Loved watching Queen's Gambit. I play on Lichess (desktop) & on phone (puzzles / blitz games). Lichess has cleaner UI.
I enjoy watching great chess games & listening to game analysis. Magnus Carlsen, Ian Nepomniachtchi, Mikhail Tal, Daniil Dubov & Teimour Radjabov games are joy to watch.
Gotham Chess, Eric Rosen and Daniel Naroditsky have lots of videos to learn Chess from + enjoyable commentary.
The way I am trying to improve aside from watching/analyzing some high rated chess games is to analyze my own games with latest version of Stockfish. Use to transfer my games to Lichess for deeper analysis.
- Ding Liren (Video)
- Levon Aronian
- Fabiano Caruana
- Jan-Krzysztof Duda
- Morozevich, Alexander
- Vladimir Kramnik
- Alireza Firouzja
- Boris Gelfand
- Richard Rapport
- Dmitry Andreikin
- Luis Supi (Video)
- Praggnanandhaa Rameshbabu (Video)
- World Chess Championship: Magnus vs Ian Game 2 (2021) (Talk after) (Reddit)
- Carlsen-Morozevich, World Blitz Championship 2012
- World Chess Championship: Magnus vs Ian Game 6 (2021) (HN) (Reddit)
- Crazy game
- Lichess - Free online chess game server focused on real time gameplay and ease of use. (Code) (Costs) (HN) (GitHub) (HN)
- Lc0 - UCI-compliant chess engine designed to play chess via neural network, specifically those of the LeelaChessZero project. (Web)
- Improved chess game compression (2018) (HN)
- Play variations of chess games
- Pauli chess (HN)
- Chess With Friends - Play chess and video chat with your friends at the same time, no login required. (HN)
- Let's write a tiny chess engine in Go (Code)
- Stockfish - Strong open source chess engine. (Web) (macOS app) (Changelog) (Stockfish 12 on Lichess) (HN)
- Stockfish Testing Framework
- 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel
- What is 5D chess? (2020) (HN)
- Chess Board HTML Element (Code)
- I learned to be less terrible at Chess (2020)
- PyChess - Chess client for Linux/Windows. (Web)
- agadmator's Chess Channel
- How to Get Good at Chess, Fast (2013)
- A Grandmaster Plays a Beginner | Chess Mastery Explained (2020)
- GM Hikaru Nakamura Blitz Speedrun to 3000
- The Chess Website - Learn, Practice, and Play Chess.
- On learning chess as an adult: From 650 to 1750 in two years (2020) (HN)
- Lichess Chess Bots
- Search - Search YouTube chess videos by content.
- - Chess over ActivityPub.
- SwiftChess - Chess engine written in Swift.
- Play Magnus - Chess Training by Magnus Carlsen. (Lessons)
- - Analyze chess position from websites, ebooks, and videos. (Blog)
- The Chess Programming Wiki
- go-chess - Go library which provides common chess utilities such as move generation, turn management, checkmate detection, PGN encoding, and others.
- Chess tactics explained (HN)
- Maia Chess - Human-like neural network chess engine. (Code)
- OpeningRepertoire - Command line tool that generates opening repertoires from chess games in PGN format. (HN)
- Quantum Chess (2016)
- Quantum Chess Implemented in Rust
- python-chess - Pure Python chess library with move generation, move validation and support for common formats.
- gym-chess - Simple chess environment for openai/gym.
- A Beginner's Garden of Chess Openings (2002) (HN)
- Chess Tempo - Online Chess Training.
- Playing chess is a life lesson in concentration (2020) (HN)
- Ideal Chess – drop chess perfected? (2020) (HN)
- Assessing Game Balance with AlphaZero: Exploring Alternative Rule Sets in Chess (2020)
- Building My Own Chess Engine (2020) (Lobsters) (HN) (Code)
- Apple's chess engine code (Reddit)
- Sjeng - Chess-and-variants playing program.
- Daniel Naroditsky's Speed Runs
- Blindfold chess training (2020)
- lichess puzzler - Use stockfish and to produce puzzle candidates.
- ChessBase - Chess database with eight million games. Openings, players, tournaments.
