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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/smart_charging_result.png differ
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+EV Charging Model Process and Flowchart
+This EV charging model simulates the charging behavior of the following on-road vehicle
+categories: light-duty vehicles (LDV), light-duty trucks (LDT), medium-duty vehicles
+(MDV), and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV). The default LDV and LDT trip data come from the
+2017 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), with an example of the data included in
+.. _example_daily_trips:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/daily_trips.png
+ :align: center
+ Example daily trips of vehicle data from NHTS
+These are also divided into Census Divisions, which are then mapped to the
+corresponding regions within the grid model. The MDV and HDV trip data are anonymized
+from the Texas Commercial Vehicle Survey and calibrated to align with medium- and heavy-
+duty vehicle trip statistics. More details about each data set are included in
+:numref:`vehicle_travel_patterns` and can be updated to reflect different vehicle
+scenarios or incorporate more recent data. In all cases, an average weekday and average
+weekend daily pattern of vehicle trips is calculated from the vehicle trip data. Then,
+these trips are filtered by vehicle type (e.g. LDV, LDT, MDV, and HDV) and by range for
+LDVs and LDTs (e.g. less than 100 miles, less than 200 miles, less than 300 miles) to
+capture what is capable for typical battery capacities. This creates a weekday and
+weekend daily pattern of BEV-capable trips that will be used in the subsequent steps.
+The LDV and LDT vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by hour is presented in
+.. _vmt_by_hour:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/vmt_by_hour.png
+ :align: center
+ Light-duty vehicle/truck miles traveled by hour of the day for weekends and weekdays
+Similarly, Figure :numref:`dwelling_over_24h` illustrates the percentage of vehicles
+parked and able to charge at each hour over a 24-hour period.
+.. _dwelling_over_24h:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/dwelling_over_24h.png
+ :align: center
+ Status of dwelling vehicles over 24-hour period
+The flowchart in :numref:`trip_patterns_flowchart` illustrates the entire procedure.
+.. _trip_patterns_flowchart:
+.. mermaid::
+ :caption: Daily BEV-capable trip patterns
+ flowchart TD
+ subgraph main[ ]
+ subgraph input[ ]
+ A(Input: NHTS trip data for LDV/LDT)
+ B(Input: Anonymized trip data for MDV/HDV)
+ end
+ A==>C(Divide into census region)
+ C==>D(Create weekday and weekend pattern of typical vehicle trips)
+ B==>D
+ D==>E("Filter trips by range [0,100, 0,200, 0,300] miles")
+ E==>F(Create weekday and weekend pattern of BEV-capable trips)
+ end
+ class input white_no_border
+ class main,A,B,C,D,E,F white
+ classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
+ classDef white_no_border fill:#ffffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px
+These daily BEV-capable trip patterns are then further distributed temporally and
+spatially, as discussed in more detail in :numref:`annual_vehicle_miles_traveled`.
+State-level and urban area (UA) VMT per capita were taken from the Department of
+Transportation’s transportation health tool and create the distribution across rural
+and urban areas, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau
+:cite:p:`DoT_transportation_health_tool`, :cite:p:`CB_urban_rural_classification`.
+Weight factors from the U.S. EPA model, MOVES, create the time-of-year scaling of
+weekday versus weekend and month of the year :cite:p:`EPA_moves`.
+Projections from NREL’s Electrification Futures Study (EFS) provide the adoption rate
+scaling of BEV demand to create the base-year and simulation-year profiles of BEV-
+capable trip patterns :cite:p:`NREL_electric_technology_adoption`. Total charging
+demand by area (urban and rural) is scaled based on state-level BEV VMT projections
+from NREL’s EFS :cite:p:`NREL_efs`. As more granular BEV projections become available,
+scaling projections could be targeted to specific urban and rural areas given the
+model’s structure. The procedure is shown in :numref:`dynamics_flowchart`.
