Little CharoEpisodio 33Little Charo is an animation series about a Japanese dog who got lost in NY. "I want to see my owner again!" Charo starts his adventure back home.Kids Edutainment +Japanology Plus miniJapanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.NewsJapanology Plus minihttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japanologymini/images/wide_m_d0gZS0pDiN0MPViuhV96RFJVCHXIJxXt3okJNYs3.jpgJapanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at Japanese dog breeds. There are six breeds native to Japan, including Shiba Inu and Akita.Japanology PlusEpisodio 9Japanology Plus explores Japanese life and culture. In this 5-minute digest, we look at donburi rice bowls, Japan's ultimate comfort food. +A Cat's-Eye View of JapanWe visit a cat at a serene temple garden with a 500-year-history. Then, we encounter cats with artisan owners, including a knitting expert and a man who hand carves shogi (Japanese chess) pieces.NewsA Cat's-Eye View of JapanWe visit a cat at a serene temple garden with a 500-year-history. Then, we encounter cats with artisan owners, including a knitting expert and a man who hand carves shogi (Japanese chess) pieces.A unique trip around the country of Japan with photographer and filmmaker Iwago Mitsuaki, discovering the uncharted charms and customs of regions, all seen through the eyes of cats.A Cat's-Eye View of JapanEpisodio 65https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9E +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK NEWSLINE +ANIME MANGA EXPLOSIONThis time, we're featuring THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR, a hit that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Learn the secrets of its enduring charm and get an exclusive look at the new PATLABOR EZY!AnimationANIME MANGA EXPLOSIONThis time, we're featuring THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR, a hit that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Learn the secrets of its enduring charm and get an exclusive look at the new PATLABOR EZY!Featuring `THE MOBILE POLICE PATLABOR', a hit that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Learn the secrets of its enduring charm and get an exclusive look at the new `PATLABOR EZY'.S01E15Anime Manga ExplosionEpisodio 1520240101The World Heritage Sites in Japan TIME-LAPSE JAPAN GRAND SUMO Highlights -TexicoLearn the principles of programming without a computer. Animated characters provide fun and lucid explanations of 5 core processes: analysis, combination, generalization, abstraction, and simulation.NewsTexicohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/texico/images/wide_m_g5NB3crWNQj24M5ZqFkzgF9VuDSvxKNKUPfVYZIe.jpgFascinating experiments that help people visualise sequences and predict future outcomes. Conveys the pleasure found in improving sequence patterns and how programming principles can be discovered in many aspects of daily life.S01E03Learn the principles of programming without a computer. Animated characters provide fun and lucid explanations of 5 core processes: analysis, combination, generalization, abstraction, and simulation.Texicohttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_texico-s00e03_l_m.jpg -u&iThis show for kids promotes a greater understanding for people with difficulties and helps develop empathy. With the help of two fairies, the main character thinks about what can be done to help.Newsu&ihttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/u_and_i/images/wide_m_6fhgEzgMlsf2QU5x5C82fAEXwykh6RnHigXeWbmn.jpgi decides to give the new student, u, some cookies to please him. However, unbeknown to her, u is allergic to eggs.This show for kids promotes a greater understanding for people with difficulties and helps develop empathy. With the help of two fairies, the main character thinks about what can be done to help.U & IEpisodio 3 +TexicoLearn the principles of programming without a computer. Animated characters provide fun and lucid explanations of 5 core processes: analysis, combination, generalization, abstraction, and simulation.NewsTexicohttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/texico/images/wide_m_g5NB3crWNQj24M5ZqFkzgF9VuDSvxKNKUPfVYZIe.jpgFascinating experiments that help people visualise sequences and predict future outcomes. Conveys the pleasure found in improving sequence patterns and how programming principles can be discovered in many aspects of daily life.S01E03Texicohttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_texico-s00e03_l_m.jpgLearn the principles of programming without a computer. Animated characters provide fun and lucid explanations of 5 core processes: analysis, combination, generalization, abstraction, and simulation. +u&iThis show for kids promotes a greater understanding for people with difficulties and helps develop empathy. With the help of two fairies, the main character thinks about what can be done to help.Newsu&ihttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/u_and_i/images/wide_m_6fhgEzgMlsf2QU5x5C82fAEXwykh6RnHigXeWbmn.jpgi decides to give the new student, u, some cookies to please him. However, unbeknown to her, u is allergic to eggs.U & IEpisodio 3This show for kids promotes a greater understanding for people with difficulties and helps develop empathy. With the help of two fairies, the main character thinks about what can be done to help. Sumopedia -NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.The world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK NewslineInterés generalNHK NEWSLINE -The World Heritage Sites in JapanShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.NewsThe World Heritage Sites in Japanhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japan_heritage/images/wide_m_NpPr7Ao0NDxp9axFbBjc7WIyZdeaGQYMCgLfyhZD.jpgShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.20240101The World Heritage SiteEpisodio 11Hometown Stories -Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: Homes.NewsOKINAWA: Homeshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japantimelapse/images/wide_m_6ImenzVsJrsokrQ90kxegSYK4bBdQ4GQA8unIeJG.jpgTime-Lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: Homes.OkinawaEpisodio 30 - Homes -GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.NewsGRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.NHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9EGrand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgHourly news updates featuring current affairs, business news, financial updates and global weather forecasts.NHK NewslineInterés generalThe world of politics, current affairs, business and finance as they unfold and affect Japan, Asia and the world globally. Insightful analysis and news coverage of the stories of most relevance to Japan and the surrounding region reported from a Japanese perspective and relevance. Archive materials and live reporting provide a full picture of Japan and its place and significance in the world.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/img-hapi.canalplus.pro:80/ServiceImage/ImageID/100463165NHK NEWSLINE +The World Heritage Sites in JapanShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.NewsThe World Heritage Sites in Japanhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japan_heritage/images/wide_m_NpPr7Ao0NDxp9axFbBjc7WIyZdeaGQYMCgLfyhZD.jpgShirakami-Sanchi, or the Shirakami Mountain Range, is home to one of the world's largest beech forests. Its pristine environment hosts a variety of wildlife, as well as a group of hunter-gatherers.The World Heritage SiteEpisodio 1120240101Hometown Stories +Time-lapse JapanOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: Homes.NewsOKINAWA: Homeshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japantimelapse/images/wide_m_6ImenzVsJrsokrQ90kxegSYK4bBdQ4GQA8unIeJG.jpgTime-Lapse JapanOkinawaEpisodio 30 - HomesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: Homes. +GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.NewsGRAND SUMO Highlightshttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpgSumo highlights from a range of tournaments that have taken place across the globe. Sumo is one of the most traditional Japanese sports and boasts a history going back more than 1500 years.Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 16, Day 7 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://thumb.canalplus.pro/http/unsafe/{resolutionXY}/filters:quality({imageQualityPercentage})/canalplus-cdn.canal-plus.io/p1/channel/50165/canal-ouah/GEN169/NHKWorldTV-Aa9E Easy Japanese Core Kyoto mini Wild Hokkaido! -Sumopedia #8Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.NewsSumopediahttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpgThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality.SumopediaSumopedia +Sumopedia #8Sumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.NewsSumopediahttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpgSumopediaSumopediaThe origins of the Japanese Sumo wrestler dates back over 1500 years, steeped in religious Shinto tradition. Uncover the lives of these extraordinary athletes in this Japanese TV documentary show. Discover the techniques, disciplines, traditions, and training these 23-stone behemoth Sumo use in the battle for dominance over their opponent in wrestling bouts immersed in ritual and spirituality. NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.NewsNHK NEWSLINEhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpgNHK NewslineInterés generalNHK NEWSLINE Hometown StoriesIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.NewsHometown StoriesIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.Hometown StoriesEpisodio 235Documentary 360 Easy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.NewsEasy Japanesehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/easyjapanese/images/wide_m_OeSw18Je3avX0vv8uVpPFwLHXyi0T9hnB53yzK8l.jpgEasy JapaneseEpisodio 1 - Where Is Haru-San House? / Learn How to Ask About Locations @@ -15685,6 +15675,102 @@ OKINAWA: HomesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: Homes.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japantimelapse/images/wide_m_6ImenzVsJrsokrQ90kxegSYK4bBdQ4GQA8unIeJG.jpg GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 17, Day 8 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpg SumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Chatroom Japan#3: Homework Challenges"Homework Challenges." Elsa is from the Faroe Islands. Her two children attend a Japanese public school. She feels sad that she cannot always help them because of language issues.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/6049003/images/wide_m_SsJDCVY3052nj5Ngr22uIZe3a9oAStCBieeZlAjN.jpg +Where We Call HomeSowing the Seeds of PeaceWe meet Polish Izabela Ishikawa who works to find and return the remains of those who died during World War II in Okinawa, and Hongkonger Wan Sze Ho, an instructor at a driving school in Kumamoto.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2087133/images/wide_m_imH0HrJmYoDZw3WUeODQd1p1h9ZOmT3bfa9AFJnw.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +OKINAWA: US InfluencesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japantimelapse/images/wide_m_6ImenzVsJrsokrQ90kxegSYK4bBdQ4GQA8unIeJG.jpg +Direct TalkLighting the Way with Architecture: Nagayama Yuko / ArchitectIn 2023, Nagayama Yuko won the prestigious iF Design Award in Retail Architecture for one of her store designs. Highly acclaimed for her use of light, she shares her thoughts on architecture.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105161/images/wide_m_kv0xk8nA5P44o3CWXtMwXvmiRTLmAEchL37rudB1.jpg +Activate Your Japanese!#17 When You DisagreeLearn how to make the most of your Japanese skills. Watch our drama that features useful communication strategies, our snappy videos about onomatopoeia, and our documentaries on "senpai" in Japan.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2096017/images/wide_m_SPziJfrpqhzrI59SUsnO7xAee754WLIgkOdU9OYp.jpg +Culture CrossroadsOne-Day Chefs Bring Cultures TogetherA popular cafe in Osaka offers international dishes on a day-by-day rotating basis. This helps the foreign residents who prepare them, called "one-day chefs," to get involved in Japanese society.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2084063/images/wide_m_Z0EPKbrIbnbeyTHDysnGBkXSdmWdYqZJwPw6EuPr.jpg +HELLO! NHK WORLD-JAPANDocumentary 360This time we explain program plan in the latter half of 2024 in the former half of the show, and introduce "Documentary 360," the English version of good documentaries produced in Japanese language.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2104040/images/wide_m_Bn1AW7027VKJgAEF1w6bGRhqDe4kNZI34jPoU4LT.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Seasoning the SeasonsNotsuke Peninsula: Harsh Winters and Rich SeasThis program visits places across Japan to introduce the charms of their local daily life and festivals fostered by the nation's long history. Today: Notsuke Peninsula, Harsh Winters and Rich Seas.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2024092/images/wide_m_99GcO5XNE7x4sbamSVIWq3y8yOlt1A226Vbeaap8.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +BIZ STREAMMaking a Comeback Through CustomizationThis episode features small and medium-sized businesses that were able to increase sales by offering consumers the option to create highly customized products.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2074212/images/wide_m_Q4hWNB3uUux8zu22pzvzNJqrQPlVL2BzytfMXx3X.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 17, Day 8 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpg +SumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +Direct TalkLighting the Way with Architecture: Nagayama Yuko / ArchitectIn 2023, Nagayama Yuko won the prestigious iF Design Award in Retail Architecture for one of her store designs. Highly acclaimed for her use of light, she shares her thoughts on architecture.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105161/images/wide_m_kv0xk8nA5P44o3CWXtMwXvmiRTLmAEchL37rudB1.jpg +Where We Call HomeSowing the Seeds of PeaceWe meet Polish Izabela Ishikawa who works to find and return the remains of those who died during World War II in Okinawa, and Hongkonger Wan Sze Ho, an instructor at a driving school in Kumamoto.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2087133/images/wide_m_imH0HrJmYoDZw3WUeODQd1p1h9ZOmT3bfa9AFJnw.jpg +NEWSLINE ASIA 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1003/images/wide_m_GmVMZEn3bacYMVeOTX5MYtpcz43lHks6QcZrjYkE.jpg +Activate Your Japanese!