- open database (Code)
- API (Code)
- Lichess Opening Explorer - Opening explorer for that can handle all the variants and billions of unique positions. (Code)
- Chessground - Mobile/Web chess UI for
- Climbing the Rating Ladder (Reddit)
- Hiding messages in chess games (2020) (Lobsters)
- Tip for getting from 600 to 1000 Chess Rating (2021)
- Resource Limited Chess - Creating small/efficient/fun chess bots and let them compete. (Code)
- Theory of Chess - Open-source cheat sheet for most common openings to teach myself what can transpose into what. (Reddit)
- The neural network of the Stockfish chess engine (2021) (HN)
- chessops - Chess and chess variant rules and operations in TypeScript.
- fishnet - Distributed Stockfish analysis for
- shakmaty - Rust library for chess move generation.
- Lichess End of Year Update 2020
- Notes on Chess
- chess-pipeline - Pulling games from the Lichess API into a PostgreSQL database for data analysis.
- chess-engine - Pure Rust, dependency-free chess engine that doesn't require a runtime.
- Study Openings - Tool to help chess players memorize opening repertoires. (Code)
- Stopping Early Queen Attacks In Chess (2021)
- ChessCraft - Never play the same game of chess again.
- Coding Adventure: Chess AI (2021)
- Trapped Knights (2019)
- Mayhem in the Møller Attack (2021)
- Tord Romstad - How Modern Chess Programs Work
- Basic Chess Openings Explained (2020)
- How To Learn & Study Chess Openings (2021)
- The Kilobyte’s Gambit - Can you beat 1024 bytes of JavaScript at Chess? (HN)
- When the prison banned board games, we played chess in our minds (2021) (HN)
- Listudy - Improve you chess game with spaced repetition. (Code)
- What is an effective way to prepare openings? (2021)
- 2800 Grandmaster vs. 2400 ELO: The Difference (2021)
- Lichess Founder AMA (2021)
- The Trappiest Opening in Chess? | Win Quickly with the Stafford Gambit (2020)
- OpeningTree - Consolidated view of all your chess games from, lichess, grandmaster games or custom pgn. (Code)
- Why Lichess will always be free (HN)
- 8 Weird Opening Traps You've Never Seen Before (2021)
- GM Aman Hambleton Beautiful Queen Sac (2021)
- Мужской разговор с Даниилом Дубовым: о Карлсене, претендентах, читерах и будущем шахмат (2021)
- Gotham Chess (YouTube)
- Magnus Carlsen's Challenger: Ian Nepomniachtchi (2021)
- Want To Crush The London System?
- 10 Positions Chess Engines Just Don't Understand (2021)
- How To Become A Chess Grandmaster (2021)
- Sultan Khan: The Best Unknown Chess Player Who Ever Lived (2021)
- 7 BEST Queen Sacrifices In Chess History! (2021)
- Chess reinforcement learning by AlphaGo Zero methods
- How To Calculate In Chess (2021)
- scalachess - Chess API written in Scala. Immutable and free of side effects.
- Engineering a chess match against my brother (2021) (HN)
- My Favorite Chess Openings by Rating (2020)
- How To Analyze Your Chess Games (2021)
- My Return to Competitive Chess | National Open Round 1 (2021)
- The Perpetual Chess Podcast
- daochess - Testing governance mechanisms via chess.
- - Chess Games Database & Community.
- Chess : My journey to 1800 (2021)
- OTB Chess - Place where people can find opponents to play Chess Over the Board.
- Becoming a Chess Grandmaster (2021) (HN)
- Prettier Lichess - Lichess, but prettier. (Code)
- Ghess: How to write a Chess Engine (2021) (Code)
- My SECRET Grandmaster Training (2021)
- Sunfish - Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code. (Wiki)
- FastChess - Predicts the best chess move with 27.5% accuracy by a single matrix multiplication.
- Speed Run - Finding Mistakes #1 - Typical mistakes played at lower levels (2021)
- A series of different takes on the classic game of Chess (2020)
- 10 Chess Tips To CRUSH Everyone (2021)
- Chess opening names - Aggregated data set of chess opening names.
- Chess Position Ranking - Software suite for ranking chess positions and accurately estimating the number of legal chess positions.
- node-chess - Algebraic notation driven chess engine that can validate board position and produce a list of viable moves (notated).
- Mathematician Answers Chess Problem About Attacking Queens (2021) (HN)
- Micro-Max - 133-line Chess Source. (HN)
- Grandmaster Solves Master-Level Puzzles (2021)
- Coronate - Swiss-style chess tournament management app. (Web)
- Fast anti-chess simulator for RL in C
- ChessCoach - Neural chess engine that comments on each player's moves. (HN) (Code) (Data Used)
- Thoughts on chess improvement, after gaining 600 points in 6 months (1200-1800) (HN)
- poirebot - Chess engine and bot written in Rust.
