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Database maintenance

alismx edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 21 revisions


This page helps guide you through maintaining your local database.

Restart & Clean

When the DB schema changes, the backend may throw an error and fail to start.

Restarting the docker way:

  1. run cd backend
  2. Bring down the service by running docker-compose down
  3. Wipe the DB by running docker system prune && docker images prune && docker volume prune
  4. Restart the service docker-compose up --build

Restarting the SQL way:

  1. run db-setup/
  2. restart the spring app gradle bootRun --args=''


The application uses the Liquibase plugin for Gradle to perform specific database management tasks.

To roll the database back to its state at a prior date:

docker compose run --rm backend gradle liquibaseRollbackToDate -PliquibaseCommandValue=${date}


$ ./gradlew liquibaseRollbackToDate -PliquibaseCommandValue=${date}

To roll back a certain number of migrations:

docker compose run --rm backend gradle liquibaseRollbackCount -PliquibaseCommandValue=${n}


$ ./gradlew liquibaseRollbackCount -PliquibaseCommandValue=${n}

To roll back to a specific tag:

docker compose run --rm backend gradle liquibaseRollback -PliquibaseCommandValue=${TAG}


$ ./gradlew liquibaseUpdateToTag -PliquibaseCommandValue=${TAG}

If you are required to roll back a non-local database, you may generate the necessary SQL to execute elsewhere. Use liquibaseRollbackToDateSQL or liquibaseRollbackCountSQL in the manner described above to write the rollback SQL to stdout.

Rollback gotchas

Our changelog contains some migrations that make use of get_census_dob_group(...) these migrations are not able to be rolled back because they need to specify the schema and thus be rewritten to ${database.defaultSchemaName}.get_census_dob_group(...), rewriting the changelog will require us to manually recompute the checksum inside the databasechangelog table for the affected migrations per every environment and will require some downtime.

To get around this issue, we decided only to test the last 20 rollbacks; that way, we don't hit the problematic migrations. As you can see here

We don't see a case where we will ever rollback to the problematic migrations. This compromise is acceptable.

Local database manipulation

Using Intellij

Using the database tool in IntelliJ, you can view and modify entries in your database. The database tool window can be opened by clicking Database on the right panel of IntelliJ or by going to View > Tool Window > Database


To add your database, go to + > Data Source > Postgres. Set the jdbc URL to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/simple_report, the user to simple_report_app and the password to api123. In the schema tab, ensure the correct schema is selected. Typically you can just set the Schema Pattern to simple_report:simple_report. The connection may now be tested; you can apply the configuration if it's valid.

To access the data, you may go to simple_report@localhost > simple_report > tables and double-click the table you wish to view. To access data via query, you can open the query console and run any query. For example, to get all test_events you can use this query select * from simple_report.test_event;


Using other tools

To view tables/entries in your local database, team members currently use Postico and DataGrip. We recommend you use something similar to view/work with your local data.

To connect to the Postgres server, use the following credentials.

  • username: simple_report_app
  • password: api123
  • port: 5432
  • database: simple_report

Create a new DB server from a backup

  • Click into the database that needs to be restored
  • Click into the "Backup and restore" blade
  • Select the backup that you want to restore to (check the dates but the highest number is the latest)
  • Click the "fast restore" link
  • Set a name to the database you want to restore
  • Click "Review + Create" OR update DB settings if you know what you're doing.
  • Click "Create"

(DANGER) DB version upgrades in deployed environments (DANGER)

** Please be sure to check Terraform plans before applying them to any environment you've upgraded. Depending on what you've done you may either need to update the Terraform configuration or remove/import state to get things lined back up **

  • If this is planned, I suggest you wait for latest backup to prod
  • Create a db instance from a db server backup
  • Name it after the environment you're working in test-db-backup
  • Wait until the server is running and azure has created a backup from the test-db-backup instance before moving on
  • Upgrade the database server either by using pg_dump/pg_restore or by using fancy azure portal button
  • If you're sure the upgrade went well, delete the backup instance test-db-backup
  • If something with the upgrade went terribly wrong and you want your old version back
    • Delete the db instance you just upgraded (this needs to happen because of name collisions, we want to keep all our original settings)
    • Restore a new instance with the original name from the test-db-backup backup instance you created earlier

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