+.. _dynamics_flowchart:
+.. mermaid::
+ :caption: Simulating base-year and simulation-year dynamics
+ flowchart LR
+ subgraph main[ ]
+ direction TB
+ subgraph start[ ]
+ A(Weekday and weekend pattern
of BEV-capable trips)
+ end
+ subgraph input[ ]
+ direction LR
+ B(Input: census population data
for urban area and states)
+ C(Input: DoT Transportation and Health Tool's
VMT per capita for urban areas and states)
+ B------C
+ end
+ A====input
+ D(Convert state-level VMT per capita into one
year's total of urban and rural driving for each state)
+ input==>D
+ subgraph middle[ ]
+ direction LR
+ E(Annual amount of VMT is distributed
across weeks and months based on
driving data from EPA's MOVES)
+ F(Input: EPA's MOVES for weekday/weekend
and monthly VMT distributions)
+ F----E
+ end
+ D==>middle
+ subgraph last[ ]
+ direction LR
+ G(Create a base-year and simulation-year profile
of BEV-capable trips by scaling annual VMT
to match NREL's EFS projections)
+ H(Input: NREL's EFS projections of
future BEV adoption rates)
+ H----G
+ end
+ middle==>last
+ end
+ class main,A,input,B,C,D,middle,E,F,last,G,H white
+ class start white_no_border
+ classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
+ classDef white_no_border fill:#ffffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px
+Algorithmically, these projections are modeled by making multiple copies of individual
+trips, as illustrated in :numref:`scaling_process_vehicle_trip`, which are used in the
+smart charging algorithm.
+.. _scaling_process_vehicle_trip:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/scaling_process_vehicle_trip.png
+ :align: center
+ Scaling process of vehicle trip
+With the projected BEV vehicle trips in place, NREL’s EFS is again used to set the fuel
+efficiency for the simulated year to determine the amount of electricity needed to
+charge after each BEV trip. Then, the charging model uses one of two charging
+algorithm strategies: immediate (uncoordinated) charging and smart (optimal) charging,
+with example illustrations shown in :numref:`immediate_charging_result` and
+:numref:`smart_charging_result`. Both algorithms are deterministic and directly
+utilize the input vehicle trip data to calculate the charging demand based on vehicle
+travel distances, dwell locations, and user defined infrastructure parameters. The
+Smart Charging algorithm currently uses an optimization function to minimize wholesale
+prices via flattening the net load curve. Incorporating additional optimization goals
+that will change the cost function, such as minimizing individual vehicle costs in
+response to time-varying utility rate structures, will be explored in future work. For
+the Smart Charging algorithm, each representative vehicle sequentially sets its
+charging pattern in response to the optimization function as well as an aggregate load
+profile. That vehicle’s additional charging load is then added to the aggregate load
+profile, which is then sent to the next vehicle as an input to its smart charging
+decision. The aggregate profile of electricity demand from all smart-charging BEVs is
+then simply the sum across all vehicles (see :numref:`demand_calculation_flowchart`).
+.. _demand_calculation_flowchart:
+.. mermaid::
+ :caption: Calculating simulation-year electricity demand
+ flowchart TB
+ subgraph main[ ]
+ direction TB
+ subgraph input[ ]
+ direction RL
+ A(Base-year and simulation-year
profile of BEV trips)
+ B(Input: NREL's EFS for fuel efficiency
projections by vehicle type)
+ B---->A
+ end
+ C(Fuel efficiency projections determine
charging needed after each vehicle trip)
+ input==>C
+ D(Charging algorithm: immediate and smart)
+ C==>D
+ E(Create a simulation-year profile
of electricity demand from
transportation electrification)
+ D==>E
+ end
+ class main,input,A,B,C,D,E white
+ classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
+ classDef white_no_border fill:#ffffff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px
+Immediate and Smart Charging Example Outputs
+Immediate Charging refers to full power charging at time of plug-in until full capacity
+reached or car unplugged, whichever comes first.
