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Introduction to Elm is a good read.
- How to create modular Elm code that scales nicely with your app
- elm-beam
- The Elm Architecture Tutorial
- Elm DevTools - Tools for developing Elm programs.
- elm-language-server - Language server implementation for Elm.
- ElmLS - Bringing lightning fast Elm code analysis to vscode.
- Elm Compiler Written in Elm (HN)
- Single Page Application written in Elm
- Elm Puzzler - Framework for creating puzzles & solutions written in Elm, to help newcomers learn the language and then move on to building their own puzzles.
- Awesome Elm
- elm-format - Formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide.
- Elm Projects - Curated collection of projects for folks looking to collaborate within the Elm ecosystem.
- Elm Core Libraries
- Learning Elm by porting a medium-sized web frontend from React (2019) (Lobsters)
- "Writing Testable Elm" by Tessa Kelly (2019)
- The Elm Architecture (TEA) animation (2018)
- The Syntax Cliff: Teaching syntax with Elm 0.19.1 (HN)
- Building an Elm app from scratch video series (2019)
- Elm Cheat Sheet
- Elm Cheat Sheet Visual (Code)
- Elm Home Page source code
- The Biggest Problem with Elm (2019)
- A Farewell to FRP. Making signals unnecessary with The Elm Architecture (2016)
- Elm Companies - List of companies using Elm in production. (HN)
- Elm Live - Flexible dev server for Elm. Live reload included. (Code)
- Elm News - All elm news in one place. (Code)
- Why I’m leaving Elm (2020) (HN) (Lobsters) (Reddit)
- Building a web app with functional programming - Elm (2020)
- Elm Compiler
- elm-spa - Single page apps made easy.
- Code generation with elm
- SSR for hackers
- Single out elements using phantom types (2020)
- Escher-in-Elm Workshop
- Ellie - Elm Live Editor. (Code)
- Beginning Elm - Gentle introduction to Elm programming language.
- Evan Czaplicki - The life of a file (2017)
- Elm debug extension - Browser extension, that is making your elm Debug.log output much easier to work with.
- Functional Programming in Elm
- Issue #40: Functional programming in Elm (2020)
- Elm Bits - Free weekly newsletter about Elm.
- Elm Shared State example - Example for organizing large Single-Page Applications (SPAs) in Elm.
- elm-format - Formats Elm source code.
- Elm TypeScript Interop - Generate TypeScript declaration files for your elm ports.
- History and current state of Elm (2020)
- How I Write Elm Applications (2020)
- Finish with Elm Book, where too now? (2020)
- Can Elm compiler skip virtual DOM?
- Combinators - Inverting Top-Down Transforms (2020)
- elm-review - Analyzes Elm projects, to help find mistakes before your users find them.
- elm-review-common - Provides common linting rules for elm-review.
- Test-only values (2020)
- Elm at Rakuten (2021)
- Safe dead code removal in a pure functional language (2021)
- elm-tooling - Manage Elm tools. (Docs)
- The trickiest Elm bug I've ever seen (2021)
- Elm Koans - Set of koans for learning Elm.
- Calling Rust through Wasm from Elm (2020)
- Elm Weekly
- Why we chose Elm for Humio’s web UI (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Elm Designer - Visual code generator for Elm UI.
- React to Elm Migration Guide (2021)
- Elm at NoRedInk (2021)
- Elm UI Book - Book that tells the story of the UI elements of your Elm application.
- Tail-call optimization in Elm (2021)
- Measuring cognitive complexity with elm-review (2021)
- Awesome Elm PLTD - Useful resources for programming language theory & development in Elm.
- elm2nix - Convert an Elm project into Nix expressions.
- Elm Optimize, Level 2
- elm-ts-interop init Command, Codec and Pipeline APIs, and docs site (2021)
- Incremental Elm - Stop Learning Elm Best Practices The Hard Way.
- Using Fission with Elm - Part 1: Using Vite to manage Elm applications (2021)
- Elm Full-Stack - Tool for developing web services and full-stack web applications.
- Comparing TypeScript and Elm's Type Systems
- Elm Radio Podcast
- Elm Decoder Koans - Learn about elm decoders by filling in the blanks in test cases.
- elm-publish-action - Publishes your elm package if you're on the main or master branch.
- Successes, and failures, optimizing Elm’s runtime (2021)
- Create Elm App - Create Elm apps with no build configuration.
- Fixing a performance problem in Elm using Html.Lazy (2021) (HN)
- Derw - Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript. (Lobsters) (Why Derw) (Lobsters)
- Elm Tailwind Modules - Generate Elm code for Tailwind Utilities and Components that purges using Elm's dead code elimination.
- elm-pair - Artificial pair-programmer that helps you write Elm.
- Elm patterns (Code)
- Elm vs HyperScript - A Wordle implemetation
- elm-review-bot - Bot that uses elm-review to find common mistakes in packages.
- Tail recursion, but modulo cons (2022)
- elm-watch - Recompiles whenever your Elm files change and reloads the compiled JS in the browser.
- Elm-pair
- Elm Workshop
- elm-spec - Describe the behavior of Elm programs.
- Wordle clone in Elm
- Elm Project Template with Vite
- State of Elm 2022
- Elm Store Pattern
- Elm Value Graph - Show how every value in an Elm application depend on each other, as a graph. (Code)
- Fixing vulnerabilities in Elm's virtual DOM (2022)
- Introduction to Elm Book (Code)
- Elm Workshop (Code)
- ESLint equivalents in Elm (2022)