#17 When You DisagreeLearn how to make the most of your Japanese skills. Watch our drama that features useful communication strategies, our snappy videos about onomatopoeia, and our documentaries on "senpai" in Japan.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2096017/images/wide_m_SPziJfrpqhzrI59SUsnO7xAee754WLIgkOdU9OYp.jpg +Culture CrossroadsOne-Day Chefs Bring Cultures TogetherA popular cafe in Osaka offers international dishes on a day-by-day rotating basis. This helps the foreign residents who prepare them, called "one-day chefs," to get involved in Japanese society.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2084063/images/wide_m_Z0EPKbrIbnbeyTHDysnGBkXSdmWdYqZJwPw6EuPr.jpg +HELLO! NHK WORLD-JAPANDocumentary 360This time we explain program plan in the latter half of 2024 in the former half of the show, and introduce "Documentary 360," the English version of good documentaries produced in Japanese language.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2104040/images/wide_m_Bn1AW7027VKJgAEF1w6bGRhqDe4kNZI34jPoU4LT.jpg +NEWSLINE ASIA 24This daily news program picks up the key news stories of the past 24 hours from Japan and around Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1003/images/wide_m_GmVMZEn3bacYMVeOTX5MYtpcz43lHks6QcZrjYkE.jpg +Seasoning the SeasonsNotsuke Peninsula: Harsh Winters and Rich SeasThis program visits places across Japan to introduce the charms of their local daily life and festivals fostered by the nation's long history. Today: Notsuke Peninsula, Harsh Winters and Rich Seas.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2024092/images/wide_m_99GcO5XNE7x4sbamSVIWq3y8yOlt1A226Vbeaap8.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NL Bridgehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1006/images/wide_m_eOw3WXoxZ12LyzMBxtdbSb3XxP6DdC2qjHgaZhR9.jpg +NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpg +JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/upclose/images/wide_m_BCWk0s98wzFZf5kUtXVMxQf7EgR2MD4bJnzHLoa3.jpg +GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 17, Day 8 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpg +SumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NL Bridgehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1006/images/wide_m_eOw3WXoxZ12LyzMBxtdbSb3XxP6DdC2qjHgaZhR9.jpg +Direct TalkKishikawa Masanori is a Shinto priest who has organized live painting events, anime collaborations, and more at a 1300-year-old shrine. He shares his vision of a shrine for modern times.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2058/images/wide_m_WhZA53TkPSCVhVuCHtCmT4Y915EVsPL6dS46GZ09.jpg +J-MELOJoin May J. for Japanese music! This week: 8-piece dance-and-vocal group ICEx, who've marked a year together in the EBiDAN music collective; and Philippine-born singer REIKO, who debuted last October.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/j-melo/images/wide_m_CyLarIMnxThyGkKRMGdCDLkcbXe3CD8MFOt2S3Z2.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NL Bridgehttps://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1006/images/wide_m_eOw3WXoxZ12LyzMBxtdbSb3XxP6DdC2qjHgaZhR9.jpg +NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpg +Where We Call HomeSowing the Seeds of PeaceWe meet Polish Izabela Ishikawa who works to find and return the remains of those who died during World War II in Okinawa, and Hongkonger Wan Sze Ho, an instructor at a driving school in Kumamoto.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2087133/images/wide_m_imH0HrJmYoDZw3WUeODQd1p1h9ZOmT3bfa9AFJnw.jpg +NEWSROOM TOKYOThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Direct TalkLighting the Way with Architecture: Nagayama Yuko / ArchitectIn 2023, Nagayama Yuko won the prestigious iF Design Award in Retail Architecture for one of her store designs. Highly acclaimed for her use of light, she shares her thoughts on architecture.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105161/images/wide_m_kv0xk8nA5P44o3CWXtMwXvmiRTLmAEchL37rudB1.jpg +Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(4)With its splendid branches and white plum blossoms, this famous painting is known for captivating Van Gogh. Discover why people were able to tell this was a specific tree at Kameido Umeyashiki.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpg +NEWSROOM TOKYOThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpg +Activate Your Japanese!#17 When You DisagreeLearn how to make the most of your Japanese skills. Watch our drama that features useful communication strategies, our snappy videos about onomatopoeia, and our documentaries on "senpai" in Japan.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2096017/images/wide_m_SPziJfrpqhzrI59SUsnO7xAee754WLIgkOdU9OYp.jpg +Culture CrossroadsOne-Day Chefs Bring Cultures TogetherA popular cafe in Osaka offers international dishes on a day-by-day rotating basis. This helps the foreign residents who prepare them, called "one-day chefs," to get involved in Japanese society.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2084063/images/wide_m_Z0EPKbrIbnbeyTHDysnGBkXSdmWdYqZJwPw6EuPr.jpg +HELLO! NHK WORLD-JAPANDocumentary 360This time we explain program plan in the latter half of 2024 in the former half of the show, and introduce "Documentary 360," the English version of good documentaries produced in Japanese language.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2104040/images/wide_m_Bn1AW7027VKJgAEF1w6bGRhqDe4kNZI34jPoU4LT.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Seasoning the SeasonsNotsuke Peninsula: Harsh Winters and Rich SeasThis program visits places across Japan to introduce the charms of their local daily life and festivals fostered by the nation's long history. Today: Notsuke Peninsula, Harsh Winters and Rich Seas.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2024092/images/wide_m_99GcO5XNE7x4sbamSVIWq3y8yOlt1A226Vbeaap8.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Medical FrontiersControl Constipation to Control Your LifeRecent data show constipation can lead to life-threatening conditions like stroke and chronic kidney disease. We explore the risks of self-diagnosing and a new device for managing constipation.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2050165/images/wide_m_8ZtvbbccFgu1VUSbbXSvORmRnFhXATLyVDC9yLHE.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Where We Call HomeSowing the Seeds of PeaceWe meet Polish Izabela Ishikawa who works to find and return the remains of those who died during World War II in Okinawa, and Hongkonger Wan Sze Ho, an instructor at a driving school in Kumamoto.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2087133/images/wide_m_imH0HrJmYoDZw3WUeODQd1p1h9ZOmT3bfa9AFJnw.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +Direct TalkLighting the Way with Architecture: Nagayama Yuko / ArchitectIn 2023, Nagayama Yuko won the prestigious iF Design Award in Retail Architecture for one of her store designs. Highly acclaimed for her use of light, she shares her thoughts on architecture.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105161/images/wide_m_kv0xk8nA5P44o3CWXtMwXvmiRTLmAEchL37rudB1.jpg +GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 18, Day 9 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpg +SumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1001/images/wide_m_iLrdsHTFWt0DeUJpGu7x1QRGN63UWAtLF9G1iiGl.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Activate Your Japanese!#17 When You DisagreeLearn how to make the most of your Japanese skills. Watch our drama that features useful communication strategies, our snappy videos about onomatopoeia, and our documentaries on "senpai" in Japan.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2096017/images/wide_m_SPziJfrpqhzrI59SUsnO7xAee754WLIgkOdU9OYp.jpg +Culture CrossroadsOne-Day Chefs Bring Cultures TogetherA popular cafe in Osaka offers international dishes on a day-by-day rotating basis. This helps the foreign residents who prepare them, called "one-day chefs," to get involved in Japanese society.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2084063/images/wide_m_Z0EPKbrIbnbeyTHDysnGBkXSdmWdYqZJwPw6EuPr.jpg +HELLO! NHK WORLD-JAPANDocumentary 360This time we explain program plan in the latter half of 2024 in the former half of the show, and introduce "Documentary 360," the English version of good documentaries produced in Japanese language.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2104040/images/wide_m_Bn1AW7027VKJgAEF1w6bGRhqDe4kNZI34jPoU4LT.jpg +NEWSROOM TOKYOThis program gives you comprehensive coverage of events in Japan and Asia. It explains the day's developments and what is behind them.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1002/images/wide_m_sZbollMagTYJ0X4lq3exJjNqLGuq3WdaImhNcSUf.jpg +NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg +Direct TalkKishikawa Masanori is a Shinto priest who has organized live painting events, anime collaborations, and more at a 1300-year-old shrine. He shares his vision of a shrine for modern times.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2058/images/wide_m_WhZA53TkPSCVhVuCHtCmT4Y915EVsPL6dS46GZ09.jpg +Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(4)With its splendid branches and white plum blossoms, this famous painting is known for captivating Van Gogh. Discover why people were able to tell this was a specific tree at Kameido Umeyashiki.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpg +Hometown StoriesA House-call Doctor in FukushimaIn 2022, a doctor moved to a village hit by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Residents had been forced to evacuate until 6 years ago. His goal is to help them to live their lives as they want to.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/5003235/images/wide_m_Nf62iXlrIliSsj8kqCJKIUbijDSEMZHN2q06bw4o.jpg +Easy Japanese#1 Where is Haru-san House? / Learn how to ask about locations. If you want to know where something is, simply put "wa doko desu ka" after its name.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/easyjapanese/images/wide_m_OeSw18Je3avX0vv8uVpPFwLHXyi0T9hnB53yzK8l.jpg +Core Kyoto miniKyoto has about 2,700 temples that hold an array of Buddhist statues. Sculptors breathe life into these objects of worship.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/6024/images/wide_m_rqvaVbDbJmTx9dSCSVtoWTiMCpaa84MnOvIOkOxQ.jpg +Wild Hokkaido!Family Camping by Lake ShikotsuA travel show focused on the great nature of Japan's northern land, Hokkaido. We visit exquisite locations and present a wealth of great images from NHK's archives.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2069106/images/wide_m_qkNtBGFDFYJAIqTLl6ahhChJfFJGZTZhttNMHii1.jpg +OKINAWA: US InfluencesOkinawa Prefecture is a group of subtropical islands in the far south of Japan. We examine its past and present, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time: US Influences.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japantimelapse/images/wide_m_6ImenzVsJrsokrQ90kxegSYK4bBdQ4GQA8unIeJG.jpg +JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/upclose/images/wide_m_BCWk0s98wzFZf5kUtXVMxQf7EgR2MD4bJnzHLoa3.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1007/images/wide_m_84t8JQnZZHDotOqZ6k6Z4yDtARaTfYmydh2syTUD.jpg +NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpg +Medical FrontiersControl Constipation to Control Your LifeRecent data show constipation can lead to life-threatening conditions like stroke and chronic kidney disease. We explore the risks of self-diagnosing and a new device for managing constipation.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2050165/images/wide_m_8ZtvbbccFgu1VUSbbXSvORmRnFhXATLyVDC9yLHE.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1007/images/wide_m_84t8JQnZZHDotOqZ6k6Z4yDtARaTfYmydh2syTUD.jpg +NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpg +Where We Call HomeSowing the Seeds of PeaceWe meet Polish Izabela Ishikawa who works to find and return the remains of those who died during World War II in Okinawa, and Hongkonger Wan Sze Ho, an instructor at a driving school in Kumamoto.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2087133/images/wide_m_imH0HrJmYoDZw3WUeODQd1p1h9ZOmT3bfa9AFJnw.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1007/images/wide_m_84t8JQnZZHDotOqZ6k6Z4yDtARaTfYmydh2syTUD.jpg +NEWSLINE BIZReporting the latest business, finance and economic news, with added analysis from studio guests.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1004/images/wide_m_9LKEdG8imNbc4H311aqLeexv309X481C1eruZxoO.jpg +Activate Your Japanese!#17 When You DisagreeLearn how to make the most of your Japanese skills. Watch our drama that features useful communication strategies, our snappy videos about onomatopoeia, and our documentaries on "senpai" in Japan.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2096017/images/wide_m_SPziJfrpqhzrI59SUsnO7xAee754WLIgkOdU9OYp.jpg +Culture CrossroadsOne-Day Chefs Bring Cultures TogetherA popular cafe in Osaka offers international dishes on a day-by-day rotating basis. This helps the foreign residents who prepare them, called "one-day chefs," to get involved in Japanese society.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2084063/images/wide_m_Z0EPKbrIbnbeyTHDysnGBkXSdmWdYqZJwPw6EuPr.jpg +HELLO! NHK WORLD-JAPANDocumentary 360This time we explain program plan in the latter half of 2024 in the former half of the show, and introduce "Documentary 360," the English version of good documentaries produced in Japanese language.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2104040/images/wide_m_Bn1AW7027VKJgAEF1w6bGRhqDe4kNZI34jPoU4LT.jpg +NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1007/images/wide_m_84t8JQnZZHDotOqZ6k6Z4yDtARaTfYmydh2syTUD.jpg +Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE(4)With its splendid branches and white plum blossoms, this famous painting is known for captivating Van Gogh. Discover why people were able to tell this was a specific tree at Kameido Umeyashiki.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/ukiyoeedolife/images/wide_m_9eqG3efdyiL5vyZlnyAcXNHFAWk2olzKaDqyRW1J.jpg +KAIZOKU: Noshima IslandThe Murakami Kaizoku were seafarers and fighters in the Seto Inland Sea. We explore their history and legacy, with footage from time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke. This time, Noshima Island.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/japantimelapse/images/wide_m_6ImenzVsJrsokrQ90kxegSYK4bBdQ4GQA8unIeJG.jpg +JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSEThis program takes you on an aerial journey across 21st century Japan. Enjoy the bird's-eye view of unique landscapes as well as intimate portraits of the people who inhabit the archipelago.