+.. _immediate_charging_result:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/immediate_charging_result.png
+ :align: center
+ Notional results for immediate charging algorithm, with charging hours within the
+ bracket
+Smart charging refers to coordinated charging, where drivers provide information on their travel schedule and charging demand to the electric grid operator.
+.. _smart_charging_result:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/smart_charging_result.png
+ :align: center
+ Notional results for smart charging algorithm, with charging hours within the
+ bracket
+**Example Output -- Immediate Charging**. Immediate Charging refers to full power
+charging at time of plug-in until the battery is full or until the vehicle departs on
+the next driving trip. :numref:`ldv_immediate_charging_output` and
+:numref:`ldt_immediate_charging_output` present normalized, unscaled LDV and LDT
+charging demand, respectively. These normalized profiles are then scaled based on the
+parameters for the desired simulation year, with an example output shown in
+:numref:`example_ldv_immediate_load`. These include the projected VMT for the
+simulated year, the fuel efficiency projection (e.g. number of kWh used per mile
+traveled), and the efficiency of the charging process.
+.. _ldv_immediate_charging_output:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/ldv_immediate_charging_output.png
+ :align: center
+ Normalized LDV immediate charging output for 168 hours (1 week)
+.. _ldt_immediate_charging_output:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/ldt_immediate_charging_output.png
+ :align: center
+ Normalized LDT immediate charging output for 168 hours (1 week)
+**Example Output -- Smart Charging**. Smart charging refers to coordinated charging,
+where drivers provide information on their travel schedule and charging demand to the
+electric grid operator. Vehicle charging is optimized based on cost (e.g., time-of-use
+rates), grid support needs, travel considerations, and vehicle constraints.
+:numref:`ldv_smart_charging_output` and :numref:`ldt_smart_charging_output` present
+normalized, unscaled LDV and LDT smart charging demand, respectively.
+:numref:`example_ldv_smart_load` shows an example of the results from LDV smart
+charging at scale that was optimized for grid support needs by flattening net demand
+(e.g. “filling in the valleys”).
+.. _ldv_smart_charging_output:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/ldv_smart_charging_output.png
+ :align: center
+ Normalized LDV smart charging output for 168 hours (1 week)
+.. _ldt_smart_charging_output:
+.. figure:: demand/transportation_electrification/img/methodology/ldt_smart_charging_output.png
+ :align: center
+ Normalized LDT smart charging output for 168 hours (1 week)
+.. _vehicle_travel_patterns:
+Vehicle Travel Patterns
+Light-duty Travel patterns
+The 2017 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) documents the light-duty vehicle and
+light-duty truck travel patterns (https://nhts.ornl.gov/). Data from the NHTS 2017
+``trippub.csv`` dataset were filtered to identify all vehicle trips. Relevant data were
+then divided into nine datasets, one for each Census Division, as defined within the
+dataset, see :numref:`census_divisions_table`.
+.. _census_divisions_table:
+.. table:: Census divisions
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | Division Number| Name | States Included |
+ +================+====================+======================================+
+ | 01 | New England | CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 02 | Middle Atlantic | PA, NJ, NY |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 03 | East North Central | IL, IN, MI, OH, WI |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 04 | West North Central | IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 05 | South Atlantic | DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV, (DC) |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 06 | East South Central | AL, KY, MS, TN |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 07 | West South Central | AR, LA, OK, TX |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 08 | Mountain | AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | 09 | Pacific | AK, CA, HI, OR, WA |
+ +----------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------+
+The definition for each column in the final datasets is in
+:numref:`nhts_trip_dataset_table`. Columns 1-20 are taken directly from the NHTS
+dataset, and columns 21-28 are calculated values based on the preceding columns.
