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MAPLE ([M]NaseSeq [A]nalysis [P]ipe[l]i[n]e) was developed in support of NIH's Dr. Zhurkin Laboratory. It has been developed and tested solely on NIH HPC Biowulf.
MAPLE ([M]NaseSeq [A]nalysis [P]ipe[l]i[n]e) was developed in support of NIH's Dr. Zhurkin Laboratory. It has been developed and tested solely on NIH HPC Biowulf.
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GIT binary patch
delta 13
Ucmb=gXP58h;AnWContributions - MAPLE
WG, SS, VK contributed to the generating the source code and all members contributed to the main concepts and analysis.
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- 1. Getting Started - MAPLE
The MAPLE (**M**NaseSeq **A**nalysis **P**ipe**l**i**n**e) github repository is stored locally, and will be used for project deployment. Multiple projects can be deployed from this one point simultaneously, without concern.
MAPLE beings with raw FASTQ files and performs adaptor trimming, assembly, and alignment. Bed files are created, and depending on user input, selected regions of interst may be used. Fragment centers (DYAD's) are then determined, and histograms of occurences are created. QC reports are also generated with each project.
The following are sub-commands used within MNaseSeq:
init: initalize the pipeline
dryrun: predict the binding of peptides to any MHC molecule
MNaseSeq has several dependencies listed below. These dependencies can be installed by a sysadmin. All dependencies will be automatically loaded if running from Biowulf.
The MAPLE (**M**NaseSeq **A**nalysis **P**ipe**l**i**n**e) github repository is stored locally, and will be used for project deployment. Multiple projects can be deployed from this one point simultaneously, without concern.
MAPLE beings with raw FASTQ files and performs adaptor trimming, assembly, and alignment. Bed files are created, and depending on user input, selected regions of interst may be used. Fragment centers (DYAD's) are then determined, and histograms of occurences are created. QC reports are also generated with each project.
The following are sub-commands used within MNaseSeq:
init: initalize the pipeline
dryrun: predict the binding of peptides to any MHC molecule
MNaseSeq has several dependencies listed below. These dependencies can be installed by a sysadmin. All dependencies will be automatically loaded if running from Biowulf.
[date of run]: the slurm output files of the pipeline sorted by pipeline start time; copies of config and manifest files used in this specific pipeline run; error reporting script
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+ 4. Expected Output - MAPLE
[date of run]: the slurm output files of the pipeline sorted by pipeline start time; copies of config and manifest files used in this specific pipeline run; error reporting script
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- 2. Preparing Files - MAPLE
The cluster configuration file dictates the resouces to be used during submission to Biowulf HPC. There are two differnt ways to control these parameters - first, to control the default settings, and second, to create or edit individual rules. These parameters should be edited with caution, after significant testing.
The tools configuration file dictates the version of each tool that is being used. Updating the versions may break specific rules if versions are not backwards compatible with the defaults listed.
There are two manifests used for the pipeline. These files describe information on the samples and desired contrasts. The paths of these files are defined in the config.yaml file. These files are:
This manifest will include information to sample level information. It includes the following column headers: sampleName type path_to_R1_fastq path_to_R2_fastq
sampleName: the sampleID associated with the fasta file; which are unique. This may be a shorthand name, and will be used throughout the analysis.
type: demographic information regarding the sample; example 'tumor'
path_to_R1_fastq: the full path to the R1.fastq.gz file
path_to_R1_fastq: the full path to the R2.fastq.gz file
An example sampleManifest file with multiplexing of one sample. Notice that the multiplexID test_1 is repeated, as Ro_Clip and Control_Clip are both found in the same fastq file, whereas test_2 is not multiplexed:
sampleName type path_to_R1_fastq path_to_R2_fastq
+ 2. Preparing Files - MAPLE
The cluster configuration file dictates the resouces to be used during submission to Biowulf HPC. There are two differnt ways to control these parameters - first, to control the default settings, and second, to create or edit individual rules. These parameters should be edited with caution, after significant testing.
The tools configuration file dictates the version of each tool that is being used. Updating the versions may break specific rules if versions are not backwards compatible with the defaults listed.
There are two manifests used for the pipeline. These files describe information on the samples and desired contrasts. The paths of these files are defined in the config.yaml file. These files are:
This manifest will include information to sample level information. It includes the following column headers: sampleName type path_to_R1_fastq path_to_R2_fastq
sampleName: the sampleID associated with the fasta file; which are unique. This may be a shorthand name, and will be used throughout the analysis.
type: demographic information regarding the sample; example 'tumor'
path_to_R1_fastq: the full path to the R1.fastq.gz file
path_to_R1_fastq: the full path to the R2.fastq.gz file
An example sampleManifest file with multiplexing of one sample. Notice that the multiplexID test_1 is repeated, as Ro_Clip and Control_Clip are both found in the same fastq file, whereas test_2 is not multiplexed:
sampleName type path_to_R1_fastq path_to_R2_fastq
Sample1 tumor /path/to/sample1.R1.fastq.gz /path/to/sample1.R2.fastq.gz
Sample2 tumor /path/to/sample2.R1.fastq.gz /path/to/sample2.R2.fastq.gz
Sample3 tumor /path/to/sample3.R1.fastq.gz /path/to/sample3.R2.fastq.gz
diff --git a/dev/user-guide/run/index.html b/dev/user-guide/run/index.html
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- 3. Running the Pipeline - MAPLE
Review the information on the Getting Started for a complete overview the pipeline. The tutorial below will use test data available on NIH Biowulf HPC only. All example code will assume you are running v1.0 of the pipeline, from the shared [tobedetermined] storage directory, using test_1 data.
A. Change working directory to the iCLIP repository
# general format
+ 5. Running Example Data - MAPLE
Review the information on the Getting Started for a complete overview the pipeline. The tutorial below will use test data available on NIH Biowulf HPC only. All example code will assume you are running v1.0 of the pipeline, from the shared [tobedetermined] storage directory, using test_1 data.
A. Change working directory to the iCLIP repository
# general format
cd /path/to/pipeline/[version number]
# example
diff --git a/dev/user-guide/troubleshooting/index.html b/dev/user-guide/troubleshooting/index.html
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- Troubleshooting - MAPLE
Check your email for an email regarding pipeline failure. You will receive an email from slurm@biowulf.nih.gov with the subject: Slurm Job_id=[#] Name=ccbr1214 Failed, Run time [time], FAILED, ExitCode 1
Check your email for an email regarding pipeline failure. You will receive an email from slurm@biowulf.nih.gov with the subject: Slurm Job_id=[#] Name=ccbr1214 Failed, Run time [time], FAILED, ExitCode 1