Phillip is a discord bot for CSUA.
It verifies users' email addresses and gives them the hoser role.
CSUA Discord Dev Team:
- Ask robertq or rnithin if you need to be added.
Phillip App:
For your developer machine, you will need to create a new discord app. Go to and click "New Application". Once it's created, go to the "Bot" tab on the left and create a bot user. Copy the token and paste it in your .env
file. It should look something like:
Next, go to the "Bot" tab. Under "Privledged Gateway Intents", make sure to authorize both "Presence Intent" and "Server Members Intent". These permissions are required for Phillip to work.
Now, go to the "OAuth2" tab. Under the OAuth2 URL generator, select the "bot" scope. Then, select the bot permissions. Phillip also needs these permissions to work.
- Send Messages
- Manage Roles
Then, copy the URL and paste it into your browser. You will probably want to create a test server to test the bot with.
Testing certain things locally can be tricky.
If testing the email, be sure to set DJANGO_FILEBASED_EMAIL_BACKEND=True
in your .env
Email you send locally will be in csua-backend/emails
Once you're happy with your changes to the bot behavior, get your code into the master branch. Once it's there, then PhilBot will be updated automatically!