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/upclose/images/wide_m_BCWk0s98wzFZf5kUtXVMxQf7EgR2MD4bJnzHLoa3.jpg +GRAND SUMO HighlightsNHK WORLD-JAPAN presents a sumo highlights program for fans around the globe. Today the show features all top-division bouts from November 18, Day 9 of the Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/sumo/images/wide_m_NA9Wh29NLH4cAFR3svyBJM4F7gyzoR3t8u5mrqaO.jpg +SumopediaSumopedia enriches your sumo experience with information on the techniques, traditions and famous wrestlers of the past. The rules may be simple but there is a lot more to sumo than meets the eye.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2062/images/wide_m_lLzUxCpoA0ZjzybCjvBDukX4uOIpZYaJmQx8rA4J.jpg NHK NEWSLINENHK WORLD-JAPAN's flagship hourly news program delivers the latest world news, business and weather, with a focus on Japan and the rest of Asia.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1007/images/wide_m_84t8JQnZZHDotOqZ6k6Z4yDtARaTfYmydh2syTUD.jpg NEWSLINE IN DEPTHIntroducing a colorful variety of feature stories, including reports on daily life from locations throughout Japan, as well as other parts of Asia and around the world.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/1005/images/wide_m_aaRONtjI7A6qUwOv8E9q57XO4a8DPotP86t61Xjp.jpg Journeys in JapanOITA Kunisaki Peninsula: A Land of Buddhas and GodsFood writer David Conklin gets up close to the Buddhas and gods of the mystical Kunisaki Peninsula, visits with locals, and experiences a scintillating fire festival.https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2007540/images/wide_m_aHFWooOvhGjq33gXpEVHo0Lxm9jofi64ooDob8wq.jpg @@ -15890,83 +15976,118 @@ Climate TechПозновательноеNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline Gifts of the NorthДосуг,ХоббиGifts of the North Furano -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Today's Close-UpToday's Close-Up +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your LifeCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 +PythagoraSwitchПозновательное +Grand Sumo HighlightsНовости +SumopediaТВ-шоу +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Cycle Around JapanДосуг,ХоббиToday's Close-Up Viewpoint ScienceViewpoint Science Story LandStory Land -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Today's Close-upНовостиTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1 The Seasons of YamatoThe Seasons of Yamato Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeUkiyo-e Edo-Life Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights +Viewpoint ScienceПозновательное +Story LandДосуг,Хобби SumopediaSumopedia -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1 -Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life -PythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Gifts of the North FuranoGifts of the North Furano -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Bosai: Science That Can Save Your LifeBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Japan's Top InventionsПозновательноеJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1 +The World Heritage Sites in JapanДосуг,ХоббиBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life +The Seasons of YamatoПозновательноеPythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Climate TechПозновательноеNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Gifts of the NorthДосуг,ХоббиGifts of the North Furano +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Biz StreamПозновательноеBosai: Science That Can Save Your Life PythagoraSwitch MiniPythagoraSwitch Mini - Season 1, Episode 1 Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights +Viewpoint ScienceПозновательное +Story LandДосуг,Хобби SumopediaSumopedia -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Today's Close-UpToday's Close-Up +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Hometown StoriesДосуг,ХоббиCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 +Easy JapaneseПозновательное +Core Kyoto miniПозновательное +Wild Hokkaido!ТВ-шоу +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Framing Everyday MomentsМузыкаToday's Close-Up +Trails to Oishii TokyoДосуг,Хобби +The Seasons of YamatoПозновательное +Grand Sumo HighlightsНовости Viewpoint ScienceViewpoint Science Story LandStory Land -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1 +SumopediaТВ-шоу +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Cycle Around JapanДосуг,ХоббиJapan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1Japan's Top Inventions - Season 1, Episode 1 The World HeritageThe World Heritage The Seasons of YamatoThe Seasons of Yamato -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Gifts of the North FuranoGifts of the North Furano -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Biz StreamBiz Stream +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Climate TechПозновательноеNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Gifts of the NorthДосуг,ХоббиGifts of the North Furano +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Cycle Around JapanДосуг,ХоббиBiz Stream Viewpoint ScienceViewpoint Science Story LandStory Land -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Biz StreamПозновательноеHometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1 Easy JapaneseEasy Japanese -Core Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Core Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1 +Viewpoint ScienceПозновательноеCore Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Core Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1 Wild Hokkaido!Wild Hokkaido! -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Framing Everyday's MomentsFraming Everyday's Moments +Story LandДосуг,Хобби +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Hometown StoriesДосуг,ХоббиFraming Everyday's Moments Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1 The Seasons of YamatoThe Seasons of Yamato Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights +Easy JapaneseПозновательное +Core Kyoto miniПозновательное +Wild Hokkaido!ТВ-шоу SumopediaSumopedia -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Gifts of the North FuranoGifts of the North Furano -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Biz StreamBiz Stream -Viewpoint ScienceViewpoint Science -Story LandStory Land -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Trails to Oishii TokyoДосуг,ХоббиCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 +The Seasons of YamatoПозновательное +Ukiyoe Edo-life +Grand Sumo HighlightsНовости +SumopediaТВ-шоу +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Climate TechПозновательноеNHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1NHK Documentary - Season 1, Episode 1 +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Navigating DisastersПозновательноеGifts of the North Furano +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +J-MeloДосуг,ХоббиCycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1Cycle Around Japan Late Autumn In Akita - Season 1, Episode 1 +Little Charo +Japanology PlusПозновательное +A Cat's-Eye View of JapanДосуг,Хобби +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Anime Manga ExplosionДосуг,ХоббиBiz Stream +TexicoПозновательноеViewpoint Science +U &amp; IДосуг,ХоббиStory Land +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +The World Heritage Sites in JapanДосуг,ХоббиHometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1Hometown Stories - Season 1, Episode 1 +Okinawa: HomesПозновательное +Grand Sumo HighlightsНовости Easy JapaneseEasy Japanese Core Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1Core Kyoto - Season 1, Episode 1 Wild Hokkaido!Wild Hokkaido! -NHK NewslineNHK Newsline -Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1 +SumopediaТВ-шоу +NHK NewslineНовостиNHK Newsline +Hometown StoriesДосуг,ХоббиTrails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1Trails to Oishii Tokyo - Season 1, Episode 1 The Seasons of YamatoThe Seasons of Yamato Ukiyo-e Edo-LifeUkiyo-e Edo-Life Grand Sumo HighlightsGrand Sumo Highlights +Easy JapaneseПозновательное +Core Kyoto miniПозновательное +Wild Hokkaido!ТВ-шоу SumopediaSumopedia +NHK NewslineНовости +Climate TechПозновательное +NHK NewslineНовости +Navigating DisastersПозновательное World Weatherワールドウェザー Familiarization with Japanese Traditional Performing Arts芸能きわみ堂 Child-Rearing Hints & Tips miniA program offering helpful tips on child-rearing.LifestyleChild-Rearing Hints & Tips miniまいにちスクスクChild-Rearing Hints & TipsU @@ -15991,7 +16112,7 @@ Newsニュース Drama Serial "Omusubi" Eps. 35A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfuDramaDrama Serial "Omusubi"連続テレビ小説「おむすび」Drama Serial "Omusubi" Eps. 35Omusubi, Ep 35S01E35Omusubi, Ep 35OmusubiDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/10000529X839024.jpg0.34.0/1 asaichiLooking into topical information ranging from social issues to entertainment news through the eyes of the general public.LifestyleasaichiあさイチLooking into topical information ranging from social issues to entertainment news through the eyes of the general public.AsaichiU -World WeatherWeather information of the different areas around the world.Factual-DocumentaryWorld WeatherWorld Weather +World WeatherWeather information of the different areas around the world.Factual-DocumentaryWorld WeatherWorld WeatherWeather information of the different areas around the world.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg Exercise for EveryoneAn easy-to-do exercise program for everyone from children to the elderly.LifestyleExercise for EveryoneExercise For EveryoneAn easy-to-do exercise program for everyone from children to the elderly.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/1023X150003.jpg News & WeatherThe latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News-Current AffairsNews & Weatherニュース・気象情報The latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News & WeatherU Saturday Drama "30 million" Eps. 6 (R)Sasaki Yuko (Adachi Yumi) works as a temporary employee at a call center, struggling with her mortgage and child-rearing. Despite her overbearing boss and uncertain future, she tries to make ends meet. Her husband Yoshimitsu (Aoki Munetaka) is optimisticDramaSaturday Drama "30 million"【土曜ドラマ】3000万30 Million, Ep 6S01E0630 Million, Ep 630 MillionDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg0.5.0/1 @@ -16036,11 +16157,11 @@ With MotherThis children's program includes a puppet show, cartoon, music, and gymnastics in which children can participate.Japanese EntertainmentWith MotherおかあさんといっしょThis children's program includes a puppet show, cartoon, music, and gymnastics in which children can participate.With MotherWith MotherInfantilU Fish Masters 5minUna exploración del misterioso mundo de los peces de la mano del experto Sakana-kun.NRFish Masters 5minNR World WeatherInformación del clima desde diferentes partes del mundo.NRWorld WeatherNR -NHK News 7NHK News 7 (B)News-Current AffairsNHK News 7NHKニュース 7NHK's core news program wrapping up the day's events in an easy to understand way.NHK NewsNHK News 7NRUn programa de noticias con el resumen de los acontecimientos más importantes del día.NHK NewsEspacio que brinda informes sobre las últimas historias del día en Japón y fuera de sus fronteras. Este compacto también incluye datos deportivos y reportes meteorológicos.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_nhk-news-7_l_m.jpgU -Tokyo Local Information Netadori!Tokyo Local Information NETADORI!Lifestyle首都圏情報 ネタドリ!A program probing into the truth behind the news related to the Tokyo Metropolitan area.Tokyo Local InformationTokyo Local Information NETADORI!NRNoticias del área metropolitana de Tokio.Tokyo Local InformationUn programa que investiga la verdad detrás de las noticias relacionadas con el área metropolitana de Tokio.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_tokyo-local-information-netadori_l_m.jpgU +NHK News 7 (B)NHK's core news program wrapping up the day's events in an easy to understand way.News-Current AffairsNHK News 7NHKニュース 7NHK's core news program wrapping up the day's events in an easy to understand way.NHK NewsNHK News 7NRUn programa de noticias con el resumen de los acontecimientos más importantes del día.NHK NewsEspacio que brinda informes sobre las últimas historias del día en Japón y fuera de sus fronteras. Este compacto también incluye datos deportivos y reportes meteorológicos.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_nhk-news-7_l_m.jpgU +Tokyo Local Information NETADORI!A program probing into the truth behind the news related to the Tokyo Metropolitan area.LifestyleTokyo Local Information NETADORI!首都圏情報 ネタドリ!A program probing into the truth behind the news related to the Tokyo Metropolitan area.Tokyo Local InformationTokyo Local Information NETADORI!NRNoticias del área metropolitana de Tokio.Tokyo Local InformationUn programa que investiga la verdad detrás de las noticias relacionadas con el área metropolitana de Tokio.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_tokyo-local-information-netadori_l_m.jpgU Trivia Quizzes--You'll Get Scolded By Chiko-Chan!Trivia Quizzes--You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-chan!Varietyチコちゃんに叱られる!Let's learn trivia of things we do unconsciously in our daily lives with "Chiko-chan," a five-year-old virtual girl who asks adults simple questions one after another!Trivia Quizzes: Chiko-Chan!Trivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan!NRChiko-Chan es una niña de 5 años que hace preguntas en apariencia simples a los adultos, pero en realidad complejas.Trivia Quizzes: Chiko-Chan!EntretenimientosLet's learn trivia of things we do unconsciously in our daily lives with 'Chiko-chan,' a five-year-old virtual girl who asks adults simple questions one after another!https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/1023X187041.jpg Mini ProgramUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.NRMini ProgramNR -World WeatherWorld WeatherFactual-DocumentaryワールドウェザーWeather information of the different areas around the world.World WeatherWorld WeatherClimaU +World WeatherWorld WeatherFactual-DocumentaryワールドウェザーWeather information of the different areas around the world.World WeatherWorld WeatherClima NHK News 845NHK News 845News-Current Affairs首都圏ニュース845Today's latest metropolitan area news and weather information program.NHK News¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 845NRLas últimas noticias de la actualidad e información meteorológica.NHK NewsNHK News 845NoticieroU News Watch 9News Watch 9 (B)News-Current AffairsNews Watch 9ニュースウオッチ 9NHK's mainstay evening news program.News Watch 9News Watch 9NRUn programa de noticias con la mejor información actualizada.Una fuente constante de información seria y exacta en las áreas de interés para el espectador. El objetivo es dar a conocer los acontecimientos de una mera dinámica.