//! Default Compute@Edge template program.
import snepPage from "./[email protected]"
//importing an HTML Page
// import snepPrint from "./snepprint.jpg"
// importing a Picture
// The entry point for your application.
// Use this fetch event listener to define your main request handling logic. It could be
// used to route based on the request properties (such as method or path), send
// the request to a backend, make completely new requests, and/or generate
// synthetic responses.
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => event.respondWith(handleRequest(event)));
//putting the event.respondWith up here and setting it to respond with the value returned from handleRequest(event)
async function handleRequest(event) {
//Declaring an asynchronous function
// Get the client request so we can modify it.
let req = event.request;
// Filter requests that have unexpected methods.
if (!["HEAD", "GET"].includes(req.method)) {
return new Response("This method is not allowed", {
status: 405,
let url = new URL(req.url);
//creating a new url
// If request is to the `/` path... we're going to do some things
if (url.pathname == "/") {
const req = event.request;
//Getting the request again because this isn't good code.
let mowable = req.headers.get('user-agent')
//Get the value contained in the user-agent header and set mowable to whatever it is
if (mowable === 'mow') // Check the value of mowable to see if it equals mow
console.log("Mow detected") //Press F12 to open the console on Chrome and see this
let resp = new Response( null, { //Crafting a new response
headers: new Headers({ 'Location': 'https://homph.snowme.ws/' //with new headers
status: 302, //and a new status, which is a redirect
url: req.url
return resp // return the response
// otherwise just return a response with the default page
let resp = new Response(snepPage, {
headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8" }),
status: 200
return resp
// Catch all other requests and return a 404.
return new Response("The page you requested could not be found", {
status: 404,