+.. _nhts_trip_dataset_table:
+.. table:: Columns in modified NHTS trip Dataset
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | Column | Variable |
+ +========+================================+
+ | 1 | Household |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 2 | Vehicle ID |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 3 | Person ID |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 4 | Scaling Factor Applied |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 5 | Trip Number |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 6 | Date (YYYYMM) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 7 | Day of Week (1 - 7) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 8 | If Weekend |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 9 | Trip Start Time (HHMM) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 10 | Trip End Time (HHMM) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 11 | Travel Minutes |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 12 | Dwell Time |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 13 | Miles Traveled |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 14 | Vehicle Miles Traveled |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 15 | Why From |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 16 | Why To |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 17 | Vehicle Type (1-4 LDV, 5+ LDT) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 18 | Household Vehicle Count |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 19 | Household Size |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 20 | Trip Type |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 21 | Start Time (hour decimal) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 22 | End Time (hour decimal) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 23 | Dwell Time (hour decimal) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 24 | Travel Time (hour decimal) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 25 | Vehicle Speed (mi/hour) |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 26 | Sample Vehicle Number |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 27 | Total Vehicle Trips |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+ | 28 | Total Vehicle Miles Traveled |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+
+Total vehicle trips variable refers to the total number of trips a single vehicle takes
+in the sample window (24 hours). Trips are divided into weekday and weekend trips. The
+resulting charging profile for each day type is replicated across the year, i.e., each
+weekday and each weekend are the same set of trips across the year.
+:numref:`trip_count_table` presents the total number of trips in the trip datasets for
+each vehicle category. The weekday and weekend trips are weighted based on the MOVES
+weight factors. The charging demand is scaled up and down further based on the MOVES
+monthly weight factors depending on the month of the year.
+.. _trip_count_table:
+.. table:: Trip count by vehicle category, census division, and day of week
+ +------------------+-----------------+-------------------+
+ | Vehicle Category | Census Division | Trip Count |
+ + + +---------+---------+
+ | | | Weekday | Weekend |
+ +==================+=================+=========+=========+
+ | LDV | 01 | 3979 | 1235 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 02 | 32831 | 10664 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 03 | 30815 | 5116 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 04 | 8962 | 2885 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 05 | 58173 | 9620 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 06 | 2294 | 611 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 07 | 52982 | 7818 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 08 | 9127 | 2033 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 09 | 53554 | 16386 |
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | LDT | 01 | 2881 | 935 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 02 | 29513 | 9347 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 03 | 31788 | 5478 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 04 | 10157 | 2960 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 05 | 58900 | 9465 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 06 | 2416 | 678 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 07 | 60929 | 8530 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 08 | 10006 | 2084 |
+ + +-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | | 09 | 40161 | 12116 |
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | MDV | All | 8302 | same |
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+ | HDV | All | 8407 | same |
+ +------------------+-----------------+---------+---------+
+Medium- and Heavy-duty Vehicles
+The construction of the original representative datasets is described in
+The following is a description of the data that are rendered from the initial,
+representative HDV dataset.
+1. Trip times, trip count, and miles traveled – data on trips was taken from the
+ original trip datasets and scaled to align with known statistics for the target
+ region. Only trip count, times, and miles traveled were included. Information on
+ locations, vehicle identity, vehicle class, and vocation are excluded.
+2. Dwell location – dwell locations are simplified to being either a “home base
+ location” or not. Home base locations are defined as depots that are owned, managed,
+ and/or under contract with the same entity as the fleet vehicle.
+3. Trip start and stop times – travel and dwell times by time of day.
+The final data table structure is presented in :numref:`mdv_and_hdv_trip_dataset`. Each
+row of the data table is a unique trip taken by the specified vehicle.
