In this training, the most critical risks in software applications are presented to teach web developers how to develop a secure web application.
After introducing the Open Web Application Security Project Top 10 2017 (OWASP Top 10 2017), a selection of the application security
risks listed in the OWASP Top 10 will be described step by step.
Each security risk of the selection has its own folder with certain challenges to solve. In this challenges,
the participants of the course have to find various security flaws in
the OWASP Juice Shop, which is an intentionally vulnerable web application.
The descriptions of the challenges include tips to help finding the right way of hacking the application.
Always read at first only one hint, then try to solve the challenge. If you don't have a clue of going forward, then read the following tip.
Also, you can find the final solution for each challenge in the sub folder Solutions. But please DO NOT cheat and look here before trying to solve this yourself.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to do the security training in the right order, as the challenges depend on each other.
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(Installation "From Sources" or "Docker Container" recommended).
docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop:v8.5.1
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop:v8.5.1
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Starting with version 2.8.0, OWASP ZAP now includes a Heads Up Display. Look into the corresponding OWASP ZAP HUD github project to learn more about this fascinating new feature.
To make calls to REST API of the Juice Shop via a comfortable UI you may use Postman.
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If you are more used to make calls to REST API of the Juice Shop via command line you may try Httpie.
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If you are more used to make calls to REST API of the Juice Shop via command line you also may try the classic Curl.
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