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_news-watch-9_l_m.jpgU The Comedy Of Life 'Autumn'The Comedy of LIFE "Autumn"VarietyLIFE!秋The Comedy Of Life: AutumnFamily HistoryNRSe muestra la historia familiar de las celebridades más conocidas de la televisión.The Comedy Of Life: AutumnAutumnComediaThe Comedy of LIFE 'Autumn'U @@ -16054,7 +16175,7 @@ International News Report 2024International News Report 2024News-Current Affairs国際報道2024An international news program providing in-depth report on what is happening around the world. (Dual audio when available)International News Report 2024NoticieroU Selections Millionaire Samurai ConstableLa información del programa no fue provista por el proveedor de la señal.NRSelections Millionaire Samurai ConstableNR World WeatherWorld WeatherFactual-DocumentaryワールドウェザーWeather information of the different areas around the world.World WeatherClimaU -Samurai Drama Selections 'Kumokiri Nizaemon 6' E2Samurai Drama Selections "Kumokiri Nizaemon 6" Eps. 2 (R)DramaA story about Kumokiri Nizaemon, a thief-of-all-time and the leader of a gang of thieves, who brilliantly steals an enormous sum of money from the rich by non-violent means without leaving any trace.Samurai Drama Selections "Kumokiri Nizaemon 6"【特選!時代劇】雲霧仁左衛門6Samurai Drama Selections "Kumokiri Nizaemon 6" Eps. 2Kumokiri Nizaemon S6, Ep 2Kumokiri NizaemonTemporada 6 Episodio 2Samurai Drama Selections 'Kumokiri Nizaemon 6' E2Kumokiri Nizaemon 6U +Samurai Drama Selections 'Kumokiri Nizaemon 6' E2Samurai Drama Selections "Kumokiri Nizaemon 6" Eps. 2 (R)DramaA story about Kumokiri Nizaemon, a thief-of-all-time and the leader of a gang of thieves, who brilliantly steals an enormous sum of money from the rich by non-violent means without leaving any trace.Samurai Drama Selections "Kumokiri Nizaemon 6"【特選!時代劇】雲霧仁左衛門6Samurai Drama Selections "Kumokiri Nizaemon 6" Eps. 2Kumokiri Nizaemon S6, Ep 2Kumokiri NizaemonTemporada 6 Episodio 2Kumokiri Nizaemon 6USamurai Drama Selections 'Kumokiri Nizaemon 6' E2 Mini ProgramUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.NRMini ProgramNR Edutainment Sciencer ShowUn programa de investigación de la ciencia con cuestiones únicas planteadas por los espectadores.NREdutainment Sciencer ShowNR Mini ProgramMini ProgramSpecialsミニ番組Mini Programhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_mini-program_l_m.jpgThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg @@ -16071,15 +16192,15 @@ Kid's DiscoveryIn this program, children around the age of 4 can experience the pleasure of playing with friends, the wonder of life, the joy of doing thigs by themselves, and consideration for others, all while having fun through various discoveries.Japanese EntertainmentKid's Discoveryみいつけた!In this program, children around the age of 4 can experience the pleasure of playing with friends, the wonder of life, the joy of doing thigs by themselves, and consideration for others, all while having fun through various discoveries.Kid's DiscoveryKid's DiscoveryInfantilThis program targets children aged 4 and 5, with an emphasis on education related to health, human relationships, environment, language and expressions to nurture their creativity.U NHK News 4K Local EditionLa información del programa no fue provista por el proveedor de la señal.NRNHK News 4K Local EditionNR With Mother (R)This children's program includes a puppet show, cartoon, music, and gymnastics in which children can participate.Japanese EntertainmentWith MotherおかあさんといっしょThis children's program includes a puppet show, cartoon, music, and gymnastics in which children can participate.With MotherWith MotherInfantilU -Saturday Drama "30 million" Eps. 6 (R)Sasaki Yuko (Adachi Yumi) works as a temporary employee at a call center, struggling with her mortgage and child-rearing. Despite her overbearing boss and uncertain future, she tries to make ends meet. Her husband Yoshimitsu (Aoki Munetaka) is optimisticDramaSaturday Drama "30 million"【土曜ドラマ】3000万30 Million, Ep 6S01E0630 Million, Ep 630 millionEpisodio 6Saturday Drama '30 Million' E630 MillionDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg0.5.0/1 +Saturday Drama "30 million" Eps. 6 (R)Sasaki Yuko (Adachi Yumi) works as a temporary employee at a call center, struggling with her mortgage and child-rearing. Despite her overbearing boss and uncertain future, she tries to make ends meet. Her husband Yoshimitsu (Aoki Munetaka) is optimisticDramaSaturday Drama "30 million"【土曜ドラマ】3000万30 Million, Ep 6S01E0630 Million, Ep 630 millionEpisodio 630 MillionDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgSaturday Drama '30 Million' E60.5.0/1 Core KyotoLa antigua capital, Kioto, sigue siendo innovadora después de 1200 años.GCore KyotoG -Rural Japan "Satoyama"Rural Japan "Satoyama"SpecialsRural Japan "Satoyama"ニッポンの里山 ふるさとの絶景に出会う旅City-ScopeRural Japan: SatoyamaRural Japan: SatoyamaSatoyamaInterés generalRural Japan 'Satoyama'This series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/1023X156025.jpg +Rural Japan "Satoyama"Rural Japan "Satoyama"SpecialsRural Japan "Satoyama"ニッポンの里山 ふるさとの絶景に出会う旅City-ScopeRural Japan: SatoyamaRural Japan: SatoyamaSatoyamaInterés generalRural Japan 'Satoyama'U Mini ProgramUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.NRMini ProgramNR Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho HighlightsGrand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho HighlightsSportsGrand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho Highlights大相撲 幕内の全取組 九州場所Grand Sumo Tournament HLTV ExerciseNRUn programa para incentivar el ejercicio físico a los jóvenes y personas mayores.Grand Sumo Tournament HLGrand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho HighlightsGrand Sumo Tournament Kyushu Basho HighlightsEnjoy sumo or Japanese wrestling live from four different cities, six times a year.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg Mini ProgramUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.NRMini ProgramNR Songs for EveryoneUn programa con canciones donde los niños pueden cantarlas leyendo las letras en la pantalla.NRSongs for EveryoneNR World WeatherInformación del clima desde diferentes partes del mundo.NRWorld WeatherNR -Drama Serial "Carnation" Encore Eps. 47A heroine born into a kimono store family in Kishiwada, Osaka, holds admiration for clothing and discovers a sewing machine. Despite her father's opposition, she is undeterred and pursues her passion for dressmaking. She opens a store at age 20 and gets mDramaDrama Serial "Carnation" Encore連続テレビ小説・アンコール「カーネーション」Drama Serial "Carnation" Encore Eps. 47Carnation, Ep 47S01E47With MotherNRUn programa infantil con títeres, dibujos animados, música y gimnasia.Carnation, Ep 47ClavelEpisodio 47Drama Serial 'Carnation' Encore E47CarnationDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg0.46.0/1 +Drama Serial "Carnation" Encore Eps. 47A heroine born into a kimono store family in Kishiwada, Osaka, holds admiration for clothing and discovers a sewing machine. Despite her father's opposition, she is undeterred and pursues her passion for dressmaking. She opens a store at age 20 and gets mDramaDrama Serial "Carnation" Encore連続テレビ小説・アンコール「カーネーション」Drama Serial "Carnation" Encore Eps. 47Carnation, Ep 47S01E47With MotherNRUn programa infantil con títeres, dibujos animados, música y gimnasia.Carnation, Ep 47ClavelEpisodio 47CarnationDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgDrama Serial 'Carnation' Encore E470.46.0/1 Deepest Japan Research (R)Not only food, anime and traditional arts, now that all fronts of Japan have attracted foreign researchers' attention! This program covered astonishing researches, which results in getting to know Japanese specificity that they didn't even realize themselSpecialsDeepest Japan Research最深日本研究~外国人博士の目~NHK Regional ShowcasesDeepest Japan ResearchDeepest Japan ResearchInterés generalNot only food, anime and traditional arts, now that all fronts of Japan have attracted foreign researchers' attention! This program covered astonishing researches, which results in getting to know Japanese specificity that they didn't even realize themselves.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg Kid's DiscoveryUn programa para niños de 4 a 5 años de edad, centrado en temas de salud, relaciones humanas, medio ambiente, lenguaje y más.NRKid's DiscoveryNR Nosy's Inspiring LabUn programa que inspira la creatividad y desarrolla la capacidad de pensar, como base para la elaboración de artesanías, a través de la búsqueda de diversión y aprendizaje en la vida cotidiana.NRNosy's Inspiring LabNR @@ -16090,17 +16211,17 @@ News: Good Morning, JapanFresh news and information to start off the morning. Specialized reporters and anchors will wake up the viewers with this live news program.News-Current AffairsNews: Good Morning, JapanNHKニュース おはよう日本(6時台)Fresh news and information to start off the morning. Specialized reporters and anchors will wake up the viewers with this live news program.News: Good Morning, JapanNews: Good Morning, JapanNRUn noticiero con información actualizada para comenzar el día.Información actual sobre el acontecer diario es presentada por un panel de expertos. Conocerás los detalles más importantes sobre los sucesos que ocurren cada día.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_news-good-morning-japan_l_m.jpgU News: Good Morning, JapanFresh news and information to start off the morning. Specialized reporters and anchors will wake up the viewers with this live news program.News-Current AffairsNews: Good Morning, JapanNHKニュース おはよう日本(7時台)Fresh news and information to start off the morning. Specialized reporters and anchors will wake up the viewers with this live news program.News: Good Morning, JapanNews: Good Morning, JapanNoticieroU World WeatherWeather information of the different areas around the world.Factual-DocumentaryWorld WeatherワールドウェザーWeather information of the different areas around the world.World WeatherWorld WeatherNRInformación del clima desde diferentes partes del mundo.Este espacio de pronóstico del tiempo en inglés retransmite pronósticos del tiempo de ciudades principales en el mundo entero y las áreas que pueden esperar la precipitación.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_world-weather_l_m.jpgU -Drama Serial "Omusubi" Week 7A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfuDramaDrama Serial "Omusubi"連続テレビ小説「おむすび」OmusubiSoar High!NRLa historia de Mai, una heroína tímida que admira el cielo y se convierte en piloto. Luchando por lograr su sueño de volar, construye lazos con varias personas en Higashi Osaka, una ciudad manufacturera.OmusubiOmusubi- Week 7Drama Serial 'Omusubi' Week 7A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfully and joyfully pushes through the turbulent Heisei and Reiwa eras.U -The "Instruction Manual" Show "Anti-Aging Methods for Voice and Throat" (R)A unique theater show in which the showman chooses one item of the world and presents how to use or operate it with some surprising facts and useful tips that might 'update' your life.LifestyleThe "Instruction Manual" Showあしたが変わるトリセツショーA unique theater show in which the showman chooses one item of the world and presents how to use or operate it with some surprising facts and useful tips that might 'update' your life.The Instruction Manual ShowTrivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan!NRChiko-Chan es una niña de 5 años que hace preguntas en apariencia simples a los adultos, pero en realidad complejas.The Instruction Manual ShowThe Instruction Manual Showhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_the-instruction-manual-show-anti-aging-methods-for-voice-and-throat_l_m.jpgThe 'Instruction Manual' Show 'Anti-Aging Methods For Voice And Throat'The 'Instruction Manual' ShowU +Drama Serial "Omusubi" Week 7A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfuDramaDrama Serial "Omusubi"連続テレビ小説「おむすび」OmusubiSoar High!NRLa historia de Mai, una heroína tímida que admira el cielo y se convierte en piloto. Luchando por lograr su sueño de volar, construye lazos con varias personas en Higashi Osaka, una ciudad manufacturera.OmusubiOmusubi- Week 7A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfully and joyfully pushes through the turbulent Heisei and Reiwa eras.UDrama Serial 'Omusubi' Week 7 +The "Instruction Manual" Show "Anti-Aging Methods for Voice and Throat" (R)A unique theater show in which the showman chooses one item of the world and presents how to use or operate it with some surprising facts and useful tips that might 'update' your life.LifestyleThe "Instruction Manual" Showあしたが変わるトリセツショーA unique theater show in which the showman chooses one item of the world and presents how to use or operate it with some surprising facts and useful tips that might 'update' your life.The Instruction Manual ShowTrivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-Chan!NRChiko-Chan es una niña de 5 años que hace preguntas en apariencia simples a los adultos, pero en realidad complejas.The Instruction Manual ShowThe Instruction Manual Showhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_the-instruction-manual-show-anti-aging-methods-for-voice-and-throat_l_m.jpgThe 'Instruction Manual' ShowUThe 'Instruction Manual' Show 'Anti-Aging Methods For Voice And Throat' Trivia Quizzes--You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-chan! (R)Let's learn trivia of things we do unconsciously in our daily lives with "Chiko-chan," a five-year-old virtual girl who asks adults simple questions one after another!VarietyTrivia Quizzes--You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-chan!