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Idris |
- Learn Idris (Code)
- The Power of Types in Idris (2019)
- Idris koans
- Awesome Idris
- linear - Profunctor optics for linear types.
- States - State machines in Idris.
- Blodwen - Prototype implementation of Idris 2.
- Idris 2 - Pre-alpha implementation of Idris 2, the successor to Idris.
- Edwin Brady - Idris 2 - Type-driven Development of Idris (2019)
- Software Foundations in Idris
- Typedefs - Programming language-agnostic, algebraic data type definition language, written in Idris.
- Linearity and Erasure in Idris 2 (2020)
- A game in a pure language (part 1): introduction and problems with Idris (2020)
- Linearity and Erasure in Idris 2 (2020)
- Collection of Idris snippets
- Elba - Package manager for Idris.
- Statebox's FSM-Oracle - Finite state machines as graphs.
- Idris 2: Quantitative Type Theory in Action (Web)
- Self-hosted Idris 2
- Why is Idris 2 so much faster than Idris 1? (2020) (HN) (Reddit)
- Scheme Workshop Keynote: Edwin Brady (2019)
- Type-Driven Development with Idris book (Updates required) (Code)
- libc.idr - Bindings to the C standard library for Idris2.
- Edwin Brady Tells Us What's New in Idris 2 (2020)
- A simple Parser Combinator library in Idris (2020)
- Idris 2 Erlang - Erlang code generator for Idris 2. (HN)
- Inigo - Package manager for Idris 2 to help use and share Idris code.
- SPLV 2020 - Course notes and supporting code for the Scottish Programming Language and Verification summer school course on "The Implementation of Idris 2".
- Metaprogramming in Idris (2020)
- Idris, a language that will change the way you think about programming (2020)
- idris2-elab-util - Utilities and documentation for exploring idirs2's new elaborator reflection.
- idris2-sop - Idris port of Haskell's sop-core and generic-sop libraries.
- Session types in Idris2
- Effectful Streaming For Idris
- Idris AOC (2020)
- Idrall - Dhall bindings for Idris.
- What Is A Package Set (2020)
- idris-ide-client - TypeScript library for communicating with an Idris IDE process.
- Interacting with Idris from Racket - Racket library for interacting with Idris over the IDE protocol.
- Idris Ecosystem - List of popular libraries in the Idris ecosystem.
- SAE (Solver of All Equations) - Idris 2 build tool and a package manager.
- Idris 2 Template
- Idris 2 LSP
- Idris 2 VSCode Extension
- Idris 2 Effect - Experimental effects library for Idris 2.
- Frex - Programming with equations using free extensions. (Web)
- Idris2-pkgs - Idris2 package repository for Nix.
- Idris version of Domain Modeling Made Functional Book
- Random proofs in Idris, Agda, and Coq
- Katla - LaTeX code listing generator for Idris2.
- ITT in Idris - Quantified dependent calculus with inference of all modalities, implemented in Idris 2.
- idris-data-frame - Data frames for Idris 2.
- Idris2GL - Graphics Library for Idris 2.
- TaPL implementation bits in Idris2
- idris-collections - Verified data structures in Idris 2.
- idris2dart - Idris 2 code generator that outputs Dart code.
- Secrets of type driven program synthesis - Edwin Brady (2021)
- DepSec - Static Information-Flow Control in Idris.
- Idris WebAssembly CodeGen
- TyRE - Dependently-typed regex parser in Idris 2.
- idris2-eff - Extensible, stack safe effects for Idris2.
- Katla - LaTeX & HTML code listing generator for Idris2.
- Collie - Command line interface for Idris2 applications.
- idris2-streaming - IO streaming library for Idris2.
- Idris, make back end, in 15 minutes, reusable, concise
- sirdi - Simple package manager for Idris 2.
- Nix project template for Idris2 JavaScript projects
- idris2-nvim - Simple configuration and extra tools for NVIM + LSP + Idris2.
- Functional Programming in Idris 2
- Idris2 TLS - Portable idris2 implementation of TLS.
- idris2-http - HTTP(s) client in idris.
- Idris2-Table - Table library for Idris 2.
- Skyro - Compiles programs written in Idris2 to Cairo and thereby enables high-level, pure functional programming for verifiable computation.
- idris2-prim - Axioms and Propositions for Primitive Types in Idris2.
- Yaffle - Core language and API for dependently typed languages.
- Tree Sitter grammar for Idris 2
- Generating Idris2 code based on Dependent State Automata diagrams
- Idris2 Hashable - Interface for types that can be hashed.
- Idv - Idris Version Manager.
- TOML parser for Idris
- LightClick - Linearly typed orchestration language for Systems-on-a-Chip Designs that supports lightweight dependent types in the form of domain-specific indexed-types.
- tyttp - Type safe experimental web framework for Idris2 targeting nodeJS.
- Newtype, Generic Interface Deriving in Idris
- idris2-filepath - Unix style file paths in Idris2.
- Curated Package Collections for Idris2
- Idris2-Pack - Idris2 Package Manager with Curated Package Collections.