- give shap_sample parameter for shap dependence plot with large dataset
- make plot background transparent?
- Only use ScatterGl above a certain cutoff
- seperate standard shap plots for shap_interaction plots
- using some kind of inheritance?
- change lines and annotation to this:
- add some of these: https://towardsdatascience.com/introducing-shap-decision-plots-52ed3b4a1cba
- pdp: add multiclass option
- no icelines just mean and index with different thickness
- new method?
- pass n_jobs to pdp_isolate
- add ExtraTrees and GradientBoostingClassifier to tree visualizers
- add plain language explanations
- could add an parameter to the
in which case instead of a plot the function returns a verbal description of the relationship in the plot. - Then add an "in words" button to the components, that show a popup with the verbal explanation.
- could add an parameter to the
- add TablePopout
- add SimpleClassifierDashboard
- add SimpleRegressionDashboard
- Add EDA style feature histograms, bar charts, correlation graphs, etc
- add cost calculator/optimizer for classifier models based on confusion matrix weights
- add Youden J's calculation
- add group fairness metrics
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.05591.pdf
- https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fairmodels/vignettes/Basic_tutorial.html
- http://manifold.mlvis.io/
- generate groups programmatically!
- automatic reloads with watchdog
- add reloader=None, debug=None, options
- make example deployment on heroku
autodetect when uuid name get rendered and issue warning
Add side-by-side option to cutoff selector component
add filter to index selector using pattern matching callbacks:
add querystring method to ExplainerComponents
add pos_label_name property to PosLabelConnector search
add "number of indexes" indicator to RandomIndexComponents for current restrictions
set equivalent_col when toggling cats in dependence/interactions
- Add a constraints function to whatif component:
- tests if current feature input is allowed
- gives specific feedback when constraint broken
- could build WhatIfComponentException for this?
- Add sliders option to what if component
- Add a constraints function to whatif component:
- add support for SamplingExplainer, PartitionExplainer, PermutationExplainer, AdditiveExplainer
- add support for LimeTabularExplainer:
- Add this method? : https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04750?
- add tests for InterpretML EBM (shap 0.37)
- write tests for explainerhub CLI add user
- test model_output='probability' and 'raw' or 'logodds' seperately
- write tests for explainer_methods
- write tests for explainer_plots
add memory savings to docs:
- memory_usage()
- keep_shap_pos_label_only()
- set_X_row_func, etc
add cats_topx cats_sort to docs
add hide_wizard and wizard to docs
add hide_poweredby to docs
add Docker deploy example (from issue)
document register_components no longer necessary
add new whatif parameters to README and docs
add section to docs and README on storing and loading explainer/dashboard from file/config
retake screenshots of components as cards
Add type hints:
- to explainers
- to explainer class methods
- to explainer_methods
- to explainer_plots
Add pydata video when it comes online (january 4th)
- Make example heroku deployment repo
- Make example heroku ExplainerHub repo
- submit pull request to shap with broken test for shap/shap#723