チコちゃんに叱られる!Let's learn trivia of things we do unconsciously in our daily lives with "Chiko-chan," a five-year-old virtual girl who asks adults simple questions one after another!Trivia Quizzes: Chiko-Chan!Document 72 HoursGExplorando dramas humanos a través de encuentros con gente común en lugares seleccionados.Trivia Quizzes: Chiko-Chan!Trivia Quizzes - You'll Get Scolded by Chiko-chan!https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_trivia-quizzes-you-ll-get-scolded-by-chiko-chan_l_m.jpgLet's learn trivia of things we do unconsciously in our daily lives with 'Chiko-chan,' a five-year-old virtual girl who asks adults simple questions one after another!https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/images/1023X187041.jpg 100 Beautiful Mountains of JapanUn programa que muestra la majestuosidad y belleza de las montañas de Japón.G100 Beautiful Mountains of JapanG Correlation Diagram of the Complex Social Phenomena (R)An informational entertainment program targeting people in their 20s and 30s. Making full use of drama-style presentation and visualization techniques, the program explains complex social phenomena in a simple easy to understand manner.VarietyCorrelation Diagram of the Complex Social Phenomena漫画家イエナガの複雑社会を超定義An informational entertainment program targeting people in their 20s and 30s. Making full use of drama-style presentation and visualization techniques, the program explains complex social phenomena in a simple easy to understand manner.Correlation Diagram Of...Correlation Diagram Of...Correlation Diagram of the Complex Social Phenomenahttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_correlation-diagram-of-the-complex-social-phenomena_l_m.jpgMaking full use of drama-style presentation and visualization techniques, the program explains complex social phenomena in a simple easy to understand manner.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg News & WeatherThe latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News-Current AffairsNews & Weatherニュース・気象情報The latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News & WeatherNHK SpecialNRDocumentales sobre temas de actualidad.News & WeatherNoticieroU -Transcending Happiness: A Love that's Brought Together by a Battle with Breast Cancer (R)The show features couples, parent and child, and friends talking about the different forms of happiness that they have discovered together throughout their life.SpecialsTranscending Happiness:超越ハピネスThe Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-kunTranscending HappinessTranscending HappinessThe Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-KunInterés generalTranscending Happiness: A Love That's Brought Together By A Battle With Breast CancerThe show features couples, parent and child, and friends talking about the different forms of happiness that they have discovered together throughout their life.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg +Transcending Happiness: A Love that's Brought Together by a Battle with Breast Cancer (R)The show features couples, parent and child, and friends talking about the different forms of happiness that they have discovered together throughout their life.SpecialsTranscending Happiness:超越ハピネスThe Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-kunTranscending HappinessTranscending HappinessThe Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-KunInterés generalTranscending Happiness: a Love That's Brought Together by a Battle With Breast CancerU Super Rare! Railroad Treasure FilmsSuper Rare! Railroad Treasure FilmsSpecialsSuper Rare! Railroad Treasure Films発掘!鉄道お宝フィルムSuper Rare! Railroad Treasure...Super Rare! Railroad Treasure...This series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg Mini ProgramMini Programhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_mini-program_l_m.jpg Mini ProgramMini ProgramSpecialsMini Programミニ番組Mini ProgramThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg -The Last Lecture "Fukuoka Shin-Ichi" (R)Featuring distinguished programs ranging from entertainment shows to documentaries.SpecialsThe Last Lecture最後の講義NHK SpecialLast Lecture: Fukuoka Shin-IchiLast Lecture: Fukuoka Shin-IchiThe Last Lecturehttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_the-last-lecture-fukuoka-shin-ichi_l_m.jpgThe Last Lecture 'Fukuoka Shin-Ichi' +The Last Lecture "Fukuoka Shin-Ichi" (R)Featuring distinguished programs ranging from entertainment shows to documentaries.SpecialsThe Last Lecture最後の講義NHK SpecialLast Lecture: Fukuoka Shin-IchiLast Lecture: Fukuoka Shin-IchiThe Last Lecturehttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_the-last-lecture-fukuoka-shin-ichi_l_m.jpgThe Last Lecture 'Fukuoka Shin-Ichi'U Zero Waste LifeSe muestra cómo se desarrollan las vidas de las personas que siguen la filosofía tradicional de Mottainai y tratan de no generar desechos.NRZero Waste LifeNR Tomorrow is Smiling Beside YouAoi vive en Ishinomaki, al nordeste de Japón, y sigue esperando que aparezca su esposo, desaparecido en el terrible terremoto de 2011.NRTomorrow is Smiling Beside YouNR Documentary: 20 MinutesA documentary program targeting the younger generation, who are turning away from TV, produced and directed by young creators.Factual-DocumentaryDocumentary: 20 Minutesドキュメント20min.A documentary program targeting the younger generation, who are turning away from TV, produced and directed by young creators.Documentary: 20 MinutesDocumentary: 20 Minuteshttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_documentary-20-minutes_l_m.jpgDocumentaryU @@ -16109,13 +16230,13 @@ NewsThe latest up-to-date news from Tokyo.News-Current AffairsNewsニュースThe latest up-to-date news from Tokyo.NewsNewsNRLas noticias actualizadas ocurridas en Tokio.Noticias y análisis de los acontecimientos ocurridos a nivel local, nacional e internacional son reportados por distinguidos profesionales del periodismo francés.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_news_l_m.jpgU Exploring FactoriesAn entertainment program visiting small and large factories to discover the latest science, hidden artisanship, and enthusiastic people that support traditions of Japanese manufacture.VarietyExploring Factories探検ファクトリーAn entertainment program visiting small and large factories to discover the latest science, hidden artisanship, and enthusiastic people that support traditions of Japanese manufacture.Exploring FactoriesExploring FactoriesNRProgramas distinguidos con contenido que va desde el entretenimiento hasta los documentales.EspecialU Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPAN (R)Showcasing various programs and activities of NHK WORLD-JAPAN which provides the latest information on Japan and Asia to the global audience.SpecialsHello! NHK WORLD-JAPANハロー!NHKワールドJAPANShowcasing various programs and activities of NHK WORLD-JAPAN which provides the latest information on Japan and Asia to the global audience.Hello! NHK World-JapanMini ProgramNRUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.Hello! NHK World JapanCulturalU -Drama Serial "Omusubi" Week 7 (R)A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfuDramaDrama Serial "Omusubi"連続テレビ小説「おむすび」OmusubiSoar High!NRLa historia de Mai, una heroína tímida que admira el cielo y se convierte en piloto. Luchando por lograr su sueño de volar, construye lazos con varias personas en Higashi Osaka, una ciudad manufacturera.OmusubiOmusubi- Week 7Drama Serial 'Omusubi' Week 7A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfully and joyfully pushes through the turbulent Heisei and Reiwa eras.U +Drama Serial "Omusubi" Week 7 (R)A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfuDramaDrama Serial "Omusubi"連続テレビ小説「おむすび」OmusubiSoar High!NRLa historia de Mai, una heroína tímida que admira el cielo y se convierte en piloto. Luchando por lograr su sueño de volar, construye lazos con varias personas en Higashi Osaka, una ciudad manufacturera.OmusubiOmusubi- Week 7A Heisei youth graffiti drama, in which the heroine Yoneda Yui (Hashimoto Kanna), born in the first year of the Heisei era, connects people's hearts to the future as a nutritionist. Always cherishing her individuality, she sometimes struggles, but powerfully and joyfully pushes through the turbulent Heisei and Reiwa eras.UDrama Serial 'Omusubi' Week 7 News & WeatherThe latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News-Current AffairsNews & Weatherニュース・気象情報The latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News & WeatherNews & WeatherGUn programa para los que desean información actualizada y meteorológica de todo el país.La información sobre los acontecimientos del día, el estado del tiempo y los hechos más importantes en el ámbito nacional e internacional, de la mano de los profesionales de la comunicación más objetivos y veraces.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_news-weather_l_m.jpgU -Historical Drama "Dear Radiance" Eps. 43 (R)Michinaga insists that the repeated fires in the imperial palace are caused by a deity's anger towards Sanjo's politics, and proposes Emperor Sanjo to abdicate the throne. However, Sanjo firmly refuses this, which deepens the conflict between the two. AftDramaHistorical Drama "Dear Radiance"大河ドラマ「光る君へ」Dear Radiance, Ep 43S01E43What Would You Do, Ieyasu?NREl joven Ieyasu pensó que terminaría con su vida como rehén del clan Imagawa, impulsado por el entusiasmo de los samuráis Mikawa, se sumerge en una época turbulenta gobernada por monstruos.Dear Radiance, Ep 43Dear Radiancehttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/fallback_tvepisode_l_m.jpgHistorical Drama 'Dear Radiance' E43Dear RadianceDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg0.42.0/1 -The Soul of Minyo "Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture"Enjoy the live stage of Japanese traditional folk songs.SpecialsThe Soul of Minyo民謡魂 ふるさとの唄PREMIUM SELECTIONSThe Soul Of Minyo: Tokoname CityPremium SelectionsNRProgramas especiales que incluyen a la Liga Japonesa de Fútbol, juegos de béisbol profesional Nipón, y otros distinguidos programas que van desde espectáculos de entretenimiento, variedades hasta documentales.The Soul Of Minyo: Tokoname CityThe Soul of Minyo- Tokoname City, Aichi PrefectureThe Soul Of Minyo 'Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture'Enjoy the live stage of Japanese traditional folk songs.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg +Historical Drama "Dear Radiance" Eps. 43 (R)Michinaga insists that the repeated fires in the imperial palace are caused by a deity's anger towards Sanjo's politics, and proposes Emperor Sanjo to abdicate the throne. However, Sanjo firmly refuses this, which deepens the conflict between the two. AftDramaHistorical Drama "Dear Radiance"大河ドラマ「光る君へ」Dear Radiance, Ep 43S01E43What Would You Do, Ieyasu?NREl joven Ieyasu pensó que terminaría con su vida como rehén del clan Imagawa, impulsado por el entusiasmo de los samuráis Mikawa, se sumerge en una época turbulenta gobernada por monstruos.Dear Radiance, Ep 43Dear Radiancehttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/fallback_tvepisode_l_m.jpgDear RadianceDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgHistorical Drama 'Dear Radiance' E430.42.0/1 +The Soul of Minyo "Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture"Enjoy the live stage of Japanese traditional folk songs.SpecialsThe Soul of Minyo民謡魂 ふるさとの唄PREMIUM SELECTIONSThe Soul Of Minyo: Tokoname CityPremium SelectionsNRProgramas especiales que incluyen a la Liga Japonesa de Fútbol, juegos de béisbol profesional Nipón, y otros distinguidos programas que van desde espectáculos de entretenimiento, variedades hasta documentales.The Soul Of Minyo: Tokoname CityThe Soul of Minyo- Tokoname City, Aichi PrefectureEnjoy the live stage of Japanese traditional folk songs.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgThe Soul Of Minyo 'Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture' Mini ProgramMini ProgramSpecialsMini Programミニ番組Mini ProgramMini Programhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_mini-program_l_m.jpgThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg PROJECT ALIENS PA008How can people understand others with different values or thinking? This is an experimental documentary program in which four young people in alien avatars interact in a VR space, not knowing each other's appearance or attributes. In their quest to travelSpecialsPROJECT ALIENSプロジェクトエイリアンProject Aliens PA008Project Aliens PA008Project Alienshttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_project-aliens_l_m.jpgDocumentalHow can people understand others with different values or thinking? This is an experimental documentary program in which four young people in alien avatars interact in a VR space, not knowing each other's appearance or attributes. In their quest to travel to the moon together, they learn who they are and what difference they have with each other.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg -Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip! "Akita Prefecture" Part 1Haiku poet Natsui Itsuki sets “Haiku Post” across Japan, and receives “your piece of Haiku”! She selects unique works from among them, and invites the authors of those haiku to share their intentions, memories, and life stories. ROLAND, the King of the HSpecialsNatsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip!夏井いつきのよみ旅!Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip!Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip!https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_natsui-itsuki-s-haiku-trip-akita-prefecture-part-1_l_m.jpgNatsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip! 'Akita Prefecture' -Part 1Haiku poet Natsui Itsuki sets 'Haiku Post' across Japan, and receives 'your piece of Haiku'! She selects unique works from among them, and invites the authors of those haiku to share their intentions, memories, and life stories. ROLAND, the King of the Hosts, accompanies her as a partner on the trip.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg +Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip! "Akita Prefecture" Part 1Haiku poet Natsui Itsuki sets “Haiku Post” across Japan, and receives “your piece of Haiku”! She selects unique works from among them, and invites the authors of those haiku to share their intentions, memories, and life stories. ROLAND, the King of the HSpecialsNatsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip!夏井いつきのよみ旅!Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip!Natsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip!https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_natsui-itsuki-s-haiku-trip-akita-prefecture-part-1_l_m.jpgHaiku poet Natsui Itsuki sets 'Haiku Post' across Japan, and receives 'your piece of Haiku'! She selects unique works from among them, and invites the authors of those haiku to share their intentions, memories, and life stories. ROLAND, the King of the Hosts, accompanies her as a partner on the trip.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgNatsui Itsuki's Haiku Trip! 