- 3rd November 2022 14:00
Online workshop, Zoom link sent in the registration email.
- Narrative CVs and Policies
- Open Science and FAIR Principles
- Data Management Planning
- Active Data Storage
- Data-related resources at the University
bio_rdm [@] ed.ac.uk
FAIR in (bio) practice
22-25 November in the afternoons
ED-DASH https://edcarp.github.io/Ed-DaSH/index.html
- statistics (intermediate, high-dimension, ML)
- command line
- conda and workflows
RDS training https://www.ed.ac.uk/is/data-training
PowerPoint slides can be found here
Click download button to get the file
Choosing repositories
Information about available services including centrally run trainings and learning materials.
Biology-tailored resources related to data managment.
- Re-usable paragraphs for DMP
- List of recommended data repositories
- Practical guides to Benchling, DataStore, DataVault
- https://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/computing/desktop-personal/connect-uni-file-storage
- https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/x/tet_H
The network file system that MUST BE used for all research data
Collaborative platform, recommended for co-writing documents and presentations - no more bouncing emails
Free to use web-space, for simple home pages, project pages,
organizing files, collaborative documents
and even simple ELN
Tool that helps writing DMPS
Repository for storing and publishing laboratories protocols
The University respository for sharing public data