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User Stories

Monica Bui edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

Task Basics

  • US 01.01.01 As a task requester, I want to add a task to my tasks, each denoted with a title, brief description, and initial status: requested.

  • US 01.01.02 (added 2018-02-14) As a task requester, I want the maximum length of the task title to be at least 30 characters.

  • US 01.01.03 (added 2018-02-14) As a task requester, I want the maximum length of the task description to be at least 300 characters.

  • US 01.02.01 As a task requester, I want to view a list of my tasks, with their titles and statuses.

  • US 01.03.01 (revised 2018-02-16) As a task requester, I want to edit the details for any one of my tasks with status: requested.

  • US 01.04.01 As a task requester, I want to delete a task of mine.

Task Details

  • US 02.01.01 As a task requester or provider, I want to view all the details for a given task, including its title, description, status, and lowest bid so far (if any).

  • US 02.02.01 As a task requester or provider, I want a task to have a status to be one of: requested, bidded, assigned, or done.

Bidded means at least one provider bidded on the task.

User Profile

  • US 03.01.01 As a user, I want a profile with a unique username and my contact information.

  • US 03.01.02 (added 2018-02-16) As a user, I want the maximum length of a username to be at least 8 characters.

  • US 03.01.03 (added 2018-02-16) As a user, I want the contact information to include an email address and a phone number.

  • US 03.02.01 As a user, I want to edit the contact information in my profile.

  • US 03.03.01 As a user, I want to, whenever a username is shown, be able to retrieve and see its corresponding contact information.


  • US 04.01.01 As a task provider, I want to specify a set of keywords, and search for all tasks, with status: requested or bidded, whose description contains all the keywords.

  • US 04.02.01 As a task provider, I want search results to show each task with its task requester username, title, status, lowest bid so far (if any).

Task Bidding

  • US 05.01.01 As a task provider, I want to make a bid on a given task with status: requested or bidded, using a monetary amount.

  • US 05.02.01 (revised 2018-02-14) As a task provider, I want to view a list of tasks that I have bidded on, each with its task requester username, title, status, lowest bid so far, and my bid.

  • US 05.03.01 As a task requester, I want to be notified of a bid on my tasks.

  • US 05.04.01 As a task requester, I want to view a list of my tasks with status bidded, each having one or more bids.

  • US 05.05.01 As a task requester, I want to view the bids on one of my tasks.

  • US 05.06.01 (revised 2018-03-28) As a task requester, I want to accept a bid on one of my tasks, setting its status to assigned, and declining any other bids on that task.

  • US 05.07.01 (revised 2018-03-28) As a task requester, I want to decline a bid on one of my tasks.

Declining may be done by marking the bid as such or hiding it.

Task Assigned

  • US 06.01.01 As a task provider, I want to view a list of tasks I am assigned, each task with its task requester username, title, status, and my accepted bid.

  • US 06.02.01 As a task requester, I want to view a list of my tasks with status: assigned, each task with its task provider username, title, status, and accepted bid.

Task Done

  • US 07.01.01 As a task requester, I want to set a task with status: assigned to have status: done, when it is completed.

  • US 07.02.01 (revised 2018-03-28) As a task requester, I want to set a task with status: assigned to have status: requested, when it is not completed and there are no other bids on it.

  • US 07.03.01 (added 2018-03-28) As a task requester, I want to set a task with status: assigned to have status: bidded, when it is not completed and there are other bids on it.

Offline Behaviour

  • US 08.01.01 As a task requester, I want to add or edit tasks while off the network, and have these changes synchronized once I regain connectivity.


  • US 09.01.01 As a task requester, I want to optionally attach one or more photographs as further viewable details to a task of mine.

  • US 09.01.02 (added 2018-04-06) As a task requester, I want the maximum number of photographs that can be attached to a task to be at least 10.

  • US 09.02.01 As a task requester or provider, I want to view any attached photograph for a task.

  • US 09.03.01 As a sys admin, I want each photograph to be under 65536 bytes in size.

Geolocation and Maps

  • US 10.01.01 As a task requester, I want to specify a geo location on a map as further viewable details to a task of mine.

  • US 10.02.01 As a task requester or provider, I want to view any geo location for a task, on a map.

  • US 10.03.01 As a task provider, I want to see a map of all tasks (that have locations), with status: requested or bidded, that are within 5 km of my current location.

WOW factor proposal

  • US 11.01.01 As a task requester, I want to be able to rate a task provider based on how well he/she did on the task.

  • US 11.02.01 As a task requester or provider, I want to be able to view another username's rating.

  • US 11.03.01 As a user, I want to view my own rating.

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