Schema definition update for Logging
"dataCollectionRule": { "value": { "enabled": true, "name": "DCR-AzureMonitorLogs", "windowsEventLogs": [ { "streams": [ "Microsoft-Event" ], "xPathQueries": [ "Application!*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]", "Security!*[System[(band(Keywords,13510798882111488))]]", "System!*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]" ], "name": "eventLogsDataSource" } ], "syslog": [ { "streams": [ "Microsoft-Syslog" ], "facilityNames": [ "auth", "authpriv", "cron", "daemon", "mark", "kern", "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", "local4", "local5", "local6", "local7", "lpr", "mail", "news", "syslog", "user", "uucp" ], "logLevels": [ "Debug", "Info", "Notice", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", "Alert", "Emergency" ], "name": "sysLogsDataSource" } ] } }
Schema definition update for Hub Networking with Azure Firewall
{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "serviceHealthAlerts": { "value": { "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-service-health", "incidentTypes": [ "Incident", "Security" ], "regions": [ "Global", "Canada East", "Canada Central" ], "receivers": { "app": [ "[email protected]" ], "email": [ "[email protected]" ], "sms": [ { "countryCode": "1", "phoneNumber": "6045555555" } ], "voice": [ { "countryCode": "1", "phoneNumber": "6045555555" } ] }, "actionGroupName": "ALZ action group", "actionGroupShortName": "alz-alert", "alertRuleName": "ALZ alert rule", "alertRuleDescription": "Alert rule for Azure Landing Zone" } }, "securityCenter": { "value": { "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "6045555555" } }, "subscriptionRoleAssignments": { "value": [ { "comments": "Built-in Contributor Role", "roleDefinitionId": "b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c", "securityGroupObjectIds": [ "38f33f7e-a471-4630-8ce9-c6653495a2ee" ] } ] }, "subscriptionBudget": { "value": { "createBudget": false } }, "subscriptionTags": { "value": { "ISSO": "isso-tbd" } }, "resourceTags": { "value": { "ClientOrganization": "client-organization-tag", "CostCenter": "cost-center-tag", "DataSensitivity": "data-sensitivity-tag", "ProjectContact": "project-contact-tag", "ProjectName": "project-name-tag", "TechnicalContact": "technical-contact-tag" } }, "privateDnsZones": { "value": { "enabled": true, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-dns" } }, "ddosStandard": { "value": { "enabled": false, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-ddos", "planName": "ddos-plan" } }, "publicAccessZone": { "value": { "enabled": true, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-public-access-zone" } }, "managementRestrictedZone": { "value": { "enabled": true, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-management-restricted-zone", "network": { "name": "management-restricted-vnet", "addressPrefixes": [""], "subnets": [ { "comments": "Management (Access Zone) Subnet", "name": "MazSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Infrastructure Services (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "InfSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Security Services (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "SecSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Logging Services (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "LogSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Core Management Interfaces (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "MgmtSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } } ] } } }, "hub": { "value": { "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-hub-networking", "bastion": { "enabled": true, "name": "bastion", "sku": "Standard", "scaleUnits": 2 }, "azureFirewall": { "name": "pubsecAzureFirewall", "availabilityZones": ["1", "2", "3"], "forcedTunnelingEnabled": false, "forcedTunnelingNextHop": "" }, "network": { "name": "hub-vnet", "addressPrefixes": [ "", "" ], "addressPrefixBastion": "", "subnets": { "gateway": { "comments": "Gateway Subnet used for VPN and/or Express Route connectivity", "name": "GatewaySubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "firewall": { "comments": "Azure Firewall", "name": "AzureFirewallSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "firewallManagement": { "comments": "Azure Firewall Management", "name": "AzureFirewallManagementSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "bastion": { "comments": "Azure Bastion", "name": "AzureBastionSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "publicAccess": { "comments": "Public Access Zone (Application Gateway)", "name": "PAZSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "optional": [] } } } }, "networkWatcher": { "value": { "resourceGroupName": "NetworkWatcherRG" } } } }
Schema definition update for Hub Networking with Network Virtual Appliances (NVA)