- How to Calculate the Trappiest Openings in Chess Using Stats (2021) (HN)
- Blunder - UCI compatible chess engine written in Go.
- Drofa - UCI chess engine written in C++.
- How long does it take ordinary people to “get good” at chess? (HN)
- React chess piece component
- Acquisition of Chess Knowledge in AlphaZero (2021) (Article) (HN)
- Typesetting Chess in LATEX with the skak Package (2018)
- How Magnus Carlsen Became World Champion (2021)
- Why you should play the Sicilian (2021)
- Your favorite chess openings (2021)
- The Top Chess Players in the World -
- Chess Database
- Who is the most accurate world chess champion? (2021) (HN)
- vs. Lichess (2021) (HN)
- Интервью с Даниилом Дубовым // Шахматный мир после пандемии (2021)
- Chesspecker - Open-source app to practice chess. (Code)
- Where is each chess piece usually captured? Data from 15000 games
- Сергей Карякин и Теймур Раджабов: сахар для ума (Kuji Podcast) (2021)
- Halogen Chess engine - Written in c++. Implements Null-move pruning, Late move reductions, Quiessence search and a Transposition table that uses Zobrist Hashing.
- chessboard.js - JavaScript chessboard component. (Web)
- Reimagining Chess with AlphaZero (HN)
- Top Chess Engine Championship
- Minic - Simple chess engine to learn and play with.
- Chess Minigames for Enjoyable Learning (HN)
- Stockfish.js - WASM implementation of Stockfish chess engine. (HN)
- 10 Chess Traps to Win Fast
- Lichess coaches
- Lichess Variants - Crazyhouse, Chess960, King of the Hill, Three-Check, etc.
- chs - Play chess against the Stockfish engine in your terminal.
- Avalanche - Chess Engine written in Zig with neural evaluations.
- The Secrets of Zugzwang in Chess, Math and Pizzas
- lila-ws - Lichess' websocket server.
- lila-http - Take some of the HTTP load away from lila.
- Hanging Pawns - YouTube
- BotLi - Bot for Lichess.
- lichess-bot - Bridge between Lichess Bot API and bots.
- API - Play on Lichess as a bot. Allows engine play.
- Pleco - Rust-based re-write of the Stockfish Chess Engine.
- Principles of Chess Endgames | Introduction to Pawn Endgames | GM Naroditsky (2022)
- Stockfish WASM - WebAssembly port of the strong chess engine Stockfish.
- ShareChess - Free, open source website that allows you to share chess games as self-contained replay links. (Code)
- How much does fast thinking matter in Lichess games? (2022) (HN)
- Chess Coordinates trainer
- Weiawaga - UCI chess engine written in Rust.
- Learning Chess at 40 (HN)
- berserk - Python client for the Lichess API.
- What are the differences between the top chess engines?
- How to build a chess engine (HN)
- Chess Beginners Reddit
- - Retrieves your games so you can analyze them on Lichess. (Reddit)
- You can use an external engine with Lichess (2022)
- Irwin - AI that learns cheating patterns, marks cheaters, and assists moderators in assessing potential cheaters. (HN)
- Cute Chess - Graphical user interface, command-line interface and a library for playing chess.
- Chesshound - Rust library and cli tool that is intended for analyzing player patterns within any set of games.
- Chess Tactics CLI - Practice some chess tactics in your terminal.
- Chess Madra (Code)
- command-line-chess - Python program to play chess against an AI in the terminal.
- How useless is memorizing openings, as an amateur Lichess player? (2022)
- Generating Chess Puzzles Fast with Rust and Stockfish (2022)
- Opening Builder - Tool to help you build and remember your opening repertoire. (Reddit)
- Chessguessr - Wordle for Chess Games. (HN)
- HN: Magnus Carlsen to give up World Championship title (2022)
- From 1400 to 2000 in Blitz on - A 10½ Year Journey (2022)
- YouTubers/streamers out there who focus on concepts instead of deep individual lines
- My Experience Building A Chess App In React (2022) (Tweet)
- A New Kind of Chess (2022) (HN)
- Magnus Carlsen: Greatest Chess Player of All Time (2022)
- Cheating at chess with a computer for my shoes (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Killer Chess Training Forum
- Botez Sisters: Chess, Streaming, and Fame (2022)
- ButtFish - Transmit Morse Code of chess moves to your butt. (HN)
- Chessly - Chess learning made fun and easy.