I found that my router has a UPnP service exposed on port 52881 and started interacting with it. Using some basic enumeration tools, I retrieved a list of UPnP actions. The only one that I was able to actually get anything back from is `GetDeviceInfo`, but I can't make any sense of it... can you?
What's the base64-encoded `nonce` value?
Flag format - `byuctf{base64value}`
[actions.txt] [msg.bin]
The list of actions + some OSINT will help you figure out the format being used to convey information here. We found documentation of these actions for the WFAWLANConfig service here. Values use TLV format and the Wi-Fi Simple Config specification, otherwise known as Wi-Fi Protected Setup, or WPS.
We were able to decode the output from the GetDeviceInfo action using the codes defined in this header file, resulting in the following information:
Device Info:
Version: b'\x10'
Message Type: b'\x04'
UUID_E: b'\x11"3DUfw\x88\x99\xaa\xe8\xda\x00\nt\x88'
MAC Address: e8:da:00:0a:74:8a
Nonce: b'gIDGXfYaZe2aIeqhLGzddw=='
Public Key: b'0BQbFWVulrhfzq0ujnYzDSsawVdrsCbnoyjA4br4z5FmQ3EXTAjuEuySsFGcVIefISVb5ah3Dh+hiARw70I8kONNeEem/LSSRWPRrx2wxIHq2YUsUZvx3UKcFjlRz2kYGxMq6io2hMrzW8VKyhsgyIuztzOf99VuCROdd/CsWAeQl5OCUdu+dehnFcxrfAypRfqN2NZhvrc7QUAyeY2t7jK13WG/EF8Y2JIXdgt1xdlmpaSQRyzrqeO0Ik89ifsr'
Auth Type Flags: b'\x00a'
Encr Type Flags: b'\x00\t'
Conn Type Flags: b'\x01'
Config Methods: b'\x07\x84'
SC State: b'\x02'
Manufacturer: b'Realtek Semiconductor Corp.'
Model Name: b'RTL8xxx'
Model Number: b'EV-2010-09-20'
Serial Number: b'123456789012347'
Prim Dev Type: b'\x00\x06\x00P\xf2\x04\x00\x01'
Device Name: b'Realtek Wireless AP'
RF Band: b'\x01'
Assoc State: b'\x00\x00'
Device Pwd ID: b'\x00\x00'
Config Error: b'\x00\x00'
OS Version: b'\x10\x00\x00\x00'
Vendor Ext: b'\x007*\x00\x01 '
for a script that automatically parses the message.
Flag - byuctf{gIDGXfYaZe2aIeqhLGzddw==}