+.. _mdv_and_hdv_trip_dataset:
+.. table:: Columns in modified MDV and HDV trip datasets
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | Column | Variable | Description |
+ +========+================================+=======================================+
+ | 1 | Vehicle Number | Unique vehicle number |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 2 | Trip Number | Current trip number of vehicle |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 3 | Destination (home base or not) | Where the trip ends, 1 = home base, |
+ | | | 2 = not home base |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 4 | Trip Distance | Miles traveled in the trip |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 5 | Trip Start | Time of trip start |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 6 | Trip End | Time of trip end |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 7 | Dwell Time | Length of time vehicle parked between |
+ | | | trips |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 8 | Trip Time | Length of travel time |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 9 | Total Vehicle Trips | Total count of trips taken by the |
+ | | | identified vehicle in the time window |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+ | 10 | Total Vehicle Miles | Total vehicle miles traveled by |
+ | | | vehicle in time window |
+ +--------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
+.. _annual_vehicle_miles_traveled:
+Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled
+The model is structured for a single base year and three future years: 2017, 2030,
+2040, and 2050. Each year is unique based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and fuel
+economy (miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent, mi/GGE), which together determine
+annual vehicle electricity demand. The base year and future projections of battery
+electric vehicle miles traveled are taken from NREL’s Electrification Futures Study
+:cite:p:`NREL_electric_technology_adoption`. BEV VMT is divided into VMT occurring in
+Urban Areas (UA) and Rural Areas (RA). UA is a term assigned by the U.S. Census Bureau
+and is described as areas with a population of 50,000 people or more
+:cite:p:`CB_urban_rural_classification`. Other years are available from NREL, if
+Electric Vehicle Miles Traveled Projections by Urban and Rural Area
+VMT per capita for each state and Urban Area (UA) was taken from the Department of
+Transportation’s transportation health tool :cite:p:`DoT_transportation_health_tool`.
+To determine total state VMT, state population was taken from Census data and was
+multiplied by the above state VMT per capita data
+:cite:p:`DoT_transportation_health_tool` :cite:p:`CB_urban_rural_classification`. Then,
+to calculate the fraction of total state VMT that is allocated to each urban area (UA)
+and rural area (RA), the UA population was also pulled from Census data
+:cite:p:`CB_urban_rural_classification`. From there, the UA population was multiplied
+by UA VMT per capita to get total UA VMT. Lastly, UA VMT is subtracted from state VMT
+to determine the RA VMT for the state. These calculations are summarized below:
+.. math::
+ V_{\rm state} = A_{\rm state} \times P_{\rm state}
+| where:
+| :math:`V_{\rm state}` is the state VMT,
+| :math:`A_{\rm state}` is the VMT per capita,
+| :math:`P_{\rm state}` is the state population.
+.. math::
+ V_{\rm UA} = A_{\rm state} \times P_{\rm UA}
+| where:
+| :math:`V_{\rm UA}` is the urban area VMT,
+| :math:`P_{\rm UA}` is the urban area population.
+.. math::
+ V_{\rm RA} = A_{\rm state} - \sum V_{\rm UA}
+| where:
+| :math:`V_{\rm RA}` is the rural area VMT.
+Monthly and Daily Weight Factors
+Along with the rural/urban distribution, the default scenarios also use weekday/weekend
+and monthly weight factors to distribute annual VMT. These weight factors come directly
+from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator
+(MOVES) model :cite:p:`EPA_moves`. The weight factor values are listed in
+:numref:`weekday_vs_weekend_weight_table` and :numref:`month_weight_table`.
