transform scatterplot data into heatmap file for hugeheat. Which will then result in a scatterplot image.
#Required parameters
--input #A tab delimited table with two columns named x and y which correspond to desired axes.
#Optional parameters
--outdir #Location of output (default results/) --resolution # a positive number that specifies the 2 dimensions of the generated scatterplot (default 1000)
--furthest # A number Which specifies the value furthest from zero that will be plotted (default all data) --threshold # A number 0->1 that scpecifies the quantile to determine the furthest point to be plotted (ignores --furthest)
--bins #Bin size to use when pooling data for histogram when using --histogram flag (default 2).
#Optional flags
--histogram # also generate histogram grids for each dimension --proportional # Maintain proportions among both axes of scatterplot. Histograms are always proportional
#Todo Also specify the minimum value to be plotted separately for each axis?