'Akita Prefecture' -Part 1 News & WeatherUn programa para los que desean información actualizada y meteorológica de todo el país.GNews & WeatherG Mini ProgramMini ProgramSpecialsMini Programミニ番組Mini ProgramMini Programhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_mini-program_l_m.jpgThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg Mini ProgramUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.NRMini ProgramNR @@ -16132,7 +16253,7 @@ Mimicries--Natural Science for KidsEstimular la curiosidad intelectual de los niños mientras observan a los animales y las plantas en sus entornos naturales.NRMimicries--Natural Science for KidsNR Ball Toss Comedy ContestUna batalla de comedia en la que 80 estudiantes de primaria deciden quién es el comediante más popular de Japón. Los niños deben lanzar pelotas en la canasta de su artista favorito.NRBall Toss Comedy ContestNR NHK News 7 (B)NHK's core news program wrapping up the day's events in an easy to understand way.News-Current AffairsNHK News 7NHKニュース 7NHK's core news program wrapping up the day's events in an easy to understand way.NHK NewsNHK News 7NRUn programa de noticias con el resumen de los acontecimientos más importantes del día.NHK NewsEspacio que brinda informes sobre las últimas historias del día en Japón y fuera de sus fronteras. Este compacto también incluye datos deportivos y reportes meteorológicos.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_nhk-news-7_l_m.jpgU -Win the Regular Program Slot! "Heat Talk Playback"Chiyonofuji is a legendary Yokozuna, who bolstered the popularity of Sumo in Showa and Heisei Era. Behind the scenes of his glorious life in the ring, he suffered repeated crises; dislocated shoulder and death of beloved daughter... However, people wereSpecialsWin the Regular Program Slot!レギュラー番組への道Project X: The Challengers-New BeginningsWin The Regular Program Slot!Strolling With TamoriNRUn recorrido por la zona de Kioto con el comediante Tamori.Win the Regular Program Slot!https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_win-the-regular-program-slot-heat-talk-playback_l_m.jpgWin The Regular Program Slot! 'Heat Talk Playback'Chiyonofuji is a legendary Yokozuna, who bolstered the popularity of Sumo in Showa and Heisei Era. Behind the scenes of his glorious life in the ring, he suffered repeated crises; dislocated shoulder and death of beloved daughter... However, people were moved by the sight of Yokozuna gritting his teeth to overcome these crises. In this program, popular professional storyteller Kanda Aguri goes up on the stage, reads out his biographic notes with precious footages projected on a huge wall. A powerful, passionate Kodan storytelling will make you cry!https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg +Win the Regular Program Slot! "Heat Talk Playback"Chiyonofuji is a legendary Yokozuna, who bolstered the popularity of Sumo in Showa and Heisei Era. Behind the scenes of his glorious life in the ring, he suffered repeated crises; dislocated shoulder and death of beloved daughter... However, people wereSpecialsWin the Regular Program Slot!レギュラー番組への道Project X: The Challengers-New BeginningsWin The Regular Program Slot!Strolling With TamoriNRUn recorrido por la zona de Kioto con el comediante Tamori.Win the Regular Program Slot!https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_win-the-regular-program-slot-heat-talk-playback_l_m.jpgWin the Regular Program Slot! 'Heat Talk Playback'U Mini ProgramMini ProgramSpecialsMini Programミニ番組Mini ProgramMini Programhttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_mini-program_l_m.jpgThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg Fishing CrazyFishing CrazySpecialsFishing Crazy釣りの探究者たち~Fishing Crazy~Fishing CrazyFishing CrazyFishing CrazyThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg The Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-kunThe show is MC-ed by comedian Ariyoshi Hiroiki, who hosts an NHK program on a regular basis for the first time. The mascot character "Kaneo-kun" (voice of Nobu, of comedy duo Chidori), who loves money, visits various places, including popular visiting loVarietyThe Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-kun有吉のお金発見 突撃!カネオくんThe show is MC-ed by comedian Ariyoshi Hiroiki, who hosts an NHK program on a regular basis for the first time. The mascot character "Kaneo-kun" (voice of Nobu, of comedy duo Chidori), who loves money, visits various places, including popular visiting locations, and looks into different phenomena to learn how money plays a role. The undertaking help unravel unexpected trends in society. The program, which can be enjoyed by every member of the family, offers much food for thought.Visualization EntertainmentThe Visualization Entertainment: Go! Kaneo-KunNRKaneo-kun adora el dinero y estudia el papel que este desempeña en lugares diversos que visita.Visualization EntertainmentKaneo-kun, amante del dinero, visita varios lugares, incluidos lugares populares, y analiza diferentes fenómenos para aprender el papel que juega el dinero.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_the-visualization-entertainment-go-kaneo-kun_l_m.jpgThe show is MC-ed by comedian Hiroiki Ariyoshi, who hosts an NHK program on a regular basis for the first time.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg @@ -16140,11 +16261,11 @@ World WeatherWeather information of the different areas around the world.Factual-DocumentaryWorld WeatherワールドウェザーWeather information of the different areas around the world.World WeatherWorld WeatherClimaU News & WeatherThe latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News-Current AffairsNews & Weatherニュース・気象情報The latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News & WeatherSaturday Watch 9NRUn programa de noticias nocturno que profundiza en los temas de actualidad de una manera fácil de entender.News & WeatherNoticieroU Saturday Watch 9 (B)A Saturday night show presents the latest news on domestic and foreign affairs with reliable coverage and innovative presentation.News-Current AffairsSaturday Watch 9サタデーウオッチ9A Saturday night show presents the latest news on domestic and foreign affairs with reliable coverage and innovative presentation.Saturday Watch 9Saturday Watch 9https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_saturday-watch-9_l_m.jpgU -Saturday Drama "30 million" Eps. 7Sasaki Yuko (Adachi Yumi) works as a temporary employee at a call center, struggling with her mortgage and child-rearing. Despite her overbearing boss and uncertain future, she tries to make ends meet. Her husband Yoshimitsu (Aoki Munetaka) is optimisticDramaSaturday Drama "30 million"【土曜ドラマ】3000万NHK SpecialNRDocumentales sobre temas de actualidad.30 Million, Ep 730 millionEpisodio 7Saturday Drama '30 Million' E730 MillionDramahttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg +Saturday Drama "30 million" Eps. 7Sasaki Yuko (Adachi Yumi) works as a temporary employee at a call center, struggling with her mortgage and child-rearing. Despite her overbearing boss and uncertain future, she tries to make ends meet. Her husband Yoshimitsu (Aoki Munetaka) is optimisticDramaSaturday Drama "30 million"【土曜ドラマ】3000万NHK SpecialNRDocumentales sobre temas de actualidad.30 Million, Ep 730 millionEpisodio 7Saturday Drama '30 Million' E7 Mini ProgramMini ProgramSpecialsMini Programミニ番組Mini ProgramNRUna variedad de programas cortos para entretener al espectador.Interés generalThis series features the best of entertainment in a superb line-up of documentaries.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg News & WeatherThe latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News-Current AffairsNews & Weatherニュース・気象情報The latest up-to-date news and nationwide weather information.News & WeatherGUn programa para los que desean información actualizada y meteorológica de todo el país.La información sobre los acontecimientos del día, el estado del tiempo y los hechos más importantes en el ámbito nacional e internacional, de la mano de los profesionales de la comunicación más objetivos y veraces.https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_news-weather_l_m.jpgU Venue101Venue101MusicVenue101Venue101This live entertainment show delivers the latest music performances and information, and also connects with the audience making full use of social media.Venue101https://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_venue101_l_m.jpgU -Somewhere Street "Charleston, the U.S."A close-up look at cities worldwide, as seen by a walking tourist. Viewers visit places off the beaten path, meet ordinary people, and enjoy a travel experience that only possible on foot.Japanese EntertainmentSomewhere Street世界ふれあい街歩きPREMIUM SELECTIONSPremium SelectionsNRProgramas especiales que incluyen a la Liga Japonesa de Fútbol, juegos de béisbol profesional Nipón, y otros distinguidos programas que van desde espectáculos de entretenimiento, variedades hasta documentales.Somewhere Street: CharlestonSomewhere Street- The Charleston, U.S.Somewhere Street 'Charleston, The U.s.'A close-up look at cities worldwide, as seen by a walking tourist. Viewers visit places off the beaten path, meet ordinary people, and enjoy a travel experience that only possible on foot.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpg +Somewhere Street "Charleston, the U.S."A close-up look at cities worldwide, as seen by a walking tourist. Viewers visit places off the beaten path, meet ordinary people, and enjoy a travel experience that only possible on foot.Japanese EntertainmentSomewhere Street世界ふれあい街歩きPREMIUM SELECTIONSPremium SelectionsNRProgramas especiales que incluyen a la Liga Japonesa de Fútbol, juegos de béisbol profesional Nipón, y otros distinguidos programas que van desde espectáculos de entretenimiento, variedades hasta documentales.Somewhere Street: CharlestonSomewhere Street- The Charleston, U.S.A close-up look at cities worldwide, as seen by a walking tourist. Viewers visit places off the beaten path, meet ordinary people, and enjoy a travel experience that only possible on foot.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgSomewhere Street 'Charleston, The U.s.' PROJECT ALIENS PA008 (R)How can people understand others with different values or thinking? This is an experimental documentary program in which four young people in alien avatars interact in a VR space, not knowing each other's appearance or attributes. In their quest to travelSpecialsPROJECT ALIENSプロジェクトエイリアンProject Aliens PA008Project Alienshttps://cdn.mitvstatic.com/programs/cl_project-aliens_l_m.jpgHow can people understand others with different values or thinking? This is an experimental documentary program in which four young people in alien avatars interact in a VR space, not knowing each other's appearance or attributes. In their quest to travel to the moon together, they learn who they are and what difference they have with each other.https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ams-astro/production/resizedImages/ivp_default_1023_IVP_LAND_917x516.jpgPROJECT ALIENS PA008 (R)Specials RAMEN JAPAN 15min.ラーメンJAPAN 15min.Ramen JapanRamen JapanCocinaRamen Japan 15Min.RAMEN JAPAN 15min. Japanese Entertainment Encyclopedia立川志らくの演芸図鑑Japanese Entertainment EncyclopediaSomewhere StreetGUna mirada a las ciudades de todo el mundo desde la perspectiva de turistas caminantes. Los espectadores visitan lugares fuera de lo común, conocen a su gente y disfrutan de una experiencia de viaje que solo es posible a pie.Japanese EncyclopediaJapanese Entertainment EncyclopediaEntretenimientosDiscover the magnetism of charismatic Japanese entertainers. @@ -16629,10 +16750,10 @@ ビズ・レコ役に立つ、お得な情報をお届けします。情報/ワイドショー 昼エクスプレス(再)東京市場の午後の動きをノンストップで、注目銘柄や業種をタイムリーに解説。大引けを迎えた15:30以降は1日の動きを振り返るとともにあすの投資のヒントを伝える。再放送ニュース/報道 IPOのタマゴ〜磨けイノベーション【#103】革新的な技術やサービスを持つスタートアップの経営者に話を聞く。 ◆ゲスト:三瓶直樹氏(COUNTERWORKS)、稲川貴大氏(インターステラテクノロジズ)ニュース/報道 -Insight(再)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13196492/S_BC613650821952_b758f6a358234be881d36780ae0a76a2_20241007145037811.jpgInsight(再)ニュース/報道 -パノラマhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13203527/S_BC232529557103_45f2b91f5f9e4bce8b06b26ca2fb68a3_20241007172141121.jpgパノラマドキュメンタリー/教養 -Worldwide ExchangeWorldwide Exchangeニュース/報道 -ビズ・レコhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13204175/S_BC387242206665_9e6d178cdd034162a68d68443f0e2d4b_20241007172714109.jpgビズ・レコ情報/ワイドショー +Insight(再)【#353】幅広いゲストを迎えて気になる話題を深掘りする。 ◆テーマ:「日本の株価と父ちゃんの立場は?」 ◆出演:馬渕治好氏(ブーケ・ド・フルーレット)ニュース/報道 +パノラマ日経CNBCがお届けするブレイクタイムです。ドキュメンタリー/教養 +Worldwide Exchange世界の金融市場をライブで結び株式・為替な動向を伝える。ニュース/報道 +ビズ・レコ役に立つ、お得な情報をお届けします。情報/ワイドショー FX経済研究所(再)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13196447/S_BC090366239171_530fe22e190c42978bd05fb29ec24327_20241007144918840.jpgFX経済研究所(再)ニュース/報道 US Squawk Boxhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13202252/S_BC740633020917_a1afd262656b44d0919b5e16f02eaa2e_20241007170549995.jpgUS Squawk Boxニュース/報道 マーケティング・メディア・マネーhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13204442/S_BC324486166452_2a5cf2e0cb664597a8d3bbee52d1fbb6_20241007172923614.jpgマーケティング・メディア・マネーニュース/報道 @@ -16910,8 +17031,6 @@ Money Movers Halftime Report The Exchange -【字】韓国ドラマ「キム秘書はいったい、なぜ?」 #8https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13165147/S_BC074519854819_0f626435d3664ab0987abaaf9b904275_20241004130229237.jpg -[無料]プラス!ショッピング 名探偵コナン セレクション #406 コナン平次の推理マジック(仕掛編)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13192935/S_BC359979702739_d5603f42cf114e779f766a7c65b55c9f_20241007125758109.jpg 名探偵コナン セレクション #407 コナン平次の推理マジック(館編)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13193031/S_BC359088388371_d0c46879f8d340bfbb94985471e62342_20241007125855141.jpg 新・夜逃げ屋本舗 #8https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13191999/S_BC732923302590_6d364372d2dd495485da76e2de550f52_20241007122343067.jpg @@ -17066,8 +17185,8 @@ ジータスマーケット各種インフォメーションをお届けしております情報/ワイドショー [初]第103回全国高校サッカー地区大会 準決勝 東京B2024年11月10日開催 〜味の素フィールド西が丘 第1試合「実践学園×駒澤大高」 第2試合「日大豊山×堀越」 実況:伊藤遼 田中毅スポーツ Gベスト!日テレジータスの旬な番組や情報をベストな時期、ベストな形でお届けする「Gベスト!」巨人戦、ゴルフ中継、MotoGP、NFL…など、ホットな番組をピックアップ!スポーツ -ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 795[再]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13917821/S_BC779856262293_3b2f679a859d40d08f75e35b27587264_20241114134232677.jpgズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 795[再]スポーツ -ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 797[再]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13917824/S_BC019014920404_8b74b57b78554f7889ae36199ae9ca9c_20241114134238163.jpgズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 797[再]スポーツ +ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 795[再]「私のファッション事情/○○愛」 ▽「ズームイン!!サタデー」人気コーナー「ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報」がジータスに進出!スポーツ +ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 797[再]「3連休あったら何したい?/食いしん坊」 ▽「ズームイン!!サタデー」人気コーナー「ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報」がジータスに進出!