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Introduction to Strings

Strings in Python are sequences of Unicode characters. They are used to store and manipulate text-based data. Python provides a wide range of tools and methods for working with strings, making text processing efficient and straightforward.

Basic String Creation

Strings can be created by enclosing characters in quotes. Both single ('...') and double ("...") quotes are used to define strings.

s1 = 'Hello'
s2 = "World"

Multiline Strings

Triple quotes ('''...''' or """...""") are used for multiline strings.

s3 = '''This is
a multiline

Immutable Nature

Strings in Python are immutable, meaning once a string is created, its contents cannot be changed.

String Operations


Use + to concatenate strings. Be aware of the performance cost in repeated concatenations. Consider using str.join() for combining many strings.

# Concatenation using '+'
hello = "Hello"
world = "World"
greeting = hello + ", " + world + "!"  # "Hello, World!"

# Using 'str.join()' for efficient concatenation
words = ["Python", "is", "awesome"]
sentence = " ".join(words)  # "Python is awesome"


Strings can be repeated using *.

echo = "Echo! " * 3  # "Echo! Echo! Echo! "

Slicing and Indexing

  • Access characters by index (0-based).
  • Negative indexing is supported (starts from the end).
  • Slicing syntax: [start:end:step].
# Indexing
name = "Python"
first_char = name[0]   # 'P'
last_char = name[-1]   # 'n'

# Slicing
substring = name[1:4]  # "yth" (characters from index 1 to 3)
step_slice = name[0:6:2]  # "Pto" (every second character from index 0 to 5)


Use len(string) to get the length of a string.

# Length of a string
length = len("Hello, World!")  # 13


Strings are iterable. You can loop over them character by character.

# Iterating over a string
for char in "Hello":
# This will print each character in "Hello" on a new line

String Methods

Case Conversion

  • str.lower(): Converts all characters in the string to lowercase.
    • "PYTHON".lower() → 'python'
  • str.upper(): Converts all characters in the string to uppercase.
    • "python".upper() → 'PYTHON'
  • str.title(): Converts the first character of each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
    • "hello world".title() → 'Hello World'
  • str.capitalize(): Converts the first character to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
    • "hello".capitalize() → 'Hello'
  • str.swapcase(): Swaps the case of each character in the string.
    • "PyThOn".swapcase() → 'pYtHoN'

Searching and Replacing

  • str.find(): Returns the lowest index of the substring if found, otherwise -1.
    • "Hello".find("e") → 1
  • str.index(): Similar to find(), but raises ValueError if the substring is not found.
    • "Hello".index("e") → 1
  • str.rfind(): Returns the highest index of the substring (searches from the end).
    • "Hello".rfind("l") → 3
  • str.count(): Counts how many times a substring occurs in the string.
    • "Hello".count("l") → 2
  • str.replace(old, new): Replaces occurrences of a substring with another.
    • "Hello".replace("l", "p") → 'Heppo'

Checking Contents

  • str.isdigit(): Checks if all characters in the string are digits.
    • "123".isdigit() → True
  • str.isalpha(): Checks if all characters are alphabetic.
    • "abc".isalpha() → True
  • str.isspace(): Checks if all characters in the string are whitespace.
    • " ".isspace() → True

Trimming and Stripping

  • str.strip(): Removes leading and trailing whitespace (or other specified characters).
    • " Hello ".strip() → 'Hello'
  • str.rstrip(): Removes trailing whitespace (or other specified characters).
    • "Hello ".rstrip() → 'Hello'
  • str.lstrip(): Removes leading whitespace (or other specified characters).
    • " Hello".lstrip() → 'Hello'

Splitting and Joining

  • str.split(): Splits the string into a list by the specified delimiter.
    • "a,b,c".split(",") → ['a', 'b', 'c']
  • str.join(): Joins elements of an iterable into a single string with the string as the delimiter.
    • ", ".join(["a", "b", "c"]) → 'a, b, c'


  • str.format(): Formats the string, replacing placeholders with values.
    • "{} and {}".format("Tea", "Coffee") → 'Tea and Coffee'

String Interpolations (f-strings)

Introduced in Python 3.6, f-strings (formatted string literals) provide a concise and readable way to embed expressions inside string literals. They are prefixed with f or F before the opening quote.


name = "Alice"
age = 30
greeting = f"Hello, my name is {name} and I am {age} years old."
print(greeting)  # Output: "Hello, my name is Alice and I am 30 years old."=
  • F-strings are generally faster than the older methods of string formatting (like % formatting or str.format()), as the expressions are evaluated at runtime and directly embedded into the string.
  • This makes them not only more efficient in terms of writing code but also in terms of execution speed.

String Escaping

  • String escaping is used to insert characters in a string that are otherwise illegal or difficult to include.

  • The backslash (\) is used as an escape character in Python.


Newline: `\n``

print("Hello\nWorld")  # Output will be on two lines

Tab: \t

print("Hello\tWorld")  # Output: "Hello   World" (with a tab space)

Escaping quotes

print("He said, \"Hello World\"")  # Output: He said, "Hello World"

String Parsing

Parsing strings in Python often involves converting string data into more appropriate data types (like integers, floats, or booleans) and vice versa. This is a common task in data handling, especially when dealing with input/output operations.

Converting String to Int/Float

# String to int
number_str = "123"
number_int = int(number_str)
print(number_int)  # Output: 123

# String to float
float_str = "123.45"
float_num = float(float_str)
print(float_num)  # Output: 123.45

Converting String to Boolean

Python doesn't have a built-in method for this, but you can define a simple function. Typically, strings like "True" or "False" are converted respectively.

def str_to_bool(s):
    return s.lower() in ["true", "t", "yes", "1"]

bool_str = "True"
bool_val = str_to_bool(bool_str)
print(bool_val)  # Output: True

Converting Int/Float to String

# Integer to string
int_num = 123
int_str = str(int_num)
print(int_str)  # Output: "123"

# Float to string
float_num = 123.45
float_str = str(float_num)
print(float_str)  # Output: "123.45"

Example - Handling Errors

Parsing can fail if the string doesn't represent a valid value of the target type. For instance, int('abc') will raise a ValueError. It's often good practice to handle these cases, possibly using try-except blocks.

s = "not a number"
    val = int(s)
except ValueError:
    print(f"Cannot convert '{s}' to an integer.")