+.. _weekday_vs_weekend_weight_table:
+.. table:: Weekday versus weekend weight factors
+ +-------------------------------+---------+----------+
+ | Day Type | Rural | Urban |
+ +===============================+=========+==========+
+ | Weekday (divided over 5 days) | 0.72118 | 0.762365 |
+ +-------------------------------+---------+----------+
+ | Weekend (divided over 2 days) | 0.27882 | 0.237635 |
+ +-------------------------------+---------+----------+
+.. _month_weight_table:
+.. table:: Month weight factors
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | Month | Weight Factor |
+ +===========+===============+
+ | January | 0.0731 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | February | 0.0697 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | March | 0.0817 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | April | 0.0823 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | May | 0.0875 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | June | 0.0883 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | July | 0.0923 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | August | 0.0934 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | September | 0.0847 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | October | 0.0865 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | November | 0.0802 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+ | December | 0.0802 |
+ +-----------+---------------+
+BEV VMT Projections
+To calculate the BEV VMT by vehicle class for each UA, state-level BEV VMT projections
+were based on the NREL Electrification Futures Study for 9 vehicle types
+1. LDV BEV Cars: 100 mi, 200 mi, 300 mi
+2. LDV BEV Trucks: 100 mi, 200 mi, 300 mi
+3. BEV Transit Buses
+4. MDV Trucks
+5. HDV Trucks
+Projections were used for 2030, 2040, and 2050. The 2017 base year assumptions were
+calibrated based on historical data. For all years, BEV VMT at the state level was
+translated to BEV VMT at the UA level by multiplying the state-level projections by the
+fraction of state VMT allocated to each UA. It is assumed that the proportion of VMT
+occurring in urban areas relative to total state VMT will be constant moving into the
+future. There are some UAs that did not have VMT data. Out of 481 UAs, 56 did not have
+VMT per capita data from the DOT, so those entries are zeros.
+Once each UA and the state’s RA have their projected annual VMT for a simulation year,
+the annual VMT is distributed to each day of the year based on weight factors from U.S.
+EPA MOVES model, see :numref:`scaling_table`. Each daily weight factor represents the
+fraction of annual VMT that is traveled in that specific day. The daily weight factors
+vary by month, whether the VMT is in a UA or a RA, and whether the day is a weekday or
+a weekend day. For example, within a given urban area all weekdays in January have the
+same weight factor and therefore the same allocated VMT.
+.. _scaling_table:
+.. table:: Urban and rural scaling factors by month and weekday vs weekend
+ +-----------+-------------------+-------------------+
+ | | Urban | Rural |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | Month | Weekday | Weekend | Weekday | Weekend |
+ +===========+=========+=========+=========+=========+
+ | January | 0.00252 | 0.00196 | 0.00238 | 0.00230 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | February | 0.00266 | 0.00207 | 0.00251 | 0.00243 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | March | 0.00279 | 0.00218 | 0.00266 | 0.00257 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | April | 0.00296 | 0.00231 | 0.00268 | 0.00277 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | May | 0.00299 | 0.00233 | 0.00285 | 0.00275 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | June | 0.00313 | 0.00244 | 0.00297 | 0.00287 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | July | 0.00321 | 0.00250 | 0.00301 | 0.00291 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | August | 0.00319 | 0.00249 | 0.00304 | 0.00294 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | September | 0.00302 | 0.00236 | 0.00285 | 0.00276 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | October | 0.00298 | 0.00232 | 0.00282 | 0.00272 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | November | 0.00284 | 0.00221 | 0.00270 | 0.00261 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+ | December | 0.00279 | 0.00217 | 0.00262 | 0.00253 |
+ +-----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
+The trip data are scaled based on the allocated daily VMT. The daily patterns are
+adjusted by scaling the VMT of each trip within the daily patterns so that the total
+across the simulation matches the Annual VMT projection for each state.
+Fuel Efficiency Projections
+NREL’s Electrification Futures Study also projects average BEV fuel economy over time, based on assumptions regarding technology improvements and vehicle range
+:cite:p:`NREL_efs`. NREL provides a range of possible BEV fuel economies (“Slow
+Advancement”, “Moderate Advancement”, and “Rapid Advancement”). The charging model uses
+mid-range values as the default fuel economy for each vehicle category and year, as
+shown in :numref:`bev_fuel_economy_table`.