スポーツ ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 799[再]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13917823/S_BC874947815934_36374e71c5d44bb3b75f1dbbe4c2d63d_20241114134236359.jpgズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 799[再]スポーツ ズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 801[再]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13536199/S_BC848410809289_2c2364b51e74422ba66479bddd2978c6_20241024132802621.jpgズムサタ プロ野球熱ケツ情報 801[再]スポーツ [無料]ジータスショッピングジータスショッピング情報/ワイドショー @@ -17202,7 +17321,7 @@ 【字】中国ドラマ「武則天-The Empress-」 #56出演:ファン・ビンビン、チャン・フォンイー、アーリフ・リー 中国史上唯一の女帝“武則天”の生涯を描く、愛と野望渦巻く歴史エンターテイメント! (全82話)ドラマ プラス!ショッピング毎日の暮らしに「プラス!」な情報を。ショッピング番組。情報/ワイドショー 【字】韓国ドラマ「だから俺はアンチと結婚した」 #8チェ・テジュン、スヨン(少女時代)、ファン・チャンソン(2PM)、ハン・ジアン ほか (全16話)ドラマ -【字】韓国ドラマ「キム秘書はいったい、なぜ?」 #8出演:パク・ソジュン、パク・ミニョン 2大トップスター豪華共演!ツンデレ御曹司と敏腕秘書の甘い恋の"駆け引き"に心ときめくロマンチック・ラブコメディ!(全16話)ドラマhttps://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407224/image/d650031b4c1665e73be9d041dea86965.jpg +【字】韓国ドラマ「キム秘書はいったい、なぜ?」 #8出演:パク・ソジュン、パク・ミニョン 2大トップスター豪華共演!ツンデレ御曹司と敏腕秘書の甘い恋の"駆け引き"に心ときめくロマンチック・ラブコメディ!(全16話)ドラマ プラス!ショッピング毎日の暮らしに「プラス!」な情報を。ショッピング番組。情報/ワイドショー 名探偵コナン セレクション #406 コナン平次の推理マジック(仕掛編)コナンは蘭、平次、和葉と一緒に「星河童吾超奇術ショー」を観に行く。閉演後、楽屋にマジシャンの範田力、姫宮展子が現れる。アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407226/image/036156c97968172dbbe964081ebc3623.jpg 名探偵コナン セレクション #407 コナン平次の推理マジック(館編)星河、蘭、和葉は2階の廊下で姫宮の遺体を発見。星河は正影の部屋から警察に電話を入れ、コナンはその部屋の窓が開いている事に気付く。そして…アニメ/特撮https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407227/image/f84d554df4379da1b4ffc96507e23ca0.jpg @@ -17331,7 +17450,7 @@ パチテレ!ガールズClassic 水瀬&りっきぃ☆のロックオン水瀬&りっきぃ☆のロックオン #97 初回放送日 2013/8/9 ※番組内でのプレゼント応募・一部告知等は終了しております 全日本パチンコ最強選手権 #15[隔週土曜22:00初回]チャンピオンに求められるのは「パチンコで勝つための知識と技術と運」。ホールで回る台を見つけ運も味方に付け者だけがチャンピオンの栄冠に輝く! パチンコ実戦塾VENUS #65[隔週土曜22:30初回]3名の女性出演者が、磨き上げた技と知識を武器に、パチンコ実戦でプラス収支を目指す!3人の全6戦合計収支がプラスなら次シーズンも全員出演継続! -ハセガワヤングマン #156https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13173033/S_BC813651512882_78150e4aafec416ab3939177157e55f2_20241004170115621.jpgハセガワヤングマン #156 +ハセガワヤングマン #156[隔週水曜23:00初回更新]あの伝説の3人が帰ってくる!リスキー長谷川と、大崎一万発×ヒロシ・ヤングの3名による企画も盛りだくさんのホール実戦! Back to パチンコ実戦塾https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13187584/S_BC085167720408_8c9d2b7cd59947c684d2e031743a4e7c_20241007113010605.jpgBack to パチンコ実戦塾 マニアの遺言https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13173891/S_BC366192868090_0b285da808b648ff9c579ace773691fc_20241004173801931.jpgマニアの遺言 帰ってきた なんとか1ぐらんぷり #52https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13173993/S_BC881767774510_ada1ea06e515414a9ae89ec87d907597_20241004174653767.jpg帰ってきた なんとか1ぐらんぷり #52 @@ -17509,7 +17628,6 @@ ★美人と評判の泌尿器科・女医にギン勃ちチンポを…(8)◆「泌尿器科」ならば男性器を見せつける事ができる!診察中堂々とチンポを見せつけ、更に勃起を見せつければ女医や看護師が興奮してSEXできるかも!人気シリーズ8弾!映画 ★スキモノラボ〜最新アダルトグッズを紹介する通販番組▼2012年から始まったヌケる通販番組がついに放送600回を迎えました!百永さりなちゃんと橘京花ちゃんの二人がセクシーに実演しながら話題の玩具を激安特価でご紹介映画 ★肉付きのいい体を見せつけオマ●コを濡らす熟女たち(5)◆自宅にくる配達員に、胸チラ、パンチラ、さらにノーパンでアソコまで見せつける露出五十路妻2人の変態っぷりを撮影!熟女人妻の熟れた肉体に配達員たちの反応は…?映画 -ナンパした普通の主婦をエッチな催●術でエロエロに操る 熟年夫婦と息子夫婦~これからの性生活★母親の女友達が見事な巨尻なのでなんとかしてハメたい6映画 五十路おばちゃんをナンパしてアソコにたっぷり放出(7) ★スキモノラボ〜最新アダルトグッズを紹介する通販番組▼2012年から始まったヌケる通販番組がついに放送600回を迎えました!百永さりなちゃんと橘京花ちゃんの二人がセクシーに実演しながら話題の玩具を激安特価でご紹介映画 @@ -17669,8 +17787,6 @@ 大学病院の美人女医を性感マッサージ豪華版④ 池袋で拾った泥酔美女とパコりまくり 尿もれ改善指導の理学療法士さんがデカパイを…6 -鳳凰焦点新聞 -有報天天讀https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13241773/S_BC318065743013_e31173e242d54ae7a40eb0552a880f8b_20241008130835718.jpg 華聞大直播https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13246097/S_BC568262029834_1006e6bd45474675ba9f5d52430b68b0_20241008142412274.jpg 亜洲財経透視https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13243620/S_BC879804315671_715ac3c432334011bbbfd3e7aa5c8818_20241008133603997.jpg 記録大時代https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13243208/S_BC140545060077_98eaa5c43e6843b9839391cc3b6a9a31_20241008133219359.jpg @@ -17911,7 +18027,6 @@ 亜洲財経透視https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13243549/S_BC113645068587_d15095d7482442c092309a1821584a26_20241008133540437.jpg 総編輯時間https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13242205/S_BC207349234954_9e32e77e837f4e17b61189b55ae911be_20241008131527685.jpg 石評天下https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13244377/S_BC168095801230_d3348b5d9b1e4b51a0f034cc2ed2c0a4_20241008135104503.jpg -安藤成子「刹那-Se・tu・na」 大堀商事鈴蘭スマイル部新人音乃 #04 中村静香「いっしょだよ。」 山本梓「あずちゃんぷる~」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13128438/S_BC887056114610_ff8bd8eefd6f4e17be2e3b71a612d875_20241002173650161.jpg @@ -17998,24 +18113,9 @@ 渡邉音宇「ねねと、いっしょに」 橋本梨菜「りーりーの季節」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13128673/S_BC710444041058_bc8c72d09d9448148fb2e9c41a91319e_20241002173921429.jpg 葉月あや「僕の彼女は葉月あや」 -★【録画可能】[総集編]ねっちょり性交に溺れる文系女子。第01集★[総集編]ねっちょり性交に溺れる文系女子。第01集映画 -★【録画可能】【PLAYBOYオリジナル】Dream Dates… #7★【PLAYBOYオリジナル】Dream Dates Elite #7映画 -★【録画可能】【ヘンリー塚本】女の性 #1〜いやらしきポルノドラマ人生〜★【ヘンリー塚本】女の性 #1〜いやらしきポルノドラマ人生〜映画 -★【録画可能】【ヘンリー塚本】女の性 #2〜いやらしきポルノドラマ人生〜★【ヘンリー塚本】女の性 #2〜いやらしきポルノドラマ人生〜映画 -★【録画可能】【ヘンリ―塚本】#1 淫らなる女の本性〜力づくの和姦〜★【ヘンリ―塚本】#1 淫らなる女の本性〜力づくの和姦〜映画 -★【録画可能】【ヘンリ―塚本】#2 淫らなる女の本性〜力づくの和姦〜★【ヘンリ―塚本】#2 淫らなる女の本性〜力づくの和姦〜映画 -★【録画可能】ナチュラルおま●こ娘との中●しSEXスペシャル!シコりすぎ…★ナチュラルおま●こ娘との中●しSEXスペシャル!シコりすぎ要注意!映画 -★【録画可能】厳選された現役美人CA!フライト帰りのキャビンアテンダントは…★厳選された現役美人CA!フライト帰りのキャビンアテンダントは性欲強すぎ!?筆おろし生セックスで淫乱覚醒生中●し!映画 -★【録画可能】【PLAYBOYオリジナル】A Girl Knows #5★【PLAYBOYオリジナル】A Girl Knows #5映画 -★【録画可能】ブタペストの黒石!!ヨーロッパ観光中の…タリア&セルバ★ブタペストの黒石!!ヨーロッパ観光中のフランス美女を連れ込みSEX!黒人美女AVデビュー!!タリア&セルバ映画 -★【録画可能】マジで40代?!うっとりする美脚で日本人とのセックスにハマる…★マジで40代?!うっとりする美脚で日本人とのセックスにハマる韓国の美熟女!!映画 -★【録画可能】居酒屋で一人飲みする主婦を自宅連れ込みナンパSEX盗●★居酒屋で一人飲みする主婦を自宅連れ込みナンパSEX盗●映画 -★【録画可能】プロデューサー厳選!撮影現場でマジ勃起した絶対ヌケるスケベ熟女…★プロデューサー厳選!撮影現場でマジ勃起した絶対ヌケるスケベ熟女映像!映画 -★【録画可能】<MAX21>【しずく】H大好き女子●生SEX★<MAX21>【しずく】H大好き女子●生SEX映画 -★【録画可能】【ながえスタイル】元上司の復讐劇〜顔見知りの男たちに…望月瞳★【ながえスタイル】元上司の復讐劇〜顔見知りの男たちに犯●れた妻〜望月瞳映画 -★【録画可能】【Marc Dorcel】Indecent story〜ベラの…★【Marc Dorcel】Indecent story〜ベラの新しい人生〜映画★【録画可能】【Marc Dorcel】Indecent story〜ベラの…映画 -★【録画可能】【VIXEN】Black〜初めての黒人性交で巨根に咽び泣く…★【VIXEN】Black〜初めての黒人性交で巨根に咽び泣く美女たち〜映画★【録画可能】【VIXEN】Black〜初めての黒人性交で巨根に咽び泣く…映画 -★【録画可能】<S級素人>イマドキ女子●生の秘密の放課後バイト中●しBEST★<S級素人>イマドキ女子●生の秘密の放課後バイト中●しBEST映画★【録画可能】<S級素人>イマドキ女子●生の秘密の放課後バイト中●しBEST映画 +★【録画可能】【Marc Dorcel】Indecent story〜ベラの…★【Marc Dorcel】Indecent story〜ベラの新しい人生〜映画 +★【録画可能】【VIXEN】Black〜初めての黒人性交で巨根に咽び泣く…★【VIXEN】Black〜初めての黒人性交で巨根に咽び泣く美女たち〜映画 +★【録画可能】<S級素人>イマドキ女子●生の秘密の放課後バイト中●しBEST★<S級素人>イマドキ女子●生の秘密の放課後バイト中●しBEST映画 ★【録画可能】<朝ヌキッ!7>姫野かりす [新人]プレステージ専属デビュー!…★<朝ヌキッ!7>姫野かりす [新人]プレステージ専属デビュー!149センチGcupプリンセス映画 ★【録画可能】<HDリマスター!>素人ナンパ中●しinチェコ2 ザーメン…★<HDリマスター!>素人ナンパ中●しinチェコ2 ザーメン出しまくりの旅映画 ★【録画可能】PRIVATE〜Elegant… vol.1〜ハンナ/他★PRIVATE〜Elegant Sexy Ladies vol.1〜ハンナ/アマリス/アンナ/スカーレット映画 @@ -18045,7 +18145,7 @@ 幹醒美[KANSEIBI] 鹿プラセンタ美容サプリ美容成分を含有するサプリメント「幹醒美」が登場。新しい習慣のひとつとして、毎日のケアに取り入れてみませんか?情報/ワイドショー幹醒美[KANSEIBI] 鹿プラセンタ美容サプリ情報/ワイドショー インターモードコレクション by 織香「インターモード」は、「人とモードをつなぐ」という願いのもと誕生したブランドです。カジュアルにもエレガントにも活躍するファッションアイテムをご紹介します。情報/ワイドショーインターモードコレクション by 織香情報/ワイドショー BRUNO オシャレな家電可愛い家電やインテリアで暮らしをドレスアップ。人生を贅沢に愉しむための、遊び心に満ちたライフスタイルをお届けします。情報/ワイドショーBRUNO オシャレな家電情報/ワイドショー -STO:R STO:R by ONWARD 6周年STO:R STO:R by ONWARD 6周年情報/ワイドショーオンワード樫山が長年培ってきたノウハウを凝縮し、オン、オフの両シーンで活躍するアイテムをQVCのお客様に向けてご紹介します。 +STO:R STO:R by ONWARD 6周年オンワード樫山が長年培ってきたノウハウを凝縮し、オン、オフの両シーンで活躍するアイテムをQVCのお客様に向けてご紹介します。情報/ワイドショーSTO:R STO:R by ONWARD 6周年情報/ワイドショー 毎日がサプライズ!ドキドキ20毎日がサプライズ!ドキドキ20情報/ワイドショー毎日、夜20時はドキドキのひととき。どんな魅力的なアイテムが飛び出すか、ご期待ください。 STO:R STO:R by ONWARD 6周年STO:R STO:R by ONWARD 6周年情報/ワイドショーオンワード樫山が長年培ってきたノウハウを凝縮し、オン、オフの両シーンで活躍するアイテムをQVCのお客様に向けてご紹介します。 インターモードコレクション by 織香インターモードコレクション by 織香情報/ワイドショー「インターモード」は、「人とモードをつなぐ」という願いのもと誕生したブランドです。カジュアルにもエレガントにも活躍するファッションアイテムをご紹介します。 @@ -18218,13 +18318,6 @@ ★【録画可能】★vol.9 寝取らせ検証『夫婦のセックスを記念に残すはずが代役と寝取られ願望のある夫が仕組んだプライベートAV撮影。いざとなると勃起しない夫の代役の若い男との疑似SEXを夫に見られ背徳感に絶頂する人妻の痴態!映画 ★【録画可能】★【若妻10名】〜超セレブ〜清楚高学歴な“お受験ママ”ナンパ!名門関係者を装って入試説明会帰りのママを狙ってナンパ!「ここだけの話ですが関係者枠というのがありまして興味あります?」入学枠と引き換えにご自宅にてゴチになりました!映画 ★【録画可能】★【被害者10人】女子●生下校中 公衆トイレ盗● 発情期オナニー流出おしっこ映像!大量放尿バッチリ見えた!激撮!女子●生性実態!まさかこんなところでオナるとは…学校のストレスは自慰行為で発散!ぴちゃぴちゃ音が個室に響き渡る…映画 -SHOP STYLECAST -セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250538/S_BC530923534673_0ae3fbb9fb4b4b86b9fc1a07c329850d_20241008153440090.png -ショッピングアワーhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250465/S_BC270468813924_691874ceff5d454e9f16ea5cf6410ee3_20241008153423221.png -セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250465/S_BC270468813924_691874ceff5d454e9f16ea5cf6410ee3_20241008153423221.png -SHOP STYLECAST -セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250465/S_BC270468813924_691874ceff5d454e9f16ea5cf6410ee3_20241008153423221.png -SHOP STYLECAST セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250599/S_BC822964828146_bfbfae6c033544c8b3438ecdffdba720_20241008153500328.png セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250599/S_BC822964828146_bfbfae6c033544c8b3438ecdffdba720_20241008153500328.png ショッピングアワーhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13250599/S_BC822964828146_bfbfae6c033544c8b3438ecdffdba720_20241008153500328.png @@ -18804,8 +18897,6 @@ セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13249861/S_BC471389004687_0ac72f30bbad4b80809b3adf56f731b2_20241008152849882.png セレスタショッピングhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13249861/S_BC471389004687_0ac72f30bbad4b80809b3adf56f731b2_20241008152849882.png ■ショッピングアワーhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13249789/S_BC171100047504_64a46ce1bdf34459a968a75d2b2f7ec0_20241008152829517.png -インフォメーションhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13440619/S_BC146461539379_3c9178c47942460492f554a36fa8b57a_20241017094424935.jpg -Mecha Rock!(めちゃ ろっく) #9 インフォメーションhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13440619/S_BC146461539379_3c9178c47942460492f554a36fa8b57a_20241017094424935.jpg アイドルやっとるん STRONG!! #4https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13443015/S_BC819206943642_a984a51791294db7a9f13da6fadafe5f_20241017114818177.jpg サッカー『Liga Portugal Betclic』 2024-25 第11節 1https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13441670/S_BC440039351208_1d0c9138cd5243379e7e02288b611a41_20241017102856548.jpg @@ -19055,7 +19146,7 @@ ベルトの付け替え不要で5WAY!新作!「コアルーハナロ」登場!ホームインテリア/オールスターホームデイ/あったかい毎日や快適な暮らしを支える実力派を狙い撃ち!情報/ワイドショーベルトの付け替え不要で5WAY!新作!「コアルーハナロ」登場!情報/ワイドショー ずれない!ゴムない!西川 置くらく敷パッド ホット 新作ゴム掛けの手間要らずで、付け外し楽々。豪華な3D型押しデザインのポカポカ敷パッドは、身体が触れる部分に吸湿発熱性生地を採用。情報/ワイドショーずれない!ゴムない!西川 置くらく敷パッド ホット 新作情報/ワイドショー 冷気対策!腰すっぽりシェルクッション&首元ベストデビューホームインテリア/オールスターホームデイ/あったかい毎日や快適な暮らしを支える実力派を狙い撃ち!情報/ワイドショー冷気対策!腰すっぽりシェルクッション&首元ベストデビュー情報/ワイドショー -空間収納で暮らし美人 キングジム「SPOT」空間収納で暮らし美人 キングジム「SPOT」情報/ワイドショーホームインテリア/オールスターホームデイ/あったかい毎日や快適な暮らしを支える実力派を狙い撃ち!https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406705/image/7026e875aa72d1c5eb564e4caa7f2ae3.jpg +空間収納で暮らし美人 キングジム「SPOT」ホームインテリア/オールスターホームデイ/あったかい毎日や快適な暮らしを支える実力派を狙い撃ち!情報/ワイドショー空間収納で暮らし美人 キングジム「SPOT」情報/ワイドショー 廣田さんお薦め!使い勝手が抜群に良い 底丸パン底広パン廣田さんお薦め!使い勝手が抜群に良い 底丸パン底広パン情報/ワイドショー底丸パンプラスは内面の底は丸く外は平面という珍しい形が特長。底広パンはすき焼きやパエリアに便利で、そのまま食卓へサーブしてもOK。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406706/image/9bbeefdcc7b63e7b4499aa95749675d4.jpg カルドニード・インテリア 極上のあたたかさと高級感をリビングにもカルドニード・インテリア 極上のあたたかさと高級感をリビングにも情報/ワイドショーホームインテリア/オールスターホームデイ/あったかい毎日や快適な暮らしを支える実力派を狙い撃ち!https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406707/image/5ff8e32a916d518c8ebfd2ef31ea373d.jpg オールスターホームデイダイジェストオールスターホームデイダイジェスト情報/ワイドショーオールスターホームデイ/あったかい毎日や快適な暮らしを支える実力派を狙い撃ち!https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406708/image/9be541107979fc7c32efc608ef2c0a95.jpg @@ -19292,7 +19383,6 @@ さぬき丸一 具沢山!もっちもちつるっつる本格鍋焼きうどんお買い得商品が続々登場!! ※番組および商品内容に変更が生じる場合もございます。情報/ワイドショー 北海道厳選!旬どれ生炊きほたてお買い得商品が続々登場!! ※番組および商品内容に変更が生じる場合もございます。情報/ワイドショー 世界が注目する先端美容「ザ フェイスショップ」お買い得商品が続々登場!! ※番組および商品内容に変更が生じる場合もございます。情報/ワイドショー -どうにか貧乏家族 #231https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13139398/S_BC815190548368_6bccccfc890c4597ada7fe0c2fbfb1e2_20241003101930605.jpg サイトセブンアワー レビンのオーラス #23 くりとバッチのトレハン2 #16https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13141733/S_BC387923301836_f0c58c4cd9c8489d9f9715567d73ff19_20241003110912583.jpg @@ -19704,7 +19794,6 @@ 真弓&勝成のExpert GOLF #543https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13253230/S_BC471679569382_4b94d4f94dcc430fa16b3e016c2f70c9_20241008161609199.JPG パーフェクトボウリング(2024)第17回MKチャリティカップ(4)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13284118/S_BC391863098699_3a1e2553d2134f7e9480291d2a8e9ffc_20241009090802870.jpg 登山で頂きメシ!#3https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13284246/S_BC842297510067_b290fa71c10545228d71333ec10576fa_20241009091754719.jpg -【無料放送】世界の景色 【無料放送】世界の景色 【無料放送】世界の景色 【無料放送】世界の景色 @@ -19743,7 +19832,6 @@ 【無料放送】世界の景色 【無料放送】世界の景色 【無料放送】世界の景色 -今夜から明日の天気予報 今夜から明日の天気予報 今夜から明日の天気予報 今夜から明日の天気予報 @@ -19964,7 +20052,7 @@ YouTubeランキング▼Creepy Nuts、弌誠 他世界最大の動画共有サービス「YouTube」。 YouTubeで再生された楽曲の合計視聴回数を集計した最新ランキングをお届けします。音楽 インフォメーション生活に役立つお得なインフォメーションをお送りします。音楽 みんなが聴きたい!ヒット曲スペシャル Part2▼MAX、SPEED 他誰もが一度は聞いたことがある、歌える時代を代表する名曲から最新ヒット曲まで豪華アーティストの数々のヒット曲を一挙オンエア!音楽 -みんなが聴きたい!ヒット曲スペシャル Part3▼福山雅治、槇原敬之 他みんなが聴きたい!ヒット曲スペシャル Part3▼福山雅治、槇原敬之 他音楽 +みんなが聴きたい!ヒット曲スペシャル Part3▼福山雅治、槇原敬之 他誰もが一度は聞いたことがある、歌える時代を代表する名曲から最新ヒット曲まで豪華アーティストの数々のヒット曲を一挙オンエア!音楽 【4時間】歌おう!鉄板アニソン特集☆【4時間】歌おう!鉄板アニソン特集☆音楽 【歌詞入り】歌詞検索ランキング▼Official髭男dism、コレサワ 他【歌詞入り】歌詞検索ランキング▼Official髭男dism、コレサワ 他音楽歌詞検索サービス歌ネットのランキングをベースに、歌詞の良さが際立つ名曲を集めた最新歌詞検索ランキングをオンエアします。(協力:歌詞検索サービス 歌ネット) ベストヒット!邦洋ランキング▼Creepy Nuts、Mrs. GREEN APPLE 他ベストヒット!邦洋ランキング▼Creepy Nuts、Mrs. GREEN APPLE 他音楽ランキング番組の決定版!スペースシャワーTV プラスの最新オリジナルランキング! @@ -20252,7 +20340,6 @@ 小倉 G1 第3日レースダイジェストhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13187160/S_BC235904131604_50f088f59c24446fbd3e0ac09c5fabe3_20241007112606997.jpg 別府 F1 第3日レースダイジェストhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13187180/S_BC507741981785_cd13c8f6cf49432fb816b476b97bf1e7_20241007112612046.jpg 11/22前夜版SPEED展望https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13187882/S_BC276717681255_2f37a3ddf8834278bcaa2291564b77da_20241007113247730.jpg -明日の開催案内(全国)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13192610/S_BC652627422734_99c80ea66ee04dda983687d8b8931814_20241007125205639.jpg 大垣 F2 第1日(ミッドナイト)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13193220/S_BC818722593795_fb2a469f68ca443c895727538044ec35_20241007130248219.png 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第1日(ミッドナイト)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13195121/S_BC561914426170_a3da964846ce475f852ca05aeb0d7542_20241007134840988.png 松阪 G3 第2日レースダイジェストhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13194093/S_BC344269648081_f77353a92b984f58870b44b080dacd0c_20241007132428402.jpg 奈良 F1 第2日レースダイジェストhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13194102/S_BC511573726500_17f4bd0e74ba4acca47c021927b24144_20241007132432158.jpg @@ -20649,7 +20735,6 @@ [映]プラハ(2006)【レア作に注目!