diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34fe8b90 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +TerraModulus Public License Agreement +Revised 15 December, 2024 + +Copyright (C) 2024 Anvilloy Dev Studio +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. +Additional Terms of Service are described in a separate document. + + Preamble + +In genearl, the TerraModulus Public License permits and acts similar +as the GNU Lesser General Public License, in addition to extra +descriptions. Additional Terms of Service and Terms of Use are applied +for the usages of the licensed content with terms and conditions about +permitted and prohibited acts. Overall, this allows a certain degree of +freedom of intermediate and end usages. + +The main objective of this License is to protect and reserve the rights +of the developers, contributors and responsibles in the corresponding +projects, while permit acts by other developers and users. The Licenser +reserves all the rights to final explanations and make changes to +this License without notification, while any future changes are not +include in this revision of this License in advance. + + Terms & Conditions + +0. Definitions. + +The TerraModulus Public License is applicable to only the works in the +scopes defined as following: + - TerraModulus repository (or "the repository") + - API libraries (or "the libraries") + +"This License" refers to this TerraModulus Public License, which may or +may not include the context of the detached licenses depending on the +context. + +The "Detached Licenses" refers to the extra licenses applied and scoped +by this license. + +The "Licensee" refers to any user involved by this License. Any user +uses, downloads, distributes, modifies, stores any part of the service +is automatically contrained and classified as the Licensee, meaning the +user has agreed any term decribed by this License. + +The "Licenser" or "this organization" refers to Anvilloy Dev Studio +who licenses the Licensees under the terms and conditions in this License. + +The "GNU LGPL" refers to the version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public +License detached by this License. + +The "Minicraft+ project" refers to the Minicraft+ Revived project which +is accessible on GitHub by +. The +"responsible(s)" of the project refers to the Maintainer of the project +according to the current state of the project. This may or may not include +the individuals involved in the project, including the Minicraft+ Team +members. + +1. Scopes. + +Unless otherwise specified, all the other works are licensed under their +corresponding license without further contrains confined by this License. +However, if there is any additional term or condition described, such parts +are applied to only the derivatives under this License but not the original +forms of the works. These parts may or may not be described in extra words, +but include the parts originated from the Minicraft+ project. + +All the contents originated from the Licenser should all be licensed under +the GNU LGPL with extra permissions and conditions covered by this License. + +According to the current state of the Minicraft+ project, all the original +content from the project should be licensed under the version 3 of the GNU +General Public License, as is. However, the modifications made by the +organization to the original content are still licensed under the GNU LGPL +and combined as the GNU GPL. If certain parts of the content has been +completely overwritten by the organization, the organization reserves +the rights to completely license the parts under the GNU LGPL. + +2. Detailed Terms. + +All the terms and conditions are explicitly enclosed according to the +mentioned scopes by the corresponding Detached Licenses. Any parts of the +works may still be licensed along with the Detached Licenses depending on +the parts scopeed by this License. The Licensee must be aware of and +follow the terms and conditions stated by the Detached Licenses. + + END + +This is the END of license complementation by the organization. You should +have received the copies of the GNU LGNU and/or GNU GPL included in the +same directory of the repository or the source code named "LICENSE-LGPL" +and/or "LICENSE-GPL" respectively.