{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "serviceHealthAlerts": { "value": { "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-service-health", "incidentTypes": [ "Incident", "Security" ], "regions": [ "Global", "Canada East", "Canada Central" ], "receivers": { "app": [ "[email protected]" ], "email": [ "[email protected]" ], "sms": [ { "countryCode": "1", "phoneNumber": "6045555555" } ], "voice": [ { "countryCode": "1", "phoneNumber": "6045555555" } ] }, "actionGroupName": "ALZ action group", "actionGroupShortName": "alz-alert", "alertRuleName": "ALZ alert rule", "alertRuleDescription": "Alert rule for Azure Landing Zone" } }, "securityCenter": { "value": { "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "6045555555" } }, "subscriptionRoleAssignments": { "value": [ { "comments": "Built-in Contributor Role", "roleDefinitionId": "b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c", "securityGroupObjectIds": [ "38f33f7e-a471-4630-8ce9-c6653495a2ee" ] } ] }, "subscriptionBudget": { "value": { "createBudget": false } }, "subscriptionTags": { "value": { "ISSO": "isso-tbd" } }, "resourceTags": { "value": { "ClientOrganization": "client-organization-tag", "CostCenter": "cost-center-tag", "DataSensitivity": "data-sensitivity-tag", "ProjectContact": "project-contact-tag", "ProjectName": "project-name-tag", "TechnicalContact": "technical-contact-tag" } }, "privateDnsZones": { "value": { "enabled": true, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-dns" } }, "ddosStandard": { "value": { "enabled": false, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-ddos", "planName": "ddos-plan" } }, "publicAccessZone": { "value": { "enabled": true, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-public-access-zone" } }, "managementRestrictedZone": { "value": { "enabled": true, "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-management-restricted-zone", "network": { "name": "management-restricted-vnet", "addressPrefixes": [""], "subnets": [ { "comments": "Management (Access Zone) Subnet", "name": "MazSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Infrastructure Services (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "InfSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Security Services (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "SecSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Logging Services (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "LogSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Core Management Interfaces (Restricted Zone) Subnet", "name": "MgmtSubnet", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } } ] } } }, "hub": { "value": { "resourceGroupName": "pubsec-hub-networking", "bastion": { "enabled": true, "name": "bastion", "sku": "Standard", "scaleUnits": 2 }, "network": { "name": "hub-vnet", "addressPrefixes": [ "", "" ], "addressPrefixBastion": "", "subnets": { "gateway": { "comments": "Gateway Subnet used for VPN and/or Express Route connectivity", "name": "GatewaySubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "bastion": { "comments": "Azure Bastion", "name": "AzureBastionSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "public": { "comments": "Public Subnet Name (External Facing (Internet/Ground))", "name": "PublicSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "publicAccessZone": { "comments": "Public Access Zone (i.e. Application Gateway)", "name": "PAZSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "externalAccessNetwork": { "comments": "External Access Network", "name": "EanSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "nonProductionInternal": { "comments": "Non-production Internal for firewall appliances (Internal Facing Non-Production Traffic)", "name": "DevIntSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "productionInternal": { "comments": "Production Internal for firewall appliances (Internal Facing Production Traffic)", "name": "PrdIntSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "managementRestrictedZoneInternal": { "comments": "Management Restricted Zone", "name": "MrzSubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "highAvailability": { "comments": "High Availability (Firewall to Firewall heartbeat)", "name": "HASubnet", "addressPrefix": "" }, "optional": [] } }, "nvaFirewall": { "image": { "publisher": "fortinet", "offer": "fortinet_fortigate-vm_v5", "sku": "fortinet_fg-vm", "version": "6.4.5", "plan": "fortinet_fg-vm" }, "nonProduction": { "internalLoadBalancer": { "name": "pubsecDevFWILB", "tcpProbe": { "name": "lbprobe", "port": 8008, "intervalInSeconds": 5, "numberOfProbes": 2 }, "internalIp": "", "externalIp": "" }, "deployVirtualMachines": true, "virtualMachines": [ { "name": "pubsecDevFW1", "vmSku": "Standard_D8s_v4", "internalIp": "", "externalIp": "", "mrzInternalIp": "", "highAvailabilityIp": "", "availabilityZone": "2" }, { "name": "pubsecDevFW2", "vmSku": "Standard_D8s_v4", "internalIp": "", "externalIp": "", "mrzInternalIp": "", "highAvailabilityIp": "", "availabilityZone": "3" } ] }, "production": { "internalLoadBalancer": { "name": "pubsecProdFWILB", "tcpProbe": { "name": "lbprobe", "port": 8008, "intervalInSeconds": 5, "numberOfProbes": 2 }, "internalIp": "", "externalIp": "" }, "deployVirtualMachines": true, "virtualMachines": [ { "name": "pubsecProdFW1", "vmSku": "Standard_F8s_v2", "internalIp": "", "externalIp": "", "mrzInternalIp": "", "highAvailabilityIp": "", "availabilityZone": "1" }, { "name": "pubsecProdFW2", "vmSku": "Standard_F8s_v2", "internalIp": "", "externalIp": "", "mrzInternalIp": "", "highAvailabilityIp": "", "availabilityZone": "2" } ] } } } }, "networkWatcher": { "value": { "resourceGroupName": "NetworkWatcherRG" } } } }
Schema definition update for Machine Learning & Healthcare archetypes. Expanded the spoke network subnet configuration to contain 0 or more optional subnets. This change enables network configuration to be more flexible.