マッツ・ミケルセン生誕祭2024】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13324679/S_BC513687011550_d9127d80917045a3be112090c0cbc267_20241010110444090.jpg [初]メアリー&ジョージ 王の暗殺者 #7[最終話][吹]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13413332/S_BC516360186659_81f8d3c551954120a921c644d0fd850d_20241015141057357.jpg [映]のらくら兵’62【木曜 夜なべ激レア】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13324548/S_BC622759295508_c38c269395354151807b0b0c37e367c3_20241010110318251.jpg -【KNTV】イモン~禁断の愛~ #15https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13145068/S_BC632321952502_054ff7f77c6f47f0b2bf89e2ef459934_20241003121959817.jpg 【KNTV】高麗契丹戦争 #27https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13145203/S_BC339805157006_ffc40a25899043178274ce19ee305a01_20241003122200064.jpg 【KNTV】高麗契丹戦争 #28https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13145206/S_BC392208510545_8355a8faa8ee462a939b88e8cbcb432f_20241003122201239.jpg 【KNTV】V Cliphttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13142466/S_BC195809121160_2beb8e7550e1454fb113891854cbae3d_20241003112352834.jpg @@ -20779,8 +20864,6 @@ 【PPS】RIZIN LANDMARK 10 in NAGOYA 試験イベント① 試験イベント② -Dr. HOUSE1[字][SS]#22 医師の使命[終](帯)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13139696/S_BC162904822228_0324526a0b314c129957912573b2798f_20241003102400655.jpg -インフォメーション [中]ロマンスは椿の花のように[字]#15 第15話 NCIS: ハワイ3[字][SS]#3 スリルの免状【イチオシアワー】https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13136152/S_BC972439278928_084d6f217fca4443a4a5255fd57e6240_20241003091232880.jpg スーパー!ドラマTVナビ! @@ -20989,8 +21072,8 @@ ドライブインらーめん探訪 #48日本各地で愛されるドライブインのラーメン 名俳優・佐藤二朗が旅人「俺」として愉快なナレーションで旅します。2023年制作 #48 オン・ザ・沖縄ロード2バラエティ ケンコバのほろ酔いビジホ泊 全国版 #7「ビジホに泊まり、夕方にグルメ探し。誰だって好きなはず」ビジホマニア必見のすぐに役立つ満喫プランをケンコバ目線でお届け 第7話 関内(神奈川県横浜市) インフォメーションインフォメーション 通販番組をお届けする30分バラエティ -世界の船旅 #19世界の船旅 #19https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406743/image/d53c43b46b78856500b1626f0bfc306f.jpg -世界の船旅 #20世界の船旅 #20https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406744/image/c9021cfbaa4acc0190aa6018942c8a4a.jpg +世界の船旅 #19地中海、カリブ海…世界の豪華客船の旅を美しい映像で! 第19話 超ハイテク客船で楽しむ カリブ海クルーズ +世界の船旅 #20地中海、カリブ海…世界の豪華客船の旅を美しい映像で! 第20話 ドナウ川 ロマン香る悠久の旅 横山由依がはんなり巡る 京都いろどり日記 #10横山由依がはんなり巡る 京都いろどり日記 #10https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406745/image/99db8d1dd6d6fc329b58c636a13d9c0c.jpg 新・旅猫ロマン #18新・旅猫ロマン #18https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406746/image/87c33e0b2e09240ddfb6179eb88591b8.jpg 秘境駅の旅 #16https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13161749/S_BC083738168828_65213013781c4d52aad8d8fe0388762a_20241004114957659.jpg秘境駅の旅 #16バラエティ @@ -21276,8 +21359,8 @@ 宝塚カフェブレイク#985「紫藤りゅう」2021年2月21日に放送されたMXテレビ「宝塚カフェブレイク」。出演者は宙組(放送当時)の紫藤りゅうです。ドキュメンタリー/教養 タカラヅカニュース宝塚歌劇の情報をお届けするエンターテインメント・ニュース番組。司会はスカイ・ナビゲーターズ。主なトピックスや、公演初日の舞台映像など貴重な情報を交えてご紹介。ニュース/報道 タカラヅカニュース あの時タカラヅカ・スカイ・ステージ開局当時から放送している「タカラヅカニュース」の懐かしの映像を振り返る番組。ニュース/報道 -【アンコールアワー】大海賊-復讐のカリブ海-('01年月組・全国)【アンコールアワー】大海賊−復讐のカリブ海−('01年月組・全国)劇場/公演 -【アンコールアワー】ファーストフォトブックLABO#8「朝美絢」【アンコールアワー】ファーストフォトブックLABO#8「朝美絢」ドキュメンタリー/教養 +【アンコールアワー】大海賊−復讐のカリブ海−('01年月組・全国)17世紀のカリブ海を舞台に、ダイナミックに繰り広げられる愛と冒険のミュージカル・ロマン。'01年月組/全国/出演:紫吹淳、映美くらら 他(101分)劇場/公演 +【アンコールアワー】ファーストフォトブックLABO#8「朝美絢」写真集「宝塚1stフォトブック2019 朝美絢」の撮影現場に密着!写真集の見どころや撮影秘話を朝美自らが語るインタビューとともにお届けします。ドキュメンタリー/教養 【アンコールアワー】Bow Singing Workshop~星~('16年星組・バウ・千秋楽)【アンコールアワー】Bow Singing Workshop〜星〜('16年星組・バウ・千秋楽)劇場/公演 タカラヅカニュースタカラヅカニュースニュース/報道 タカラヅカニュース あの時https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13324623/S_BC490582340599_6a624b45e8bf4afdbd5f6922c54ca047_20241010110341447.jpgタカラヅカニュース あの時ニュース/報道 @@ -21470,7 +21553,7 @@ TBSチャンネルショッピング選りすぐりの商品をご紹介します!情報/ワイドショー 橋田壽賀子ドラマ「渡る世間は鬼ばかり」(第4シリーズ) #2橋田壽賀子脚本による国民的ホームドラマ第4シリーズ。嫁いだ5人の娘たちと父親を中心に、それぞれの家庭や周囲の人々の暮らしを描く。ドラマ TBSチャンネルショッピング選りすぐりの商品をご紹介します!情報/ワイドショー -吉田類の酒場放浪記 #77「茅場町『ニューカヤバ』」https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13188510/S_BC189110079482_3bb996c60c094e0ba3780a084c6c0da9_20241007113848891.JPG吉田類の酒場放浪記 #77「茅場町『ニューカヤバ』」バラエティ +吉田類の酒場放浪記 #77「茅場町『ニューカヤバ』」東京の下町を中心に“大人がひとりでぶらっと立ち寄れる”酒場を紹介する異色の立ち飲み紀行番組。バラエティ 橋田壽賀子ドラマ「渡る世間は鬼ばかり」(第5シリーズ) #6https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13164467/S_BC787406784851_43b2c21c13144fa7b4e2c5bbee30fc2d_20241004124347907.jpg橋田壽賀子ドラマ「渡る世間は鬼ばかり」(第5シリーズ) #6ドラマ [終]タイドラマ「2gether」ノーカット吹替版 #13https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13186765/S_BC597698401294_ae08153dcf6d4eea806d4915a92280e3_20241007112055891.jpg[終]タイドラマ「2gether」ノーカット吹替版 #13ドラマ TBSチャンネルショッピングTBSチャンネルショッピング情報/ワイドショー @@ -21875,8 +21958,6 @@ TBS NEWS プレミアム ナイトニュース[字] ミッドナイトニュース[字] -駅弁女子ひとり旅 #16https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/12975545/S_BC063243704228_e12e975ee2584c07bf8168909f1729ba_20240919144445029.JPG -新夢沿線 鉄道浪漫 #12https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13464765/S_BC006004948005_974972862cd944419f57fc90965faa02_20241018141953680.jpg テレビショッピング ノースク 定点鉄道風景 #4https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13464294/S_BC274699732257_61d607888b874263988bff11125b1476_20241018135552866.jpg 岡安章介の撮り鉄道 #9https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/12975936/S_BC202447511080_c85034e4f00a45dbb1f850625935dd74_20240919154708429.jpg @@ -22267,7 +22348,7 @@ 仮面ライダーセイバー #17令和仮面ライダー第2作。文豪にして剣豪の仮面ライダーセイバーの活躍を描く。 #17 古の使者は、光か影か。 出演:内藤秀一郎/山口貴也 2020年 全48話アニメ/特撮 仮面ライダーセイバー #18令和仮面ライダー第2作。文豪にして剣豪の仮面ライダーセイバーの活躍を描く。 #18 炎の執念、メギドを討つ。 出演:内藤秀一郎/山口貴也 2020年 全48話アニメ/特撮 もっとあぶない刑事 #21キザでオシャレなあぶない刑事タカとユージの活躍を描く大ヒットTVシリーズ第2作。 #21 傷口 出演:舘ひろし/柴田恭兵 1988年 全25話ドラマ -もっとあぶない刑事 #22https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13205164/S_BC563077741839_d507a40b5e0043ff84493aa713c7d511_20241007173510092.jpgもっとあぶない刑事 #22ドラマ +もっとあぶない刑事 #22キザでオシャレなあぶない刑事タカとユージの活躍を描く大ヒットTVシリーズ第2作。 #22 暴露 出演:舘ひろし/柴田恭兵 1988年 全25話ドラマ もっとあぶない刑事 #23https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13205138/S_BC514572511269_1d73fc06352447ba81262d2825ec3a4e_20241007173456041.jpgもっとあぶない刑事 #23ドラマ もっとあぶない刑事 #24https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13205382/S_BC379489689870_d730449b0f13450689de7c9852bb0143_20241007173716340.jpgもっとあぶない刑事 #24ドラマ [終]もっとあぶない刑事 #25https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13205414/S_BC242212667284_a820f5447cff4b70a1114ddc63f3388f_20241007173727016.jpg[終]もっとあぶない刑事 #25ドラマ @@ -22449,9 +22530,9 @@ 【生】5時に夢中! ★金曜はゲストデー!柏木由紀▼アイドル論サミット!【デ】女性のストレスを解消する“本音マル出し”ぶっちゃけワイドショー!金曜はゲストデー!柏木由紀▼アイドル論サミットでミエ&ミッツが迫る!MC垣花正[生]5時に夢中! ★金曜はゲストデー!柏木由紀▼アイドル論サミット![デ]情報/ワイドショー 堀潤 Live Junction ★「103万の壁」税収減に自治体不安…総務相はジャーナリスト堀潤が独自目線で伝える夕方の報道番組▼小島慶子と春川正明と長内あや愛が出演!/キャスター・田中陽南/気象予報士・高安奈緒子堀潤 Live Junction ★「103万の壁」税収減に自治体不安…総務相はニュース/報道 メカアマト セレクション #17「プラスチック・ファミリー」少年アマトとメカボットの名コンビが、宇宙から来たバッドロボと戦うアクションアドベンチャー!メカアマト セレクション #17「プラスチック・ファミリー」アニメ/特撮 -殿と犬~ぽてぽて!~ ★第六話「殿と落とし物」没落し、日々の暮らしもままならぬ中、胴長短足の珍妙な【犬】と暮らすことになった【殿】。ちょっぴりシュールでハートウォーミングな“天下泰平主従暮らし”、いざ開幕。殿と犬〜ぽてぽて!〜 ★第六話「殿と落とし物」アニメ/特撮 -【放送25周年記念】デジモンアドベンチャー #36#36「結界突破!ズドモンスパーク!」【放送25周年記念】デジモンアドベンチャー #36アニメ/特撮 -ザ☆ウルトラマン(HDリマスター版) ★第6話「燃える深海への挑戦」1979年の放送開始から45周年を迎えた、ウルトラマンシリーズ初のTVアニメ作品『ザ☆ウルトラマン』のHDリマスター版がTOKYO MXで地上波初放送!ザ☆ウルトラマン(HDリマスター版) ★第6話「燃える深海への挑戦」アニメ/特撮 +殿と犬~ぽてぽて!~ ★第六話「殿と落とし物」没落し、日々の暮らしもままならぬ中、胴長短足の珍妙な【犬】と暮らすことになった【殿】。ちょっぴりシュールでハートウォーミングな“天下泰平主従暮らし”、いざ開幕。殿と犬〜ぽてぽて!〜 ★第六話「殿と落とし物」アニメ/特撮 +【放送25周年記念】デジモンアドベンチャー #36#36「結界突破!ズドモンスパーク!」【放送25周年記念】デジモンアドベンチャー #36アニメ/特撮 +ザ☆ウルトラマン(HDリマスター版) ★第6話「燃える深海への挑戦」1979年の放送開始から45周年を迎えた、ウルトラマンシリーズ初のTVアニメ作品『ザ☆ウルトラマン』のHDリマスター版がTOKYO MXで地上波初放送!ザ☆ウルトラマン(HDリマスター版) ★第6話「燃える深海への挑戦」アニメ/特撮 仮面ライダー(スカイライダー)【HD】 #5「翔べ 少女の夢をのせて」改造人間、大空を翔ぶ!仮面ライダー(スカイライダー)【HD】 #5「翔べ 少女の夢をのせて」アニメ/特撮 堀潤激論サミット ★『“大谷報道”多すぎ?これでいいのかスポーツ報道』いま注目のニュースや話題の出来事を議論する「堀潤激論サミット」▼『“大谷報道”多すぎ?これでいいのかスポーツ報道』▼小島慶子と春川正明と長内あや愛が出演!堀潤激論サミット ★『“大谷報道”多すぎ?これでいいのかスポーツ報道』ニュース/報道 きみの継ぐ香りは ★Episode2【字】親子2世代にわたって紡がれる、【初恋】と【家族愛】をテーマにしたヒューマンドラマきみの継ぐ香りは ★Episode2[字]ドラマ @@ -22652,7 +22733,7 @@ ドラえもん #13#13「ムードもりあげ楽団登場!/友だちの輪」 子どもから大人まで幅広く愛され続けている国民的アニメが登場!アニメ/特撮 あたしンち #183#183「みかん、母とお買い物/父、改造計画っ」 思わず笑ってしまう「タチバナ家」の、ごくありふれた日常をご家族みんなでお楽しみください!!アニメ/特撮 あたしンち #184#184「母、ユズヒコに甘いっ/泣ける本」 思わず笑ってしまう「タチバナ家」の、ごくありふれた日常をご家族みんなでお楽しみください!!アニメ/特撮 -緊急取調室(2021) #9[終]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13161206/S_BC803325221200_7d622736ae2a40ef98d12070aa4bff95_20241004113656173.jpg緊急取調室(2021) #9[終]ドラマ +緊急取調室(2021) #9[終]#9「解散!!キントリ最後の7日間VS日本の命運を握る男マル裸にしてみせる」(2021年/全9話) 出演:天海祐希、田中哲司、速水もこみち ほかドラマ dele #8[終]https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13160832/S_BC453155200489_e361293523a546ce9e844a8c19087958_20241004113317769.jpgdele #8[終]ドラマ <完全版>Lienel 2nd Live Tour 2024~Adventure~https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13160815/S_BC029983994400_520fc336b9a846ba9d68b334ff9dd179_20241004113209642.jpg<完全版>Lienel 2nd Live Tour 2024〜Adventure〜音楽 おもしろ風景バラエティ ゲキレア珍百景 #150-151https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13519975/S_BC349657928014_6940a1d8cdba4614bfb650978d7a2c08_20241023102132641.jpgおもしろ風景バラエティ ゲキレア珍百景 #150-151バラエティ @@ -22971,7 +23052,7 @@ パチンコキャノンボール season25 #3<今、一番強い女性パチンカーは誰だ!?> TV初 2024年 日本 本編55分 出演:ちょび、原口つづく、ヒラヤマン(五十音順) 【実況】木村魚拓、マリブ鈴木 どうにか貧乏家族 #32<母はいずこに・・・。感動と興奮のパチンコパチスロ実践バラエティ> 2017年 日本 本編58分 出演:木村魚拓、伊藤真一、くり、おもちくん 情報番組情報番組(PR)情報/ワイドショー -オトナともだち #41https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13331128/S_BC715423498848_cbb8ac2d2afa497da269379137823fd5_20241010124820369.jpgオトナともだち #41https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407247/image/89973fb8db3ab83a12026246f1abd2ec.jpg +オトナともだち #41<木村魚拓&松本バッチによる友情実戦バラエティ> TV初 2024年 日本 本編55分 出演:木村魚拓、松本バッチ 【ゲスト】ロギー 日本統一14https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13330251/S_BC045264692484_4bf79ab0de2c4ceb989ecd930078824e_20241010123520866.jpg日本統一14映画 どうにか貧乏家族 #33https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13331243/S_BC922100484263_d37734fb5bf24921a5054a453b47a5ec_20241010125244059.jpgどうにか貧乏家族 #33https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407249/image/9b76845e1c984a0ed239e0d62d9e4947.jpg 海賊王船長タック season.12 #6https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13331207/S_BC639843487759_fdebe21880554e20acffdcb8f321dab8_20241010125041823.jpg海賊王船長タック season.12 #6https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14407250/image/b7c470d18848269beaac0b2d1d3f60d1.jpg @@ -23284,7 +23365,7 @@ [映]コンフィデンシャル/共助(字幕版)[SS]北朝鮮のエリート刑事と韓国の庶民派刑事がタッグを組む。韓国で大ヒットした犯罪アクション。ヒョンビンとユ・ヘジンが顔合わせ。続編「〜国際共助捜査」も作られた。映画 [映]コンフィデンシャル:国際共助捜査(字幕版)[SS]ヒョンビンとユ・ヘジンが共演し、北朝鮮のエリート刑事と韓国の庶民派刑事という異色のコンビを演じた、痛快なクリミナルアクション「コンフィデンシャル/共助」の続編。映画 [無]絶賛公開中!映画『がんばっていきまっしょい』公開記念特番 制作の裏側…バラエティ -劇場版 SPY×FAMILY CODE: Whitehttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13308248/S_BC640425772703_5445a926266b47a68e70224c244461d5_20241009152807348.jpg[映]劇場版 SPY×FAMILY CODE: White[SS][字]映画 +[映]劇場版 SPY×FAMILY CODE: White[SS][字]遠藤達哉による人気コミックを原作にしたTVアニメシリーズ初の劇場版。家族旅行に出発したフォージャー家が、世界の命運が懸かった騒動に巻き込まれてしまう。映画 ありふれた教室(字幕版)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13409454/S_BC172191377141_806048f268524bea977cdddadce884db_20241015104812912.jpg[初][映]ありふれた教室(字幕版)[SS]映画 夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13308232/S_BC086359944924_f5465b2cf5f9431d867cdf43ba7e22b0_20241009152610677.jpg[初][映]夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口[SS][字]映画 キリング・オブ・ケネス・チェンバレン(字幕版)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13409924/S_BC967906256825_e91da678d2df49b28178172121c841de_20241015111654537.jpg[初][映]キリング・オブ・ケネス・チェンバレン(字幕版)[SS]映画 @@ -23476,7 +23557,7 @@ ロサンゼルスチャールズ・ブロンソンが、マイケル・ウィナー監督と再びコンビを組んだ、1974年の『狼よさらば』の後日譚。娘を強姦された父親が犯人を自力で探し出して復讐する。映画 スーパー・マグナムチャールズ・ブロンソン主演、マイケル・ウィナー監督のコンビによるアクション。ギャングに友人を殺害された男が、“スーパーマグナム”を手に復讐に身を投じる様を描く。映画 バトルガンM-16チャールズ・ブロンソン主演のアクション『デス・ウィッシュ』シリーズの第4作。警察に頼らず街の悪を討つ自衛市民カージーは、新たに自動小銃などを持って悪との戦いへ。映画 -[映]DEATH WISH/キング・オブ・リベンジhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13246774/S_BC785711102369_24c72ae306ed478c931e9d9bb1b8d9ee_20241008143311260.jpgDEATH WISH/キング・オブ・リベンジ映画 +DEATH WISH/キング・オブ・リベンジチャールズ・ブロンソンが主演した痛快アクション『デス・ウィッシュ』シリーズの第5作にして最終章。警察に頼らず街の悪を討つ自衛市民カージーは、ついに最後の戦いへ!映画 [映]優しく愛してhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13245850/S_BC956133957384_c1475e0bef27463d920a0ff9006d0295_20241008141836719.jpg優しく愛して映画 [映]アナコンダhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13246964/S_BC979161856513_c9c43fb3503e47daa66bbed87cd2befa_20241008143717484.jpgアナコンダ映画 [映]ホース・ソルジャーhttps://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13169276/S_BC160169880015_469085735c9341db91f0e5ba6bd56830_20241004150704545.jpgホース・ソルジャー映画『パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン』シリーズの名製作者ジェリー・ブラッカイマーらが手掛けたミリタリーアクション。米軍のたった12人の部隊は約5万人の敵に挑むが……。https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/monomedia/si/2024/20241115/14406894/image/58d8eb33f0babd77d81431b9095b008b.jpg @@ -23570,7 +23651,7 @@ 韓国ドラマ「LTNS〜不倫探偵夫婦物語〜」 #5 火…(字幕版)[PG12相当]“レス夫婦"がお金を稼ぐため不倫カップルを脅迫?!その過程で壊れていた自分たちの夫婦関係に直面する。共感度MAXな大人のためのブラックラブコメディ、日本初登場!ドラマ 韓国ドラマ「LTNS〜不倫探偵夫婦物語〜」 #6(字幕版)[終]“レス夫婦"がお金を稼ぐため不倫カップルを脅迫?!その過程で壊れていた自分たちの夫婦関係に直面する。共感度MAXな大人のためのブラックラブコメディ、日本初登場!ドラマ [映]僕らの世界が交わるまで(字幕版)[SS]米国の“A24"のもと、実力派俳優J・ムーアらが共演し、人気俳優J・アイゼンバーグが監督デビュー。世代が異なる母と息子の交流をシニカル&コミカルに描いたドラマ。映画 -ソウルメイト(字幕版)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13459672/S_BC077152300166_772c142c0fa740f7ae23c7199d51944c_20241018101136713.jpg[映]ソウルメイト(字幕版)[PG12][SS]映画 +[映]ソウルメイト(字幕版)[PG12][SS]中国・香港合作の「ソウルメイト/七月と安生(チーユエとアンシェン)」を物語の舞台を韓国に移してリメイクし、韓国で初登場No.1ヒットを記録した感動の友情ドラマ。映画 スホ(EXO)主演「世子が消えた」 #1 お忍びの外出(字幕版)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13413655/S_BC996823807499_aaf93c98ed574796ada2ce4f2f8f3586_20241015143013035.jpg[無][初][新]スホ(EXO)主演「世子が消えた」 #1 お忍びの外出(字幕版)ドラマ スホ(EXO)主演「世子が消えた」 #2 娘のための厄払い(字幕版)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13413653/S_BC717487481855_5c954111552f453f8be0ab43b7592ffc_20241015143011483.jpg[初]スホ(EXO)主演「世子が消えた」 #2 娘のための厄払い(字幕版)ドラマ ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル & アジア 短編映画傑作選 4 #6 Portrait of a Disappearing Woman/消えゆく彼女の肖像(字幕版)https://pm-img-ap.skyperfectv.co.jp/uploads/thumbnail/image/13306479/S_BC059653565710_3fbc93139d6047bdb21dac6114b715aa_20241009142442466.jpg[映]SSFF&アジア短編映画傑作選4 #6(字幕版)映画 @@ -23717,7 +23798,7 @@ 情報番組快適で健やかな暮らしに役立つ品々の通信販売のご案内。情報/ワイドショー 【浪曲】富士綾那「ゆうれい奇談」 〜第一回 兜町浪曲会 明日を唸る より日本浪曲協会会長・東家三楽の愛弟子で、浪曲師と女優の二足の草鞋を履くフレッシュな女流浪曲師が吹かす浪曲の新しい風!劇場/公演 情報番組快適で健やかな暮らしに役立つ品々の通信販売のご案内。情報/ワイドショー -柳家花ごめ「初天神/夢金」~女性落語家ユニット『落語ガールズ』メンバー!柳家花ごめ「初天神/夢金」〜女性落語家ユニット『落語ガールズ』メンバー!劇場/公演 +柳家花ごめ「初天神/夢金」〜女性落語家ユニット『落語ガールズ』メンバー!柳家花緑の愛弟子で、得意の怪談実録噺、創作落語をひっさげあの『渋谷らくご』の常連に!人間国宝・故・柳家小さんの遺伝子を引き継ぐ人気女流落語家の独演会を。劇場/公演 【浪曲】富士綾那「二銭銅貨」 ~第一回 兜町浪曲会 明日を唸る より【浪曲】富士綾那「二銭銅貨」 〜第一回 兜町浪曲会 明日を唸る より劇場/公演 情報番組情報番組情報/ワイドショー 橘ノ圓満「鈴ヶ森」「蒟蒻問答」~三代続く江戸っ子が深川で得意の古典落語を披露!橘ノ圓満「鈴ヶ森」「蒟蒻問答」〜三代続く江戸っ子が深川で得意の古典落語を披露!劇場/公演