+.. _bev_fuel_economy_table:
+.. table:: Default BEV fuel economy by vehicle category and year
+ +-------------------------------------+---------------------------+
+ | | Fuel Economy (mile/GGE) |
+ + +------+------+------+------+
+ | Vehicle Type | 2017 | 2030 | 2040 | 2050 |
+ +=====================================+======+======+======+======+
+ | LDV BEV cars, 100 mile range | 138 | 156 | 158 | 160 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | LDV BEV cars, 200 mile range | 129 | 152 | 155 | 156 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | LDV BEV cars, 300 mile range | 122 | 148 | 152 | 154 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | LDT BEV trucks, 100 mile range | 103 | 105 | 106 | 107 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | LDT BEV trucks, 200 mile range | 97 | 103 | 104 | 104 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | LDT BEV trucks, 300 mile range | 94 | 100 | 101 | 102 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | Transit buses | 13 | 16 | 18 | 19 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | MDV trucks | 16 | 21 | 23 | 24 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+ | HDV trucks | 12 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
+ +-------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
+Smart Charging Optimization Algorithm
+The smart charging algorithm was developed by :cite:p:`2014:zhang`. The algorithm is a
+least cost optimization problem, with the cost function as follows:
+.. math::
+ min \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^{seg(i)} f_{ij} x_{ij}
+| where:
+| :math:`f` is the cost of electricity in [$/kWh],
+| :math:`x` is the increase in vehicle state of charge in [kWh],
+| :math:`i` is the dwell period per trip count,
+| :math:`seg(i)` is the number of dwell segments for dwell period :math:`i`,
+| :math:`j` is the dwell segment in [h],
+| :math:`n` is the total number of dwell per trip periods
+The total number of dwell segments :math:`seg(i)` will depend on the how long the
+vehicle is parked.
+**Equality** constraint:
+.. math::
+ \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^{seg(i)} x_{ij} + \sum_{i=1}^n y_i = 0
+| where:
+| :math:`j` is the discharged energy from driving
+**Inequality** constraints:
+.. math::
+ y_1 & > -c
+ y_1 & + \sum_{j=1}^{seg(1)} x_{1j} + y_2 > -c
+ y_1 & + \sum_{j=1}^{seg(1)} x_{1j} + y_2 + \dotsc + \sum_{j=1}^{seg(n-1)} x_{n-1j} + y_n > -c
+| where:
+| :math:`c` is the battery energy capacity in [kWh]
+.. math::
+ 0 \leq x_{ij} \leq p_{ij} \times \Delta t_{ij} \times \eta
+| where:
+| :math:`p` is the rated power of charger in [kW]
+| :math:`\Delta t` is the dwell time in [h]
+| :math:`\eta` is the charging efficiency
+The optimization is structured to minimize the cost to charge each battery electric
+vehicle within defined battery constraints. It is conducted at hourly timescale,
+meaning that cost and electricity demand are provided in hourly segments. Charging
+efficiency is dependent on the type of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).
+Efficiency tends to increase with higher charging rates.
+If a dwell time (:math:`\Delta t`) falls below one hour, the charge (x) available for
+that segment will be reduced proportional to the amount of time spent parked (i.e., if
+a vehicle is parked for 30 minutes, the charge will be reduced to :math:`1/2`). The
+default minimum dwell time to consider a charging event is 0.2 hours, or 12 minutes.
+This value can be modified depending on the user’s scenario. The minimum dwell time is
+set in order to avoid impractical charging events where, in the real world, a vehicle
+operator would not plug in their vehicle due to the shortness of the stop. If the
+charging rate available is high (e.g., DC Fast Charging), a shorter minimum dwell time
+may be warranted.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index fb2e5f5a7..3e8393727 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ folder adjacent to your clone of PreREISE.
generate any input data if you use the scenario framework to carry out power flow
+.. contents:: :local:
General Comments
@@ -61,6 +63,10 @@ Transportation Electrification
.. include::
+.. include::
+ demand/transportation_electrification/methodology.rst
NREL Electrification Futures Study Demand and Flexibility Data
.. include::
@@ -107,3 +113,7 @@ Resources
.. include::
+.. bibliography::