Official .NET SDK for Deepgram's automated speech recognition APIs.
This SDK only supports hosted usage of
To access the API you will need a Deepgram account. Sign up for free at signup.
Full documentation of the .NET SDK can be found on the Deepgram Developer Portal.
You can learn more about the full Deepgram API at
To install the C# client library using NuGet:
Run the following command from your terminal in your projects directory:
dotnet add package Deepgram
- 6.0.0
- 5.0.0
- .NET Core 3.1
- .NET Standard 2.0
To setup the configuration of the Deepgram Client you can do one of the following:
- Create a Deepgram Client instance and pass in credentials in the constructor.
var credentials = new Credentials(YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);
var deepgramClient = new DeepgramClient(credentials);
- Provide the Deepgram API key and optional API Url in
"appSettings": {
"Deepgram.Api.Key": "YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY",
"Deepgram.Api.Uri": ""
Note: In the event multiple configuration files are found, the order of precedence is as follows:
* ```appsettings.json``` which overrides
* ```settings.json```
- Access the Configuration instance and set the appropriate key in your code for example:
Configuration.Instance.Settings["appSettings:Deepgram.Api.Key"] = "YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY";
Configuration.Instance.Settings["appSettings:Deepgram.Api.Uri"] = "";
var credentials = new Credentials(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);
var deepgramClient = new DeepgramClient(credentials);
var response = await deepgramClient.Transcription.Prerecorded.GetTranscriptionAsync(
new Deepgram.Transcription.UrlSource(""),
new Deepgram.Transcription.PrerecordedTranscriptionOptions()
Punctuate = true
var credentials = new Credentials(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);
var deepgramClient = new DeepgramClient(credentials);
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("path\\to\\file"))
var response = await deepgramClient.Transcription.Prerecorded.GetTranscriptionAsync(
new Deepgram.Transcription.StreamSource(
new Deepgram.Transcription.PrerecordedTranscriptionOptions()
Punctuate = true
The example below demonstrates sending a pre-recorded audio to simulate a real-time stream of audio. In a real application, this type of audio is better handled using the pre-recorded transcription.
var credentials = new Credentials(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);
var deepgramClient = new DeepgramClient(credentials);
using (var deepgramLive = deepgramClient.CreateLiveTranscriptionClient())
deepgramLive.ConnectionOpened += HandleConnectionOpened;
deepgramLive.ConnectionClosed += HandleConnectionClosed;
deepgramLive.ConnectionError += HandleConnectionError;
deepgramLive.TranscriptReceived += HandleTranscriptReceived;
// Connection opened so start sending audio.
async void HandleConnectionOpened(object? sender, ConnectionOpenEventArgs e)
byte[] buffer;
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("path\\to\\file"))
buffer = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(buffer, 0, (int)fs.Length);
var chunks = buffer.Chunk(1000);
foreach (var chunk in chunks)
await Task.Delay(50);
await deepgramLive.FinishAsync();
void HandleTranscriptReceived(object? sender, TranscriptReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.Transcript.IsFinal && e.Transcript.Channel.Alternatives.First().Transcript.Length > 0) {
var transcript = e.Transcript;
Console.WriteLine($"[Speaker: {transcript.Channel.Alternatives.First().Words.First().Speaker}] {transcript.Channel.Alternatives.First().Transcript}");
void HandleConnectionClosed(object? sender, ConnectionClosedEventArgs e)
Console.Write("Connection Closed");
void HandleConnectionError(object? sender, ConnectionErrorEventArgs e)
var options = new LiveTranscriptionOptions() { Punctuate = true, Diarize = true, Encoding = Deepgram.Common.AudioEncoding.Linear16 };
await deepgramLive.StartConnectionAsync(options);
while (deepgramLive.State() == WebSocketState.Open) { }
The Library uses Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to preform all of it's logging tasks. To configure
logging for your app simply create a new ILoggerFactory and call the LogProvider.SetLogFactory()
method to tell the Deepgram library how to log. For example, to log to the console with Serilog, you'd need to install the Serilog package with dotnet add package Serilog
and then do the following:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Deepgram.Logger;
using Serilog;
var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "{Timestamp:HH:mm} [{Level}]: {Message}\n")
var factory = new LoggerFactory();
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We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the project, let us know! You can either:
- Open an issue on this repository
- Tweet at us! We're @DeepgramDevs on Twitter
Check out the Developer Documentation at