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Matej Plavevski edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 17 revisions



In Order to install CCExtractor you need to have the following libraries installed: gcc,tesseract-ocr,tesseract-orc-dev,libleptonica-dev,libcurl4-gnutils-dev

You can install them using apt-get or paste this in your terminal

sudo apt-get install -y gcc
sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libleptonica-dev

Note: On Ubuntu Version 14.04 (Trusty) and earlier, you should build leptonica and tesseract from source


There are 3 ways to set up ccextractor depending on your choice.

  1. First and easiest way is to go in the linux folder and use the build script. cd linux && ./build

  2. Standard linux compilation through Autoconf scripts. You'll need to have autoconf installed using apt-get. ./ && ./configure && make

  3. Using Cmake. mkdir build && cd build; cmake ../src/ && make

After Installation you can now use CCExtractor. To use it call CCExtractor from the terminal by doing ./ccextractor <file>


To use CCExtractor with a gui you will additionally need to install GLEW and GLFW

In order to compile it you'll need to configure it using autoconf. The only difference passing the -with-gui option to


./ && ./configure --with-gui && make

Once set up you can run the GUI interface from the terminal ./ccextractorGUI



In Order to install CCExtractor you need to have the following libraries installed: gcc,tesseract-devel Don't worry tesseract-devel comes default with leptonica

You can install them using yum or paste this in your terminal

sudo yum install -y gcc
sudo yum install -y tesseract-devel


There are 3 ways to set up ccextractor depending on your choice.

  1. First and easiest way is to go in the linux folder and use the build script. cd linux && ./build

  2. Standard linux compilation through Autoconf scripts. You'll need to have autoconf and automake installed using yum to generate configuration script.

./ && ./configure && make

  1. Using Cmake. mkdir build && cd build; cmake ../src/ && make

After Installation you can now use CCExtractor. To use it call CCExtractor from the terminal by doing ./ccextractor <file>


To use CCExtractor with a gui you will additionally need to install GLEW and GLFW

In order to compile it you'll need to configure it using autoconf. The only difference passing the -with-gui option to ./configure.

./ && ./configure --with-gui && make

Once set up you can run the GUI interface from the terminal ./ccextractorGUI



In Order to install CCExtractor on your MacOS device you need to have the following libraries installed: pkg-config, autoconf,automake, libtool, tesseract, leptonica

You can install them using homebrew or paste this in your terminal

brew install pkg-config
brew install autoconf automake libtool
brew install tesseract
brew install leptonica 

To verify that leptonica and tesseract are succesfully installed run pkg-config to check for errors. You can test by using this command:

pkg-config --exists --print-errors tesseract
pkg-config --exists --print-errors lept


There are 3 ways to set up ccextractor depending on your choice.

  1. First and easiest way is to go in the mac folder and use the build script. cd mac && ./build.command

  2. Standard linux compilation through Autoconf scripts.

./ && ./configure && make

  1. Using Cmake. mkdir build && cd build; cmake ../src/ && make

After Installation you can now use CCExtractor. To use it call CCExtractor from the terminal by doing ./ccextractor <file>


To use CCExtractor with a gui you will additionally need to install GLEW and GLFW. You can do that by installing it via homebrew using:

brew install glfw
brew install glew

In order to compile it you'll need to configure it using autoconf. The only difference passing the -with-gui option to ./configure.

./ && ./configure --with-gui && make

Once set up you can run the GUI interface from the terminal ./ccextractorGUI



Open the windows/ccextractor.sln file with Visual Studio (2015 at least), and build it.

Configurations options are: (Debug|Release)-Full

Configurations options include dependent libraries which are used for OCR.

Building Installation Packages

Arch Linux

Go to the package_creators folder using cd and run the ./

Redhat Package Manager (rpm) based Linux Distributions

Go to the package_creators folder using cd and run the ./