Machine Learning archetype network configuration with optional subnets
"network": { "value": { "peerToHubVirtualNetwork": true, "useRemoteGateway": false, "name": "azmlsqlauth2022Q1vnet", "dnsServers": [ "" ], "addressPrefixes": [ "" ], "subnets": { "sqlmi": { "comments": "SQL Managed Instances Delegated Subnet", "name": "sqlmi", "addressPrefix": "" }, "databricksPublic": { "comments": "Databricks Public Delegated Subnet", "name": "databrickspublic", "addressPrefix": "" }, "databricksPrivate": { "comments": "Databricks Private Delegated Subnet", "name": "databricksprivate", "addressPrefix": "" }, "privateEndpoints": { "comments": "Private Endpoints Subnet", "name": "privateendpoints", "addressPrefix": "" }, "aks": { "comments": "AKS Subnet", "name": "aks", "addressPrefix": "" }, "appService": { "comments": "App Service Subnet", "name": "appService", "addressPrefix": "" }, "optional": [ { "comments": "Optional Subnet 1", "name": "virtualMachines", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Optional Subnet 2 with delegation for NetApp Volumes", "name": "NetappVolumes", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": false }, "udr": { "enabled": false }, "delegations": { "serviceName": "Microsoft.NetApp/volumes" } } ] } } }
Healthcare archetype network configuration with optional subnets
"network": { "value": { "peerToHubVirtualNetwork": true, "useRemoteGateway": false, "name": "health2022Q1vnet", "dnsServers": [ "" ], "addressPrefixes": [ "" ], "subnets": { "databricksPublic": { "comments": "Databricks Public Delegated Subnet", "name": "databrickspublic", "addressPrefix": "" }, "databricksPrivate": { "comments": "Databricks Private Delegated Subnet", "name": "databricksprivate", "addressPrefix": "" }, "privateEndpoints": { "comments": "Private Endpoints Subnet", "name": "privateendpoints", "addressPrefix": "" }, "web": { "comments": "Azure Web App Delegated Subnet", "name": "webapp", "addressPrefix": "" }, "optional": [ { "comments": "Optional Subnet 1", "name": "virtualMachines", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": true }, "udr": { "enabled": true } }, { "comments": "Optional Subnet 2 with delegation for NetApp Volumes", "name": "NetappVolumes", "addressPrefix": "", "nsg": { "enabled": false }, "udr": { "enabled": false }, "delegations": { "serviceName": "Microsoft.NetApp/volumes" } } ] } } }
Schema definition update for Generic Subscription. Spoke network's subnet configuration is now defined as an array. The array can have 0 to many subnet definitions.
Removed 4 subnets from Machine Learning archetype's virtual network:
. -
Removed 4 subnets from Healthcare archetype's virtual network:
. -
Schema definition for Hub Networking archetypes (Azure Firewall & NVA). See documentation:
Change in synapse
schema object to support Azure AD authentication.
Setting | Type | Description |
aadAuthenticationOnly | Boolean | Indicate that either AAD auth only or both AAD & SQL auth (required) |
sqlAuthenticationUsername | String | The SQL authentication user name optional, required when aadAuthenticationOnly is false |
aadLoginName | String | The name of the login or group in the format of first-name last-name |
aadLoginObjectID | String | The object id of the Azure AD object whether it's a login or a group |
aadLoginType | String | Represent the type of the object, it can be User, Group or Application (in case of service principal) |
SQL authentication only | Json (used in parameter files)
"synapse": {
"value": {
"aadAuthenticationOnly": false,
"sqlAuthenticationUsername": "azadmin"
SQL authentication only | bicep (used when calling bicep module from another)
aadAuthenticationOnly: false
sqlAuthenticationUsername: 'azadmin'
Azure AD authentication only | Json (used in parameters files)
"synapse": {
"value": {
"aadAuthenticationOnly": true,
"aadLoginName": "az.admins",
"aadLoginObjectID": "e0357d81-55d8-44e9-9d9c-ab09dc710785",
Azure AD authentication only | bicep (used when calling bicep module from another)
aadAuthenticationOnly: true
aadLoginName:'John Smith',
Mixed authentication | Json (used in parameters files)
"synapse": {
"value": {
"aadAuthenticationOnly": false,
"sqlAuthenticationUsername": "azadmin",
"aadLoginName": "az.admins",
"aadLoginObjectID": "e0357d81-55d8-44e9-9d9c-ab09dc710785",
Mixed authentication | bicep (used when calling bicep module from another)
aadAuthenticationOnly: false
sqlAuthenticationUsername: 'azadmin'
aadLoginName:'John Smith',
Schema definition for Logging archetype. See documentation.
