- CaBot destination is managed by hulop MapService
- Destinations can be edited usually at
https://<your domain>/map/editor.jsp
- a user requests the robot for navigating to a destination on a UI (i.e, smartphone app, voice command)
- the system publishes a
message likenavigation;destination;<node_id>
$ rostopic pub -1 /cabot/event std_msgs/String "data: 'navigation;destination;<node_id>'"
- the cabot obtains a route to the destination from the MapService server
- the cabot divides a route into sub-routes depending on its building structure (i.e., manual door, elevator)
- the cabot manages the subgoals based on their location and send each subgoal to navigation2
- you can get landmark.json with the following commands
$ curl 'http://cmu-map.mybluemix.net/map/routesearch' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \ --data-raw 'action=start&cache=false&lat=40.443355355898206&lng=-79.94565317615195&dist=500&user=test&lang=en' \ --output landmark.json
- then list all destinations on the 4th floor from the landmark.json file (CMU gazebo world supports only 4th floor)
$ jq -r '.landmarks[] | select(.name!="" and .properties.ent1_fl==4) | .name + ", " + .node' landmark.json
- UI related events are managed on
topic /cabot/event
(std_msgs/String) will be parsed here and navigation related events are handled here. Examples of events are as follows.navigation;destination;<node_id> # start navigation to the destination navigation;cancel # cancel navigation
can be any id of node in the topology on the MapService map. All nodes should be connected as one graph. Otherwise, the service may not be able to get a proper route.
- Initially, the UI is built upon a voice-feedback menu with buttons on the robot's handle, but it is not maintained.
- The current main UI is built on iOS (not publicly available yet)
- The app will communicate with the robot through a BLE server. The app will be a peripheral of the robot.