Machine learning is a modern approach to problem-solving and task automation. In particular, machine learning is concerned with the development and applications of algorithms that can recognize patterns in data and use them for predictive modeling, as opposed to having domain experts developing rules for prediction tasks manually. Artificial neural networks are a particular class of machine learning algorithms and models that evolved into what is now described as "deep learning". Deep learning encompasses neural networks with many layers and the algorithms that make them perform well. These neural networks comprise artificial neurons arranged into layers and are modeled after the human brain, even though the building blocks and learning algorithms may differ [@doi:10.1038/s41583-020-0277-3]. Each layer receives input from previous layers (the first of which represents the input data), and then transmits a transformed version of its own weighted output that serves as input into subsequent layers of the network. Thus, the process of "training" a neural network is the tuning of the layers' weights to minimize a cost or loss function that serves as a surrogate of the prediction error. The loss function is differentiable so that the weights can be automatically updated to attempt to reduce the loss. Deep learning uses artificial neural networks with many layers (hence the term "deep"). Given the computational advances made in the last decade, it can now be applied to massive data sets and in innumerable contexts. In many circumstances, deep learning can learn more complex relationships and make more accurate predictions than other methods. Therefore, deep learning has become its own subfield of machine learning. In the context of biological research, it has been increasingly used to derive novel insights from high-dimensional biological data [@doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0387]. For example, deep learning has been used to predict protein-drug binding kinetics [@doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02388-1], to identify the lab-of-origin of synthetic DNA [@doi:10.1038/s41467-018-05378-z], and to uncover the facial phenotypes of genetic disorders [@doi:10.1038/s41591-018-0279-0].
To make the biological applications of deep learning more accessible to scientists who have some experience with machine learning, we solicited input from a community of researchers with varied biological and deep learning interests. These individuals collaboratively contributed to this manuscript's writing using the GitHub version control platform [@url:] and the Manubot manuscript generation toolset [@doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007128]. The goal was to articulate a practical, accessible, and concise set of guidelines and suggestions to follow when using deep learning (Figure @fig:overview-fig). For readers who are new to machine learning, we recommend reviewing general machine learning principles [@isbn:9781789955750] before getting started with deep learning.
In the course of our discussions, several themes became clear: the importance of understanding and applying machine learning fundamentals as a baseline for utilizing deep learning, the necessity for extensive model comparisons with careful evaluation, and the need for critical thought in interpreting results generated by deep learning, among others. The major similarities between deep learning and traditional computational methods also became apparent. Although deep learning is a distinct subfield of machine learning, it is still a subfield. It is subject to the many limitations inherent to machine learning, and most best practices for machine learning [@doi:10.1186/s13040-017-0155-3; @arxiv:1906.01998; @doi:10.1038/s41580-021-00407-0] also apply to deep learning. As with all computational methods, deep learning should be applied in a systematic manner that is reproducible and rigorously tested. Ultimately, the tips we collate range from high-level guidance to best practices for implementation. It is our hope that they will provide actionable, deep learning-specific instructions for both new and experienced deep learning practitioners. By making deep learning more accessible for use in biological research, we aim to improve the overall usage and reporting quality of deep learning in the literature, and to enable increasing numbers of researchers to utilize these state-of-the art techniques effectively and accurately.