Added logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId
to archetypes. This is an optional parameter in the JSON file as it can be set at runtime.
"logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId": {
Added location schema object. This is an optional setting for archetypes. This setting will default to deployment().location
"location": {
"value": "canadacentral"
Changed appServiceLinuxContainer
schema object to support optional inbound private endpoint.
"appServiceLinuxContainer": {
"value": {
"enablePrivateEndpoint": true
Changed aks
schema object to support optional deployment of AKS using the enabled
key as a required field.
"aks": {
"value": {
"enabled": true
Added appServiceLinuxContainer
schema object to support optional deployment of App Service (for model deployments) using the enabled
key as a required field. Sku name and tier are also required fields.
"appServiceLinuxContainer": {
"value": {
"enabled": true,
"skuName": "P1V2",
"skuTier": "Premium"
Added required appService
subnet as well as the appServiceLinuxContainer
object in machine learning schema json file.
Change in aks
schema object to support Options for the creation of AKS Cluster with one of the following three scenarios:
- Network Plugin: Kubenet + Network Policy: Calico (Network Policy)
- Network Plugin: Azure CNI + Network Policy: Calico (Network Policy)
- Network Plugin: Azure CNI + Network Policy: Azure (Network Policy).
Setting | Type | Description |
version | String | Kubernetes version to use for the AKS Cluster (required) |
networkPlugin | String | Network Plugin to use: kubenet (for Kubenet) or azure (for Azure CNI) (required) |
networkPolicy | String | Network Policy to use: calico (for Calico); which can be used with either kubenet or Azure Network Plugins or azure (for Azure NP); which can only be used with Azure CNI |
value shoud be set to ( '' ) when Azure CNI is used
- Network Plugin: Kubenet + Network Policy: Calico (Network Policy)
"aks": {
"value": {
"version": "1.21.2",
"networkPlugin": "kubenet" ,
"networkPolicy": "calico",
"podCidr": "",
"serviceCidr": "" ,
"dnsServiceIP": "",
"dockerBridgeCidr": ""
- Network Plugin: Azure CNI + Network Policy: Calico (Network Policy)
"aks": {
"value": {
"version": "1.21.2",
"networkPlugin": "azure" ,
"networkPolicy": "calico",
"podCidr": "",
"serviceCidr": "" ,
"dnsServiceIP": "",
"dockerBridgeCidr": ""
- Network Plugin: Azure CNI + Network Policy: Azure (Network Policy).
"aks": {
"value": {
"version": "1.21.2",
"networkPlugin": "azure" ,
"networkPolicy": "azure",
"podCidr": "",
"serviceCidr": "" ,
"dnsServiceIP": "",
"dockerBridgeCidr": ""
Added Azure Recovery Vault schema to enable the creation of a Recovery Vault in the generic Archtetype subscription
Setting | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean | Indicate whether or not to deploy Azure Recovery Vault (required) |
name | String | The name of the Recovery Vault |
Enable recovery vault | Json (used in parameter files)
"value": {
- Remove
format check onprivateDnsManagedByHubSubscriptionId
for typeschemas/latest/landingzones/types/hubNetwork.json
Change in sqldb
schema object to support Azure AD authentication.
Setting | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean | Indicate whether or not to deploy Azure SQL Database (required) |
aadAuthenticationOnly | Boolean | Indicate that either AAD auth only or both AAD & SQL auth (required) |
sqlAuthenticationUsername | String | The SQL authentication user name optional, required when aadAuthenticationOnly is false |
aadLoginName | String | The name of the login or group in the format of first-name last-name |
aadLoginObjectID | String | The object id of the Azure AD object whether it's a login or a group |
aadLoginType | String | Represent the type of the object, it can be User, Group or Application (in case of service principal) |
SQL authentication only | Json (used in parameter files)
"sqldb": {
"value": {
"enabled": true,
"sqlAuthenticationUsername": "azadmin"
SQL authentication only | bicep (used when calling bicep module from another)
enabled: true
aadAuthenticationOnly: false
sqlAuthenticationUsername: 'azadmin'
Azure AD authentication only | Json (used in parameters files)
"sqldb": {
"value": {
"aadLoginName":"John Smith",
Azure AD authentication only | bicep (used when calling bicep module from another)
enabled: true
aadAuthenticationOnly: true
aadLoginName:'John Smith',
Mixed authentication | Json (used in parameters files)
"sqldb": {
"value": {
"sqlAuthenticationUsername": "azadmin",
"aadLoginName":"John Smith",
Mixed authentication | bicep (used when calling bicep module from another)
enabled: true
aadAuthenticationOnly: false
sqlAuthenticationUsername: 'azadmin'
aadLoginName:'John Smith',
- Initial version based on v0.1.0 of the schema definitions.