Documentation of available configuration parameters. See also symfony bundle configuration file or swoole documentation.
port: 9501
running_mode: process
socket_type: tcp
ssl_enabled: false
trusted_hosts: localhost,
- '*'
- 192.168.2./16
# enables static file serving
static: advanced
# equals to:
# ---
# static:
# public_dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/public'
# strategy: advanced
# mime_types: ~
# ---
# strategy can be one of: (default) auto, off, advanced, default
# - off: turn off feature
# - auto: use 'advanced' when debug enabled or not production environment
# - advanced: use request handler class \K911\Swoole\Server\RequestHandler\AdvancedStaticFilesServer
# - default: use default swoole static serving (faster than advanced, but supports less content types)
# ---
# mime types registration by file extension for static files serving in format: 'file extension': 'mime type'
# this only works when 'static' strategy is set to 'advanced'
# mime_types:
# '*': 'text/plain' # fallback override
# customFileExtension: 'custom-mime/type-name'
# sqlite: 'application/x-sqlite3'
# enables hot module reload using inotify
hmr: auto
# hmr can be one of: off, (default) auto, inotify
# - off: turn off feature
# - auto: use inotify if installed in the system
# - inotify: use inotify
# enables api server on specific port
# by default it is disabled (can be also enabled using --api flag via cli)
api: true
# equals to:
# ---
# api:
# enabled: true
# host:
# port: 9200
# additional swoole symfony bundle services
# see: \K911\Swoole\Bridge\Symfony\HttpFoundation\TrustAllProxiesRequestHandler
trust_all_proxies_handler: true
# see: \K911\Swoole\Bridge\Symfony\HttpFoundation\CloudFrontRequestFactory
cloudfront_proto_header_handler: true
# see: \K911\Swoole\Bridge\Upscale\Blackfire\WithProfiler
blackfire_profiler: false
# swoole http server settings
# see
reactor_count: 2
worker_count: 4
# when not set, swoole sets these are automatically set based on count of host CPU cores
task_worker_count: 2 # one of: positive number, "auto", or null to disable creation of task worker processes (default: null)
log_level: auto
# can be one of: (default) auto, debug, trace, info, notice, warning, error
# - auto: when debug set to debug, when not set to notice
# - {debug,trace,info,notice,warning,error}: see swoole configuration
log_file: '%kernel.logs_dir%/swoole_%kernel.environment%.log'
pid_file: /var/run/
buffer_output_size: 2097152
# in bytes, 2097152b = 2 MiB
package_max_length: 8388608
# in bytes, 8388608b = 8 MiB
worker_max_request: 0
# integer >= 0, indicates the number of requests after which a worker reloads automatically
# This can be useful to limit memory leaks
worker_max_request_grace: ~
# 'grace period' for worker reloading. If not set, default is worker_max_request / 2. Worker reloads
# after 'worker_max_request + rand(0,worker_max_request_grace)' requests