All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Certen frames from the Steven Universe Movie
- Video / GIF support for Steven Universe Future
- Dark Mode: Accessable through changing system dark mode settings
- Code Comments: So hopefully I can add more to this later
- Picture 22: That one from the movie
- The Footer: The footer is now more standard and credits properly
- Canvas Spacing: The spacing on the canvas has been doubled
- Title has been changed: not really any explanation needed
- The headder spacing: I've changed the spacing on the main yellow title so the letters dont appear so squished
- That anoying alert box: I've removed that annoying alert box that appears when you goto load the page
- Pictures 23 - 25
Yeah I really dont know what I changed but heres an version of what it looked like